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Old     (boarditup)      Join Date: Jan 2004       05-24-2006, 8:37 PM Reply   
I've been working on this for a while, but the the news of Soven breaking his wrist, I am in full speed in making a safety release for towers. There already are releases for trick skiing, but none really work on wakeboarding towers. Here is my idea:

My MasterCraft X-9 has an aluminum round plate that the tow bit is mounted to. The release mechanism would bolt around that plate and remain stationary.

The release could also be mounted to the swivel tow bit by use of a spacer that is grooved to be held in place for mounting the release by a rubber band. The release mechanism would be then bolted in place, but would then swivel.

The release mechanism would have a short tag line that you would then attach a longer tag line so it can be operated by anyone in the observer's seat. The reason for the detachable tag line is to keep it from blowing in the wind when not in use.

The mechanism would be made out of aluminum and stainless steel.

Any ideas or feedback? Here is your opportunity to have input on the design of something for our sport.


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