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Old     (spunnnn)      Join Date: Jun 2006       08-20-2023, 1:08 PM Reply   
Hi all, haven’t been on here since 2012…met a lot of good people here back then from this find a 3rd thread.
Priority’s changed n didn’t ride for awhile(daughter was scared of boat when little..then Wife stopped riding) back at it last couple years thanks to Wake Island n new boat..cause now my daughter wants to surf.
Any old school riders want to hit Folsom some morning or Wake island let me know.
Most of my riding at WI …cause my daughter n her friends take up so much time surfing on boat…regardless, I don’t surf much, been messing around on wake skate n sometimes wakeboard..but have toned back the wakeboarding cause of ruptured Achilles 2 years ago.
Old     (nwryder84)      Join Date: Jul 2008       05-31-2024, 8:21 AM Reply   
Saw your post not sure if you're still riding, back on the wakeboard or even cjeckimg wakeworld? I'm off on Fridays and typically looking for a 3rd to get the boat out. Will also do weekend mornings on occassion. Wakeboarding is the priority. Sac area and folsom.


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