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Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-01-2004, 11:29 AM Reply   
How was everyone's memorial day? I went to shasta and it was great! lots of fun! Lots of boating, wakesurfing and safe (no drunk driving on my boat) partying!!!

Old    swass            06-01-2004, 11:32 AM Reply   
How was my Memorial Day weekend, you ask? I'll tell you how it was: IT #&*)#@_ SUCKED, that's how it was!

Three days of wind and/or cold. I mowed my lawn. Yippee.

(Message edited by swass on June 01, 2004)
Old    wakelvr            06-01-2004, 11:33 AM Reply   
Wow, where was that at? I can't wait until our July trip!
Old    wakelvr            06-01-2004, 11:35 AM Reply   
LMAO Swass! Oh, I forgot to answer the question. We went out early Sunday on the delta (just three of us) and found no wind, lots of sunshine, only 2 other boats, and plenty of butter. We quit shortly after noon after taking 3 sets each. After that we BBQ'd with friends and got silly!
Old     (colorider)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-01-2004, 11:39 AM Reply   
Yea, our weekends were just the shizzzpits. Saturday am thru monday pm we had chilly temps topped off with 50-70mph winds. It was just super. Did however get a bunch of yardwork done and got most of the golfcart painted so the weekend was not a total loss
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       06-01-2004, 11:40 AM Reply   
Aaron: I don't see any nakedness. Email me with the good pictures!!! I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM!!

Had a great weekend. Waited until sunset to launch and got some great water at New Melones. Had one of my best sets ever on my brand new board.

Old     (uga33)      Join Date: Jul 2003       06-01-2004, 11:42 AM Reply   
Our lake was freaking packed. Got some good riding in Sunday morning. It seems it is getting very hard to find some good water these days and when finally get a cove and enjoying youself here comes a fellow in his canary yellow Miami Skier with a spoiler pulling Billy Bob on two skis or a kneeboard
Old    opsjmo            06-01-2004, 11:44 AM Reply   
I was at New Melones on Sat.. It was WINDY..J-ROD where abouts is your cabin near New Melones? My parents have a place about 7 miles West from Angels Camp on Hwy 4
Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-01-2004, 11:45 AM Reply   
Yeah i got a few naked pics! pretty sweet! That was a pic of shast at slaughterhouse island... OVer all it was great, To get great water you just drive about 5-10 minutes and usually you had a cove to yourself. We hung out wakesurfed, some wakeboarding, then in the evening partied with thousands of drunk people!
Old     (sdboardr99)      Join Date: Aug 2001       06-01-2004, 11:45 AM Reply   
I spent over 13 hours on my local lake. By 5pm most people had left and the wind completely died so we had glass for the next 3 hours. The best day of riding and hanging out on the boat that I've had in at least a year.
Old    wake_me            06-01-2004, 11:47 AM Reply   
We had a great time at Shasta!! We can't wait to go back in July!!

Aaron, we went by all the houseboats. We couldn't believe how many were parked there. Amazing!
We might have some pics to post also.


Old    cws_kahuna            06-01-2004, 12:00 PM Reply   
Had a very good time out on Canyon Lake with a bunch of wakeworlders.
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       06-01-2004, 12:08 PM Reply   
JasenO: My cabin isn't really close. I'm way up Hwy 4 in Dorrington which is about 30 minutes East and a 4000 foot climb. Wanna trade cabins? 7 miles you in Copperopolis? WI was in a silver Supreme.
Old     (pittsy)      Join Date: Apr 2004       06-01-2004, 12:54 PM Reply   
I had a good time until Saturday night where i fractured my ankle doing a flip, it sucks, couldn't walk for 2 days. taking 3 weeks off and then out to hit it again,
Old     (domin8)      Join Date: Mar 2004       06-01-2004, 2:12 PM Reply   
Shasta Wed. - Sunday - Went by the Slaughter Island College party. WOW they were really packed in. No problem finding good water around that lake for the boys to Board, Skate and Surf.

Just can't believe that many houseboats found each other ?
Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-01-2004, 2:47 PM Reply   
everybody just knew where to go! it was a fun party
Old    jetpilotrider03            06-01-2004, 4:42 PM Reply   
alee, i was there on that island too on sunday, holy was crazy, i blacked out however and can't rember anything, but it was fun while i remember, next year were taking our buddies houseboat over to slaughter island rather than crashing in our boat, and my dad was driving from mt shast to redding monday morning and said all the houseboats coming back was like the beaches of normady (sp???)
clete, thanks for the ride again
Old     (puckinshat)      Join Date: Sep 2003       06-01-2004, 4:48 PM Reply   
It was really bad. I worked three 12 hour days. DAMN rain, hasn't stopped for over a week
Old     (wakeripper)      Join Date: Oct 2002       06-01-2004, 6:57 PM Reply   
I spent the weekend in the backwater in Canyon Lake. We had the backwater to oursevles for like 4-5 hours on Sat. and Sun. except for an hour or so when we had to share it with that Socalwakepunk guy and Joe Umali
Old     (blabel)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-01-2004, 8:23 PM Reply   
Colorado people complain too much
Old    opsjmo            06-01-2004, 8:24 PM Reply   
We are half way between Copperopolis and Angles.. The only thing that sucks is we have to go 3 miles up a dirt road to get to the house.. Boat gets real dusty.. We go there pretty often. We sometimes do day trips from Fremont too. We where in a Blue Lightning..
Old     (socalwakepunk)      Join Date: Dec 2002       06-01-2004, 8:27 PM Reply   
Had a great time out there with Stephen Hiltscher, Tim Jewitt, Chere, Joe Umali, Frankie, and CWS Kahuna. Rode a morning set, tied up at the dock around 12:30, bolted to In-N-Out for lunch, then hit the water again for an afternoon set. Life is good! Nice to see you guys out there, Randy, thanks for letting us use your water! . BTW, impressive backside on that Air Nautique!
Old     (mx21)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-01-2004, 9:13 PM Reply   

Old    hyperryd            06-02-2004, 4:27 AM Reply   
We went to Nacimiento on Saturday. The water was way low and choppier than were too many boats for not enough water, but the party back in the narrows was off the hook.
Old    norcal_99            06-02-2004, 4:50 AM Reply   
I also went to the Nacimiento Ocean.

The entire lake was absolutely unrideable between 8am - 8pm. So we rode under the stars and almost full moon from dusk until around midnight. The water was perfect glass at that time, and with the moonlight you could see pretty good.

I was laughing at all the drunks getting tested then arrested for DUI's as they were pulling their boats off the water Saturday and Sunday.
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       06-02-2004, 6:56 AM Reply   
Rene, Were the cops chillin at the ramp waiting to test people as they pulled out?
Old     (jaegermaster)      Join Date: Sep 2002       06-02-2004, 7:11 AM Reply   
My Memorial day consisted of driving in traffic, a $331 towing bill, a severly trashed waterpump on my truck and a day off of work on Tuesday to fix it.

If anyone has a '97 Dodge Ram and loses a waterpump, let me know. I am a self taught pro at replacing them.

By the way, I only have 115000 miles on it.

Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       06-02-2004, 7:28 AM Reply   
Amazing time at Lake Powell....

Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       06-02-2004, 7:33 AM Reply   
Wife trying to nap in the boat....

...Always something to do if the water was blownout.

What happens if you get a little too much cheap beer in you....

And we even got a little riding in....

Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       06-02-2004, 7:38 AM Reply   
And for those of you with the keen eyes.... Yep, that is me lubing up the Kidder for someone in the party that ask if I had a "hippy stick" in the boat.... Though I have not strapped it on for 2+ years.... It still sits in its bag waiting for a little love...

Old     (junkee)      Join Date: Apr 2004       06-02-2004, 12:06 PM Reply   
man powell is so low. thats a bummer. still nice place though. just low low low water...
Old    boarddude            06-02-2004, 12:18 PM Reply   
I'd like to see some more pictures of the events that took place at Lake Shasta...
Old    mnboarder            06-02-2004, 1:07 PM Reply   
Memorial Weekend pretty much sucked for me and my crew. We got some good riding in on Friday after work, where I got to try my new Obrien Demented board and alpha boots. The combo is SWEET! Here's where things go bad, very bad. It started raining on Friday night and didn't stop until Tuesday afternoon. My MT bike was stolen on Friday night from my garage. Then on Sat night my buddy's F-ing BOAT got ripped off! Right out of his driveway. He even had his hitch locked with a heavy duty Master lock. I still can't believe it.. And this is in an upscale suburb of St. Paul, MN. Def not the ghetto. Today the sun finally came out so things are looking up, hopefully I'll get to dial in the board a little more this weekend.
Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-02-2004, 1:18 PM Reply   
Robb they dont like nudity on this site
Old    hyperryd            06-02-2004, 3:33 PM Reply   
J-Rod: There were 5 black and whites and a paddywagon at the top of the ramp. The Sheriff's boat just kept bringing them in with hadcuffs on. They also arrested some while they were loading their boats. It was basically mayhem.
Old     (migitty)      Join Date: Aug 2001       06-02-2004, 7:42 PM Reply   
Memorial Day at Shasta ROCKED!! To be perfectly honest, it was one of the best post college/graduate school Mem Day trips of all time (can’t beat the good old days). We had an awesome group and great weather. Even made some new friends. Props to you Oregon Institute of Technology alumni for throwing me such a great birthday party. “Go shorty, it’s your birthday, we go’n to party like it’s your birthday, we go’n to sip O’Doul’s like it’s your birthday….Flipper anyone?

If things weren’t going nucking futs for me at work right now, I’d post up some of the over 700 photos we took from the weekend. Maybe next week.

Aaron Lee, it was pleasure hiking to the waterfall with you and your friends. Very embarrassing when my pants fell down but otherwise fun. Don’t change a thing buddy, you and your group are all right. Very hospitable. Thank you.

Can’t wait for the next trip. Hopefully, my boat will be ready by then.
Old    grampawakerider            06-02-2004, 8:22 PM Reply   
Spent Monday on Lopez Lake, Ca. AMazingly flat water till around 1:00. Got three sets in. Then all the tubes came in and rolled the whole lake. Also caught a wad of bubble gum on my hull from the dock railing.
Old     (phaeton)      Join Date: Feb 2002       06-02-2004, 10:19 PM Reply   
We had a great time at Shasta. The house boats were a sight to see. ALee I think we saw you at Big Backbone on Sat. We headed to the Pit arm on Sunday. All was good until I stuck my arm thru the handle on a gainer attempt. Good thing I use a release.

Old     (deltagrubber)      Join Date: Nov 2003       06-03-2004, 7:37 AM Reply   
Nasty!!!! What kind of release do you use? Could you post a pic of your rope with it? I've always thought that was a good idea but haven't seen one yet. Good luck with the bruise, att least it wasn't from houseboat hopping.....or was it????
Old     (jonb)      Join Date: Oct 2003       06-03-2004, 7:57 AM Reply   
Steve asnother thing that might help in the future of not getting a boat stolen is wrapping some kind of chain around 2 wheels on one side and locking it. Than again they will just bust that if they really want the boat.
Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       06-03-2004, 8:47 AM Reply   
Just a side note, they make hitch locks that are said to be pretty secure. The link is what I use. uid=359&pi_id=31015&clist=

Old     (ryankid)      Join Date: Jan 2004       06-03-2004, 9:07 AM Reply   
Well not only was my new 04 boat in the shop becuase of motor problems, I got in a car wreck. SOme stupid kid ran a stop sign and hit my car. Totalled my car and hurt me and my gf. Thats not the bad part. I had just bought a new 04 142TFD and it was in my back seat. Now i have to go get another one because that one is now busted, the nerve hehehe.
Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-03-2004, 12:43 PM Reply   
MAtt shasta was a great time... had a blast partying with you guys and the waterfall was pretty sweet...

Phaeton... should of stopped by if you saw us and grabbed a beer or whatnot!
Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       06-03-2004, 3:57 PM Reply   
Like mentioned above I rode with Jeff Frew, Tim Jewitt, Joe Umali, Frankie, Chere & CWS Kahuna on the Canyon Lake Backwater on Sunday. The water was butter all day and the air was like 100 degrees. One of the best days on the water in a long time!! It was probably the best birthday I've had(23 is old!!). On Monday I got up super early and went surfing at Bolsa Chica with 8 million others, surf was fun, shoulder high and decent shaped, lots of rides and dodging of others! Great weekend, almost done with school & then the real fun starts.
Old    wantboatnow            06-03-2004, 7:42 PM Reply   
I got a kick out of watching the paddy wagons constantly leaving full of drunks from Naci. Some people didnt expect to get stopped after going 25 throught the narrows with the rangers and sheriff right there. I just couldnt stop laughing as 5 boats had to stop and blow.
Old    norcal_99            06-06-2004, 6:29 AM Reply   
J-rod wrote "Rene, Were the cops chillin at the ramp waiting to test people as they pulled out?"

That's a big 10-4.
Old     (aaronlee13)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-07-2004, 10:22 AM Reply   
wow that sucks... who is the DD?


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