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Old     (nautique_04_226)      Join Date: Feb 2006       04-16-2006, 6:49 AM Reply   
I made this rack for $20.00. how do you carry your boards.UploadUpload
Old     (blake_hughes)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Weatherford, Texas       04-16-2006, 9:26 AM Reply   
That's a pretty good idea... I'm guessing you could lock it too?

Old     (goinbigg17)      Join Date: Jul 2002       04-16-2006, 1:08 PM Reply   
Thats a pretty sweet idea. Do you think it would work to connect something like that to the bed rails, that way you can still put other gear in the bed for when you go camping? I always seem to have that problem of trying to fit everything in around the boards so they don't get dinged up.
Old     (aboogie973)      Join Date: Aug 2014       08-02-2014, 12:55 AM Reply   
Hello, what materials did you use? Thanks


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