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Old     (nauty)      Join Date: Feb 2004       07-17-2009, 7:37 AM Reply   
I'm headed up to Beaver Lake, Arkansas next week for a family camping trip. Can anyone tell me what the water level is like?
Old     (lancesaville)      Join Date: May 2009       07-17-2009, 7:54 AM Reply   
here ya go, looks like it's a bit high right now...
Old     (wakeandmx)      Join Date: Apr 2009       07-17-2009, 9:47 AM Reply   
i was up there about 3 weeks ago. Its a little high, but its fine.
Old     (dlwsrider)      Join Date: Apr 2007       07-17-2009, 11:03 AM Reply   
Wear a CGA vest. I was up there for the BLT two weeks ago, and was slapped with a $205 ticket only moments after getting off the launch. The Rangers and Game/Fish are also not very pleasent people.

Follow the rules to a 'T'
Old     (nauty)      Join Date: Feb 2004       07-17-2009, 11:11 AM Reply   
Thanks for the tips. I only wear CGA vests, so no worries there. Our campsite is right on the water. I hope that it's not under water?
Old     (DHickey)      Join Date: Mar 2011       05-05-2011, 2:11 PM Reply   
I was there yesterday at the Prairie Creek, it was pretty murky and the water is super high, that was the only launch on that side of the lake I was told that was above water. Plus lots of debris in the water. Im going up to lost bridge this weekend, will let ya know how that it.


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