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Old     (M30)      Join Date: Sep 2019       08-07-2020, 11:32 AM Reply   

I have now atempted between 100 an 200 backroll atempts (one wake) without landing them.
I seem to always land with too much weight back (almost landing on my as/heels.

I simply do not know what to do in order to land this trick...

Should i increase speed and atempt wake to wake? Should i lean differently?

Please help before the season is over...

From last year:

Im getting a bit desperate and frustrated... i keep trying with the same results..
Old     (broncofan)      Join Date: Oct 2007       08-07-2020, 1:12 PM Reply   
Coming in to slow. Start slow but progress harder. Im not the best rider but I can land that consistently.
Old     (M30)      Join Date: Sep 2019       08-08-2020, 4:03 AM Reply   

I manned up and went for it with more speed. Landed the trick finally. Will post video. Maybe not the cleanest landing, but i’ll take it. Did a wake to wake with a bit shorter line
Old     (M30)      Join Date: Sep 2019       08-08-2020, 11:26 AM Reply   
Here is the video of the landed backroll. Not the cleanest, but i rode away, and i celebrated it
Old     (MG94)      Join Date: Aug 2020 Location: Gniew Send a message via ICQ to MG94       08-11-2020, 12:20 AM Reply   
Nice job. I finally decided to go for it a couple weeks ago and made a video of the attempts to the first landing.
Old     (broncofan)      Join Date: Oct 2007       08-12-2020, 10:52 PM Reply   
NICE MAN! Stoked for you.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       08-13-2020, 12:24 AM Reply   
Congratulations! First bankroll is a big deal.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-17-2020, 3:57 AM Reply   
Congrats! A bigger wake always helps too. I had the same experience when I learned the backroll. About 200 failed attempts on an unweighted 1992 Ski Nautique. I was ready to give up and take a lesson. Some guys with a weighted old school Nautique 2001 offered me a pull and I landed 3 in a row.
Old     (SethP)      Join Date: Jul 2016       08-18-2020, 5:50 AM Reply   
My biggest trick for getting that backroll consistent was limiting as many variables as possible. Cut in with your body already standing tall, legs almost straight and rigid and chest up and back leaning away from the boat. I don't cut out far on mine at all, so the edge is pretty aggressive. In order to not lose the handle/catch a lot of tension in the air, I keep my arms almost straight out on the approach and then just as I'm leaving the wake and my head turns to my lead ear, I yank the handle to my front hip and then its just a spotting game and make sure you stomp down to stop from overfllipping. It was my third invert I learned but its now my most consistent as the wake does the whole flip for you and theres far less edging technique than say a tantrum. The biggest problem I had was the rope being yanked out of my hands and yanking the handle into my front hip on take off cleaned that up with no more problems since! Congrats on landing it btw, thought I'd just give my ten cents on how to keep it consistent!
Old     (jonblarc7)      Join Date: Jul 2006       08-19-2020, 1:08 AM Reply   
I'm going to try the yanking the handle thing. My biggest problem with backrolls and is why I gave up after over 100 tries. Is when I get up side down, I can't keep the handle in. I let it out and I get stretched out.


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