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Old     (pucktowake)      Join Date: May 2007       01-05-2009, 9:51 AM Reply   
Does anyone know how wakeboarding started like the dates or any thing like that. I am doing a school project on it and I cant find like a specific person .
Old     (alexair)      Join Date: Oct 2008       08-16-2014, 8:09 AM Reply   
My guess it's true story
"While the 'Surf-Ski' found limited success in the United States, the 'Skurfer' brand promoted by Tony Finn became a viable product, mostly due to Finn's tireless promotions. Finn's position as the most visible promoter of the sport when it became widely known has often caused him to be mistakenly named as the inventor of the sport. A more accurate, though no less important description, would be popularizer." had said there

Last edited by alexair; 08-16-2014 at 8:12 AM.
Old     (brett33)      Join Date: Apr 2011       08-16-2014, 11:34 AM Reply   
Da Moose..

Hy-Energy Rip Sticks

Last edited by brett33; 08-16-2014 at 11:38 AM.


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