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Old     (ride152)      Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: Maumee River - Ohio       05-30-2015, 11:11 AM Reply   
Looking to take a summer vacation near Traverse City and looking at the East/West/Grand Traverse Bays. Has anyone been out on these waters? How are the conditions for surfing and wakeboarding? Ideally we'd love to be on Torch or Lake Leelanau but rentals are slim - if anyone has a lead, I'd appreciate it if you'd throw it my way. Thanks!
Old     (zoodsmak)      Join Date: Feb 2009       05-30-2015, 11:26 AM Reply   
The Grand Traverse Bays can be rideable at times, but they can get blown out pretty easily. Torch and Charlevoix are inland lakes I would also classify as big water that can be hit or miss.

The water is amazing but can be quite a bit cooler than what your used to in Ohio.

If you want good riding conditions, look for something on Clam Lake. That way you are on smaller to ride but but can still get out the channel to Torch if you want to cruise.

It really depends how much time you want to spend riding.
Old     (ian_ashton)      Join Date: Jul 2008       05-30-2015, 1:04 PM Reply   
I live off of east bay, and keep my boat on Torch.

If you can get anything on Elk, Skegmog, Torch, Clam River, or Bellaire they are all connected.

The nice thing about Torch is that you can always find water somewhere that's rideable. Clam right now is about 10 degrees warmer than Torch (55 and 65, respectively).

East and West Bays are beautiful, but I'd guess outside of early am you'll be hard pressed to get any water to ride.

Hit me up when you are here, always looking to meet new boaters!
Old     (WLF)      Join Date: Mar 2010       05-30-2015, 1:15 PM Reply   
I go to Northern Michigan every year...a couple of times for boarding and surfing. A couple of recommendations:

-Torch Lake sandbar is about as fun as it gets...that needs to be a destination. Board on north end of torch lake hugging wherever you want as long as it isn't too windy...definitely do the river cruise over to Elk that is where we board.
-Hidden gem: Walloon Lake...probably the nicest lake you'll ever be on that nobody really knows about. Great for boarding because it has protected shorelines from the wind with very long stretches. Be warned, you'll be mesmerized by the blue water churned up by your wake and you won't want to leave. I love Charlevoix as well...but if you get the chance put in on Walloon for the day, plus a great restaurant at the east end for beers and food.
-Hands down favorite day every year is do the Indian River put in on Crooked lake and go through two locks and Burt/Mullet lake. You can go all the way out to the big water past Cheboygan if you dare, just make sure you make it back before the last lock closes ( I think it is at 9 but just ask) Honestly a great relaxing cruise with cool scenery and its fun going through the locks as well.
-Glen Lake is also spectacular with the Sleepy Bear Dunes in the background.

Honestly I could go on and on...northern Michigan for the 12 weeks they have of summer is one of the best places on earth. Good luck and have fun, maybe I'll see you up there!


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