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Old    viabaja            10-04-2003, 4:33 PM Reply   
Is the lake back open from Thursday's shutdown?

Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       10-04-2003, 6:31 PM Reply   
yes please did anyone go out today?
Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       10-04-2003, 7:01 PM Reply   
the website says it has reopened
Old     (sdboardr99)      Join Date: Aug 2001       10-06-2003, 10:44 PM Reply   
What happened that caused them to shut it down?
Old    viabaja            10-06-2003, 11:07 PM Reply   

The concession stand toilets (septic) continued to run (1 toilet?) for 12 hrs and backed up. Raw sewage - maybe, went into the lake. The city shut down access last Thurs to check for bacteria in the water.
Old     (canaday)      Join Date: Dec 2002 Location: Hawthorne       10-07-2003, 8:48 AM Reply   
7000 lbs of sewage I believe.
Old     (zigzagsd)      Join Date: Dec 2002       10-07-2003, 10:10 AM Reply   
sounds like mission bay on an average day...


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