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Old    wakelvr            10-24-2006, 1:13 PM Reply   
I have a friend who would like to build a wakeboard bench for her son. I know a few places where you can purchase them, however, has anyone ever built a bench and if so, can you offer some tips on the base part of the bench? What type of materials did you use? How much time did it take?

Anyone have any pictures...

I am clueless but want to help her out...
Old     (breakz77)      Join Date: Mar 2003       10-24-2006, 1:51 PM Reply   
I have 2, one I bought and one i built. I went to a muffler shop and had them bend some pipe, almost like an S without the top. I'll try and take some pics later to show you.
Old     (ss1234)      Join Date: Jul 2005       10-24-2006, 2:18 PM Reply   
Here's a link to one I saw on WW some time ago....
Old     (lzyboy)      Join Date: Jun 2001       10-24-2006, 3:26 PM Reply   

I had 2, now one... I have the old s pipes ( bent ) that Myke is talking about... I also have the other bench that is still in great condition & your more than willing to take it for a couple weeks to pattern out / copy cat if you want?

Old     (btr1)      Join Date: Feb 2002       10-24-2006, 5:35 PM Reply   
I made one out of a kit that worked great until someone stole it out of my back yard . Here is a link to one on ebay: 678.

Supposedly you can get them at Lowe's but they may have to order it for you because last time I tried to pick one up they didn't carry it in inventory any more.

You can also use it as a picnic table or at least half a one unless you build two.
Old     (sethenol)      Join Date: Jun 2004       10-24-2006, 5:46 PM Reply   
awesome steve that's my bench, cost less than $50 if you don't count the damaged board that was sacrificed to make it. PVC is easy to work with and it is really strong, plus it has the o'l school slider look to it.
Old    wakelvr            10-24-2006, 9:06 PM Reply   
Thanks all.

Aaron, you are very kind. I'll ask my girlfriend if she is totally sold on building one vs. buying one. Who knows, maybe I'll build my kid one too;-)
Old     (dococ)      Join Date: Mar 2002       10-25-2006, 6:55 AM Reply   
I've seen them done different ways, IMO, the best looking ones are made out of the prefab kits similar to what was posted by Britt.
Hope ya'll are well.
Old     (bvdievent)      Join Date: Nov 2005       10-25-2006, 7:14 AM Reply has them too, a little pricy though...
Old     (wakejens)      Join Date: Nov 2003       10-25-2006, 10:25 AM Reply   
some pictures from homemade benchUpload
Old     (breakz77)      Join Date: Mar 2003       10-25-2006, 12:28 PM Reply   
Here's the bench I made:

Here's the one I bought:

Sorry I don't know how to resize to post them here since I got my new Mac
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-30-2006, 2:04 PM Reply   
This is a DIY job. Upload
Old     (mnwakerider)      Join Date: Jun 2004       11-06-2006, 7:55 AM Reply   
I dont know if you still need this or not. THis is my buddies that he made with his boards. This thread spurred his creative side. Coolest part about this is that the way it is made does no damage to the boards used (no new holes!). As you can see in the back part it utilizes the binding mounts and then for the base section the board rests on a section of wood that cannot be seen and his held down by bolts through the fin mount holes. I think its pretty sick.


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