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Guy Firer


Guy FirerGuy Firer hasn't been showing any signs of slowing down his crazy boat-riding training schedule for the last year. Whether he's up at 6:00AM to catch that morning butter or hitting the gym between sets, his drive and motivation shows. He's always out on the lake riding with Mike Dowdy or the other local pros and the amount of tricks he's picked up recently is admirable. Have a look for yourself at why this young Israeli rider is making a name for himself not only on the Euro circuit, but soon on the U.S. one as well! Check out his one set feature below!
WW: Age?
GF: 24. About to turn 25 years old.
WW: People you've been riding with lately?
GF: I have been riding a lot with my good friend, Sammy Vago...also with Fynn, Mike Dowdy and some more.
WW: Walk us through a regular day in your life from the moment you wake up to when you go to bed?
GF: My daily schedule is waking up in the morning first thing. First drinking water and then doing some new dimension workout. After that, going to do my first set on the boat. Once I’m done, going to eat something small that's full of energy to keep my day going. Then I’m going to the gym and going for an afternoon set with Mike Dowdy and then coming back home to eat dinner with my wife and going to sleep.
Guy FirerWW: We originally knew you as a mainly cable rider. How are you able to progress so quickly behind the boat?
GF: I have been riding most of my life cable and learned my tricks on the cable, so at first it was really hard for me to convert my tricks from the cable to the boat because it’s all different technique, but once I got comfortable on the wake, things started to click.
WW: Who helps you in your riding on and off the water?
GF: Right now, I’m riding with Mike Dowdy. That helps on the water. My Dad and Sam are helping me out of the water.
WW: We heard you got married not too long ago. How's the married life?
GF: Married life is awesome. Got married to my beautiful wife, Noam, eight months ago and so happy to have her in my life supporting me and living the dream together.
WW: Where do you see yourself living in the next 5 to 10 years?
GF: It’s a really good question. Might be living here in the States or in Israel. The options are open, but I think I’ll spend another few years here before returning back to Israel to start a new chapter in life with my wife.
Guy FirerWW: We heard you're getting recognized more and more by new sponsors. Tell us a little bit about that and how it's been motivating you to push even harder?
GF: So, as you know, I’m riding for the Israeli Federation and getting their support out of my country and always happy to represent them around the world.
WW: How do you stay motivated when not riding in the off-season?
GF: My passion to the sport keeps me motivated and I still need to learn few more tricks on the boat and that motivates me!
WW: What are your plans for competitions in the upcoming season?
GF: My plans for the upcoming season is World Games in mid July and then flying to Italy for boat Worlds and right after that flying to Germany for boat Europeans and after that back to Israel for a few months and then Thailand!
WW: What do you enjoy the most about wakeboarding?
GF: The feeling of waking up every morning and being on the water doing my tricks makes me be thankful and appreciation for life.
WW: Special thanks to anyone?
GF: Thanks to my wife and family for always supporting me even when I’m on the other side of the world and not seeing them for such a long period. Thanks to the Israel Water Ski Federation, Ronix Wakeboard, Stream Yacht, Blue Wake, Oakley and Wakelife.


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