While I appreciate the fact that you're a WakeWorld veteran and have been a great contributor to WakeWorld for many years, it's very hard for me to explain to the next guy that wants to run an ad for his new item (which may or may not be legit) that his ad will be removed while your ad will remain. I know that it seems really simple to make exceptions for certain people when you're looking in from the outside, but I have to delete ads every day because of people trying to get free advertising for their products. If I have to research each ad and determine whether or not it's legit, as well as take the time to send a special email to each of those people explaining to them the exact words that they chose not to read when they set up the ad because they were in a hurray, it's a lot of time taken out of my day that could have been used to create content for thousands of readers instead. Unfortunately, I don't have unlimited time and I need to make decisions on where to spend that time so that it will benefit the most people.
Yes, you can redo the ad saying it's been "owned for 2 years and very lightly used," but please leave off the "zero seconds" part. Thanks!