yeah, however you want to do it. I agree with no posting allowed, that would just confuse the would be DIY'er with other posters input (I know this from experience)
But if possible it could be more than a DIY section. You could add informative threads as well. Take the test Grant, Mike, and others did on underwater LED's. It was a pretty elaborate test and I see that thread linked to on a bunch of various websites. Grant mentioned interest in wanting to do a battery test as well....which would be amazing since no one can ever agree on which battery last longer.
Also, if you established a DIY section or something of the like, I'm sure a lot of people would be more inclined to share their own DIY projects
Anyway, my point is wakeworlder's post up top notch information on various topics and it would be nice to have all their hard work consolidated rather than lost in the archives.