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Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       04-04-2018, 4:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by racer808 View Post
Here's the problem with your argument & the conclusion I've come to. LEO & Military will do what they're told by who's ever charge & cutting their paycheck. They have families to feed & the vast majority will simply be "following orders". We've seen it countless times here, throughout history. Unless the stuff was to hit the fan all at once & the entire nation went to war & people chose sides. But that isn't going to happen. Say LA broke out into full scale war, do you think anyone is going to leave their jobs from other states to go fight? Unless they're single & really want to be in a fight they're going to stay home, feed their families & make a little love to their wives. The cops & military in LA will do as they're told to keep getting a pay check, it's simply human nature. Sadly, this will apply to the great gun round up, most are simply going to simply bury some, turn in the rest & after a few are made examples of by the law the rest will cave. Sad but true & all the more reason I am sick & tired of the rights complacency on the issue. They are letting the left drive the narrative, drive the laws, they're organized, funded & ready to rumble & the right is sitting on their asses convinced it'll take a civil war & they have all the guns so they'll win. It won't go down like that. The left is learning from terrorists, South American revolutions, they're making talking about killing people on the right the norm & they will win by simply doing what Che & Castro did in Cuba.

Good and interesting point. And for the record, I'm certainly not making the argument that it will or won't go that way, but it's a point thats being debated more and more.
Old     (Smoothie)      Join Date: Feb 2018       04-07-2018, 7:52 AM Reply   
But wait, but wait....I thought you liberals in the thread ASSURED us that No One wanted to take our guns?!?!
Old     (CALIV210)      Join Date: Jun 2015       05-02-2018, 3:03 PM Reply   
Liberals lie !!!
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       05-02-2018, 4:43 PM Reply   
Were NOT taking Your guns ,Just saying IS A A~K 47 the BEST gun for protection and if NOT ,then why is it sold ???
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       05-04-2018, 9:53 PM Reply   
As Lewis Black Says"This is NOT a political issue ,,,Its An Issue about Safety in the Community" that Simple...
Old     (CALIV210)      Join Date: Jun 2015       05-08-2018, 7:02 AM Reply   
Too bad its not the bill of needs
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       06-19-2018, 9:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by MooSeMan View Post
As Lewis Black Says"This is NOT a political issue ,,,Its An Issue about Safety in the Community" that Simple...
you do know, Lewis Black is a comedian, right?
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       06-19-2018, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by MooSeMan View Post
Were NOT taking Your guns ,Just saying IS A A~K 47 the BEST gun for protection and if NOT ,then why is it sold ???
nothing mushrooms like a hollow point 7.62!!
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       06-23-2018, 10:15 PM Reply   
Lewis Black is a comedian,,,That meas anybody can have an opinion,even you,,,But why should you able to buy a gun like that ,where you can kill people by just holding a trigger ???
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       06-24-2018, 8:10 AM Reply   
There you have it..... the typical person arguing for gun control who is absolutely ignorant about how guns work. “Just hold the trigger” all the full auto machine guns you see in the movies and TV, eh?

Moose..... pretty much anything from a .22 LR on up will kill you when you “hold the trigger”, so you probably should skip the call to ban AK47s and just go for complete and total ban of all guns. At least you would be intellectually honest at that point unlike the vast majority of gun grabbers who won’t admit to their true end game.
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       06-24-2018, 1:00 PM Reply   
Your right NEVER shot a Gun ,,,you dont shot guns in Da O.C.,,,But I know way more than you about Boats And Wakeboarding...Meathead

Last edited by MooSeMan; 06-24-2018 at 1:02 PM. Reason: spelling
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       06-24-2018, 2:03 PM Reply   
Wakeboarding I’ll give you..... boats, however, I’ve forgotten more than you ever knew.
Old     (jonblarc7)      Join Date: Jul 2006       06-25-2018, 6:30 AM Reply   
Don't give him wakeboarding I've seen video's of him "ripping" it just him out there looking like a Kook.
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       06-25-2018, 9:12 PM Reply   
anybody can have an opinion,even you,,,Ripping just an opinion...
Old     (jonblarc7)      Join Date: Jul 2006       06-26-2018, 6:27 AM Reply   
For once I agree with you!!!

Have a good day
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       06-26-2018, 2:56 PM Reply   
OOOOOH My ,you called me a kook,had me crying all day ,,,where I live we have Da KOOK ,looks nothing like me...
and that WAS me RIPPING in that vidio
next time you call me a kook ,don't forget ,your a hasbeen ,wantabe who cant spell if your life depended on it and cant shot a gun,,,GET IT RIGHT OR DON"T SPAY IT...
Old     (jonblarc7)      Join Date: Jul 2006       06-27-2018, 7:14 AM Reply   
Damn just when you think somebody comes back with a mature response, They go and do something like this ^^^

Your first response was a legitimate answer. Then you got high or drunk and come back with that crap.

I know I can't spell and luckily I don't have to make my money worrying about spelling. But I wouldn't make fun of peoples spelling when you miss spelled "shot" "SPAY"

Slashing the wake over and over is not RIPPING so just stop. How can you call me a Hasbeen when you rode for 2 1/2" minutes and whore your self out. I knew your where going to post that video like you really did something.

I would love to BUY you for what your WORTH and SELL you for what you THINK YOUR WORTH. You don't have a humble bone in your body do you.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       06-27-2018, 1:53 PM Reply   
LOL. Moose turning tricks now too??
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       07-15-2018, 11:43 PM Reply   
Yesterday I had to go to Del Mar fair grounds to see some Horse trainers (got a HOT new project going) as Im walking up I see a sign ,the Gun show was going on ,,,I see this sign out side the Door ,That Said "ALL people Must go though a metal Detector"??? What are these Gun dealers afraid of??? and i was wondering do you have to go though one to get out of the show ???
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       07-16-2018, 10:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by MooSeMan View Post
Yesterday I had to go to Del Mar fair grounds to see some Horse trainers (got a HOT new project going) as Im walking up I see a sign ,the Gun show was going on ,,,I see this sign out side the Door ,That Said "ALL people Must go though a metal Detector"??? What are these Gun dealers afraid of??? and i was wondering do you have to go though one to get out of the show ???
Maybe they're worried that a violent liberal may go wingnut and shoot people? What crazy liberal wouldn't want access to thousands of conservatives trapped in a building......
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       07-16-2018, 12:02 PM Reply   
Just another public venue bending over and licking the politically correct boots of a bunch of terrified cowards who think legal gun owners are the problem. The crowd attending a gun show is most likely one of the safest, law abiding bunch of folks you could assemble in one place.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-17-2018, 3:44 PM Reply   
Steven Paddock would agree^^^
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       07-18-2018, 7:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by jarrod View Post
Maybe they're worried that a violent liberal may go wingnut and shoot people? What crazy liberal wouldn't want access to thousands of conservatives trapped in a building......
LOL...A person thinking that all gun owners have to be "conservatives". This is what is wrong with this country.
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       07-18-2018, 11:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
LOL...A person thinking that all gun owners have to be "conservatives". This is what is wrong with this country.
Where did I say that?

And really? That's what wrong with the country.

I'm conservative by the way. In case it wasn't obvious.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       07-18-2018, 1:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by jarrod View Post
Where did I say that?

And really? That's what wrong with the country.

I'm conservative by the way. In case it wasn't obvious.
Go back and reread your comment that I responded.

That's great that you are a conservative. It doesn't make you any better or any worse than non-conservatives.
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       07-20-2018, 9:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
Go back and reread your comment that I responded.

That's great that you are a conservative. It doesn't make you any better or any worse than non-conservatives.
I said thousands of conservative trapped in a building. Never said everyone in the building was a conservative. And I never said being a conservative made me better or worse.

Talking to you is like communicating with a child.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       07-20-2018, 10:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by jarrod View Post
I said thousands of conservative trapped in a building. Never said everyone in the building was a conservative. And I never said being a conservative made me better or worse.

Talking to you is like communicating with a child.
How many people attend a gun show?

"Communicating with a child"? I'm not the one that created the whole "crazy liberal opens fire on conservative gun show" rhetoric.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-24-2018, 7:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
LOL...A person thinking that all gun owners have to be "conservatives". This is what is wrong with this country.
I know exactly what you mean. The idea that a liberal would have something to defend or the balls to do so is absurd.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       07-24-2018, 1:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
I know exactly what you mean. The idea that a liberal would have something to defend or the balls to do so is absurd.
Whatever this means...
Old     (MooSeMan)      Join Date: Sep 2017       09-03-2018, 4:43 PM Reply   
Good Job San Diego Sheriff's for not letting that clown a chance to shot up the Place ,,,I was there just a 150 yards away from the Shooting,,,My Bro Jimmy the Hat ,who let me and my friends in was just 10 feet away,I could see him on the youtube feed. He had an exciting day gave him a Bet just an hour before that and it WON ,hour later a clown tried to shot up the place 10 feet in front of him
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Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       05-03-2019, 4:36 AM Reply   
Any of you liberals changing your stance on gun control? See a pattern? Socialism.....take away semi-auto rifles (even though hand guns are the instrument used to kill 10X the number of people)???

Banning rifles aren't about preventing people from shooting up the public. They're about power and ability to fight back, and that's why politicians want them gone.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       05-03-2019, 7:49 AM Reply   
First I think its a long long jump to compare the USA to a country in turmoil like Venezuela. 80% of the country is starving, they are in the middle of massive revolt due to their politicians greed. We have record unemployment and none of their other issues. Politicians in the USA have done practically nothing to remove anyones guns. Even felons and the mentally ill can still buy what they want (so you still need a gun for protection). Were there not just 2 shootings last week with assault rifles at the Poway Synagogue and the No Carolina college? AK type guns is 100% about people killing and maiming people they dont have much other use. Im a gun owner of about a dozen different hunting and target shooting guns.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       05-03-2019, 9:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
First I think its a long long jump to compare the USA to a country in turmoil like Venezuela. 80% of the country is starving, they are in the middle of massive revolt due to their politicians greed. We have record unemployment and none of their other issues. Politicians in the USA have done practically nothing to remove anyones guns. Even felons and the mentally ill can still buy what they want (so you still need a gun for protection). Were there not just 2 shootings last week with assault rifles at the Poway Synagogue and the No Carolina college? AK type guns is 100% about people killing and maiming people they dont have much other use. Im a gun owner of about a dozen different hunting and target shooting guns.
Not really. They were very wealthy but they fell for the ol communist line that the rich are getting richer garbage. They voted in communist principles. Allowed the government to take their guns and if a very short time this is what happens. Heck even you hate the electoral college and want mob rule in this country and you are trying to say we are a long way from this? Not by a long shot. We are knocking on the door.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       05-05-2019, 1:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Not really. They were very wealthy but they fell for the ol communist line that the rich are getting richer garbage. They voted in communist principles. Allowed the government to take their guns and if a very short time this is what happens. Heck even you hate the electoral college and want mob rule in this country and you are trying to say we are a long way from this? Not by a long shot. We are knocking on the door.
Yeah, they buddied up to Russia and Putin and look what happens. It's funny you Trumpsters bash Russia out of one side of your mouths, yet you have no problem when Trump says he trusts Putin over Americans.

I really don't think you truly understand the electoral college. Personally, I don't have a problem with the electoral college, but I think it is an outdated and needs adjusting. For one, not all states have laws stating that electors must vote for the candidate that wins the popular vote in their state. Secondly, take TN and WY for example. TN has around 6,000,000 residents and 11 electoral votes. This means that each elector represents ~600,000 voters. WY has around 600,000 residents and 3 electoral votes. That means each WY elector only represents ~200,000 voters. Why should my vote in TN only be worth around 1/3 of what a vote in WY is worth?

The truth is, you and others confuse the electoral college with the Great Compromise. The electoral college was not established to keep large states from controlling elections. It was established because the founding fathers did not trust American electors in the late 1700's.


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