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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-22-2018, 3:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Why don't you help us and connect the dots. How is it the educational system is producing mentally ill people? And for that matter how does the mental health system "produce" mentally ill people? It's my understanding that mentally sound people don't use that service. Of course there is that ADHD thing where they are drugging kids. Maybe that's what you are referring to.
The educational system is consistently making excuses for those problem individuals. The educational system has been ramming home the fact you are owed things because you are a “victim” . It’s not your fault , it’s someone else’s. The educational system has gone down the crapper . Values ( gone) actual educcation( gone) , teachers can’t keep students in check any longer for fear of losing their jobs , classroom disruptions are at an all time high, an “ all inclusive “ classroom atmosphere is a learning environment nightmare . School walk outs , and political actions are rammed down young people throats . They are so slanted it’s not even funny . The lack of accountability , lack of structure , lack of actual reference is disgusting . Couple all that with social media outlets and the continued bias news media reports and you’re brreding more and more individuals with no sense of direction and plenty of outlets to find a likeminded group. Kids are more medicated these days than ever. Ever been inside a school and actually seen the nurse’s office filled with kids daily meds? The ADHD bull crap is about the most bull**** diagnosis you can muster . How about be a parent, allow the teachers to to control their classrooms , keep the problem kids together and structure a program like the used to.

Ever seen what a single teacher has to do for every student nowadays regarding a lesson plan ? It’s physically impossible to actuallly focusing on teaching because they have so much bull**** to contend with. Classroom environments are awful . Case in point my daughters classroom environment. They have 1 single behavioral “teacher “ for the entire k-6 school . She has 3 “problem “ kids in her single classroom alone. (3 grade level classeooms for each grade) 2 Consistenly interupt classroom events on a daily basis. ,it’s been as bad as chairs and desks flying , outbursts of screaming , tearing up classroom books and homework . What can the teacher do ????? Absolutely nothing. The administration won’t suspend , discipline , or remove the kids from the classroom because these kids are “entitled “ to the same education with their “disabilities”. So 15 other kids suffer why these kids get every excuse in the book ?

The definition of “mentally ill “ is also up for discussion. It’s not necessarily “ crazy “ in the sense of One Flew Over the Coo-Coo’s nest , but more along the lines of missing core values, lacking enstilling a sense self worth, and personal responsibilities being basically gone . Kids today are in an “you’re owed “ environment . The government was/is pushing the everyone “deserves” agenda . Plain and simple. I ask what has actually been “adjusted more “ in the most recent years , the educational system , or gun laws? Between bathrooms , curriculum , and socialist ideology being taught , which is having a more profound impact? The entitlement mantra is at an all time high. A majority of kids are taught they are owed something by simply existing . Kids are also taught if the dont like it and don’t get what they want its ok to pout and stomp your feet til you get it. Hell lots of adults feel the same way. It’s absolutely sickening. If you don’t think these ideas and environments are producing the outcomes now seen on a daily basis you’re part of the problem. It’s alarming clear on what’s the culprit here. It’s sure as **** ain’t the changing of gun laws. With that said I am all for enacting gun legislation , but my reason, like many other like minded people in America , isn’t because the guns are bad and evil .

In Florida (your home state ) what gun laws have been changed in last 8yrs??? Now go back and look at what changes have happened to educational system and what has been stripped and/or added to/ from the school environments ? Yes it’s that simple .

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-22-2018 at 3:54 PM.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-22-2018, 4:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The educational system is consistently making excuses for those problem individuals. The educational system has been ramming home the fact you are owed things because you are a “victim” . It’s not your fault , it’s someone else’s. The educational system has gone down the crapper . Values ( gone) actual educcation( gone) , teachers can’t keep students in check any longer for fear of losing their jobs , classroom disruptions are at an all time high, an “ all inclusive “ classroom atmosphere is a learning environment nightmare . School walk outs , and political actions are rammed down young people throats . They are so slanted it’s not even funny . The lack of accountability , lack of structure , lack of actual reference is disgusting . Couple all that with social media outlets and the continued bias news media reports and you’re brreding more and more individuals with no sense of direction and plenty of outlets to find a likeminded group. Kids are more medicated these days than ever. Ever been inside a school and actually seen the nurse’s office filled with kids daily meds? The ADHD bull crap is about the most bull**** diagnosis you can muster . How about be a parent, allow the teachers to to control their classrooms , keep the problem kids together and structure a program like the used to.
This sounds like a lot of whiner B.S., and isn't anything like the public schools my kids went to in a state that consistently rates at the absolute bottom of every education system ranking.

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So 15 other kids suffer why these kids get every excuse in the book ?
hahahahaha so wait a minute... you are complaining about a classroom with 16 kids in it?! LOLz!

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The definition of “mentally ill “ is also up for discussion. It’s not necessarily “ crazy “ in the sense of One Flew Over the Coo-Coo’s nest , but more along the lines of missing core values, lacking enstilling a sense self worth, and personal responsibilities being basically gone . Kids today are in an “you’re owed “ environment . The government was/is pushing the everyone “deserves” agenda . Plain and simple. I ask what has actually been “adjusted more “ in the most recent years , the educational system , or gun laws? Between bathrooms , curriculum , and socialist ideology being taught , which is having a more profound impact? The entitlement mantra is at an all time high. A majority of kids are taught they are owed something by simply existing . Kids are also taught if the dont like it and don’t get what they want its ok to pout and stomp your feet til you get it. Hell lots of adults feel the same way. It’s absolutely sickening. If you don’t think these ideas and environments are producing the outcomes now seen on a daily basis you’re part of the problem. It’s alarming clear on what’s the culprit here. It’s sure as **** ain’t the changing of gun laws. With that said I am all for enacting gun legislation , but my reason, like many other like minded people in America , isn’t because the guns are bad and evil .
So who is going to administer your socialist ideology entitlement test before denying a constitutional right? How you gonna administer that? What happens when acceptance and repetition of fake news is deemed to be "mentally ill"? When rejection of science is deemed to be mentally ill? You gonna be OK with denial of due process and search and seizure of Breitbart readers' homes too?

Kids are also taught if the dont like it and don’t get what they want its ok to pout and stomp your feet til you get it.
I really feel sorry for you if you live in a place where this is really true (not where your media perveyor of choice tells you it's true). Not my experience at all. My kids and their friends are out there kickin' ass and making the world a better place. I hope yours will too.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-22-2018, 4:57 PM Reply   
Not sure what suburb you’re in in Reno , (very familiar with Reno) some great areas .

Sounds like your school has it made , as far as 16kids in a’s actually well below the mean in Illinois it still well above the 12 we were with for a long time . 21 is the avg classroom size in Illinois. . Our school is ranked in the top echelon in Illinois and still we have this environment. You can only imagine what happens in those lower ranked schools.

Name:  F69A94AC-66D0-494E-9BB4-B26FA08DDE77.png
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So who is going to administer your socialist ideology entitlement test before denying a constitutional right? How you gonna administer that? What happens when acceptance and repetition of fake news is deemed to be "mentally ill"? When rejection of science is deemed to be mentally ill? You gonna be OK with denial of due process and search and seizure of Breitbart readers' homes too?
Nobody is denying any constitutional right to education , who said the problem kids don’t deserve an education ? What was eluded to is that there needs to be seperate environments giving more resources to those that need the focus , while allowing those that don’t an environment to flourish in .
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-22-2018, 4:59 PM Reply   
"..but my reason, like many other like minded people in America , isn’t because the guns are bad and evil ."

Good thing you thew in the quintessential gun lovers strawman or I'd feel like something is missing.

"It’s sure as **** ain’t the changing of gun laws. With that said I am all for enacting gun legislation "

I'm usually not for enacting legislation that doesn't change any laws. But those guys in Congress do need some busy work because they aren't earning their pay right now.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-22-2018, 5:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Not sure what suburb you’re in in Reno , (very familiar with Reno) some great areas .

Sounds like your school has it made , as far as 16kids in a’s actually well below the mean in Illinois it still well above the 12 we were with for a long time . 21 is the avg classroom size in Illinois. . Our school is ranked in the top echelon in Illinois and still we have this environment. You can only imagine what happens in those lower ranked schools.
We are in the old SW. My kids' classrooms were never smaller than 20 (grades 1-3 only have classroom size caps) and in HS it was more like 35-40.

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Nobody is denying any constitutional right to education , who said the problem kids don’t deserve an education ? What was eluded to is that there needs to be seperate environments giving more resources to those that need the focus , while allowing those that don’t an environment to flourish in .
Sorry... my point was if you are going to take away someone's right to own a gun based on this loose def. of mental illness, then you are on a very slippery slope to erosion of other civil liberties based on how people think.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-22-2018, 5:20 PM Reply   
Where were these self imposed Gun Control advocates that are swarming like flys here on W/W , when the Libtard Left wing Berni Bro gunned down the Republicans at the Softball Game????? Crickets. No one cares what you hypocrites think or march about. You want nation wide gun Registration like what we have here in Ca. As a Californian I say Sure “Jump In the pool the water is fine” but I also respect people’s right to be against it. Because we all know the current laws we have here in Ca are a joke. Did any of you total dong tard ain’t gun idiots see the video I posted. These same dong tard Democrats that think they are gonna save the world with more laws
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-22-2018, 5:27 PM Reply   
And death panels! Never forget the death panels!!!
Old     (fouroheight68)      Join Date: May 2006       02-22-2018, 6:02 PM Reply   
Well, there goes that "good guy with a gun" argument
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-22-2018, 6:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Where were these self imposed Gun Control advocates that are swarming like flys here on W/W , when the Libtard Left wing Berni Bro gunned down the Republicans at the Softball Game????? Crickets. No one cares what you hypocrites think or march about. You want nation wide gun Registration like what we have here in Ca. As a Californian I say Sure “Jump In the pool the water is fine” but I also respect people’s right to be against it. Because we all know the current laws we have here in Ca are a joke. Did any of you total dong tard ain’t gun idiots see the video I posted. These same dong tard Democrats that think they are gonna save the world with more laws
Clearly, it's the clintons' fault. And Carter's. And the hippies.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2018, 12:36 AM Reply   
More liberal “anti -gunners” doing exactly the opposite of what they preach. Releasing violent gun offenders at an alarming rate back to the community

Just a small tidbit

Over a nearly four-month period in 2016, judges gave out cash-based bonds in nearly 96 percent of felony gun cases and released just 2 percent on electronic monitors. In the 10 weeks after the bond order took effect in September, though, the number of cash-based bonds for gun cases plummeted to about 40 percent, while those freed on the electronic bracelets jumped to 22 percent.

The amount set for bonds also sharply fell on average, from nearly $134,000 in 2016 to almost $22,000 in 2017, according to the analysis.

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-23-2018 at 12:44 AM.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-23-2018, 3:50 AM Reply   
So armed guards are the solution?

Turns out the armed guard that was on the scene in FL never even entered the school...
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-23-2018, 7:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The educational system is consistently making excuses ... Yes it’s that simple .
OK, let's assume that xstarrider is right, he's NOT but lets play anyways.
The education system is to blame and is creating killers. So if we fix the system, those killers are already out there it will be what 6 more years of monthly shootings before the "fixed education" clears out the crazy kids.
so that will be conservatively only another 6*12= 72 school shootings?
OR we could take away the weapons that allow the school destruction to be so easily executed.
Take away their ability to easilly access the guns and it can stop NOW.
I'm sure that SWATGUY thinks the 72 more school shootings is a small price to pay to be able to continue hording guns that make him feel safe and is as effective as a teddy bear makes my daughter feel safe but I don't.

The Florida shooting proved that armed guards aren't effective, since they had one. The vegas shooting proved that more guns doesn't fix anything. If half the population on earth was shot by an AK, it still wouldn't be enough for the NRA to say that maybe the guns are the problem because their goal is to sell more guns and they've convinced a small amount of Americans that Keeping guns is the only thing that matters and they will vote and donate based on only that issue so they are keeping the rest of us hostage.

As to Grant point that we were silent when the shooter shot up the Republican baseball game. Honestly, I was hoping that might change some of their minds, but nope, money is still more important to the republican congress.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-23-2018, 8:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fouroheight68 View Post
Well, there goes that "good guy with a gun" argument
That is horrible.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-23-2018, 9:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by plhorn View Post
As to Grant point that we were silent when the shooter shot up the Republican baseball game. Honestly, I was hoping that might change some of their minds, but nope, money is still more important to the republican congress.
Well, the only two choices are to remain silent or point out that the guys who were the target are the same ones that don't want any kind of weapons reform so they can keep the contributions from the NRA coming.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-23-2018, 9:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fouroheight68 View Post
Well, there goes that "good guy with a gun" argument
Sometimes the "good guys" can't shoot straight either...

When the lead starts flying it's every man for themselves.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-23-2018, 12:50 PM Reply   
Attached Images
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2018, 1:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by plhorn View Post
OK, let's assume that xstarrider is right, he's NOT but lets play anyways.
The education system is to blame and is creating killers. So if we fix the system, those killers are already out there it will be what 6 more years of monthly shootings before the "fixed education" clears out the crazy kids.
so that will be conservatively only another 6*12= 72 school shootings?
OR we could take away the weapons that allow the school destruction to be so easily executed.
Take away their ability to easilly access the guns and it can stop NOW.
I'm sure that SWATGUY thinks the 72 more school shootings is a small price to pay to be able to continue hording guns that make him feel safe and is as effective as a teddy bear makes my daughter feel safe but I don't.

The Florida shooting proved that armed guards aren't effective, since they had one. The vegas shooting proved that more guns doesn't fix anything. If half the population on earth was shot by an AK, it still wouldn't be enough for the NRA to say that maybe the guns are the problem because their goal is to sell more guns and they've convinced a small amount of Americans that Keeping guns is the only thing that matters and they will vote and donate based on only that issue so they are keeping the rest of us hostage.

As to Grant point that we were silent when the shooter shot up the Republican baseball game. Honestly, I was hoping that might change some of their minds, but nope, money is still more important to the republican congress.

Since I am wrong and you’re obviously right .........what do you and the other anti gunners contribute to the sudden increase in armed violence and now school shootings??????

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-23-2018 at 1:52 PM.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-23-2018, 2:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Since I am wrong and you’re obviously right .........what do you and the other anti gunners contribute to the sudden increase in armed violence and now school shootings??????
A combination of education, society, the media, social media, the fact that this country is morally bankrupt enough to elect a president who makes fun of handicapped people and cheats on his wife with porn stars, who knows. And why don't we know? Because the NRA and the GOP have passed laws that prohibit the Government from studying gun violence. Thanks to their desire to keep everyone ignorant we won't know for sure for years.

In any case, all of the things that might be causing the issue are very long term problems that need to be dealt with in the long term. In the mean time, how can we stop the violence TODAY? The left is proposing a solution. What is your solution?
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-23-2018, 2:09 PM Reply   
I'd like to think that none of us here on either side of the issue are personally contributing to the sudden increase in armed violence or school shootings. Did you mean what do we attribute the increase to?

Maybe this teacher should focus on teaching our future generations better grammar instead of shooting herself in the leg with her concealed weapon... Yeah let's get more guns in schools!
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-23-2018, 2:51 PM Reply   
^ #19.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-23-2018, 5:04 PM Reply   
If your contention is that the ready access to guns does not contribute to gun violence but it's purely a mental health issue, what is it about America's mental health that makes it worse than every other western country? What are you doing differently than every other country?
Old     (prowake)      Join Date: Jul 2016       02-23-2018, 5:56 PM Reply   
The solution is to simply ban gun free zones.

If a teacher WANTS to carry, GREAT! If they don’t, they are welcome to be a victim by all means

The president will put an end to gun free zones and your liberal heads will explode
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-23-2018, 6:55 PM Reply   
Its true, and Its called the dickey amendment. The govt cannot study gun violence thanks to the NRA backed bill.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2018, 6:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by plhorn View Post
A combination of education, society, the media, social media, the fact that this country is morally bankrupt enough to elect a president who makes fun of handicapped people and cheats on his wife with porn stars, who knows. And why don't we know? Because the NRA and the GOP have passed laws that prohibit the Government from studying gun violence. Thanks to their desire to keep everyone ignorant we won't know for sure for years.

In any case, all of the things that might be causing the issue are very long term problems that need to be dealt with in the long term. In the mean time, how can we stop the violence TODAY? The left is proposing a solution. What is your solution?
So basically you tell me I am completely wrong , and then type the same exact points I have talked about in every post as the actual issues..........those being education , social media, news media , and the society 8 yea of Obozo left us with........ What do you feel in wrong with education, media, society , and mental health?

What exact laws were passed that prohibit the study of gun violence ? There are 100’s studies out there . I know your blinded by your hate of guns , but let’s be real here.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-23-2018, 7:00 PM Reply   
Swatguy google the Dickey post up if you want the easy way.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2018, 7:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
If your contention is that the ready access to guns does not contribute to gun violence but it's purely a mental health issue, what is it about America's mental health that makes it worse than every other western country? What are you doing differently than every other country?
Have you seen the demographics of America compared to the rest of these western countries you want to use as comparisons. Yes it’s that simple . A majority of violence occurs in certain areas. Who’s saying it’s related soley to mental health issues? That’s the lefts argument not the rights . That’s their common return to push that trump eliminated a mental health portion of the bill. The common focus on a minute parcentage we consistently see in order to push an agenda. Of the most recent shooters ...... which of them would have actually been prohibited as being labeled “mentally ill “ in a provision of the law?
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-23-2018, 7:06 PM Reply
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-23-2018, 7:34 PM Reply   
So a law passed over 20yrs ago , limiting one single entity of government , that being the CDC , the ability to investigate gun violence is your claim of pro gunners prohibiting gun research ?

That’s one of the biggest stretches so far

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-23-2018 at 7:37 PM.
Old     (cwb4me)      Join Date: Apr 2010       02-23-2018, 7:42 PM Reply   
The NRA contributes to the Democrats and Republicans.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-23-2018, 8:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Have you seen the demographics of America compared to the rest of these western countries you want to use as comparisons. Yes it’s that simple
How does the demographic influence gun violence?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-23-2018, 8:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Who’s saying it’s related soley to mental health issues? That’s the lefts argument not the rights
Errr, you are dumb dumb.

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I don’t understand how the left makes an instant link to gun laws for any shooting , yet fails to connect the dots on the fact the educational and mental health systems are failing miserably by producing more and more individuals with “mental issues “
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-23-2018, 10:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post

What exact laws were passed that prohibit the study of gun violence ? There are 100’s studies out there . I know your blinded by your hate of guns , but let’s be real here.
The dickey amendment

Not blind, just educated.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-23-2018, 10:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by cwb4me View Post
The NRA contributes to the Democrats and Republicans.
Sure but lets be real and admit that they contribute WAY more to Republicans. And lets vote out the democrats that take NRA money too.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-23-2018, 10:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So a law passed over 20yrs ago , limiting one single entity of government , that being the CDC , the ability to investigate gun violence is your claim of pro gunners prohibiting gun research ?

That’s one of the biggest stretches so far
The CDC are the people that do research on stuff like this. And yes it was passed over 20 years ago and for 20 years the Democrats have been trying to undo it and for 20 years the NRA and GOP have been stopping them. And in that time the CDC has been able to research SQUAT about gun violence.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-24-2018, 12:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fouroheight68 View Post
Well, there goes that "good guy with a gun" argument
In his defense, the shooter was not an unarmed black guy.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-25-2018, 9:28 PM Reply   
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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-25-2018, 9:51 PM Reply   
Let's use some swat logic 2+2=4,000.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-26-2018, 5:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
How does the demographic influence gun violence?
I suppose a guy from a country that has a population less than a single state and a demographic that’s 92% white would have a hard time figuring that out. I am also guessing the extremely low population density factors in ........oh wait.........Nope none of that is a factor ............. It’s clear the border access and immigration policies of Australia are very raciallly bias . Can we send Al and Jessie to Aussieland in order to march and help boost the diversity ?

You want to keep comparing Australia to America lets compare the apples to apples portion .........take Idaho , Maine , New Hampshire , North Dakota , South Dakota , Iowa , Kentucky , and Montana . Run their gun homicide and violent crime data , compare it to Australia and get back to me . Till then , you and every other idiot trying to use Australia as a benchmark for gun violence reform can go pound sand. Just like all the gun violence data you see regurgitated from the the leftist news media ... take whatever number you get and cut it in half , because over half the gun violence numbers they spit out include suicides. Not just violent crime related deaths . Not only do they skew those numbers. , they also now skew “school shooting” numbers by classifying any shooting on school property as a “school shooting” so you know ,the gamgbanger on gamgbager shootings plhorn didn’t want to mention, those are included as “school shootings “ in statistics now to create even more hysteria, b ut I am sure you knew all that.

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-26-2018 at 5:16 AM.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-26-2018, 6:56 AM Reply   
Swatguy, you love to say that gun control is a bad idea so I will ask again: WHAT SOLUTION DO YOU PROPOSE?
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-26-2018, 7:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I suppose a guy from a country that has a population less than a single state and a demographic that’s 92% white would have a hard time figuring that out. I am also guessing the extremely low population density factors in ........oh wait.........Nope none of that is a factor ............. It’s clear the border access and immigration policies of Australia are very raciallly bias . Can we send Al and Jessie to Aussieland in order to march and help boost the diversity ?

You want to keep comparing Australia to America lets compare the apples to apples portion .........take Idaho , Maine , New Hampshire , North Dakota , South Dakota , Iowa , Kentucky , and Montana . Run their gun homicide and violent crime data , compare it to Australia and get back to me . Till then , you and every other idiot trying to use Australia as a benchmark for gun violence reform can go pound sand. Just like all the gun violence data you see regurgitated from the the leftist news media ... take whatever number you get and cut it in half , because over half the gun violence numbers they spit out include suicides. Not just violent crime related deaths . Not only do they skew those numbers. , they also now skew “school shooting” numbers by classifying any shooting on school property as a “school shooting” so you know ,the gamgbanger on gamgbager shootings plhorn didn’t want to mention, those are included as “school shootings “ in statistics now to create even more hysteria, b ut I am sure you knew all that.
You keep bringing up other "gun violence" because you know that you have no legs to stand on when it comes to nutjobs shooting up the public.
You can't blame the minorities, you can't blame poverty, you can only blame society in general and you know that there is no good way to fix that. The only answer is to take away your precious toys or accept that kids will be regularly slaughtered in the US. Which choice are you gonna make? American school children or your toys?
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-26-2018, 9:06 AM Reply   
Just like all the gun violence data you see regurgitated from the the leftist news media ... take whatever number you get and cut it in half , because over half the gun violence numbers they spit out include suicides. Not just violent crime related deaths .
Here is a fun little homework assignment for you ... go and research "mass shootings by ethnicity", this means it isn't suicides or one off events like the "gamgbanger" (what?!) but large scale mass shooting like the point of this thread. Also here is a hint ... when it happens again you can be almost positive its a white male behind it....

my point, when you say:

ake Idaho , Maine , New Hampshire , North Dakota , South Dakota , Iowa , Kentucky , and Montana .

....immigration policies of Australia are very raciallly bias
You're saying this **** isn't happening in Rural white parts of the country - like AUS, blame the people who are brownish. I tend to agree that the vast majority of one-off shootings will happen in dense urban areas (there are a lot more high strung people in those areas). When it comes to a psycho gunning down 10+ people in a ****ty terror attack, that usually is some white male.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-26-2018, 9:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I suppose a guy from a country that has a population less than a single state and a demographic that’s 92% white would have a hard time figuring that out. I am also guessing the extremely low population density factors in ........oh wait.........Nope none of that is a factor ............. It’s clear the border access and immigration policies of Australia are very raciallly bias . Can we send Al and Jessie to Aussieland in order to march and help boost the diversity ?

You want to keep comparing Australia to America lets compare the apples to apples portion .........take Idaho , Maine , New Hampshire , North Dakota , South Dakota , Iowa , Kentucky , and Montana . Run their gun homicide and violent crime data , compare it to Australia and get back to me . Till then , you and every other idiot trying to use Australia as a benchmark for gun violence reform can go pound sand. Just like all the gun violence data you see regurgitated from the the leftist news media ... take whatever number you get and cut it in half , because over half the gun violence numbers they spit out include suicides. Not just violent crime related deaths . Not only do they skew those numbers. , they also now skew “school shooting” numbers by classifying any shooting on school property as a “school shooting” so you know ,the gamgbanger on gamgbager shootings plhorn didn’t want to mention, those are included as “school shootings “ in statistics now to create even more hysteria, b ut I am sure you knew all that.
I'm not from Australia and I'm not comparing the US to it?
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-26-2018, 10:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
they also now skew “school shooting” numbers by classifying any shooting on school property as a “school shooting” so you know ,the gamgbanger on gamgbager shootings plhorn didn’t want to mention, those are included as “school shootings “ in statistics now to create even more hysteria, b ut I am sure you knew all that.
Regardless, one school shooting justifies plenty of hysteria, and we are WAY past that.
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-26-2018, 11:01 AM Reply   
The NRA contributes to the Democrats and Republicans.
Trump also told the governors he ate lunch last weekend with leaders of the National Rifle Association (NRA):
"Don't worry about the NRA,” Trump told the governors. ”They're on our side.”
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 11:25 AM Reply   
Just another hypocritical Democrat

Sheriff Scott Israel LOL LOL

Deputy Scott Peterson; what a Joke this guy is he waits out side for 4 mins while Active Shooter is shooting, where is you honor?
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-26-2018, 11:29 AM Reply   
Just another good guy with a gun not stopping the bad guys.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 12:55 PM Reply   
Just another good guy with a gun not stopping the bad guys.
Nick How do you stop a guy with a Gun while hiding out behind your car? OOOOO i forgot your a Lib yes this is how you guys get things done. You regulate and "community organize' from behind your car or desk, while real hero's with guns handle business.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-26-2018, 1:01 PM Reply   
Trump says in a press conference that he “would have run in there to stop the shooter even without a gun” lol!

Who does Cadet Bone Spurs think he’s fooling (other than Grant, Mark, and the resident WW KKK)?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 1:51 PM Reply   
Wes: I like how you report on every Tweet or Thing Trump says. Your like the Perez Hilton of all things Trump
Do they pump these feeds into all safe spaces you hang out and post from?
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Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-26-2018, 2:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Wes: I like how you report on every Tweet or Thing Trump says. Your like the Perez Hilton of all things Trump
Do they pump these feeds into all safe spaces you hang out and post from?
Do you ever get tired of not adding anything constructive to the conversation? I guess you simply enjoy being Trump's fluff boy.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-26-2018, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Nick How do you stop a guy with a Gun while hiding out behind your car? OOOOO i forgot your a Lib yes this is how you guys get things done. You regulate and "community organize' from behind your car or desk, while real hero's with guns handle business.
Do you have any real world examples of "real hero's with guns handling business" that doesn't fall into the "community organize" category? Or are you just blowing smoke.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 3:36 PM Reply   
Wake: I’have said it b4, as far as TRUMP. Trump is like Roach Spray to libs . I’m not a “fan” of roach spray but I sure like what it does to roaches.
Plhorn: if you do a search on YouTube of the cops in Texas that gun down that BLM roach that shot up a bunch cops on that march in Texas. That’s one example of Hero’s going after some coward randomly shooting people. They literally go barrel to barrel With this guy. If your intrested in more videos of good guys with guns ending Roaches check out this YouTube Chanel
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 5:30 PM Reply   
Nick: you libs accuse me of being a Trump fluf boy but you guys pull each other’s puds with miss leading statements like our friend Nick:
The NRA contributes to the Democrats and Republicans.
Trump also told the governors he ate lunch last weekend with leaders of the National Rifle Association (NRA):
"Don't worry about the NRA,” Trump told the governors. ”They're on our side.”
But what nick left out says somthing 100% diffrent. O well more fake news.
"Don't worry about the NRA,”They're on our side.”and want to do somthing to address the issue I guess cutting the statement short like you did serves your agenda. Keep it up I’m sure the snowflakes love your detailed reports

Last edited by grant_west; 02-26-2018 at 5:33 PM.
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       02-26-2018, 7:44 PM Reply   
Oh, thank goodness. the NRA is going to address the issue. Case closed everyone, let's move on.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       02-26-2018, 9:08 PM Reply   
^^^ exactly now let’s get back to something that really matters how about that Russian interference in the election how’s that coming
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-27-2018, 12:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas View Post
Here is a fun little homework assignment for you ... go and research "mass shootings by ethnicity", this means it isn't suicides or one off events like the "gamgbanger" (what?!) but large scale mass shooting like the point of this thread. Also here is a hint ... when it happens again you can be almost positive its a white male behind it....

my point, when you.

Of course the chances of a mass shooter being white vs being of color is a good bet . The white population outnumbers the black over 6-1. Let me enlighten you on your research data you wanted me to lookup ........ You should probably sit down and grab a beer and some lube.

White Population

Black Population

Mass shooters from 1982-2018
- 56 White
-16 Black

So the population of whites is roughly 6.61 times that of blacks.
Let’s take the numbers here ......

White Mass Shooters
-245,532,00/56 = 0.00000023. Or 0.023 per 100,000

Black Mass Shooters
-37,144,530/16 =0.00000043 or 0.043 per 100,000

So according to the data the corresponding rate of black mass shooters is 1.87 times higher than whites . Once again data disproving the false claims made by the left and yourself that mass shooters are disproportionately white. That pesky actual unbiased data proving another common misconception false and once again backing the fact a certain demographic is more prone to violence than another. Let’s add some other data just for icing on the cake and an educational opportunity . The murder rate among blacks in 6.27 time higher than that of whites (directly from Burea of Justice statistics ) a second report stated whites were responsible for 45% of all homicides between 1982 -2010 ( the data up to 2018 was unavailable ) while representing 74% of the population while blacks represented just 13% of the population.


Welcome to another daily dose of THE TRUTH

Last edited by xstarrider; 02-27-2018 at 12:47 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-27-2018, 12:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by plhorn View Post
You keep bringing up other "gun violence" because you know that you have no legs to stand on when it comes to nutjobs shooting up the public.
You can't blame the minorities, you can't blame poverty,
See above post to once again prove your out of touch view of reality . They’re actually very related
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-27-2018, 12:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by plhorn View Post
Do you have any real world examples of "real hero's with guns handling business" that doesn't fall into the "community organize" category? Or are you just blowing smoke.,amp.html,amp.html
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-27-2018, 1:00 AM Reply   
The only racial group that falls well outside the population line - and it's in the "good" direction - is Latinos as you can see in the chart (same data set that Swat is referencing). The rest easily fall into a margin of error in reporting, not to mention the shaky and shifting definition of "mass shooting" currently being 4 people killed in a public place in less than 24 hours... For example, does someone who fires off a **** ton of rounds, injures or maims dozens but only ends up mortally wounding 3 people really not deserve to be on this list?

However, although the list falls pretty cleanly along statistical race population lines, it's a different story when it comes to gender.

0.3% were committed by women. How about we restrict men to handguns and shotguns only...
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Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-27-2018, 10:40 AM Reply   
That's very nice. Do you want me to now show you how many "good guys with guns" shoot themselves, their families, or their friends on accident. It won't be just 4 hits.

Pretty sure you know as well as I do that the odds of a good guy shooting a bad guy are WAY WAY worse than a good guy shooting himself.

here are the numbers:

Fact-check: Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.
• 43 percent of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.
• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

I know that your thinking "but I'm a responsible gun owner" which is what every gun owner says until they are not.

Its just like pitbull owners who say "my dog doesn't bite" until it does.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-28-2018, 12:20 AM Reply   
One more for you
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-28-2018, 8:34 AM Reply   
That's very nice. Do you want me to now show you how many "good guys with guns" shoot themselves, their families, or their friends on accident. It won't be just 4 hits.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 9:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
No-one is saying that cops shouldn't have guns.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 11:19 AM Reply   
Who would have guessed... another school shooting. This time it was a teacher.

Still think arming the teachers is a good idea? Maybe we should are the cafeteria lady?
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 11:24 AM Reply

Forgot the link
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 11:26 AM Reply   
Who would have guessed... another school shooting. This time it was a teacher.

Still think arming the teachers is a good idea? Maybe we should arm the cafeteria lady?
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       02-28-2018, 12:30 PM Reply   
No details, except that no one was shot. Way to pile on the instant hysteria.
We get it, you don’t like guns. Any harm that comes to an innocent is wrong. Why is it that guns seem to be the only static object that gets singled out as if they can act on their own?
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       02-28-2018, 12:33 PM Reply   
Link gives further creedance to the theory that journalism is dead. No meaningful details about the shots fired situation, but we all got a lesson on where the majority of the nations carpet is produced.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-28-2018, 12:33 PM Reply   
"Still think arming the teachers is a good idea?"

Yes. Not sure what this has to do with that debate but if you can twist it to fit your narrative its fair game....
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 12:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
"Still think arming the teachers is a good idea?"

Yes. Not sure what this has to do with that debate but if you can twist it to fit your narrative its fair game....
uh.. the shooter was the teacher. Not much twisting to say that arming the teachers is a stupid idea. Especially when we apparently can't even afford to give them school supplies.
Old     (meathead65)      Join Date: Sep 2006       02-28-2018, 1:08 PM Reply   
I’m starting the think you believe that “arming the teachers” means issuing a Glock 40 to every teacher in America.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-28-2018, 1:26 PM Reply   
^ exactly. No one is condoning that.

The shooter being a teacher doesn't have anything to do with training and arming a select few teachers per school. The article doesn't say anything about her having the right to carry a gun on campus. Its just about some lady that went nuts. But I would expect you to see any of that through your angry narrow minded view point.
Old     (plhorn)      Join Date: Dec 2005       02-28-2018, 2:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
^ exactly. No one is condoning that.

The shooter being a teacher doesn't have anything to do with training and arming a select few teachers per school. The article doesn't say anything about her having the right to carry a gun on campus. Its just about some lady that went nuts. But I would expect you to see any of that through your angry narrow minded view point.
So we should "training and arming a select few" of the teachers before giving them guns? How about mental screenings? But you don't want us to "training and arming a select few" of the general population before letting them get guns.... I'm confused. Why would you screen the teachers but not screen the general population?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-28-2018, 2:14 PM Reply   
You mean training and arming a few select the trained 30 year vet cop who stayed outside and did nothing? Or the others that were with him?
I think the idea of adding to a teachers already challenging position is a bad one. How will they secure the guns and have them ready and available in case of need?
These new guns in the school wont be stolen by students? How about if a student is going off or fighting and beating the hell out of another student...can the teacher shoot then too? How many well trained police officers are being investigated for using their gun with out need? Do teachers need body cams now? too many bad things could happen and very little good by arming teachers. Less guns.
It has been an impressive showing by high school kids holding rallies everywhere. I love when the mayors/governers/ senators try to pull a fast one on them and the students calmly claim..."I call BS".
They seem to be making a dent. Props.
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       02-28-2018, 3:02 PM Reply   
After years and years of "Obama is gunna take our guns" we get this:

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       02-28-2018, 4:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
"Still think arming the teachers is a good idea?"

Yes. Not sure what this has to do with that debate but if you can twist it to fit your narrative its fair game....
I'm a teacher. You can ask me if I think it's a good idea and I'll explain to you why it is not.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       02-28-2018, 7:03 PM Reply   
BAHAHAHAHA Trump calls for "taking the guns first, due process second" lol. Video in the link.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       02-28-2018, 7:10 PM Reply   
how come nobody is talking about arming the kids? Didn't any of you have archery in PE back in the day? Why not handgun practice instead? You think a kid would come shoot up a school if all of his or her peers were packing? You think a teacher would shoot up a school if the kids all had guns? I don't think so.
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       02-28-2018, 7:25 PM Reply   
Can you imagine the s**t storm if Obama would have uttered those exact words?

Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas View Post
After years and years of "Obama is gunna take our guns" we get this:
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-28-2018, 9:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
I'm a teacher. You can ask me if I think it's a good idea and I'll explain to you why it is not.
Prime example #1 of why kids are so f’d up these days. Guys like this are shaping their minds


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