Join Date: Apr 2002
08-16-2022, 2:35 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Sorry. Don't have a class 3 Federal Firearms license. Neither does 99.999% of the country. They do not sell military rifles to the public you dumba$$
I thought class 3 only covered Full Auto machine guns, silencers, short barrel rifles and shotguns? Lots of military style guns not covered by that description.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-17-2022, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-17-2022, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
I thought class 3 only covered Full Auto machine guns, silencers, short barrel rifles and shotguns? Lots of military style guns not covered by that description.
Military does not use semi auto rifles. Military rifles are class 3 regulated rifles. M4, M16, etc. AR 15's are not military weapons. calling a AR15 a military weapon is a point where you have to call any gun a military weapon. You know. A barrel, a trigger, a stock, a bullet. All other things are just features that have zero functional bearing on the rifle.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-17-2022, 3:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Military does not use semi auto rifles. Military rifles are class 3 regulated rifles. M4, M16, etc. AR 15's are not military weapons. calling a AR15 a military weapon is a point where you have to call any gun a military weapon. You know. A barrel, a trigger, a stock, a bullet. All other things are just features that have zero functional bearing on the rifle.
What about sniper rifles?
Join Date: Jan 2003
08-18-2022, 8:02 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Sorry. Don't have a class 3 Federal Firearms license. Neither does 99.999% of the country. They do not sell military rifles to the public you dumba$$
Hey chit for brains, didn't you know you could get a legal semi- automatic gun and modify it with a bump stock to make it shoot off hundreds of rounds in a minute? Triggered much?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-18-2022, 1:05 PM
Originally Posted by joeshmoe
Hey chit for brains, didn't you know you could get a legal semi- automatic gun and modify it with a bump stock to make it shoot off hundreds of rounds in a minute? Triggered much?
Bump stock. LOL. So what. Trump made those illegal. Are you suggesting someone breaks the law? Do you know how to rebuild the back end of the R15 to install a bump stock? Vast majority of the people don't know how. You can still pull the trigger hundreds of times as well. Either case does not make it accurate. Just means you pulled the trigger. Still not a a machine gun. Those Typically have a fire rate in the hundreds per minute. Either way you will dump your capacity in just a few seconds.
Does the AR 15 with a bump stock have the thermal capacity to maintain that type of fire without melting the barrel or have some other failure? Have they been tested for such conditions? Nope.
You can do that with a ruger 10-22. a 22 long rifle has a one round stopping rate of 60% which is actually higher than a 9mm or 45 cal hand gun if I saw the statistic correctly. Still has a lethal range of over 100 yards. We hand those over to kids all the time to just shoot in our society. You can get huge drum mags for those.
The ruger mini 14 and mini 30 shoot the same rounds as the AR 10 and AR15 (7.62 or 5.56). Don't have the scary stock yet have the exact same function and are cheaper than your typical AR series.
Many gang bangers use a good ol 22 cal. Wife had to work a murder scene where a guy just happened to be on a bench waiting for the bus in a parking lot. 2 kids got in an argument/ fight about the one kids girlfriend. The one pulled out a 22. kid shoots at the other kid. Hits the dude on the other side of the parking lot in the chest. Dude died without moving another inch. Just fell over dead.
The gangs in new york and other places back in the day used to make zip guns. Use a car antenna lower section from the old cars and put the 22 in the one end and use like rubber band with something to strike the end. Single shot gun.
Fun fact. What type of gun did the Germans try and get outlawed in the Geneva Convention post World War 1 because it was too deadly. Answer. The good ol shot gun. You know. The same one that Brandon said you should shoot off your porch.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-18-2022, 1:20 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What about sniper rifles?
What about them. Sniper rifles are primarily civilian weapons that the Military decided to adapt. Barrett obviously made a semi auto system for a 50 cal which civilians can shoot. I had a neighbor that had a 50 cal bolt action. (don't think kali allows for semi auto 50 cal). Oddly enough, the 50 cal is not the most deadly sniper rifle nor the longest range rifle. Most of the "military" adopted sniper rifles are built and developed by civilian companies then the military buys them. There are no additional requirements for civilian ownership because they are not the dreaded black rifle. The AR is politicized because they can. The commiecrats would like to get rid of all guns. They just change what they are after. It used to be the "saturday night specials" back in the day. Cheap revolvers. They it went to semi auto hand guns. Now it is AR15's even though more people are killed with fists and hammers than are with rifles in the US. They can go after the AR because it looks like a military rifle. It has no functional difference than many other types of rifles that do not look like military rifles. So that means it is political/ emotional. The facts simply are not on the side of their made up version of the truth. "Sniper rifles" or as most people recognize them as the standard hunting rifle are hard to talk about because they recognized as that from the emotional appeal even though many of those are more accurate, tend to have longer range optics mounted, tend to have higher calibers and have a higher range and muzzle velocity due to barrel length for a similar round. Again. Simply emotional arguments against.
May as well say all revolvers are military weapons as that was what was carried back in the day. The 1911 semi auto pistol was developed and put into service when? Answer is in the question. 1911. Been in service and pretty much untouched in function for over 110 years. Pistols kill more people in this country than any other firearm each year. Dems went after them for a short time then never hear about them again. Now it is ARs. Then again, how do you argue that something that has been around for over 100 years is a instrument of war today?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-18-2022, 1:31 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What about sniper rifles?
you familiar with the British Lee-Enfield rifle? box magazine bolt action.
The first version of the Lee-Enfield repeating rifle entered into service in 1895. Since then, 17 million units and a number of variants have been produced, and some are still in use today by Commonwealth police forces. The rifle made a name for itself during World War I and II, and created a legacy that endures to this day.
Soldiers using the firearm were even able to complete a “mad minute,” in which they could fire between 20 and 30 aimed rounds in 60 seconds. they could be accurately aimed from around 600 meters, while still capable of striking someone over 1,400 meters away
Here you have a bolt action rifle that has killed probably well over 100 thousand people around the world. Used in WW1 and WW2 on the front. High fire rate. Long range. Came out over a 125 years ago. Still in service/ just recently retired. Perfectly legal to own because it does not look like our scary version.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-18-2022, 1:40 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What about sniper rifles?
Also. Not many use the Barret systems. The bolt action rifles are way more accurate than semi auto. Also the barret rifles weigh around 35 pounds loaded. Not a very mobile system. Many of the sniper rifles used are based on the Remington 700 action which has been around since 1962 and developed for civilian hunting use. They usually use the 7.62 by 51 (.308) which is a bigger, heavier, longer range round than the AR15. Many have moved to the 300 Win Mag. Now there are some other systems like the 300 Norma. Many sport shooters have move to the 6.5 Creedmore instead of the .308 (7.62) as it has flatter range beyond 500 meter than the 7.62.
Like I said. gun grabber arguments are simply emotions. hunting rifle/ sniper rifles have an extremely higher kill rate than the M16 and M4's per round fired. The AR15 is NOT the same as a M16 or M4 due to the lack of full auto or burst fire.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-18-2022, 2:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Also. Not many use the Barret systems. The bolt action rifles are way more accurate than semi auto. Also the barret rifles weigh around 35 pounds loaded. Not a very mobile system. Many of the sniper rifles used are based on the Remington 700 action which has been around since 1962 and developed for civilian hunting use. They usually use the 7.62 by 51 (.308) which is a bigger, heavier, longer range round than the AR15. Many have moved to the 300 Win Mag. Now there are some other systems like the 300 Norma. Many sport shooters have move to the 6.5 Creedmore instead of the .308 (7.62) as it has flatter range beyond 500 meter than the 7.62.
Like I said. gun grabber arguments are simply emotions. hunting rifle/ sniper rifles have an extremely higher kill rate than the M16 and M4's per round fired. The AR15 is NOT the same as a M16 or M4 due to the lack of full auto or burst fire.
Gun grabbers? When did anyone in the US have their legal gun "grabbed"?
What are the differences between a 9mm and an AR15 bullet hits its target? Seems it might be important in the convo.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-18-2022, 2:57 PM
Trumps top financial officer at TrumpOrg just plead guilty to 15 criminal charges. Everyday we learn the guy just cant live w/o surrounding himself with felons doing crimes. Trumps main guy just basically blamed trump org for paying him under the table to avoid paying taxes. I wonder if the IRS can find some agents available to check into this, lol.
What type of person says "Thats the type of guy I want as President"?
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-18-2022, 9:46 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Trumps top financial officer at TrumpOrg just plead guilty to 15 criminal charges. Everyday we learn the guy just cant live w/o surrounding himself with felons doing crimes. Trumps main guy just basically blamed trump org for paying him under the table to avoid paying taxes. I wonder if the IRS can find some agents available to check into this, lol.
What type of person says "Thats the type of guy I want as President"?
Don't care. Look at how he governed. Peace, prosperity and security. Look at how Brandon has totally jacked up this country. We would all be thousands of dollars richer too if Brandon never took office. Mic drop.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-18-2022, 9:52 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Trumps top financial officer at TrumpOrg just plead guilty to 15 criminal charges. Everyday we learn the guy just cant live w/o surrounding himself with felons doing crimes. Trumps main guy just basically blamed trump org for paying him under the table to avoid paying taxes. I wonder if the IRS can find some agents available to check into this, lol.
What type of person says "Thats the type of guy I want as President"?
Year and a half into office and Brandon has already signed us up for almost FOUR TRILLION in new debt. Hey at least any man who decides to call himself a woman can shower with unsuspecting girls in locker rooms now so you must be real proud.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-18-2022, 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Year and a half into office and Brandon has already signed us up for almost FOUR TRILLION in new debt.
So about half the $8T that Trump added? Wow, that sounds pretty good, definitely heading in the right direction.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-19-2022, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Don't care. Look at how he governed. Peace, prosperity and security. Look at how Brandon has totally jacked up this country. We would all be thousands of dollars richer too if Brandon never took office. Mic drop.
Dont care, lol, of course not. You have TDS, youre in a cult. He didnt govern. Trump Grifts. "Peace", you complained for 6 solid months about violent protests and BLM, did you already forget? You whined when Brandon followed the trump plan to get out of Afghanistan. You mean the peace regarding Covid and the peaceful way to refuse vaccines and masks, with AR's and screaming at PTA meetings like lunatics? Why else would he ask for money when his wife dies, when the FBI raids him, when he is impeached, when he isnt impeached, when he makes a perfect call and it isnt. When he loses an election, to pay to "Stop the Steal" and he is the only one found to be stealing that election. Who else favorite words are "Can I count on you to support me...and he says hes a billionaire. Im sure Donnie's best friend would not have attacked another country if trump actually won. Why is he STILL SAYING HE WON?? WTF? Is he that stupid? or does he make more off you guys that way?
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-19-2022, 9:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Year and a half into office and Brandon has already signed us up for almost FOUR TRILLION in new debt. Hey at least any man who decides to call himself a woman can shower with unsuspecting girls in locker rooms now so you must be real proud.
Is that what Tucker told you to say to own the Libs? lol. The CBO disagrees with you and Carlson. The "Inflation Reduction Act will cost $430 Billion AND add $700 Billion in Revenues. Oh, (Infrastructure Bill) fixing roads and bridges costs money, it also creates well paying jobs, something the 2018 Tax and Jobs act failed to do, it just added Trillions to the deficit but rich folks get paid.
So, What is the Republican plan to fight inflation, help on healthcare, increase tax revenues, lower pharma prices, Help the Climate crisis, finally taxing corps? You know, all the things the Dems just did, Again. Nothing?
Ive seen nothing but, " We support Trump". With zero policy, zero bills, zero is your future.
Watch how red states take credit for what Brandon handed them. They always do.
Are you still scared a woman will break into the bathroom and rape you? Good luck with that. Lets look at actual facts, how many times has that happened? I need to know just how scared to be. I would wager a large chunk of $$ that you and Tucker are liars and transgenders have been on the receiving end of violence in bathrooms more than they have dished out. Wanna take the bet? Why do you care what one wants to call themselves? Hell, you call yourself "sane" and youre clearly in a radical dangerous cult. Thought you wanted small Gov, Not getting into everyones lives? You guys are freaking embarrassing to Americans.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-19-2022, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
So about half the $8T that Trump added? Wow, that sounds pretty good, definitely heading in the right direction.
Nice try Troll.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-19-2022, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Nice try Troll.
What do you disagree with, the fact Trump added 8T or the fact 4T is half of 8T, with you it could be either.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-19-2022, 3:59 PM
I disagree with the premise and dishonesty you come with. Trumps via the democrat controlled congress who actually controls spending, put out trillions to fight covid related economic factors. The current crop of spending is not that and is not just a one time thing. You are talking permanent spending when increasing the size of government departments. This is additive and not a stunt like the covid stuff. If you actually saw Trumps budget plan it cut everything 10% or more right off the top. I remember it well because people were freaking out and were relying on congress to tell him to stuff it.
Join Date: Jul 2007
08-19-2022, 4:28 PM
It's time to just give up on making excuses for this lying idiot.
Since the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for top-secret materials that may have been improperly taken there, Trump and his allies have claimed, among other excuses, that the former president had a “standing order” in place that declassified them.
"But, according to 18 officials from his administration who spoke to CNN, no such order was ever issued.
Several officials reportedly laughed or scoffed at the notion. One called it “bull****.”
Many of them even went on the record."
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-19-2022, 6:32 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I disagree with the premise and dishonesty you come with. Trumps via the democrat controlled congress who actually controls spending, put out trillions to fight covid related economic factors.
Ooooooh, I get it. When Trump blows the debt out by $8T half of which he has both the congress and senate it's congresses fault, when Biden brings it back to $4T it's his fault. Of course, silly me.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-23-2022, 8:33 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Ooooooh, I get it. When Trump blows the debt out by $8T half of which he has both the congress and senate it's congresses fault, when Biden brings it back to $4T it's his fault. Of course, silly me.
Yes. Silly disingenuous you. There is a difference between stunt spending (aka a global pandemic) vs creating positions and expanding government so that spending continues on year after year for generations. While is sounds great to point at a graph and make an argument, they are not at all the same in long term damage. Especially when one party is trying to package theirs as "inflation reduction".
At the end of the day. Congress creates and passes the budgets. That is literally how the government works.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-23-2022, 8:35 AM
Originally Posted by brettw
It's time to just give up on making excuses for this lying idiot.
Since the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for top-secret materials that may have been improperly taken there, Trump and his allies have claimed, among other excuses, that the former president had a “standing order” in place that declassified them.
"But, according to 18 officials from his administration who spoke to CNN, no such order was ever issued.
Several officials reportedly laughed or scoffed at the notion. One called it “bull****.”
Many of them even went on the record."
pretty sure those "18 officials" that talk to CNN are the same ones who have had an axe to grind for the last 6 years. There is not official channels to declassify when it comes to the president. You really need to watch some Johnathan Turely on this.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-23-2022, 4:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
pretty sure those "18 officials" that talk to CNN are the same ones who have had an axe to grind for the last 6 years. There is not official channels to declassify when it comes to the president. You really need to watch some Johnathan Turely on this.
according to 18 officials from his administration who spoke to CNN, no such order was ever issued.
Well they worked for him, no "an ax to grind".
Did you hear? Biden has a "standing policy" to re-classify everything leaving the WH. Solid as trumps "i declassified" claims lol.
They gave trump multiple opportunities to return classified info, he failed to oblige. Seems another right wing talking point destroyed.
Join Date: Jul 2007
08-23-2022, 5:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
pretty sure those "18 officials" that talk to CNN are the same ones who have had an axe to grind for the last 6 years. There is not official channels to declassify when it comes to the president. You really need to watch some Johnathan Turely on this.
There's a LOT of very clear and consistent info out there about this. What do you think about Trump taking classified docs to Mar Largo, not giving them up and the subsequent raid and all? Let's hear your full take on this.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-23-2022, 8:16 PM
Originally Posted by brettw
There's a LOT of very clear and consistent info out there about this. What do you think about Trump taking classified docs to Mar Largo, not giving them up and the subsequent raid and all? Let's hear your full take on this.
Let me guess. It's not illegal if the President does it, he can declassify anything he wants by waving a chicken drum stick over it. Unless Obama does it, definitely raid his house.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-24-2022, 9:13 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Let me guess. It's not illegal if the President does it, he can declassify anything he wants by waving a chicken drum stick over it. Unless Obama does it, definitely raid his house.
Actually Obama did it. Bill Clinton did it in spades. On top of his documents, he even sent one of his people directly into the archives and the guy was caught with documents in his pants and in his socks. He also was caught hiding other documents he stole across the street for later retrieval. Got probation. Hillary who was not a president admittedly by the FBI broke the law holding classified documents in her server and violated a warrant by destroying the subpoenaed electronics. Not a single one of them were raided.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-24-2022, 9:25 AM
Originally Posted by brettw
There's a LOT of very clear and consistent info out there about this. What do you think about Trump taking classified docs to Mar Largo, not giving them up and the subsequent raid and all? Let's hear your full take on this.
Clear if you watch one side of it. According to Johnathan Turley who happens to be an expert on this topic, the president is recognized to have immediate and absolute authority on declassification. Admittedly no one has chosen to press the issue in a court of law. My guess it is the same as many laws that are passed, they get passed then tested and then ultimately they end up in the higher courts. That is how Turley explained it.
What he also explained is Biden had to sign off on this because the DOJ was wondering what to do with it as this question. Biden would have had to say he does not recognize this right in regards to Trump like all the other presidents before have recognized.
The records act is not even a criminal statute. Search Warrants are a last resort. Search warrants are also supposed to be very specific on what they can take and what they can search. That is your fundamental 4th amendment right. Basically the DOJ violated Trumps 4th amendment rights.
What we do know is the Judge who signed the warrant is a magistrate judge. Basically a clerk of judges. He does not typically handle this sort of thing. Usually you would use a level 3 (some name along that line with a 3 in it) judge that has been approved by the Senate for such a historic move.
The Judge who did authorize the warrant had to recuse himself once before due to his admitted Trump bias. He has given money to the Obama campaign in the past.
Biden allegedly has told the head of the DOJ that he wants him to do something to move on Trump. not sure how this talking point was exposed or if it is real.
The group in the FBI is the same group that headed u the Whitmer frame job, the setup in Virginia, the FISA probes of Trump and now this. The take from the rest of the country that you do not listen to is this is just an excuse to get documents from Trump that may have anything to do with Jan 6 and things he may have the proves his accusations against the democrats. It is a fishing exercise to try and keep Trump from running. Now all of a sudden the "Gang of Eight" want to see the documents the DOJ has taken illegally from Trump.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-24-2022, 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Clear if you watch one side of it. According to Johnathan Turley who happens to be an expert on this topic, the president is recognized to have immediate and absolute authority on declassification. Admittedly no one has chosen to press the issue in a court of law. My guess it is the same as many laws that are passed, they get passed then tested and then ultimately they end up in the higher courts. That is how Turley explained it.
What is the reason trump had all these classified documents in Floriduh? Why did he take Govt property w/o consent? What would he do (legally) with any of it?
What he also explained is Biden had to sign off on this because the DOJ was wondering what to do with it as this question. Biden would have had to say he does not recognize this right in regards to Trump like all the other presidents before have recognized. Biden signed off because trump tried to violently take over the US Govt. No other prez ever did that.
The records act is not even a criminal statute. Search Warrants are a last resort. Search warrants are also supposed to be very specific on what they can take and what they can search. That is your fundamental 4th amendment right. Basically the DOJ violated Trumps 4th amendment rights. https://www.axios.com/2022/08/09/tru...ds-fbi-warrant LOL, violating Trumps rights, they used a 100% legal search warrant.
What we do know is the Judge who signed the warrant is a magistrate judge. Basically a clerk of judges. He does not typically handle this sort of thing. Usually you would use a level 3 (some name along that line with a 3 in it) judge that has been approved by the Senate for such a historic move. you have no idea what your people told you to say, ie Some name along that line with a #3?? WTF?? I thought trump appointed the judge?
The Judge who did authorize the warrant had to recuse himself once before due to his admitted Trump bias. He has given money to the Obama campaign in the past.
And? is that illegal to give money to candidates? Trump gave to Clinton, and never arrested or jailed her while in office for 4 straight years. what's your point?
Biden allegedly has told the head of the DOJ that he wants him to do something to move on Trump. not sure how this talking point was exposed or if it is real. Allegedly AND Do Something?? Biden has nothing to do with it, nor does Hunter and H Clinton or any others
The group in the FBI is the same group that headed u the Whitmer frame job, the setup in Virginia, the FISA probes of Trump and now this. The take from the rest of the country that you do not listen to is this is just an excuse to get documents from Trump that may have anything to do with Jan 6 and things he may have the proves his accusations against the democrats. It is a fishing exercise to try and keep Trump from running. Now all of a sudden the "Gang of Eight" want to see the documents the DOJ has taken illegally from Trump.
Whitmer hoax? 2 convicted this week.
FISA probes?? you still talking about Paige from 2015??? Did anyone indict him?? Arrest him?? Anything?? Or do you just like writing FISA?
They are US owned documents, not the property of the former prez. Had any of them proved his previous lies, dont you think he would have shown them? Or does that make too much sense?
Explain in English, how the DOJ took "trumps property illegally" or Shut up.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-24-2022, 2:11 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Not a single one of them were raided.
Do you think they should have been?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-25-2022, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Do you think they should have been?
I think that is a fair question. I don't know. based on how documents have historically been handled with Presidents, the answer is no. The statute for the archives was not even a thing until Richard Nixon in 1974 was going to destroy his documents. The who point of a search warrant and raid is to prevent evidence from being destroyed. There was no indication with Trump or any other president other than Nixon that this was going to occur. Trump gave them access and even put the lock on the place they were stored by the request of the FBI. That is the argument in general. Also the act is not a criminal statute.
Hillary would be the one who possibly should have been raided. She was not a president. She was under investigation for illegally having classified documents. She was direct supena for specific documents and then destroyed them. That by definition is criminal and outwardly criminal at that. If you or I would have flaunted a direct supena for very specific things and then destroyed them, We would be doing 5 to 10. How much time did the try to give Flynn of the Trump administration for "lying to the FBI" when Comey admitted he sent people over before the "administration knew how to deal with these things" (Comey's words in a public interview) to try and get him to lie or quit. The FBI tried to get a guy to lie to them. Think about that for a moment. They are sending agents of the government over to get you to talk about all sorts of stuff and if you misspeak, you are going to jail.
You can see where people are pissed and see this as a continuation of dirty politics to keep someone from running. This is corruption of the highest order in peoples minds.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-25-2022, 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I think that is a fair question. I don't know. based on how documents have historically been handled with Presidents, the answer is no. The statute for the archives was not even a thing until Richard Nixon in 1974 was going to destroy his documents. The who point of a search warrant and raid is to prevent evidence from being destroyed. There was no indication with Trump or any other president other than Nixon that this was going to occur. Trump gave them access and even put the lock on the place they were stored by the request of the FBI. That is the argument in general. Also the act is not a criminal statute.
Hillary would be the one who possibly should have been raided. She was not a president. She was under investigation for illegally having classified documents. She was direct supena for specific documents and then destroyed them. That by definition is criminal and outwardly criminal at that. If you or I would have flaunted a direct supena for very specific things and then destroyed them, We would be doing 5 to 10. How much time did the try to give Flynn of the Trump administration for "lying to the FBI" when Comey admitted he sent people over before the "administration knew how to deal with these things" (Comey's words in a public interview) to try and get him to lie or quit. The FBI tried to get a guy to lie to them. Think about that for a moment. They are sending agents of the government over to get you to talk about all sorts of stuff and if you misspeak, you are going to jail.
You can see where people are pissed and see this as a continuation of dirty politics to keep someone from running. This is corruption of the highest order in peoples minds.
Destroying documents is not the "only" reason for a search warrant. National security comes to mind. Nixon was a criminal, thus rule change. Almost 50 years of precedent, it is a norm, documents belong to the US Gov. If trump was cooperating, there would be no need for subpoena, clearly, he was not. His atty signed paperwork stating all documents were returned, then the DOJ came down and took 300+ classified documents and 20 some boxes he and atty lied about.
The grifter isnt president either.
The grifter is under at least 5-7 state and federal criminal investigations. Including attempting to change the results of a presidential election, fraud, obstruction, tax fraud, conspiracy.....
If you or I had classified documents in our possession, the FBI would not have been so kind.
Go ahead, blame the FBI because Flynn contacted the Russian ambassador and lied about it. It's the FBI's fault. Think about that for a moment.
Only in the cult members minds, normal people know the diff between right and wrong. Possessing classified info that belongs to the US Gov't def wrong.
When you only take in far right media you miss most of the facts.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-25-2022, 12:15 PM
lol, the smell of desperation.
Im a little pissed at my 3rd grade teacher who told me run on sentences and bad grammar would kill my chance at being president.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-25-2022, 1:38 PM
ITs gong to be a big nothing burger. Fishing expedition.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-25-2022, 3:23 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
ITs gong to be a big nothing burger. Fishing expedition.
Are you talking about the classified document fiasco?
The 1/6 capitol riot he caused and dereliction of duty to defend the constitution.
Other 1/6 crimes?
The trying to steal an election thing?
The replace the US Atty General to involve the DOJ in the big lie scheme?
The New York state investigation on his business fraud cases? the one where he plead the 5th 440times.
The Georgia election officials he pressured to overturn the actual results election stealing thing?
The 7 swing state fake elector scheme he ran?
The big lie grift?
or something else im sure im forgetting some?
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-25-2022, 8:52 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I think that is a fair question. I don't know. based on how documents have historically been handled with Presidents, the answer is no. The statute for the archives was not even a thing until Richard Nixon in 1974 was going to destroy his documents. The who point of a search warrant and raid is to prevent evidence from being destroyed. There was no indication with Trump or any other president other than Nixon that this was going to occur. Trump gave them access and even put the lock on the place they were stored by the request of the FBI. That is the argument in general. Also the act is not a criminal statute.
Errrr, yes it is. In 2018 Trump made it a 5 year felony for unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-26-2022, 8:47 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Errrr, yes it is. In 2018 Trump made it a 5 year felony for unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials.
And? He is was president. The laws apply different to the President.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-26-2022, 8:50 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Errrr, yes it is. In 2018 Trump made it a 5 year felony for unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials.
Records violation with the Archives is not a criminal statute. President can declassify what he wants when he wants thus he is not holding classified info by definition.
Pretty interesting that little leaks of what is in the boxes just happen to seep out to the public week by week now isn't it?
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-26-2022, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Destroying documents is not the "only" reason for a search warrant. National security comes to mind. Nixon was a criminal, thus rule change. Almost 50 years of precedent, it is a norm, documents belong to the US Gov. If trump was cooperating, there would be no need for subpoena, clearly, he was not. His atty signed paperwork stating all documents were returned, then the DOJ came down and took 300+ classified documents and 20 some boxes he and atty lied about.
The grifter isnt president either.
The grifter is under at least 5-7 state and federal criminal investigations. Including attempting to change the results of a presidential election, fraud, obstruction, tax fraud, conspiracy.....
If you or I had classified documents in our possession, the FBI would not have been so kind.
Go ahead, blame the FBI because Flynn contacted the Russian ambassador and lied about it. It's the FBI's fault. Think about that for a moment.
Only in the cult members minds, normal people know the diff between right and wrong. Possessing classified info that belongs to the US Gov't def wrong.
When you only take in far right media you miss most of the facts.
If you weren't high all the time, you'd remember he blocked you a long time ago. No one here cares about what you have to say because you're such a toxic wasteland of a human being. So, go smoke a few more bong loads and buzz off. You're not wanted here.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-26-2022, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Records violation with the Archives is not a criminal statute. President can declassify what he wants when he wants thus he is not holding classified info by definition.
Pretty interesting that little leaks of what is in the boxes just happen to seep out to the public week by week now isn't it?
Yep. Exactly. All it takes is a little dose here and there to keep up the smoke and mirrors of the evil ones.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-26-2022, 1:02 PM
Originally Posted by markj
If you weren't high all the time, you'd remember he blocked you a long time ago. No one here cares about what you have to say because you're such a toxic wasteland of a human being. So, go smoke a few more bong loads and buzz off. You're not wanted here.
I Know, its for the record.
Either done defending the grifter or the recent level 10 load of damage is indefensible. Thus, weak azz personal attacks is all you have. Jesus would be proud to have you at his side. Maybe i'll go smoke 2 joints and declare "I believe", then ill be a Christian, just like you except i'll have correct moral behavior AND I dont hate most of the world. Winning.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-26-2022, 1:10 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Yep. Exactly. All it takes is a little dose here and there to keep up the smoke and mirrors of the evil ones.
What was the grifters very legal plan with all the classified info? Why did he steal it?
So, you dont care if he sold it to the Saudis? The Chinese? The Russians? All the above? You stop caring about National Security? Seemed it was highly important when that clinton broad may have had a classified document on her computer. Hannity is still talking about it daily after all these years.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-26-2022, 9:05 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
President can declassify what he wants when he wants thus he is not holding classified info by definition.
Well, that certainly isn't true. He can't just wave a chicken drumstick over a top secret document and declare it declassified, there is a procedure which has to be followed to notify the change and the register has to be updated. And certain types of documents which cover nuclear issues have to go to a committee, it is not the presidents whim.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-26-2022, 9:39 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Well, that certainly isn't true. He can't just wave a chicken drumstick over a top secret document and declare it declassified, there is a procedure which has to be followed to notify the change and the register has to be updated. And certain types of documents which cover nuclear issues have to go to a committee, it is not the presidents whim.
Whats with you and chicken drumsticks lately? Gettin hungry under the 25th COVID lockdown in your third world country? Looking for a new national bird that can fly? Newsflash: Chickens can't fly either. You been hanging with our resident druggie, 95 and got the munchies?
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-26-2022, 9:44 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
What was the grifters very legal plan with all the classified info? Why did he steal it?
So, you dont care if he sold it to the Saudis? The Chinese? The Russians? All the above? You stop caring about National Security? Seemed it was highly important when that clinton broad may have had a classified document on her computer. Hannity is still talking about it daily after all these years.
You keep forgetting that no one cares about anything you post here. That includes me and all the rest of the posters here. Go back to your drugs.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-27-2022, 9:23 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You keep forgetting that no one cares about anything you post here. That includes me and all the rest of the posters here. Go back to your drugs.
You sad today? You sound upset. Want to share your feelings? Need a hug?
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-27-2022, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You sad today? You sound upset. Want to share your feelings? Need a hug?
Nah. Just finished eating my breakfast burrito while relaxing and enjoying the view of my own private dock and the lovely water view in my back yard. The Mrs gave me a lot more than a hug earlier too soooo...... Life is GOOD. Thanks for your concern.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-27-2022, 4:05 PM
Yikes that's a mental picture no one wants. How long until she regains consciousness?
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-30-2022, 4:01 AM
funny, judge is going to appose the master to review the DOJ, and they miraculously went through all the paperwork, ITs a big nothing burger, and fake news pounded it, just like all the other fake news.
Funny, FBI and DOJ to to facebook and tell them to kill the Hunter Biden laptop story because its "russian disinfo" The FBI and DOJ have been the swamp. Corruption at all ends. I guess the left was correct, there was election interference, IT WAS THEM AND THE FBI!
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-30-2022, 7:38 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
funny, judge is going to appose the master to review the DOJ, and they miraculously went through all the paperwork, ITs a big nothing burger, and fake news pounded it, just like all the other fake news.
Funny, FBI and DOJ to to facebook and tell them to kill the Hunter Biden laptop story because its "russian disinfo" The FBI and DOJ have been the swamp. Corruption at all ends. I guess the left was correct, there was election interference, IT WAS THEM AND THE FBI!
Enuff of the BS posturing and blaming FBI, DOJ, Hunter Biden, Judges and everyone else EXCEPT the ONE who stole it all.
Why did your King steal all those Top Secret Documents? What was he trying to do? He was caught Red-Handed 3 separate times and lied about it each time. What was his very legal plan?
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-30-2022, 9:41 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Enuff of the BS posturing and blaming FBI, DOJ, Hunter Biden, Judges and everyone else EXCEPT the ONE who stole it all.
Why did your King steal all those Top Secret Documents? What was he trying to do? He was caught Red-Handed 3 separate times and lied about it each time. What was his very legal plan?
lol, he stole documents that can legally declassify. they were sitting in a basement, reviewed by FBI and told to lock them up better. Sat for 2 years. please! Its a fishing tatic, just the the insurance plan by the FBI with Struck to make sure he does not win. Just like Russian hoax, russian bank hoax. and soon to be. drum role
The Fauci hoax, so many lies, not enough time to review them all. Wait till Europe has not energy, oh, its only just begun. Boobs running the show, shameful
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-30-2022, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
lol, he stole documents that can legally declassify. they were sitting in a basement, reviewed by FBI and told to lock them up better. Sat for 2 years. please! Its a fishing tatic, just the the insurance plan by the FBI with Struck to make sure he does not win. Just like Russian hoax, russian bank hoax. and soon to be. drum role
The Fauci hoax, so many lies, not enough time to review them all. Wait till Europe has not energy, oh, its only just begun. Boobs running the show, shameful
You are still not answering the Question. More BS. It is a simple Question.
Why did he steal a truckload of secret classified documents? What was his very legal plan for them?
You appear to lack most of the information on what he did. You forgot he and his attys lie and said they gave it all back...and then they get a very legal subpoena and come to find he has another truck load sitting there. What do you expect the DOJ to do, let him sell US Govt documents?
Other than the fact there is zero paper trail and no one else knew he declassified, he waved his magic drumstick and exclaimed "I hearby declassify all" and no one heard him. If you belive that,,, I got a bridge...
Why would he declassify? I mean no other president ever did anything like this. If he declassifies and sells to the Saudis or China, or Russia or... ok with you? If he declassifies and our people/spies over seas are killed because of him that ok? He declassifies nuke documents and sells to Russia, you ok with that? Does declassifying make any difference?, our National Security issues dont change because he has a magic drumstick, does it?
Good to see you mixing and matching your conspiracy theories, good boy. Grifter lost the popular vote in 2016, squeeked by against a very unpopular HC. Then he lost the Senate and the House immediately after. In 2020 he lost the popular and electoral election (no matter how hard he tried to steal the election). Now after watching the top secret doc theft, the 1/6 hearing, The Georgia State election investigation, NY Biz investigation where he plead the 5th 400 times......he lost the vote of every "normal" republican, all he has left is minority cult45 who enjoy the lies. You think he has a chance? lol, Bring it on.
Dont forget, donate, most Billionaires are always asking for your $$. Send it! He needs your $$!
Why is Tucker still not releasing hunters laptop? Hasnt he had it for years? He deep state too? How dum can one get?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-30-2022, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Well, that certainly isn't true. He can't just wave a chicken drumstick over a top secret document and declare it declassified, there is a procedure which has to be followed to notify the change and the register has to be updated. And certain types of documents which cover nuclear issues have to go to a committee, it is not the presidents whim.
1988 (Navy v. Egan) where the US Supreme Court determined, tangential to the merits of the case, that the President has unlimited authority to declassify anytime, anywhere, anything, and that Congress cannot impose any restrictions or processes to limit it
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-30-2022, 2:07 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
1988 (Navy v. Egan) where the US Supreme Court determined, tangential to the merits of the case, that the President has unlimited authority to declassify anytime, anywhere, anything, and that Congress cannot impose any restrictions or processes to limit it
No that's not what Navy v Egan determined. There still has to be record keeping, he doesn't have the power to declassify nuclear secrets and he can't declassify things when is no longer president.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-30-2022, 3:02 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
1988 (Navy v. Egan) where the US Supreme Court determined, tangential to the merits of the case, that the President has unlimited authority to declassify anytime, anywhere, anything, and that Congress cannot impose any restrictions or processes to limit it
For the record.
That isnt what Navy V. Egan determined. Its Fascist MAGA BS.
In addition, If trump un-classifies a document that pertains to US Nat'l Security, IE, if foreign powers had it it would greatly harm the US. Then, It does not matter if he declassifies, It is still a threat to the country. If he declassifies a document that ID's some of our spies at home or overseas, he is putting their lives in danger for no reason other than his pleasure. Real presidents dont put peoples lives in danger for their fun. This type of thing IS NOT done in the US. When a prez wants to De-Classify something he asks an Oversite Dept to see if declassifying would have a detrimental effect on the country. Then he makes a decision.
It also does not matter if the stolen documents are "classified" or not, they are the property of the United States, not an ex pres.
Not a single MAGAt has explained what the criminal was doing storing a truckload of secret documents at his golf club. Only excuses. The club that has several instances of foreign nationals sneaking in w/o any one knowing...til after the fact. One Chinese, One Russian. Clearly his security sucks.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-30-2022, 3:58 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Your article says you are wrong.
The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy v. Egan — which involved the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance — addresses this line of authority.
" The president, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the president, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."
Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, told PolitiFact in 2017 that such authority gives the president the authority to "classify and declassify at will."
The situation recalls the "infamous comment" by President Richard Nixon that "when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal." But national-security specialists at the blog Lawfare wrote that this "is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the president gets to disclose what he wants."
If a president’s appointees disagree with those actions, the president "can overrule their decisions," Turner said. "Within the executive branch, the president is the boss."
The rest of what you are trying to point out is conjecture stating if the president did not take the labels off then he did not have the time to say they were declassified. That is simple bull crap. pure conjecture. Look. All the facts are on the Presidents side. They can not prove one way or another what he said and when on this. The Executive Branch is the one who made up the classified system and the President is the Alpha and the Omega on it apparently.
Even your expert in the article at the end states:
"We’re in uncharted territory on the issue of criminally prosecuting a former president over mishandling classified documents," Moss said. "There is no legal precedent to look to for guidance. It raises all sorts of constitutional implications and it is anyone’s guess how it would play out."
Wonder where you have read that before?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-30-2022, 4:22 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Looks like the guy who was in charge of the biden case in the FBI was just walked out of the building. Not looking good for the FBI. Facebook CEO says the FBI came to them saying some Russian disinformation was getting ready to drop. Turns out the biden stuff dropped right after. Of course we all know now that the democrats were the ones who fabricated the whole russian interference talking points. Coming apart just as we told you it would.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-30-2022, 8:18 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
For the record.
That isnt what Navy V. Egan determined. Its Fascist MAGA BS.
In addition, If trump un-classifies a document that pertains to US Nat'l Security, IE, if foreign powers had it it would greatly harm the US. Then, It does not matter if he declassifies, It is still a threat to the country. If he declassifies a document that ID's some of our spies at home or overseas, he is putting their lives in danger for no reason other than his pleasure. Real presidents dont put peoples lives in danger for their fun. This type of thing IS NOT done in the US. When a prez wants to De-Classify something he asks an Oversite Dept to see if declassifying would have a detrimental effect on the country. Then he makes a decision.
It also does not matter if the stolen documents are "classified" or not, they are the property of the United States, not an ex pres.
Not a single MAGAt has explained what the criminal was doing storing a truckload of secret documents at his golf club. Only excuses. The club that has several instances of foreign nationals sneaking in w/o any one knowing...til after the fact. One Chinese, One Russian. Clearly his security sucks.
Just like a psycho-ex-girlfriend, you keep trying to get his attention when he (and everyone else here) clearly wants you to never come back to post here again. Don't you get it? It's over. You're over. We've all had enough of your toxic, drug-addled rantings. You're tired. Go find another home to spew your nonsense.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-30-2022, 8:38 PM
Speaking of psycho-exes, here, we have another story showing how valuable the 2nd A is. I can't understand why all you commie leftists want to take our 2A rights away-other than wanting to make sure it's only YOU who can have guns to carry out your fascist wet dreams.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-30-2022, 8:39 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
coming apart just as we told you it would.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-30-2022, 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Looks like the guy who was in charge of the biden case in the FBI was just walked out of the building. Not looking good for the FBI. Facebook CEO says the FBI came to them saying some Russian disinformation was getting ready to drop. Turns out the biden stuff dropped right after. Of course we all know now that the democrats were the ones who fabricated the whole russian interference talking points. Coming apart just as we told you it would.
What does that have to do with Trump not being able to declassify documents on the fly?
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-30-2022, 10:24 PM
Ooooooh, did you see the RNC has said they are no longer going to foot Trumps legal bills? That is interesting, wonder if that means he will announce before the midterms? I bet Trump gets all salty about it and try's to burn the RNC down. That would be a shame if Trump sunk the republicans midterm hopes just to be a spiteful baby and "teach them a lesson" or whatever goes through the narcissists head.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-31-2022, 8:22 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
What does that have to do with Trump not being able to declassify documents on the fly?
It doesn't. It is just another example of how the scales of justice are tipped against Trump from the highest levels. The after election polling stated that 1 in 6 biden voters would not have voted for him had they knew of the laptop story. Obviously polls are what they are, but extremely interesting and if true it absolutely would have tipped the election to Trump. Eventually people are going to have to wake up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-31-2022, 8:26 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Ooooooh, did you see the RNC has said they are no longer going to foot Trumps legal bills? That is interesting, wonder if that means he will announce before the midterms? I bet Trump gets all salty about it and try's to burn the RNC down. That would be a shame if Trump sunk the republicans midterm hopes just to be a spiteful baby and "teach them a lesson" or whatever goes through the narcissists head.
I think that is old news. Trump backed many candidates in the primaries this summer and almost every single one them won their primaries. I believe it was over 20 some maybe up to 30? This has the leadership in the Republican Senate worried though. They believe that many may not be quality universal appeal candidates. Basically we will have to see how Trump backed candidates perform in the midterms against their democrat counterparts. If they do well, then it will change the Republican leadership position. If they do not, I don't know if they will back Trump. He still has the support of the people especially after this DOJ stunt.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-31-2022, 9:04 AM
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-31-2022, 9:27 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It doesn't. It is just another example of how the scales of justice are tipped against Trump from the highest levels. The after election polling stated that 1 in 6 biden voters would not have voted for him had they knew of the laptop story. Obviously polls are what they are, but extremely interesting and if true it absolutely would have tipped the election to Trump. Eventually people are going to have to wake up.
By him. I meant biden
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-31-2022, 9:40 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It doesn't. It is just another example of how the scales of justice are tipped against Trump from the highest levels. The after election polling stated that 1 in 6 biden voters would not have voted for him had they knew of the laptop story. Obviously polls are what they are, but extremely interesting and if true it absolutely would have tipped the election to Trump. Eventually people are going to have to wake up.
Funny how the justice system works. Do crime and you ask/beg for attn. from law enforcement, pretty simple. Trump stole US Govt documents, when caught, he refused to return them, he is a common criminal. The exact same happens to any law breaker no matter political belief. Remind me, Hunter Biden running for anything yet?
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-31-2022, 9:51 AM
Do all the media outlets go thru these Billion $$ suits?? or just the one who cant handle the truth?
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-31-2022, 3:15 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It is just another example of how the scales of justice are tipped against Trump from the highest levels. The after election polling stated that 1 in 6 biden voters would not have voted for him had they knew of the laptop story. Obviously polls are what they are, but extremely interesting and if true it absolutely would have tipped the election to Trump
Oh boo hoo. Just like he won the 2016 election because James Comey announced the investigation in Hillary's emails a few weeks before voting started. I've never seen somebody so supposedly alpha be such a victim man child.
On the plus side at least you now seem to admit he lost the election.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-31-2022, 3:25 PM
Soooooo these documents marked Secret/Top secret from the Trump raid, are they:
1. Planted
2. Imaginary
3. Documents already given back
4. Not top secret
5. Top secret but declassified
6. Stolen
So hard to keep up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-31-2022, 4:46 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Soooooo these documents marked Secret/Top secret from the Trump raid, are they:
1. Planted
2. Imaginary
3. Documents already given back
4. Not top secret
5. Top secret but declassified
6. Stolen
So hard to keep up.
The fact you are seeing these on your computer tells you this is a hit job. Ask the FBI or even the whitehouse talking head and the first thing they will tell you is they can not comment on a on going investigation. However it appears they can post pictures on the internet?
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-31-2022, 5:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The fact you are seeing these on your computer tells you this is a hit job. Ask the FBI or even the whitehouse talking head and the first thing they will tell you is they can not comment on a on going investigation. However it appears they can post pictures on the internet?
Errrrr no actually. Trump asked for the FBI to release the affidavit and evidence register for "Transparency" so they did. Trumps own goal is only evidence of his stupidity, nothing else.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-01-2022, 8:34 AM
[QUOTE=ralph;2015801]Errrrr no actually. Trump asked for the FBI to release the affidavit and evidence register for "Transparency" so they did. Trumps own goal is only evidence of his stupidity, nothing else.[/QUOTE
They have been leaking bits and pieces the whole time. Trump wants them to release it all not bits and pieces. Again he declassified. The document side is a non criminal. Sounds to me like the democrats are trying to set him up for some sort of obstruction. Pretty typical. Go in and force an altercation with the Feds then say the person the Feds tried to bully obstructed them. Pretty typical operation for them is sounds like.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-01-2022, 8:59 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The fact you are seeing these on your computer tells you this is a hit job. Ask the FBI or even the whitehouse talking head and the first thing they will tell you is they can not comment on a on going investigation. However it appears they can post pictures on the internet?
Tell the grifter to STOP ASKING THE DOJ to release materials. How does one self order a hit? Hit job lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-01-2022, 9:09 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Errrrr no actually. Trump asked for the FBI to release the affidavit and evidence register for "Transparency" so they did. Trumps own goal is only evidence of his stupidity, nothing else.[/QUOTE
They have been leaking bits and pieces the whole time. Trump wants them to release it all not bits and pieces. Again he declassified. The document side is a non criminal. Sounds to me like the democrats are trying to set him up for some sort of obstruction. Pretty typical. Go in and force an altercation with the Feds then say the person the Feds tried to bully obstructed them. Pretty typical operation for them is sounds like.
Tighten down your steel backed alum head piece, lol. You would have to be a complete fool to actually believe what you write. Its hysterical. Declassified???, as if it matters. It does not. Trump refused to return stolen documents for over a year and a half. The DOJ and a grand jury asked nicely. Trump returned a few docs, the feds, not satisfied asked for confirmation. They came out, took more documents (many classified) and afterwards trumps attys signed off on paperwork VERIFYING ALL WAS GONE. Then after another subpoena the feds showed up again and low and behold trump was hiding more classified documents, over 100 of them. The Feds, in an hour found hundreds more documents after trumps attys spent weeks "searching".
Trump refusal to comply was the only constant. The DOJ has all the receipts to destroy your fairy tale.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-01-2022, 4:17 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Tighten down your steel backed alum head piece, lol. You would have to be a complete fool to actually believe what you write. Its hysterical. Declassified???, as if it matters. It does not. Trump refused to return stolen documents for over a year and a half. The DOJ and a grand jury asked nicely. Trump returned a few docs, the feds, not satisfied asked for confirmation. They came out, took more documents (many classified) and afterwards trumps attys signed off on paperwork VERIFYING ALL WAS GONE. Then after another subpoena the feds showed up again and low and behold trump was hiding more classified documents, over 100 of them. The Feds, in an hour found hundreds more documents after trumps attys spent weeks "searching".
Trump refusal to comply was the only constant. The DOJ has all the receipts to destroy your fairy tale.
Still playing the role of psycho-ex-girlfriend to Delta, I see. Face it. He dumped you. He moved on from you. Just like I'm getting close to doing. You need to seek counseling or something. Maybe sniff some paint?
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-01-2022, 8:06 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Still playing the role of psycho-ex-girlfriend to Delta, I see. Face it. He dumped you. He moved on from you. Just like I'm getting close to doing. You need to seek counseling or something. Maybe sniff some paint?
Still keeping score?
Face it. Delta cant handle the truth. I caught him in 3 blatant lies all on the same day, i proved it in black and white. He cried and went home. He is beaten down and is hiding from another online wakeworld backhand. I get it, I can understand why you both would run home. Your guy is imploding and the lies wont make sense to anyone much longer. Today, an ex cop that got caught at Trumps 1/6 party just got sentenced to10 years for beating another cop. Is that the Winning trump promised? How bout the dead guy who went after FBI, dead in a cornfield, that winning? The normal republicans checked out after 1/6. The average trump fans are falling out now. 7-8 Federal and State criminal and Civil investigations isnt normal, the guy is a criminal. His lawyers are lawyering up. Eventually, all that will remain is the lowest of the low, those fully deep in the cult, the 1/6ers, the ones arming up, the Lets GO Brandon bumper sticker guys, the holders of the six-pack ab trump Superman Flags... all ushered to violence by trump, tucker, AM Radio devils....
So, who you wanna end up with?
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-02-2022, 7:28 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Still keeping score?
Face it. Delta cant handle the truth. I caught him in 3 blatant lies all on the same day, i proved it in black and white. He cried and went home. He is beaten down and is hiding from another online wakeworld backhand. I get it, I can understand why you both would run home. Your guy is imploding and the lies wont make sense to anyone much longer. Today, an ex cop that got caught at Trumps 1/6 party just got sentenced to10 years for beating another cop. Is that the Winning trump promised? How bout the dead guy who went after FBI, dead in a cornfield, that winning? The normal republicans checked out after 1/6. The average trump fans are falling out now. 7-8 Federal and State criminal and Civil investigations isnt normal, the guy is a criminal. His lawyers are lawyering up. Eventually, all that will remain is the lowest of the low, those fully deep in the cult, the 1/6ers, the ones arming up, the Lets GO Brandon bumper sticker guys, the holders of the six-pack ab trump Superman Flags... all ushered to violence by trump, tucker, AM Radio devils....
So, who you wanna end up with?
No one is hiding from you. They just don’t like you and don’t want to have any communication with you. You are a cancer. Your wild claims get more absurd every day. Just like Biden last night, you’re the crazy aunt locked up in the closet. Here’s what you’ve been reduced to.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-02-2022, 9:01 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No one is hiding from you. They just don’t like you and don’t want to have any communication with you. You are a cancer. Your wild claims get more absurd every day. Just like Biden last night, you’re the crazy aunt locked up in the closet. Here’s what you’ve been reduced to.
Wild claims in black and white. Stop hiding, explain what your Daddy was doing with all the Documents that most definitely are not his. Highest bidder? But her emails?? Lock her up!?
Join Date: Jul 2007
09-02-2022, 1:52 PM
Barr sums it up pretty well. He would know.
“Let me just say, I think the driver on this from the beginning was, you know, loads of classified information sitting in Mar-a-Lago. People say this was unprecedented, well it’s also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a country club, OK?”
Barr added: “And how long is the government going to try to get that back? They jawbone for a year, they were deceived on the voluntary actions taken, they then went and got a subpoena, they were deceived on that, they feel, and the facts are starting to show, that they were being jerked around and so how long, you know, how long do they wait?!”