If any of you wakeboard in Miami you probably have heard of Marine Stadium. It is the only good place out in the bay to wakeboard. It was founded a long time ago for concerts, ski events and boat races. When hurrican Andrew hit the stadium was destroyed and closed down. Now everyone just goes there to wakeboard, ski and jetski. There is also a rowing team that rows there. The team is MRC (Miami Rowing Club). All the wakeboarders hate the rowers and vice versa. Anyways a kid in MRC told me that they are making marine stadium a NO WAKE ZONE. He said that the coach made like a video showing how dangerous the wakeboarders wakes are to the rowers and stuff and that someone almost died or something. He said that they met with the cheif of police (who happens to be a rower) and basically were screwed. What can I do to make sure this doesnt happen. If Marine stadium is made a no wake zone many of the miami wakeboarders are screwed since there are like no public lakes here. Do I make a petition or something? this is really important and I'd really appreciate any tips or help.