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Old     (liquidforce3015)      Join Date: May 2005       03-14-2006, 7:11 PM Reply   
im looking o get the 06 and was wondering if it's a good idea to get it as my primary board not just a slider board. Like is it good for inverts and spins
Old     (projectely4)      Join Date: Apr 2003       03-14-2006, 7:23 PM Reply   
it isn't good for inverts and spins but there are a fewa that changed the way they pop off the wake so they couls use it behind the boat
Old     (liquidforce3015)      Join Date: May 2005       03-14-2006, 9:05 PM Reply   
has anyone ridden behind a boat going wake to wake?
Old     (phil06140)      Join Date: Jul 2004       03-14-2006, 9:14 PM Reply   
there was a post of some guy going huge with that board w-birds, raleys, and the like.
i dont like the toeside pop... other than that heelside, switch heelside it was not hard to get used to. ive landed spins and inverts on it. BUT i still like my hl era 142 better. i would not use it as a primary stick.. imo but try it out man, people always say to demo and there is a reason for that.
Old     (airwarrior04)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-14-2006, 9:36 PM Reply   
Yeah, Jason Callen is the one with the Roam. Goes huge on it and kills it.
Old     (masonwakerider)      Join Date: May 2003       03-14-2006, 10:11 PM Reply   
It has a lot to do with how you ride, and where you ride. I bought one last year and loved it. By the end of the season it was the only board i rode. It seems that if you have a snowboard background, and like finless boards then its worth a try. One thing i like about the board is how fricking fast it is. Not only does it makes cuts into the wake effortless, it let me strech my sessions almost twice as long with out getting tired. Landing big airs is a little more work but it all takes a little getting used to.
Old     (liquidforce3015)      Join Date: May 2005       03-14-2006, 10:41 PM Reply   
thansk for all the input but demoing is not an option and i saw that picutre of the guy going huge on a roam...and i also have a snowboard background and ride my board finless so im just gonna go for it ill tell you guys how i like it
Old     (rmcronin)      Join Date: Aug 2002       03-15-2006, 4:51 AM Reply

this might help you make up your mind
Old     (guido)      Join Date: Jul 2002       03-15-2006, 8:55 AM Reply   
Josh and Callen both kill it on that board. They also both have un-real board control. I rode it for a bit wake to wake and got huge pop heelside. Toeside was sketch. You just have to get used to it and change your edging style. I think the only way to ride that board is as your only ride. If you go back and forth I think you'll just mess yourself up. I also like how fast the board is. No hangups or gimmicks, just speed.

I've heard (from Callen) that the '06 board edges even better than the '05 so I wouldn't mind giving it another shot some time this year.

Good luck with it, man. Post up some pics.
Old     (projectely4)      Join Date: Apr 2003       03-15-2006, 9:56 AM Reply   
from my experiences i think the board does really well on big rampy wakes where its speed helps with the pop but behind more vertical wakes like a SAN 210 or a X-1 i think the flex in the board will absorb the pop when you hit the wake.

just my opinion and i still think it is awesome board that many people will like just because of how fun it is to ride on a glassy day
Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       03-15-2006, 10:19 AM Reply   
William (projectely4) - I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Old     (guido)      Join Date: Jul 2002       03-15-2006, 11:02 AM Reply   
ewwww. Looks like Thane's got a short temper today. William, the pics of Callen going huge are mostly behind Jarrod's boat which is an X2. It works on any wake. It's all riding style.
Old     (masonwakerider)      Join Date: May 2003       03-15-2006, 11:56 AM Reply   
For me i didnt have to change my riding style at all. Maybe i had the right style to begin with? The pop is a little different then just standing tall at the wake. It seems to help if you ollie a bit when you hit the wake like when hitting a kicker when snowboarding This lets you use the flex to create more pop. As for toe side this board helped my toe side a lot. I went from just clearing the wake on my tfd to doing grabs into the flat and spinning. For me the biggest thing you have to get used to is the landing. Its a lot easier if you take it into the flats and land even weighted between your feet. When you land on the tranny the board wants to speed away from you. I was riding it behind a 24 cabin cruser with a monster wake (think a sacked SANTE shape but bigger) you would land flat based on the tranny and speed up it was like wakeboarding down hill.
All in all these boards are cheap so buy one if you dont like jumping it take it out when its butter and do some big surf turns and carves.
Old     (liquidforce3015)      Join Date: May 2005       03-15-2006, 4:09 PM Reply   
yeah liek you said davis its so cheap i think im just gonna go for it and hope for the best.
Old     (kristian)      Join Date: Nov 2002       03-15-2006, 4:17 PM Reply   
If you have the moeny to spend, get one, they're unbelievably fun. I've never taken one behind the boat but have done much sliding on one and just so much fun and once you get used to it going back to a traditional board seems weird. I might get one when my knee gets better for a rehab type thing, they're just fun!
Old     (projectely4)      Join Date: Apr 2003       03-15-2006, 6:26 PM Reply   
i guess i am wrong. sorry, but Thane i know alot about the board and i was trying to use the board design and being that it is a continuous rocker and very fast i would think it would pop better off a rampier wake. i have just a little experience of riding my Roam behind a X-star and from other riders experiences i have talked to they weren't able to get much pop and they were riding behind a SAN 210.

i am really excited though to see this board being used more especially for people that aren't using it for rails. it is getting much more popular and the roam is a rewally fun board.

Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       03-15-2006, 6:41 PM Reply   
Old     (westsidarider)      Join Date: Feb 2003       03-15-2006, 8:00 PM Reply   
yup i lov the roam. i was ridin my parks finless and when the roam first came out i took one ride on it and never looked back at a normal board. gettin used to the board deffinately took a few runs. the way it edges and pops, but if u have a snowboard backround u wont have any problems adapting. the way i found to control the board the best is to ride with ur knees bent alot, a really squatty position. the new shape deffinately edges way harder than last years and pops bigger too because of the sidecut and it is stiffer through the middle of the board. the only downfall that the new shape has that is easy to get used to is that u have to cut all the way into the wake. you cant really let up on ur edge at all otherwize u will completely loose all speed and control. u have to really take a real progresive edge. jus keep that in mind when tryin the board and u will have no problems.


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