Join Date: Feb 2006
02-26-2006, 10:35 PM
i'm interested in a new board. i'm an intermidate rider and weigh 150 pounds. whats a good pick
Join Date: Aug 2004
02-26-2006, 10:37 PM
um any more details?
Join Date: Feb 2006
02-26-2006, 10:46 PM
its my second year boarding and i'm not sure what i'm looking for. i'm interested in the byerly. thats pretty much it.
Join Date: Mar 2004
02-27-2006, 8:22 AM
Luke - What are you riding now, and how dose it feel? What are you looking for, something to free ride or progress on?
Join Date: Apr 2004
02-27-2006, 9:56 AM
Question time! 1) What boat do you ride behind? 2) What tricks are you doing now? 3) What do you want to be doing? 5) What board do you ride now and what do you like and dont like about it? Danny T. WWW.OKCBoardShop.COM WWW.WakeboardOklahoma.COM
Join Date: Nov 2002
02-27-2006, 1:28 PM
Danny you forgot the all important questions: Whats you favourate colour? and who's your favourate pro-rider? lol. Seriously, Luke, where do you live? What are your local pro-shops, if any?
Join Date: Apr 2004
02-27-2006, 1:36 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
02-27-2006, 4:15 PM
i'm riding an 04 era. i want to progress. i have a jet sled. its not the best wakeboarding boat but it does have a tower. my trick bag is just grabs and starting to work alot on 360s and 180s. }i want to be able to do big tricks and get better. i live in covington washington. i don't know of any local proshops. i would like a board that has a tight edge hold with enourmous pop.
Join Date: Dec 2005
02-27-2006, 4:46 PM
if you want tight hold and huge pop, then go with the parks.
Join Date: Feb 2006
02-27-2006, 4:51 PM
hows the parks different from the premier or the byerly. whats the speed on the parks too
Join Date: Feb 2003
02-27-2006, 5:14 PM
Oh dear God, don't go with the Parks. Byerly either. You want a board that will make your progression easy. If you have such blind allegiance to hyperlite, look at the Era. Wait, you have an Era. You don't need a new board.
Join Date: Jun 2002
02-28-2006, 5:40 PM
but dude, he wants more pop.
Join Date: Nov 2003
02-28-2006, 6:53 PM
06 Hyperlite Murray. Nice edge, huge pop, soft landings.
Join Date: Feb 2003
02-28-2006, 7:57 PM
luke- you are riding behind a jet boat, so the wake probably isnt the biggest, so riding a board with a 3 stage rocker is probably going to be your best decision. the parks has a huge upward pop becase of the 3 stage rocker it has. which might make that board a good choice for you. i would recomend going into your local proshop and demoing any board you think about buying before you buy. most shops offer a garauntee where if you buy a board and dont like it they will trade it out for another as long as you keep it in great condition.
Join Date: May 2005
02-28-2006, 8:13 PM
Luke if your only thought is huge pop get the parks but if you are looking to land something, look elsewhere. The Parks is a grat board for Parks but if you want to progress and are looking for something different maybe try the State, Premier, or J star Empire.
Join Date: Feb 2003
02-28-2006, 8:38 PM
luke. there are alot of people on this board that have a very negative opinion of the parks board. i know alot of people who ride and have ridden the parks board in the past. you either love the board or you hate it. there is no in bewtween. it is a hard board to ride. but if you can figure out how to ride it there are nothing but benefits to it. some take a couple rides to get used to it. some people love it the fist time they get up like i did. like i said before i would recomend demoing one. i would try it with no larger than the 1.1 inch fins. before i started riding finless i rode with the .7s for almost 2 years. my biggest piece of advice is dont rule out any board before you try it. and a try should be 2 runs. not just a couple jumps.
Join Date: Feb 2006
03-01-2006, 4:36 PM
thanks you guys. i'm gunna demo a couple boards. thanks for your input
03-14-2006, 1:58 PM
Hey Luke, This is Tyler's(ICM 90)Parent. Go to the INT League website www.intleague.com, look at the Washington Page it will give you several pro shops to go to. You can also check out the tour stops for Amateur riders. It sounds like you'd be in the Novice. It's a nice family environment - and has lots of people who can answer all your questions and help you in person. If nothing else see if your Dad or Red will take you to watch an event. (It's free to watch.) Our big one is in May at Greenlake... Best wishes!
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-15-2006, 4:35 AM
I will sell you a brand new 05 Parks bio 136 for $209
Join Date: Dec 2005
03-15-2006, 7:45 AM
Ever heard the expression "It's not the arrow, it's the Indian"? IMO I think the board you have is a pretty good board. You should see if you can hook up with some local riders and try a different boat or wake. I'm not saying that you should run out an buy a new boat, but check out the potential of your existing board before you go spend hundereds of dollars to get a different board only to find out it is not that much better than what you have. Just remember that there were pro's doing great tricks with less board and less boat than what you have now and killing it back in the old days.