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Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       05-25-2005, 9:36 AM Reply   
we are taking our chances at Bonny Lake. will be there sat. - mon. it is out of the way, but anyones welcome.
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       05-25-2005, 4:22 PM Reply   
Guys..... We're Baaaaack.........!!!!! It's nice to be back though!!! I heard you all had some hot hot temps for this time of the year. While in Havasu, they were setting record temps just like you guys were. The first day there it was 100 degrees and everyday after that it ranged between 105-114!!! It was too hot if you weren't on the water. On the water it felt great!! Did some boarding, not as much as I would have liked. Did alot of partying. Met some cool colorado girls there.
Now for the bad news..... Did you all see my post from friday the 13th here in Wakeboarding Discussion? If not, we blew the Cummins Diesel engine in the truck on Friday the 13th in AshFork Arizona. Pretty much the middle of nowhere!! Bad start to a wakeboarding trip. It's nice to be back home, minus one Dodge Diesel truck which has now been sold in Phoenix. I had a few friends bring out my other truck to get us back to Colorado.

I'm now ready to hit the water here with all of you!! Let's get this boat rotation going!
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       05-25-2005, 4:58 PM Reply   
glad to here you had a good time considering your start. post some pics!!
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       05-25-2005, 4:59 PM Reply   
I guess it's glad to HEAR. yup, long day at the office
Old    hockeyjay09            05-25-2005, 10:20 PM Reply   
hi don't have a boat right now so i am always looking for a pull. i am a park ranger at standley lake so i know how to handle a boat. i am always down to pay for gas. and if any one ever has any questions about standley i have worked there for the last four years, would reccommend going there on the weekdays no one is ever there except for on weekends
weekends + lots of people= lots of tubes weekdays + no people= fly water
anyways if anyone is looking for a few riders hit me up

to those of you who have a wakeboard boat and never use it your being selfish. because there are some broke college kids who would use it everyday given the chance
Old     (colorider)      Join Date: Jun 2001       05-25-2005, 10:36 PM Reply   
How do we know which ranger you are? What if you are one of those evil rangers that yells at me.
Old     (h2oprodad)      Join Date: Mar 2005       05-25-2005, 10:46 PM Reply   
FYI to all,
This comming weekend is the 47th anual Masters Waterski and Wakeboard Tournament held on Robin Lake in Calaway Gardens, Pine Mtn.Georgia. Tino will be competing for his 3rd year in a row at this spectacular site. If anyone wants to see the Worlds Best 3 Event Skiers and Wakeboarders it is the place to go. 14 hrs or so to get there. Last year Tino was 2nd place finisher just edged out by Danny Harf. He's going bigger this year so everyone "Think posative thoughts" for our Colorado Kid !!! have a safe Holiday Weekend whatever you do...
Old    leggester            05-26-2005, 7:30 AM Reply   
14 hrs? Hehehe, it takes 17 to get to Illinois, much less GA :-)
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       05-26-2005, 10:58 AM Reply   
can anyone offer a pull for me and a couple of friends perhaps? Just got news that Tommy's won't have the engine in our boat for the weekend. they have had it for 2 weeks and just got the engine out and found a broken motor mount that won't be fixed till Wednesday. very bummed as we had 12 people counting on it for a good time. so I cancelled all plans and might just catch a ball game this weekend. haven't been out in exactly a year today, so any offers would be GREATLY appreciated. thx
Old    bohdi            05-26-2005, 11:52 AM Reply   
Pics for you...

Old    leggester            05-26-2005, 12:29 PM Reply   
Nice pics. Those two gals were not getting off that boat no matter what :-)
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       05-26-2005, 3:08 PM Reply   
Mike, sounds good
What lake are u gonna be ridin at
Ill be drivin down sat mornin
Ill give u a call tommorow

Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       05-26-2005, 3:12 PM Reply   
where are you riding. we may have a crownline (no tower) to play in on saturday while the 'bu is still being repaired. would love to get behind a wake boat though. let me know what's up.
are you going just to board or other agendas going on for the weekend?
Old    leggester            05-26-2005, 3:29 PM Reply   
You know, that stereo system looked a lot bigger in person.

Sure sounds bigger!
Old    leggester            05-31-2005, 7:23 AM Reply   
Anyone want to bring their boats and help out with a "boat load" of 16 - 19 year old gals?

My friends daughters want to get out and ride.

They are hotties too.

The 18 year old is a drag racer ( low 12s ) BTW.
Old    kmacfarlane            05-31-2005, 7:45 PM Reply   
Hey this is my first post as I just recently found this message board. First off, I noticed how friendly everyone seems to be for those in search of rides. That is refreshing...

Ok, my name is Kevin Macfarlane (no relation to Shayn - at least that I know) and I am new to the Denver area (2 years but still new to me). However, after looking for several years for a place to wakeboard I have finally found this forum. Long story short - I was going to buy a boat (still might), want to ride, don't know anyone with boat, and would like to meet some cool people who do ride and would like me enough to pull me (as usual will pay for goes, have a large truck and can tow if necessary, etc).

So I guess first, should I buy a boat? If so, where should I put it (and Orlando Florida is too long of a drive) and can I jump on with anyone who is riding?

Also, any reviews of Sloan's Lake? Too Shallow? Procedure to get a pass?
Old    leggester            06-02-2005, 9:07 AM Reply   
No takers huh? :-)
Old     (colorider)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-02-2005, 10:19 AM Reply   
Sloans is very shallow, filthy, but usually very calm water. No idea how you get a pass. Our riding has been so spuratic lately, I would hate to get your hopes up for riding then bail out on you. plus, until they get the lake clear of some of the debris, the riding is very sketchy. Went out yesterday and pretty much had to stop riding due to sooooo much wood debris in the water.
Old    mile_high_rider            06-02-2005, 11:16 AM Reply   
where in denver do you live? I am allways willing to pitch for a ride, and can drive, have been for my old man for ten years. Where to keep youre boat depends on where you live, and how far you want to trailer or drive to the lake.
Old    hockeyjay09            06-03-2005, 8:49 PM Reply   
ralph if your talking about standley haveing debris I am starting work out there sunday and will make sure to take care of it for ya. I guess they are letting a lot of water both in and out.

ps i am still looking for a pull form anyone
Old    kmacfarlane            06-05-2005, 10:11 AM Reply   
Thanks for the information on Sloan's - that is pretty much what I have heard from a couple of other folks. Anyone know anything about the volunteer program they have in the summer through the national sports center for the disabled?

Jason? Do you work for the city? Do you have any information on that program?

Also, anyone ever ride at Soda Lake?
Old    lakesurfr            06-05-2005, 10:06 PM Reply   
I rode at Sloan's a few years back. I was working at a boat shop when they heald the nationals there in like '96 or so. It was funny because our Nautiques were out there pulling. We went through 6 props on the first day, and had 2 more days to go!! If you know where to drive on that lake, your cool. Otherwise go with someone to show you where it is alright to drive or it could cost you big.

Soda Lakes is cool nice. NICE AND EXPENSIVE. They used to be cool about it but I heard they are charging like $20 for 10 min. or something crazy like that. Good water though. It has nice consistancy to the water and it is always glass because it is hidden from the wind and there is only one boat on at a time.

I am ready to get back in the water. I've been out for about 3 years (pregnant) and I'm sure it has done a number on me. I used to ride with Tino in the INT competitions (not to his ability of course). He was so cute though, he was like my little bro. Then I met a boy and left wakeboarding behind. The last thing Tino ever said to me was "don't worry Stacey, I won't go pro without you!" Thank God the relationship is still worth it because it sounds like I missed out a little. Oh well, lifes like that!!!
Anyways, good to meet you all.
Old    randymac            06-07-2005, 6:49 AM Reply   
I just spent 30 minutes adding new folks who have signed up at This is getting huge! Okay, this weekend Saturday the 11th is an equipment demo and BBQ out at Windsor Lake. It’s all free and you don’t even need to bring your boat! So get on out there and show your support for the sport. The event is being brought to you courtesy of the good folks at Sidewayz. This will be the first event Wakecolorado is promoting, so I hope to see everyone out there. I’d like to thank Cameron for all the work on the site, he has some great ideas and things are already looking better. Come on and check out some new gear, meet a bunch of cool new friends, and you can even ride my new board. Directions and more info can be found at
See you on the water
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       06-09-2005, 10:35 AM Reply   
Count me in on Saturday, Anyone else going up on Saturday ??
Windsor Lake , Wher edo we meet ?
What Time ?
Gas Money or Food ?
Old     (milehighrider)      Join Date: Feb 2004       06-09-2005, 2:53 PM Reply   
i'll proably be there weather permiting
Old     (wake_pop)      Join Date: Jul 2004       06-09-2005, 4:36 PM Reply   
Mike: Pick me up at the top of the ramp. I'll grab Ty and we'll go check it out with ya.
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-09-2005, 7:04 PM Reply   
mike, let me know if u guys are still throwin down
ill drive where ever for sat.
Old    randymac            06-11-2005, 7:19 AM Reply   
looks like the weather is going to be great see you all there
Old    kmacfarlane            06-16-2005, 7:00 PM Reply   
Anyone going to be riding sloan's lake this weekend? I am moving my girlfiend into a new place in the highlands and would love to catch a ride. Don't have a board with me that is still in Atlanta. Don't know how everyone feels about letting other folks use their boards.
Kevin - 303 358 3408. Beers on me afterward.
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-17-2005, 8:00 AM Reply   
If anyone has some room for extra rider let me know. I live in vail, but will drive to ride and bring beers and gas $. Let me know it is gonna be a nice weekend
Old    randymac            06-21-2005, 9:32 PM Reply   
Hey Thanks to everyone who came to the Hyperlite demo! There is new fun free stuff posted on the Wakecolorado calendar!!!!
Check it out
Old    randymac            07-04-2005, 10:26 AM Reply   
The trip across America was RAD! Hope everyone made it out. Next weekend Sidewayz Pro Water Sports is sponsoring this years 1st Hyperlite Wakeboard Tour Stop on Saturday, July 9, 2005! This Sidewayz Shootout is just a little over a week away.
It will be held at Windsor Lake in the town of Windsor, CO with registration starting at 8:00 a.m. You may register online by credit card by simply going to Sidewayz website,
Sidewayz has put a lot of time and money into making this event a success. There will be great prizes, extra activities, and maybe even a pro rider or two. There will be bands, a mechanical bull, and fun after the event as well. You are welcome to bring your own 3.2 beer in a can for after the event as well.
For directions, more tournament info, and dates of future events, visit us at the club website or reply to this email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. This is a Wakeboard and Wakeskate event ONLY, but look at the club website for future events that will include kneeboard and water ski divisions.

We hope to see you there! It is sure to be a lot of fun.
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2005, 7:32 AM Reply   
Randy, I know this is a contest. But can any one come down and get a pull or is it for people competing only. Also are there a lot of people signed up to compete? Or is this a simple amatuer competition? Just trying to decide if it is worth the drive down there with no boat, looking for a pull. Let me know something
Old    randymac            07-11-2005, 9:45 PM Reply   
I sure wish I would have checked this sooner
Old    randymac            07-11-2005, 9:46 PM Reply   
The Shoot Out was a huge success, big ups to Ron and the sidewayz crew, the Wakecolorado volunteers, Ben from Hyperlite, Gary from Rip Curl, Rachel and Hiromi our on site alternative health care individuals, the Snack Shack, the band Second Wind, the mechanical bull guys, the lake rangers for being our pick up-boat, all the spectators and most of all everyone who competed. If you did compete the results are posted on the site. Remember our next event is July 23rd in Longmont.
Old    kmacfarlane            07-15-2005, 12:20 PM Reply   
Since I got little help in getting a pull from this site, I went out and got my own boat. 2000 Mastercraft x5. I keep it on Sloan's, if anyone needs a pull, I am always looking for an extra or two. 303 358 3408.

Old     (bmfb)      Join Date: Jul 2004       07-15-2005, 5:30 PM Reply   
yo kevin, if you ride early in the week i'd be down for a pull. as always, kickdown money and beer. bryan. 303 718 0105
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-15-2005, 5:42 PM Reply   
Kevin, I left u a mesage on your cell,
I would love to get out sat or sun this weekend for a pull. let me know. ill bring gas $ and Beer
Old    randymac            07-16-2005, 10:48 PM Reply   
Well, it’s that time again! Saturday, July 23rd is the next tournament. This one is being held by Adaptive Adventures, Liberation Wakeboards, Wakeboard & Water Ski Specialties, and WAKECOLORADO of course. The event is being held at Lighthouse Cove, a beautiful location on a private lake in Longmont. There is no charge for spectators, and to compete is $30.00 for adults and $25.00 for groms (kids 12 and under) and girls (12 and up). There is no pre-registration, so the only late fees are for showing up after registration closes. Additional divisions will be $20.00. Registration opens at 8:00am and skiing will begin promptly at 9:00am. Volunteers need to be there by 7:00am.

We will be inviting the riders that go the biggest throughout the tournament to compete in a double-up contest, so plan to go big and get picked to ride again. Come out and show your skills, this season Liberation Wakeboards will be giving out a sponsorship to some lucky rider.

To get to Lighthouse Cove take I-25 North to the Longmont exit, Highway 119, and turn left onto 119 heading west for about a mile. Turn left onto CR7 (that’s County Road 7) heading south about 1 mile until you see signs on the right hand side. At the second set of double gates turn right, or west, into the property.

There will be great prizes, raffles, and lots of fun!
See you on the water,


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