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Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-07-2005, 11:58 AM Reply   
sounds like a plan matt.
I talked to tommy's and they will post a bulletin on there board if we'd like. I can fax something over. sounds like may 7 works for everyone. I'll just need more specifics on the times we want to meet.

sooo, who will be throwin' down what?!?! I throw down, just have a problem landing on the board.
Old    leggester            04-07-2005, 3:42 PM Reply   
Don't know if I'll be throwing down much that early in the season and with that cold of water 8)

But I'd be happy to host a "home base" from around 9ish until 2ish... It really depends on the weather.

Do you know that small cove at the bluffs, inside the no wake? Unless there's a South wind, it's pretty protected from the waves and wind for the boats.
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-07-2005, 4:24 PM Reply   
Matt- I know the cove. I'll have the Black XLV there blarring the system which you can hear clear across the lake. That should make for a good "The Party's over here!" sign! LOL!! I agree we should be cautious of the weather. How about we plan for something on the beach and see how the weather is going to be at 48 hours out. And if they are calling for weather that does not permit a beach get together then maybe something at the restaurant at the marina and a tie off in the no wake zone.

Shayn- That is great you talked to Tommy's and they are willing to post a thread on their bulletin board! Do it Do it Do it!!! Let's make this 1st annual MileHigh Meet & Greet a big one!

One Month from Today!!!

Old    bohdi            04-07-2005, 4:43 PM Reply   
.... This just in as of today Water Temp is at 47 OOOH BOY !!! Hope it warms ALOT!!! All I have is a old Wet suit NOT a Dry suit.
What cove you thinking about?? The one on the North end along the shore? Or the one on the flip side of the South Marina?? OOOH the one by the swim area ?? . Can't wait for the gig. As far as throwin down. Heck I'm sure we are going to be honererd by the Pro/SemiPro peeps in the area. Heck I'll have a drink for them just messing around. We are just gonna have a great time. Heck at last count we are already at 8-10 on our boat. YAHOOOOO !!! Let's make it a Havasu Sand Bar experience ..

party sand bar
Old    leggester            04-07-2005, 6:00 PM Reply   
Bohdi, the cove in on the south side at the bluffs. just past the first point.

Works for all! I have full canopy/canvas :-)
Old    bohdi            04-07-2005, 8:24 PM Reply   
Nice, now I know the cove... after talking to Kraig that is. Sounds like you have the set up. Nice...very nice
Old     (watsoc)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-08-2005, 10:46 AM Reply   
Leggster pointed this post out on the other site and I thought I would hop on this board as well since there are a lot of Denver area riders. The Chatfield day sounds great except I always refer to that lake as "Chopfield". Tends to get as rough as the open ocean out there on the weekend. I myself ride at Boulder Res quite a bit and from what I hear the water up there is in the low 50s currently. Anyone can get in there until the official season starts Memorial Day weekend so you might want to check it out. I will likely be out there around the weekend of April 16-17th for my first ride. Shayn - you should give me a shout because me and a couple of friends have access to a private lake up north as well and it is calm as can be all summer on the weekends. It is under 1 hr north of Denver so if you don't mind driving to meet us then we can try to get you out there as well. I will keep an eye on this thread and hopefully can make it down to meet some of you guys on Chatfield in the beginning of May. Make sure to bring the full suit.
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-10-2005, 7:37 PM Reply   
Dude that pic is sick, I hope we have something better to look forward to than that. Lots of sausage and a bikini getting all it can handle.
What is up with this snow I was ready to jump in and get my first case of whip lash. I guess one more week won't kill me.
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-10-2005, 8:18 PM Reply   
Brian- That pic is from our trip to Havasu in '04. It was taken at the sand bar. This particular pic does not show all the eye candy that is there. We'll have plenty more for ya after our '05 trip in May!

Chris- The water temp is in the low 50's at Boulder Res?!? Not after this weekend!! Chatfield (Or Chopfield as we all call it) was only at 47 degrees before this weekend. Boulder might be a touch colder than that.
Old    leggester            04-11-2005, 7:21 AM Reply   
I hope we're dug out by May!

15 idiots in minivans and jeeps thought they could make it through a 4' drift at the entrance to our division. Seems everyone with a 'real' truck just stayed in.

Thankfully, both snowmobiles are running. We had a great time tooling up and down the roads. Giving goobers rides back to their houses :-)
Old     (watsoc)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-11-2005, 10:27 AM Reply   

Boulder Res tends to be quite a bit warmer then Chatfield because it is a lot smaller and not nearly as deep. I remember the high temp there last summer being around 79 f. Boulder Res was actually 68f last Memorial Day as well. I agree that the temp now is probably back in the 40s but it will definately be warmer then Chatfield this weekend. Chatfied is a decent spot when it is not too crowded. The few times I have gone down south to Chatfield though it tends to be pretty choppy due to large number of boats that just seem to drive around doing nothing but taking in some sun.
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-11-2005, 12:43 PM Reply   
Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions about a fat sac?? (550)My old has just about called it quits and leaks all over the place. I have seen this new one that is a coverles bladder. Don't know if I trust it. Also the old style I'm used to is like $110 bucks at Tommy's. Way over priced for what it is. I remember back in the day they were like $70.
Any ideas????
Old     (agfan12)      Join Date: Mar 2004       04-11-2005, 12:47 PM Reply   
Brian, keep looking in the classifieds section here and at about once a week people put their fat sacs up for sale (especially with rising gas prices I would expect more of this). You can get good deals on used ones that do not leak. Don't worry about the coverless one's they work great, the covers never really did anything anyway.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-11-2005, 4:25 PM Reply   
tommy's swap is coming up on the 23rd. I saw some there early in the day last year.

I hope the weather is getting warmer. we got like 2", but Denver got pulvarized. it is making me rethink what I wll be wearing on may 7th though. was hopin' to trunk it, but I'll bring the shorty just in case. that's alot of cold water that will be running into chatfield.
What feeds chatfield anyways?
Old     (milehighrider)      Join Date: Feb 2004       04-11-2005, 8:43 PM Reply   
brian, the classifieds here are a good place to look. earlier this year i picked up a set of 550's and a pump for $100 delivered.
(does anybody need a pair of tower speakers? they are mako brand with MB 6.5 only a year old)
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-11-2005, 9:27 PM Reply   
Brian- I dropped you an email. I have a bag for sale.

Mike- I might be interested in those cans and speakers. I have a box now that holds 6 6.5" Focals and have been thinking about increasing what we have. Let's talk at the Meet & Greet if you still have them.
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-12-2005, 7:21 AM Reply   
Thanks for the info Guys. Kraig I am intrested in that sac. It doesn't happen to be wht camo does it? Let me know how much and when we can hook up.
Old     (colorider)      Join Date: Jun 2001       04-12-2005, 9:42 AM Reply   
Kraig, nice choice in speakers. I have 4 of the Focals on my tower and they sound incredible.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-12-2005, 10:43 AM Reply   
Hey guys,
I'm sending this over to tommy's today or tomorrow. just wondering what the thoughts are on times and location. I like 9, but alot of people probably wont make it till 11. (maybe we can meet at both times to get everyone to the right spot. also meet at the launch?
let me know what you think so I can get the word out.


MileHigh Meet and Greet

May 7th
Chatfield Reservior

A plan is in the making for a chance to meet riders of the area. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us.....
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-12-2005, 11:45 AM Reply   
I just found out that we are doing Inventory that weekend @ work. I won't be able to hang out Sat May 7th.
Old    bohdi            04-12-2005, 12:38 PM Reply   
shayn mc ... Looks great. As far as times...??? Not sure. 10-11 sounds good. As far as the location.?? Heck Depends on if we are all gonna BBQ and "what not". The beach that Matt talked about sounds great. everyone can just beach the boats or tie off and anchor??? Heck I don't know. I think it all depends on how many show. I wonder if we should try for a rough RSVP. That way we can come up with a location so it can accommodate the numbers. Whatcha think ??? With that add to Tommy's post your email maybe so we can try for rough numbers. And when it gets close we can post the location. What does everyone think ?
Old     (cjh1669)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-12-2005, 1:49 PM Reply   
Hey does anyone know the price of a season boat permit at Standley Lake? We're moving across the street form it and I wanted to know what it will set me back next season.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-12-2005, 1:58 PM Reply   
they are sold out! don't know the price, but they sell out the first day every season.
Old     (cjh1669)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-12-2005, 2:03 PM Reply   
Yeah I know, I'm just wondering for next summer. This summer I'm going to hitting chatfield and glendoe.
Old    swass            04-12-2005, 2:21 PM Reply   

The price goes up about $20 every year.
Old     (colorider)      Join Date: Jun 2001       04-12-2005, 2:27 PM Reply   
Chris, welcome to the neighborhood. I live across the street from the lake too
Old     (cjh1669)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-12-2005, 2:55 PM Reply   
Wow that isn't cheap.
Yeah we just put a contract on a house off of Garrision and 100th ave.
Thanks for the welcoming.
Old    swass            04-12-2005, 2:59 PM Reply   
Actually, it is pretty cheap compared to the other private lakes in the area. They run anywhere from $1500 to $2500.
Old     (cjh1669)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-12-2005, 3:02 PM Reply   
That's true, I'm just used to paying for a parks pass and hitting the local lakes.
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-12-2005, 5:04 PM Reply   
I say we stay on the plan with meeting at the beach in the no wake zone that morning. Then at 48hrs out if the weather is not going to cooperate then we change the plan to accomodate the weather.

As for times, I would say between 10-11 a.m. Not too early and it should give us the best part of the day that time of the year.

My thoughts: Beach, check weather at 48hrs out and change if necessary. Around 10-11 a.m. What do you all think?

Matt- Are you referring to the cove just outside the no wake zone? In the no wake zone there's a sandy shoreline and then there's a cove deeper in the no wake zone.

Brian- Sucks you can't make it! Find a way man!
Old     (milehighrider)      Join Date: Feb 2004       04-12-2005, 7:30 PM Reply   
kraig, i would be greatful if you would take these off of my hands. i'm running all focal in my truck and love'em. lookin to upgrade the boat speakers this weekend or next.
if it looks like the turn out will be pretty big i will go ahead and bring the boat down.
Old    leggester            04-13-2005, 7:36 AM Reply   
I was thinking about the one inside the no wake. That way, we don't get boat damage from the cruisers and riders. Just a thought.

10-11 and 48hrs sounds like a good plan.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-14-2005, 9:39 AM Reply   
I posted on events as well and referenced it in the flyer I sent to tommy's
Old     (watsoc)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-18-2005, 8:05 AM Reply   

Just wanted to update you that the temp at Boulder Res. yesterday was a warm 57 f. I even trunked it for a set. It will be in the low 60s by this next weekend. Hopefully Chatfield is in the high 50s by the first weekend in May. Sounds like plan on 7th.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-18-2005, 9:21 AM Reply   
so how many do we have showing up for the 7th. I'm in with 1 or 2 others. the boat won't be ready so hopefully I can jump in with some people. (girlfriend and I, maybe one other guy)
Old    leggester            04-18-2005, 10:52 AM Reply   
My wife, kid and I.
Old     (milehighrider)      Join Date: Feb 2004       04-18-2005, 9:13 PM Reply   
as of now just me and a buddy we got room if you want shayn.
got my first ride in yesterday the water was balmy 53!! imo not to bad for the 2nd week in april.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-19-2005, 9:56 AM Reply   
Thanks Mike. I'll get ahold of you.
kinda off subject, but does anyone know of a place to get a boat painted in Denver. We may have to replace the engine and was thinking about putting a fresh paint job on it as well. Just something very simple to cover the faded red. OK it's pink!
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-19-2005, 10:45 AM Reply   
i am up in eaqle but would like to come down from the mtns for this meet on the 7th. It would be me and my girlfriend
hopefully we can jump on a someones boat and get a pull or two.
Old    leggester            04-19-2005, 10:46 AM Reply   
Great Lakes Marine down by Chatfield Shayn.
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-19-2005, 12:37 PM Reply   
Is Boulder res open to anyone that wants to go. Or is it Private?? I might consider taking a set this Sunday if it warms up and doesn't storm. Let me know if anyone is planning on hitting the water this weekend. Maybe we can hook up
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-19-2005, 1:47 PM Reply   
open w/ water temps at 57. just talked to them. I'd be up for a run, but have to catch the rockies game at 1:30. let me know if anyone is going to be out there? the season is upon us!!!
Old     (watsoc)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-19-2005, 2:01 PM Reply   

Boulder Res. typically does not charge for boats until Memorial Day but sometimes on the weekend they charge if someone is at the gate. It is kinda of a crap shot at best. This Sunday at 10 am there was no one at the gate but my buddy had to pay at 12 pm when he came to meet me. Once the season starts you must have a actual pass which they charge for. I will likely be out there this weekend if you want to hook up. I have a Boulder 7 day pass because it is my main lake for the summer. I also hit up a private lake in the summer up north when it gets busy on Boulder Res on the weekends. PM me and I can give you an idea of what to expect but you can likely come up to Boulder and get on for free this weekend or pay a small amount to get your boat on there if someone is actually at the gate.
Old    leggester            04-19-2005, 3:34 PM Reply   
Do they not also require proof of insurance in the range of 500.000?
Old     (watsoc)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-19-2005, 3:43 PM Reply   
I think the insurance range is 100,000/300,000. This is my standard insurance anyways so it didn't really matter to me. I think my boat insurance cost me about $135 for the year. At least I am covered should any accident occur. The private lake I go on as well also requires insurance as well so unless you want to ride at a crowded state park (Chopfield, Boyd, Cherry Creek)then insurance appears to be the standard case.
Old    leggester            04-19-2005, 5:47 PM Reply   
So far there are two boats with 3 people and 2 singles.

Anyone else?
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-19-2005, 5:56 PM Reply   
We'll have the XLV with +/- 6-8 people. So that makes three boats. There's surely more than that...

Matt Jones- Welcome to the party!

Brian- Did you get my email? And are you going to make it to the Meet or are you still out?

Old     (denwakebdr)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-19-2005, 6:44 PM Reply   
I am in with my boat, We will probablly have 5-6 ppl...I am looking forward to it..hope it warms up i will be trunking it
Old     (mjones)      Join Date: Apr 2005       04-19-2005, 8:35 PM Reply   
Kraig sounds sweet,
i am ready to throw down
let me know what time you guys are startin up
Old     (teamgoboat)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-20-2005, 7:43 AM Reply   
I have inventory at work that weekend. I will do what I can to get out there. At best I am a show late in the afternoon with no boat.
As to the Fat sac I am intersted, I would like to get my eyes on it very soon. I need it to ride whenever conditions present themselves.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-20-2005, 11:58 AM Reply   
looking for some help on where people can meet as they come in to chatfield. hoping to pick one place on the beach perhaps where people can show up and if need be have a sign to redirect them. that way people can show up all day long. and possibly have a boat stop by periodically to grab any boatless people. that is if we are in a access by boat area only.
I'm going to leave some more flyers at tommy's this weekend. 10am??
Old    leggester            04-20-2005, 3:38 PM Reply   
Good point Shayne.

I prefer access by boat only - keeps it fairly oriented without passers by...

Let me check w/wife. I may be out there early-ish. Maybe we could set up in the cove, Canopy, BBQ, lawn chairs around 9.

Then the boats will have a place to meet, and I can give my cell to the boatless and we can take turns ferrying them over? Or have a boat there every hour or so?

Or we can set up on the beach. It's still pretty early in the season and I don't know that there will be many other folks around.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-20-2005, 5:29 PM Reply   
sounds good. I can be there early as well to help you set up. my cell is 970-710-9090.
not sure one the cove you are talking about cause we always stay by the dam. let me know on this map. maybe I can put it on the flyer at tommys to show everyone where we will be at as well
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-20-2005, 9:14 PM Reply   
As for a place to pick up people who are boatless, the best place I can think about would be at the public slips at the marina. It gets a little messy picking people up off a shore. This way it's at a slip where it's easy to get in and no one is dragging in more dirt and mud. Plus it's an exact place to tell people about. Just go to the public slips by the gas station at the marina and look for a wakeboard boat.

As for people finding us on the beach that we have all agreed on, Matt Legge will have his canopy up and I will have the stereo cranked as a way to say "Hey, the party's over here!!"

Anyone and everyone is welcome to call me anytime. 720-363-3000 is the hotline. We'll probably be there relatively early. Our time frame for the MMG is still 10-11ish so getting there at 9 should be relatively early. Unless any of us want to hit the water first...... Hmmm.......

We're just over 2 weeks away!!
Old    leggester            04-21-2005, 7:33 AM Reply   
I don't have any tools that can edit pdf files, but looking at the map:

Directly across from the Swim Beach, where the map says "Lakeview". The map is a bit off, but there is a small cove there for beaching and plenty of room for rafting. Protected from waves unless the wind is from the South West.

If the wind is from the South West, the lake will pretty much be ripped up anywhere :-)

My cell is 303.908.8882 I don't generally have it turned on, but will have it on the 7th.

Canopy is white, boat is white, and my skin is EXTREMELY white this time of year!
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-21-2005, 10:41 AM Reply   
is this where you are talking about?

chatfield2.pdf (106.8 k)
Old    leggester            04-21-2005, 11:14 AM Reply   
Like I said, the map is a bit off, so the actual bouy line and cove are a further down on the page. If you state inside the bouy line at the bluffs with that pic, it should be good!

So far we have:

18 w/boats ( 4 boats )
3 w/o boats

Should be a good time.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-22-2005, 11:36 AM Reply   

MileHigh Meet and Greet

May 7th
Chatfield Reservior

starting at 10am

A plan is in the making for a chance to meet riders of the area. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us for a day of BBQ and riding, weather permitting. You can log onto the discussion board at under wakeboarding discussion and click on Denver area riders for more information.

If arriving by Boat follow map.

Call the following people to be picked up at the public slips :
Matt @ 303.908.8882
Kraig @ 720.363.3000
Shayn @ 970.710.9090
chatfield3.pdf (109.7 k)
Old    leggester            04-22-2005, 3:57 PM Reply   
Expect up to a one hour wait at the public slips after calling for a boat.

We may get a couple runs in on the way there

But we will be there!
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-22-2005, 8:37 PM Reply   
I'll make sure to bring the hour meter for anyone who needs a Boat-taxi ride!
Old     (afwakepilot13)      Join Date: Feb 2004       04-24-2005, 8:43 PM Reply   
Hey guys, I'll definitely be in with 1 or 2 others probably and alot of beer, we may be showing up a little later in the afternoon. Thanks alot for setting this up, definitely looking forward to it.
Old    randymac            04-25-2005, 7:20 AM Reply   
Have you checked out Colorado’s newest connection?
I’ll be at Chatfield on the 7th.
Old    leggester            04-25-2005, 7:36 AM Reply   
With or without boat Randy? Not that we care, I'm just keeping track:

With Boat:

Matt 3
Shayne 3
Kraig 6
Paul 6

Without Boat:

Mike 2
Matt Jones 1
Ryan 3
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-25-2005, 9:57 AM Reply   
I am looking at being boatless. cracked block is going to put the first launch back a couple weeks. We'll see.
Can't believe I had to drive thru a snow storm yesterday. I hope warm weather is coming!!!
Old    leggester            04-25-2005, 10:28 AM Reply   
Ouch! Cracked block in the truck or the boat?

It took 2 months to get mine in the boat replaced one time.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-25-2005, 2:23 PM Reply   
the boat. the engine is ready to go, just need to find out when the mechanic has time.
Old    leggester            04-25-2005, 4:59 PM Reply   
Well, I'll bring some Brauts for you.

Bummer. got a hoist? And a couple friends? j/k
Old    randymac            04-25-2005, 10:16 PM Reply   
Matt most likely without a boat I’ll just be bringing info. Maybe some new gear for folks to check out.
Old     (h2oprodad)      Join Date: Mar 2005       04-25-2005, 10:55 PM Reply   
Pro tour stop # 1 in orlando this weekend!! It will be interesting to see who will be gunning for the 1080 first. Anybody want to pick the top 10 riders after this weekend?? go for it!! I say Danny,Andrew,Rusty,Trevor,Soven,Chad,PB,Darin
Watson,Tino and not in this order with 3 alternates of Watkins,Ike,Shane mixn it up, not sure if Murrays commin back anybody heard??
Old    leggester            04-26-2005, 7:31 AM Reply   
So, you showing up Sandy?
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-26-2005, 10:28 AM Reply   
has anyone been to lake dillon? I'm sure it's super cold at 9000', but what are the conditions like. everytime I pass by it there seems to be no one out there and seems calm. just looking for some weekend lake adventures.
Old    leggester            04-26-2005, 11:29 AM Reply   
The conditions are: no body contact. Denver Drinking Supply.

Don't ask me why, 'cause I don't know. You can fish, run around, sail, but not water ski.
Old    mcculloughrg            04-26-2005, 1:44 PM Reply   
Kraig, forget about the speakers for the upgrade, I just got my hearing test from last year and they are shot...
Also, I want to go to the meet and greet, where do I sign?
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-26-2005, 3:53 PM Reply   
you just did. how many people will you have with you?
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-26-2005, 4:34 PM Reply   
Shayn- Rich is in the count of +/- 6-8 people. Also, have you heard anything from the flyer at Tommy's?

Randy- Can you post the MileHigh Meet & Greet on your Events page?!?

We're at exactly a Week and a Half away!!
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-26-2005, 4:42 PM Reply   
Big news for the Meet & Greet!
I sent an email to the new Krown Wakeboards, I had a few questions for them, and I sent them an invitation to the Meet & Greet. The following day I received a call from them! They said they were interested in the Meet & Greet. They said they would be there! They are going to bring some promotional items to pass out. I inquired about some demo boards and they said they would see what they could do.

So hey, we have our first "Unofficial" Sponsor!! LOL!!! Personally, I think this is big! Krown is trying to anchor themselves in the Denver market better and get their name out there. This is a great way to do it. A kind of grassroots campaign. This will be a great opportunity for them to meet some of the Colorado wakeboarders and for us to meet an up and coming board company.
Old     (aspenshayn)      Join Date: Apr 2004       04-26-2005, 4:58 PM Reply   
I was disappointed in tommy's. they put it up on their bulletin board behind there counter and then covered it with something else. so I put it back on top. I was there first thing in the morning so I hope people saw it. haven't heard anything though. I'm thinking about calling them and telling them Krown will be there and see if they want to get more involved. a week and a half for everyone to work on getting as many people out that we can!!!!
again, great work Kraig!!
Old     (kraig)      Join Date: Dec 2002       04-26-2005, 5:04 PM Reply   
As of right now it's looking at upwards around 30+ people. I'd love to see upwards around 50+ people! Think we can do it?!?!
Old    leggester            04-26-2005, 5:55 PM Reply   
And some boats...
Old     (milehighrider)      Join Date: Feb 2004       04-26-2005, 7:03 PM Reply   
as stated before i will be there, but with boat. 03 ssv. i think that there will be a couple of us 2-4. let hole for good weather.


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