Has anyone on wakeworld ever decked there sled out from WakeSpecialtys.com and lets see some LED Photos if you have wondering what you spent for what you got.
I was interested in their pricing and colors but as of this morning I am still unable to purchase or view prices on their web site. Wakeside has WS underplatform lights for $100 but shipping info shows "preorder" hmmm... wonder how long before I would get my lights....
Yeah I can see the web link has an S on it your right the address is incorrect Scott. The Blue light special looks pretty damn good too John. hope fully mine turns out that well I ordered some from him a few weeks ago to do one of my bikes and some badge plates for my boat just to get started thought I'd ask about what others had done to there boats tho.its always good to see everyone else's idea come to light.บบบบ All I had seen before this was really speaker kits.