Join Date: Feb 2003
03-13-2006, 2:02 PM
Went out yesterday on the Columbia River here in Wenatchee. Water temp was 38-40. Sunny w/no wind chill. Nice to see you out there Randall. I know the park manager there at Walla Walla Point and said that dock was paid for by the kyakers(spl?) and we can't use it. But the PUD is planning on upgrading and improving the launch at River Front. Very sore today but maybe ready by next weekend. Temps are supposed to get into the upper 50's to lower 60'. (Message edited by autotunner69 on March 13, 2006)
03-13-2006, 2:09 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
03-13-2006, 3:07 PM
you mentioned walla walla park, so i'm guessing you were below rocky reach. bbbbrrrrrrrr. any other boats out there? i'm guessing not. can't wait for it to warm up so i can head over there. --wenatchee native
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-13-2006, 5:10 PM
Hey, it was great meeting you Robert. We could not of had a better start to the season, that was nice.
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-13-2006, 8:45 PM
Looks like you Wenatchee boys are starting the season on a good note. We went out Sunday on Moses Lake, water temp was 45 though. Still chilly, but it was 41 degrees just before we got that Artic Blast in Feb.
Join Date: May 2003
03-13-2006, 8:50 PM
We were out Sunday in the Tri-cities....Sunny but still cold. Saw a few fishing boats and a Malibu on the river, but no one riding but us. I gotta start working out... Too sore this morning...
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-13-2006, 8:59 PM
Kirk you don't happen to know Rob Williams?
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-13-2006, 9:36 PM
Ha-y-n boarder- Ya definitly a drysuit. In fact, two pairs of sweats, long-john top w/shirt over that, Full fleese body suit and the drysuit. It was the first time using it and I have to tell ya that we are going to be year-round riding now. I was accutally sweating in the suit. Bruce- ya, it was below Reach. There was about 5 maybe 7 other boats out there besides ours and Randalls. My feet kept freezing so I only got two sessions in w/no wipeouts. I am one SORE dude!! see ya out there again Randall.
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-13-2006, 9:41 PM
Kai hope to see you out sometime. Inlaws live between Quincy & Ephrata. I like Banks Lake and Mardon is cool to. later!
03-13-2006, 10:24 PM
so i'm guessing a 3/2 mm full wetsuit wouldn't cut it huh???? thats all i have, so when do you guys think i can go ride.
Join Date: Jan 2006
03-13-2006, 10:35 PM
Go for the drysuit. You can get one for $250, well, well worth it. I live in Ca, so it is a huge difference, but I sweat in 50 degree water. If you wear the proper under garments, you should be able to hit 40 degree water with no problem.
Join Date: May 2003
03-14-2006, 7:35 AM
Robert, I rode Sunday with just a lightweight polar fleece pullover and light cotton sweats. It was perfect. I used to ride with all the layers underneath and got overheated too much. Which gloves are you using? I started using dry gloves with no liners,and liners when it's really cold.. As long as your hands stay dry, you won't get cold. Ha-y-n... Go for it... I went surfing off the Washington coast in early May with a full 2/3mm wetsuit and got so warm I had to unzip it from time to time to let cold water in.. If you start to get cold...RIDE HARDER! Kai... Don't know him..Is he a Tri-cities rider?
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Maumee River - Ohio
03-14-2006, 8:48 AM
I went with two buddies Saturday here in Ohio, on our river. Water temp was 42. Just had a 2/3mm wetsuit. Drysuit would have been great...but a pair of gloves and a large cooler filled with steaming hot water helped. Air temp was mid 50s. It was so much fun we went Sunday as well. Had to re winterize the boat last night though. And we are getting snow right now...another inch forecasted for tomorrow. It looks like it is going to be at least 2 more weeks before we can get out again. -my toes are still thawing out.....
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-14-2006, 3:45 PM
Kirk- Yeah I work with him. He lives in West Richland. Thought there might be a chance you rode together.
03-14-2006, 4:55 PM
my bad guys my suit is a 2/3 mm also. what kind of gloves should i get?
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-14-2006, 8:01 PM
what ever you do don't use wet gloves. your hands will freeze. dry gloves or nothing at all. those new Shane boots look like they would be awesome for cold water. http://www.liquidforce.com/boots_shane.htm Hey question for you Tri-Citiers', do you have a public dock were you can dock start or do you have to deep water start on the Columbia. The Chelan County PUD is going to be building a morage at river front and the park boss that I am good friends with said us(all "wakeboarders") could get them to allow us a dock without those raised edges for nice dock starting. We would just need to ask them to reserve like the last dock just for this.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-15-2006, 4:43 PM
Ha-y-n Boarder, I have an extra large dry suit that you are welcome to use, so give me a shout when you are ready to ride and lets do it!! Maybe we can get Creg to go also? I don't have a problem letting people use my Drysuit as long as they don't PEE in it and are careful putting it on and taking it off!! About gloves, what we have found that works great is a pair of cotton gardning gloves inside a pair of dishwashing gloves. This setup costs maybe $5.00 from your local grocery store. Later, jjakober
Join Date: Dec 2005
03-15-2006, 4:51 PM
hey ha-y-n boarder where's clear lake? is it big? i'm from seattle, but have family in wenatchee. just wondering if it's worth the trek.
Join Date: Feb 2003
03-15-2006, 8:10 PM
Hate152 Nice profile pic.... I bet your neibors enjoyed that. Bruce-who are your relatives here?
03-16-2006, 1:12 PM
bruce clear lake is about 30 min. from spokane. really small but close to where i live thats why we go there. i'm not trying to keep you away or anything, its just not worth the drive from seattle. jakober sounds good to me, even though i never wore one bvefore. i'll shoot you a e-mail when were up and running.