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Old    indo            06-29-2005, 9:11 PM Reply   
We will be making a trip to lake powell from smith mtn lake in virgina july 23-30. We have to board our house boat at bullfrog in utah sat the 23rd. we are acutally leaving va. the wed before we have to board the boat. just wondering if anyone has any cool lakes on the way out to check out or any tips on powell or extra things we may need to bring for the house boat. we will be bringing a super air and moomba with us. thanks in advance for the help. this is our first house boat trip and we are excited but just want to prepare.
Old     (three6ty)      Join Date: Feb 2004       06-29-2005, 9:47 PM Reply   
Holy crap!!!! Your driving from Virginia!!!!

That is dedication
Old    hotlantaman            06-29-2005, 9:55 PM Reply   
If the houseboat does not have a gas tank to fuel your boats, bring lots of gas cans. It is a big lake with a lot of miles between marinas, so if you can't fuel them from the houseboat, it is always nice to have some spare gas.

Definitely get a map of the lake that includes points of interest such as arches and Indian ruins. If this is your first trip to Powell, you definitely want a camera. Shoes/sandals for hiking excursions are nice to have. LOTS of bottled is hot and dry will have drinking water on the houseboat, but you will want lots of water bottles to take on the boats, hikes, etc. Books, cards, board games, DVDs, CDs, etc. for when you are resting, or waiting out monsoons and/or wind.
Old     (addictedchick)      Join Date: Jan 2005       06-29-2005, 9:58 PM Reply   
Hey, I'll be there the same time that you will indo. I'm going with a group of friends from july 22-30. This is my first houseboat trip also, but I'm pretty sure...lots of sunscreen!
Hope you have a great time, most likely we won't see eachother there cuz it's so freaking huge
Old    indo            06-29-2005, 11:33 PM Reply   
thanks for the advice. it looks like its going to be about a 35 hr drive for us.
alexis where are u guys leaving out from? it would be cool to hangout with any of u wakeworld folks
Old    indo            06-30-2005, 1:22 AM Reply   
do u have to have a 3rd or use a flag in utah?
Old    mile_high_rider            06-30-2005, 11:22 AM Reply   
"do u have to have a 3rd or use a flag in utah?"
yes, in most of the western us i bealive.
Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       06-30-2005, 11:24 AM Reply   
Yes, third and flag....

Depending on your alcohol consumption needs, make sure you stop somewhere in Colorado and purchase about 25% more than you think you will need. Make sure you purchase your food before you get there as well. NOTE, there is not really a grocery store or the like at Bullfrog. Everything major you need, you need to bring. They have a small store, but it is like a Marina shop. Make sure you gas everything up before you get there as well.... What you buy there at Halls/Bullfrog is going to cost you twice as much.
Old    hotlantaman            06-30-2005, 3:27 PM Reply   
I concur with EJ on food/supplies. The best bet is to load up at Costco at home and pack the boat. Otherwise, stop along the way where there is a real grocery store. Don't wait too long, cuz there aren't many towns of substance in that area.

There is a land based gas station at Bullfrog as well as a fuel dock. You don't get raped quite as bad at the land station as you do at the fuel dock. Here are today's gas prices at Bullfrog to use as a guide:
Fuel dock mid-grade: $3.40
Land based regular: $2.49
Land based mid-grade:$2.59
Land based premium: $2.69
Old    leggester            06-30-2005, 3:41 PM Reply   
Gas it up at green river, before the south bouind turn to Powell. Beer too.
Old     (grimlock)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-30-2005, 4:08 PM Reply   
I suspect you will be coming through Grand Junction as this is where all the employees at bullfrop/halls/hite go grocery shopping, I would recommend that you stop their and buy everything you need in the food range, but buy dry goods at a costco or sam's club. Fill your boats up in Green River, save you a lot of money, but the Texaco at the top of the ramp in Bullfrog is usually about 10-20 cents cheaper than Hanksville or Ticaboo, just a little FYI. You do need a flagger or a third, as the lake is a national park and state operated. Make sure you tighten the lugs on your trailer wheels about every thousand, that's a long way to tow a boat, and hate to see it ruined with a wheel coming loose. Also bring a spare impeller just in case, never a bad thing to have an extra of, cause if something goes wrong, Bullfrog's not the place to get it fixed, ie this is why people go to Wahweap.
Old    indo            06-30-2005, 8:00 PM Reply   
thanks for all the good info. so do u need a flag or a 3rd or do u have to have both in the boat. The house boat is supposed to be fully stocked with food and a chef but we have to bring what ever alchol we want. how far is the grand canyon from bullfrog? never been there and thought if it was just an hour or 2 we should check it out. thanks again for all the info.
Old    hotlantaman            06-30-2005, 9:32 PM Reply   
You need an orange flag AND a spotter.

Houseboat stocked with food and a chef? Wow....I had no idea they offered that level of service!

The Grand Canyon (South Rim) is almost 300 miles from Bullfrog....a good 5-6 hour drive. But if you have never been there and are going to be that close, you really ought to go. Photos are nice, but being there is better.
Old    indo            07-01-2005, 3:55 AM Reply   
the people that we are going with are pretty much providing everything but gas for the boats and alchol. but that will probably cost us a good bit too. ha ha!! thanks for the info. do u know if there are any plane tours of the canyon seems like i read that their is a runway near bullfrog. i really apprerciate all the help
Old    ian_k            07-01-2005, 4:23 AM Reply   
Dude I live in Utah. Yes you have to have a third with the orange flag, but if you get a ticket who are from VA and I don't think you will be back with your boat any time soon. Just be nice to the officer and say you are out of state. Best advice is to load up on BEER just before you come into Utah. The beer here is only 3.2% alcohol/volume in utah.
Old    indo            07-01-2005, 5:04 AM Reply   
man that is weak. can u buy it on sundays or before noon?
Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       07-01-2005, 7:49 AM Reply   
Yes before noon and on Sundays most places(there are a few areas that bad alcohol sales on Sunday).

Sounds like you have a pretty sweet deal going. I am jealous.

As far as the plane tours, maybe contact 1-800-528-6154 and see what info they may have for you. I don't see that they have air tours of Grand Canyon, but they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Careful with the no third or flag....neither is a big deal to comply with and a ticket is very expensive. If you choose not to pay, though I am sure it will not go out on NCIC, you will have a warrant for your arrest issued in Utah. IMO, easier to just comply with the laws of the park.
Old     (deuce)      Join Date: Mar 2002       07-01-2005, 7:57 AM Reply   
Add....again, don't worry about buying on Sunday...but before you get there and buy 25% more than you think you will drink(and be VERY liberal with that estimate). Always easier to take stuff home with you, but when you are looking at that last beer or cocktail in your hand & are a 2 hour boat ride to the nearest marina.....there is not much celebrating going on.

MUCHO 5-10 bottled waters x day for each person on the boat. Keeping yourself hydrated on the lake is something you have to be aware of. It is very easy to sit in the 105 degree sun all day and forget to keep the water flowing. You're drinking beers and sodas and think all is don't feel thirsty and get bonked.... WATER, WATER, WATER.... Personally I tend to get enough up the nose, mouth and rear-end from the lake to keep myself good to go, but not everyone is as poor or rider as myself.
Old    leggester            07-01-2005, 8:14 AM Reply   
I would also suggest stopping at the gas station in Ticaboo.

Pick up a $4 pamphlet on lake Powell interesting sites. It will show on a map such things a Lee's Ferry, Hole in the Wall - where wagons were pulled basically straight up! - etc.

Tons of fascinating things to see there.
Old    indo            07-03-2005, 10:28 PM Reply   
very cool thanks for the info. we cant wait to get out their
Old    mile_high_rider            07-05-2005, 12:29 AM Reply   
aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua, and drink some aqua too
Old    alanp            07-05-2005, 9:51 AM Reply   
im going to drive from az to virginia in august. i plan on stopping in kansas city at the ks watersports cable park. i dont know the route your taking ( I 70) but it shouldnt be to far out of the way. like everyone else stated. water and sunscreen.
Old    indo            07-09-2005, 1:30 AM Reply   
Cool thanks for the info. we are starting to get ready for our trip already so any more info would be great
Old    mile_high_rider            07-09-2005, 10:38 AM Reply   
take i-70 west throuh denver, when You get to golden stop and get me......please. I can cook, and drive boats and cars, and i shower and i am generaly nice. I get paid on firday, com on please.
Old    indo            07-09-2005, 9:03 PM Reply   
ha ha i think we are heading out via 40 so we want have to deal with the mountains.
Old     (melanie)      Join Date: Apr 2001       07-16-2005, 9:29 AM Reply   
INDO! YO! Thats a LONG drive my friend. Make sure to bring lots and lots of blueberry muffins. I cant imagine driving across country without some yummy yummy blueberry muffins. You'd be crazy not to have them just in case you crave blueberries ya know. HAVE FUN!
Old    indo            07-16-2005, 10:18 PM Reply   
for sure mel. we already have them ready to go yummmmmmmmmmmm!! hope the head is better. the tournment was fun. 84 people rode and it wasnt over until 8.
Old     (auto)      Join Date: Aug 2002       07-16-2005, 10:47 PM Reply   
will be there September 12-20.
Old    indo            07-18-2005, 10:57 PM Reply   
heading out on wed and getting on the boat sat. if anyone from here sees a tan and red/maroon 2002 super air flag us down and say whats up. their should be a yellow moomba with us too


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