Join Date: Aug 2004
03-26-2005, 9:07 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
03-26-2005, 10:58 PM
looks like nice conditions, and the water isnt green anymore. Nice pics too, how did you do the progressive shots? Geoff M. goes huge and clean, and is one of the coolest guys to hang with on the boat, and has one of the most rockin systems ive heard. Love that X-star too
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Weatherford, Texas
03-26-2005, 11:23 PM
Clubmyke, you're a champ! -Blake
Join Date: Mar 2004
03-26-2005, 11:38 PM
Clubmyke, Great pics. Looks like you guys had a blast. REALLY sucks that you have to be "ballast", but it won't last forever. I will be at San V Thurs, and probably Fri. Give me a call. Not sute about #'s yet, but should be room for a "ballast/driver". Hang tuff bro!
Join Date: Jul 2004
03-26-2005, 11:58 PM
Thanks for posting the pics. Great time riding with you guys and LE wouldn't feel right if I didn't see Troy,Thanedogg,Erica though Troy didn't ride and Thanedogg and erica were on the x-star instead of Troy's beautiful SAN It was great talking with all you guy this morning,and Jeff...almost didn't recognize you though the new look works for you.
Join Date: Aug 2004
03-27-2005, 8:16 AM
props to geoff for a great day!!! the progressive shot is a nify feature on the sony camera, it is looks really cool when hooked up to the tv (looks like a slow motion transition)) thanks buzz!!!! may take you up on the offer..
03-27-2005, 8:43 AM
ClubMyke, It was a great day out there. It would have been better if you could have ridden! You forgot to mention that we saw Thanedogg throw that massive 3 behind the X-star. The three we saw was HUUUGE! Thane landed in the flats, there was a big splash of water, but somehow, he managed to ride it away. You also forgot to mention that Jeff Frew was out representing on the X-star. Always good to see Jeff Frew out there. Big Ed is so ready to start trying backrolls. From the boat we could see it on his face as he would cut into the wake. On his last set, he was there – riding good and mentally ready, he would have gone for it, but he got a roller from another boat as he was charging in. You could see that the roller broke his concentration … Next time I am sure. The pictures of Garrett don’t do him justice. He was riding BIG and SMOOTH! Garrett is on of the few guys I have ridden with that can launch off the wake, rotate a big slow 3, have time to hang out, think about – and sometimes add a 1 to make a 5, then land! I have no clue as to how he does it. It was just amazing being out there with Garrett, I think he said that this was only the second time he had been out since snapping his tib and fib last fall. He was riding great, no fear! (At least not that we could tell from the boat) Thanks for a great day guys, Geoff, BlueMalibu
Join Date: Jan 2005
03-27-2005, 10:13 AM
Hey nice to see Baily enjoying the day on the boat, Steve did you get a chance to ride? Also I didn't see any pic's of Jeff Frew... looks like everyone had fun...
Join Date: Jun 2002
03-27-2005, 6:21 PM
Thanks for the props on the three geoff, but I can assure everyone that it wasn't all THAT great. Thanks for the pulls Steve, I had a good time. Got to ride the new Hansen shape, the Marius, but the water was so crappy I didn't even hit the wake once. Maybe I'll get to ride it on Monday.....on some good water. This was my first ride since January 6th. First time on the water since the tree incident. P.S. I was impressed with the X-star.
Join Date: Aug 2004
03-27-2005, 6:29 PM
the xstar is a great ride....my favorite big boat( bigger than 21 '..)
Join Date: Nov 2004
03-27-2005, 7:56 PM
Great pics.. love the progressive pic scenes.. HUGE !!!!! Ed-- looks like you were having great day-- SMOOTH!! Backroll Ed?... Go for it dude!!! Mike..hope to see you soon, even if your just hanging out on the boat..
Join Date: Aug 2004
03-27-2005, 8:10 PM
kevin, i'm there.... would also like to take my boat out too..
Join Date: Jul 2004
03-27-2005, 10:28 PM
It took me the 1st set to get used to the wake and the second set felt alot better but the water got alittle crappy.Great day regardless!As far as the backroll...It's comin!!
Join Date: Jul 2002
03-27-2005, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the pics Mike. I have some god pics of Ed and will post them later. I left the digi at the in-laws house. Had a great time with all. It was great to see familiar faces at the marina and on the lake. As always Geoff was a great host with his MaliBLUE. It was great meeting Ed and Mike. My knees hurt when I see Geoff land those huge jumps out in the flats. Not to mention his tall tantrums. BigAirEd turned it up on his second set. ClubKneeMike- Great pics and great attitude. You'll be stomping it again b4 U know it. I can't believe how fast these last six months have gone by. Geoff Hinds- Beside the water level ready to spill into the west marina parking lot, I was amazed at the color of the water. I could almost see my board when it was under water.
Join Date: Oct 2004
03-28-2005, 11:57 AM
Garret: I forgot to mention, good to see you not only back on the water but charging it again. Those pictures make me miss So Cal. G
Join Date: Nov 2002
03-28-2005, 1:00 PM
Damn I wish I could have made that!! Bates the X-Star is looking good. Nice to see Bailey the wonderdog representing the bow as only she can. That has got to be the sweetest looking X-Star I've seen.
Join Date: Dec 2003
03-28-2005, 4:36 PM
Awesome sequence... You guys are killing me, so is this weather.
Join Date: Jun 2002
03-28-2005, 6:51 PM
wow - garrett is not only back, he's throwing 3s again? congrats!! looks like a great day.
Join Date: Dec 2002
03-28-2005, 9:04 PM
Huge props to Steve and Bailey for having us out on that nice new X-Star. Steve kills it on any board/binding set you throw at him, awesome fashon air to blind to whiplash! Bailey rocks! Great to see everyone out there at the ramp, Geoff, Big Ed, Garrett, and Club Myke(Ant Bug MIA). Also Brad, Lindsay, and Aimee! Hope everyone had tons of fun! New look (actually I do this almost every spring) is the high performance, low drag haircut.
Join Date: Aug 2004
03-30-2005, 9:59 AM
Whats the launch fee at Elsinore?
Join Date: Sep 2004
03-30-2005, 12:01 PM
I believe it is $12 plus $3 for each person in the boat.
Join Date: Dec 2002
03-30-2005, 1:19 PM
Hey Chris! You wouldn't happen to have my sandals in your possession? (grey cobians)
Join Date: Sep 2004
03-30-2005, 2:57 PM
Sorry, Captain I looked all over my jeep and bag and could not find them but josh said he would give you a killer deal on some sandals if you were interested. Let us know.
Join Date: Sep 2004
03-30-2005, 5:09 PM
Jeff, Between you and I, you really have to watch your stuff around Sticky Fingers Steve. Things dissapear. Josh
Join Date: Dec 2002
03-30-2005, 6:28 PM
It's all good. Looked all over Stevo's boat, could not find where they went to. Had to borrow the shoes off of Troy's feet so we could hit the mexican restaraunt afterwards (Thanks Troy!). Probably about time to replace those old sandals anyway. I'll be in to pick up a new pair soon. I bet Bailey hid 'em so she would have a snack for the way home