E Double U, actually my car does have a name: Elmer. I feel you take better care of something when you name it. (No, it is not in vinyl lettering on the back of my Tahoe!!)
My last boat had a name, and we had a very sentimental attachment to it. It was "Great Wide Open". You see, it kind of had two meanings, like the boat was the Great Wide Open, or more literally, it was Great, Wide Open. If you catch my drift. It was also my wife's favorite song at the time, and we kind of "broke the boat in" listening to that song, if you know what I mean. . .
My wife and I always said if we got a new boat we would name it "Great Wide Open Too" Again a double meaning (Too vs. Two), etc. But Wet Vette is really catchy to me. We also considered this:
Kind of goes along with the song "Little Red Corvette", unfortunately there is NOTHING Little about this boat.
Thanks for the input! I love to see guys argue on this board, it is truly amusing.