Can't speak to the AquaBrite product, but it looks like it could have some good benefits.The biggest benefit I see is no exposure, startup, or cure time. Sounds like it's ready to go once the pool is filled and you can care for it as normal from day 1. I would see if you can see some pools in your area that have had it installed for a while to see how it holds up. The product is manufactured in Pennsylvania, which means a big difference regarding the amount of chemicals used to sanitize the water versus the south or west.
If you go the direction of plaster, make sure you're getting a stone aggregate, not quartz. Doug mentioned Pebble Tec, which is a popular brand. CLI is what we use and generally have good luck with it.
With any pool finish, a lot has to do with who is applying it. Make sure they aren't putting it in on a Friday or day before a big holiday and go with someone who is going to visit the pool every couple days for the first month as it cures.