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Old     (dirty)      Join Date: Jul 2004       12-18-2008, 11:29 PM Reply   
I'm looking for some lakes or bodies of water to ride on in North America and International, anywhere in the world actually, any suggestions?

Beautiful and unique, water and landscape you only see there, if you have any pics post them please.

Old     (kyle_m)      Join Date: Aug 2007       12-18-2008, 11:40 PM Reply   
somebody is finding locations to film at lol
id say bullards bar in cali is awesome and ive seen pics of places in tahiti that are amazing
Old     (sidekicknicholas)      Join Date: Mar 2007       12-18-2008, 11:41 PM Reply   
The place in Thailand from Natural Born Thrillers is the single coolest place I have ever seen
Old     (lsukuntryboy)      Join Date: Jul 2007       12-18-2008, 11:52 PM Reply   
whatever lake in croatia that is clear. there is a pic of a MC sittin on the water there and it looks like its floatin on air cause the water is so clear.
Old     (wakeboardern1)      Join Date: Aug 2007       12-19-2008, 12:00 AM Reply   
Then there's the lake inside an island that is inside of a lake that is inside an Island... In the phillipines.

It might actually go one deeper than that, can't remember. They were talking about it in the article about Out of the Pond in Alliance. I could seriously see a helicoper shot from way up high showing the lake within a lake, cutting down, step by step with the song to a final shot of the rider on the smallest lake... I actually have a feeling that they'll have that....

Anyways, whatever lake that is.
Old     (epic1)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-19-2008, 12:11 AM Reply   
L A K E P O W E L L!!!!!
Old     (dirty)      Join Date: Jul 2004       12-19-2008, 12:25 AM Reply   
ya we've been to the Phillipines, Bali, Indonesia, Fiji, Austrailia, Lake Powell

but there's always some crazy spots you never think about, like I saw a picture of this lake in Idaho with huge step walls on both side and the water was always flat and smooth and I don't think anyone ever wakeboarded there only a couple skiers, interesting places like that would be fun and we love to travel all over the world, so just trying to find some cool spots ya know
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       12-19-2008, 12:32 AM Reply   
we could tell ya but then we'd have to kill ya
Old     (crushing76)      Join Date: Feb 2007       12-19-2008, 1:55 AM Reply   
Broken Bow Oklahoma... Surrounded by mountains and forests. Not even allowed to build on the lake so it looks like you are completely in the wilderness. The lake is over 300ft deep in places and the water is very clear.

Might not compare to some international destinations, but I'd put it right up there with the best of them for the states.
Old     (lfadam)      Join Date: Nov 2008       12-19-2008, 3:16 AM Reply   
So youve done some good ones already, huh? Well Im not gonna give away all of my dream prospects...but I will tell you this one, because its probably the least likely to ever happen for me and I want someone to do it. Lake Charvak in Uzbekistan. Crazy? Possibly. Good luck getting in there, much less a wake boat and wakeboard but wow would it be epic. Id be thrilled to see anyone film there. E-P-I-C! How I stumbled upon this?...I have no idea
Old     (crushing76)      Join Date: Feb 2007       12-19-2008, 4:12 AM Reply   
figured I'd post a link to a pic of Broken Bow. THere are TONS of coves to find butter on. THere are also several places to cliff dive with water deep enough to not crack the melon.
Old     (watts)      Join Date: Oct 2008       12-19-2008, 7:34 AM Reply   
I've always thought Lake Kinkaid in Southern IL would make a good spot for filming. It wouldn't be as epic as some of the international locations, but it has a lot of rolling hills and a cliff on one side that would make a nice backdrop and a good place for cliff diving. On the other side there is the spillway that would make a sick winch spot, and if you time it right all the college girls would be out there in bikinis laying out.

Old     (andy_nintzel)      Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Minnesnowda       12-19-2008, 7:57 AM Reply   
Oh Man, we have some SUPER Secret spots in MN that are out of this world. If your really serios we can take you there, obvously not till spring.
Old     (wakedv)      Join Date: May 2007       12-19-2008, 8:09 AM Reply   
The Canadian Rockies and British Columbia, some of the most amazing scenery in the world. Go in August though, some lakes are a bit chilly.
Old     (team_o)      Join Date: Jun 2002       12-19-2008, 8:57 AM Reply   
Lake Harrison in BC, incredible scenery

and then lake Diablo in the Washington cascades. The water really is this color & it's amazing
Old     (helix_rider)      Join Date: Mar 2003       12-19-2008, 9:38 AM Reply   
Great looking spots Chris...but that water looks cold...and a little creepy in the first pic :-(
Old     (socalwakepunk)      Join Date: Dec 2002       12-19-2008, 10:10 AM Reply   
Inside the reef in Moorea...

Old     (bmartin)      Join Date: Jan 2007       12-19-2008, 1:05 PM Reply   
Here are some of the top fresh water bodies I have seen. I have listed them from least used to more popular.

Lake Jackson in Tetons NP, WY

Lake Ouachita, Hot Springs, AR

Lake Powell
Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       12-19-2008, 1:45 PM Reply   
I've always wanted to head up to the Eastern Sierra and ride one of the many epic lakes that are there. It'd be cold as the snow melt keeps things brisk and the altitude might present a problem. One of my favorites that has a launch is Lake Sabrina.

Old     (salsajs3030)      Join Date: Aug 2008       12-19-2008, 2:17 PM Reply   
koh Pan Yan Bay in Thailand.
I rode there when I was backpacking in College..was pretty epic.
Old     (fatsac)      Join Date: Jun 2004       12-19-2008, 2:56 PM Reply   
Big Heavy - Did you check out the changing scenery? Crazy!
Definitely one for the list of summer bike trips.
Old     (rallyart)      Join Date: Nov 2006       12-19-2008, 2:59 PM Reply   
Great Bear Lake. It's on the Arctic Circle so you can run 24 hours a day at the end of June and still be in daylight. There is only one town on the lake and only two towns in the whole watershed.
OK, so getting your boat there is tricky but that just means there are no other wakes. Oh, and the biggest lake trout they've caught there was 74 pounds. Bring bug spray.
Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       12-19-2008, 3:12 PM Reply   
fatsac, I did. Look at May 25th (Memorial Day). I was 50 or so miles south trying to summit Mt. Sill and we got this picture. Weather in the Sierras is fickle!

(sorry for the sidetrack everyone, carry on)
Old     (billy2603)      Join Date: Mar 2007       12-19-2008, 3:16 PM Reply   
You could also go the other way and look for bodies of water that are near/in the middle of a city. I'm sure there are canals or rivers that run right next to city landscapes. Might be able to set up some cool night shots with skyline in the background.

Oh, how about doing the Grand Canal in Venice?
Old     (wakeboardsam)      Join Date: Jun 2008       12-19-2008, 3:47 PM Reply   
Old     (lsukuntryboy)      Join Date: Jul 2007       12-19-2008, 3:57 PM Reply   
^^^^^^that looks like some of the places that i ride in. ill have to go check caddo out.
Old     (ponder86)      Join Date: Mar 2008       12-19-2008, 4:07 PM Reply   
^^^^ Where is Caddo?
Old     (dirty)      Join Date: Jul 2004       12-19-2008, 5:56 PM Reply   
those are some sicks spots they all look really cool, hopefully we can get to some of them, Bora Bora looks sick and so many good unknown spot in North America
Old     (chpthril)      Join Date: Oct 2007       12-19-2008, 6:13 PM Reply   
Lake Jocassee in the Northwest corner of South Carolina. Only 1 access, Devils Fork State Park, and virtually no development. Its a dammed up mtn valley with lush, thick green forest rising out of the blue/green water. We try to spend a long weekend every Summer.




Old     (wakerider111)      Join Date: Jul 2006       12-19-2008, 6:17 PM Reply   
Old     (ryan_shima1)      Join Date: Sep 2002 Location: Layton, Utah       12-19-2008, 6:42 PM Reply   
Dirty, the place in Idaho I think you're talking about is called Hell's Canyon. There's a section in Natural Born Thrillaz with Josh Sanders & Randy Harris.

Anyways, there's always Oahu, Hawaii. (a popular place for video's in the late 90's to early 2000's)

Old     (duffmangt)      Join Date: Jan 2008       12-19-2008, 7:09 PM Reply   
^^^^ i love pics like that, reminds me why i wake up early and stay out late riding
Old     (marshk344)      Join Date: Jun 2005       12-19-2008, 7:57 PM Reply   
Arenal in Costa Rica would be pretty sweet.

Also, Moraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies could be the most beautiful place on earth. But I don't think you can get a boat on it...

Old     (wakeboardertj)      Join Date: May 2005       12-19-2008, 9:03 PM Reply   
^^ that is amazing.

for the west coast my all time favorite and home lake is bullards bar. i am truly spoiled to live so close. albeit i haven't been to powell.
Old     (westsiderippa)      Join Date: Dec 2006       12-19-2008, 9:15 PM Reply   
arenal........not a boat to be seen. maybe one day there will be a wake boat there hey sanders.....

Old     (ryan_shima1)      Join Date: Sep 2002 Location: Layton, Utah       12-19-2008, 10:44 PM Reply   
I've been to Morraine Lake as well and fully agree that it's one of the most beuatiful lakes I've ever seen.

Arenal looks amazing!
Old     (pjdave)      Join Date: Oct 2002       12-20-2008, 12:32 AM Reply   
The moat around Angkor Wat, siem Reap, Cambodia is my pick for amazing lakes. Dug by hand in the 8th century with the backdrop of the temple 5 miles x 5 miles sqaure.

Dont like the chances of getting a boat on it, but hey it is a very corrupt country.Upload
Old    walt            12-20-2008, 2:29 AM Reply   


Also, Moraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies could be the most beautiful place on earth. But I don't think you can get a boat on it...

That place is amazing !
Old     (dirty)      Join Date: Jul 2004       12-20-2008, 10:25 AM Reply   
Cambodia looks sick, good spot
Old     (wakeboardsam)      Join Date: Jun 2008       12-20-2008, 10:35 AM Reply   


By Dirty (dirty) on Saturday, December 20, 2008 - 9:25 am:

Cambodia looks sick, good spot

Yea, Cambodia rocks! Bong Sraline Ohn - that's cambodian... You can practice your twinkle toe steps too, dodge landmines. Cambodia has more landmines and amputees than any other country.
Old     (wakeboardsam)      Join Date: Jun 2008       12-20-2008, 10:37 AM Reply   
Caddo is in Texas. No one goes there because you have to know the lake/river due to all the stumps. Snakes and gators are pretty thick too.

I love it though!!!
Old     (ducttape)      Join Date: May 2006       12-20-2008, 11:06 AM Reply   
You can always get good shots of jumping the dead fish in Lake Elsinore, Ca. Nothing beats that for an EEEWWW! factor. LOL Upload
Old     (paradise_adventures_costa_rica)      Join Date: Dec 2008       12-20-2008, 11:40 AM Reply   
My name is Jonathan Turcotte Owner and Operator of Paradise Adventures Cost Rica.

To expand the market here in Costa Rica I have spent a great deal of time and effort putting the word out there globally.

I Moved to Nuevo Arenal February 2008, was operating on the Pacific Coast, in the province of Guanacaste in the Bahia Célèbre, situated in the Papagayo peninsula two years prior.

This town now called Nuevo Arenal as the old Arenal is at the bottom of the lake. Thirty years ago, ICE filled the lake and sank the town bellow it. The lake is now damned and used for electricity.

Lake Arenal has a reputation of being one of the top ten places in the world for Kite boarding and windsurfing. The winds on this fifty-mile lake are very predictable, blowing in the same directions for the majority. What makes Lake Arenal great for wakeboarding is the amount of coves and islands that break down the winds. The lake itself has a boomerang shape to it and at the end where the winds are blowing from is a huge wall Called, Vulcan Arenal.

There are many places on Lake Arenal you can find great conditions for wakeboarding; all have their own special charm.
The volcano being by far the most magical, just approaching Vulcan Arenal astounds you. The volcano rumbles, pumps smoke and spits boulders and lava every day. During the evening on a clear night, you can experience the awe of one of Mother Nature’s light shows. Pictures are worth many words but even words cannot explain how incredible this experience is. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to ride in such an amazing spot, and feel the need for others to experience this.

Lake Arenal is part of the Guanacaste Province and is situated between the towns of Nuevo Arenal, La Fortuna, Monterverde and Tilaran. Lake Arenal is also conveniently located between Costa Rica’s two major airports; The Daniel Odober Airport in Liberia and The Juan Santa Maria in San Jose the capital of Costa Rica.

From the San Jose Airport, you could make it here by bus or car in three and half hours or by plane into la Fortuna in less than 40 minutes. From the Liberia Airport, you could make it here by car or bus in less than 2 hours.

Nuevo Arenal is situated above the lake, throughout the town you can take in some spectacular views of Lake Arenal and its Volcano. The town has a small town feel, locals are friendly and exited to meet and mingle with the tourist. Nuevo Arenal has plenty of great places to eat, ranging from local specialties, pizza joints, steak houses, German cuisine, fine coffee shops and one of lonely planet’s 2009 number one recommendations The Gingerbread Restaurant.
The boat is a 2005 Tahoe 195, it runs 19.5 in length, 9 feet in width with deep V hull, powered by a 4.3L.mpi vortex with 220 hp, equipped with a tower, and plenty of room for 8 passengers, Polk Audio tower speaker and marine amplifiers.
The wake has and glassy approach, with a nice lip and plenty hard.
Thank you for taking the time to discover Paradise Adventures Costa Rica and its magical location In Nueva Arenal. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you wish, should you have any questions please contact us.
Contact us for more information on pricing and availability; we are ready to make your visit to Neuvo Arenal Costa Rica a vacation.

Paradise Adventures Costa Rica’s new home @ Coceptos Artisticoss

Paradise Adventure Costa Rica is pleased to offer accommodations to visitors from such an amazing location.

Coceptos Artisticos is not just your average lodging. This location consists of three very comfortable fully furnished two bedroom wood cabins that can accommodate four people each.
Cabins are equipped with fridge, stove, washroom with shower and hot water, living area, kitchen and a front patio looking out onto Lake Arenal and the tropical gardens surrounding the whole property.

Another unique feature of Conceptos Artisticos is the common area. Enjoy a cup of Costa Rica’s fine coffee, relax in a hammock, and dive into a new book while taking in the beauty of the lake and life surrounding you. There is a Dining area with seating for eight, barBQ, fire pit and a beautiful collection of orchids and other tropical flowers and plants.

Conceptos Artisticos is a very eco friendly location; the natural beauty that surrounds the property has a very rustic and soothing affect. The many visitors that have taking advantage of Coceptos Artisticos, all find it hard to leave. The positive energy and consciousness of life at Conceptos Artisticos makes your vacation to Costa Rica a life changing one.

Neuvo Arenal Costa Rica province of Guanacaste
The main road to Fortuna and Tilaran Guanacaste, 500 meters from la Ceiba lodge

Contact information, Jonny
Cell: 011-506-8319-4625 Jonny
Skype : paradiseadventures


Old     (dirty)      Join Date: Jul 2004       12-20-2008, 6:34 PM Reply   
Sam you wouldn't agree that the spot in the pics of Cambodia looks sick and would be fun to ride if possible or you just enjoy being sarcastic?

What no landmines in Caddo, too bad...
Old     (skier12)      Join Date: Mar 2006       12-20-2008, 8:48 PM Reply   
The water in this pic is amazing,

I borrowed the photo from Reto he posted it in one of the mastercraft pride threads, the place is somewhere in Croatia.

Old     (gunz)      Join Date: Sep 2001       12-21-2008, 1:49 PM Reply   

That water is amazing!
Old     (gdouble)      Join Date: Mar 2008       12-21-2008, 2:12 PM Reply   
Lake Constance, Nelson Lakes National Park, NZ. You'd struggle to get a boat in there, unless finances were not an issue.

Old     (glee22)      Join Date: Jun 2008       12-21-2008, 2:33 PM Reply   
lake summersville in wv,theres always butter somewere and its very clear...there is a 50 foot visibility and most spots are about 80 to 200 feet
Old     (glee22)      Join Date: Jun 2008       12-21-2008, 2:40 PM Reply   
oh and there is never anyone wakeboarding there but there are some skiers but not much...its not a very busy lake and definitely not back in the coves most people are just relaxing and jumping off cliffs and stuff
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       12-21-2008, 2:56 PM Reply   
Cherry Lake just outside Yosemite. Above Sonora. 4700 ft elev.
Beautiful. sorry I don't have pics.
make sure your brakes are in good shape and do not be in a hurry or you will fry your brakes just getting there. Its worth the drive though.
Crystal clear. with Yosemite like scenery.

(Message edited by bftskir on December 21, 2008)
Old     (colombiansurfer)      Join Date: Sep 2008       12-21-2008, 4:39 PM Reply   
TigeMike, Devils Fork State Park looks great for a long weekend! It doesn't look that far from Cary, NC. Any ideas on best time to go let me know.

Kyle L. That pic you posted looks great! The boat looks as if it is floating on air instead of water. We have/had a lake here, White Lake, that is somewhat clear due to a fresh water spring. Haven't been in a while, so I do not know if the grass and weeds have taken over.

MarshallK, the pic you posted is a great shot!!
Old     (chpthril)      Join Date: Oct 2007       12-21-2008, 5:25 PM Reply   

I've been there anywhere from late May to the end of Oct. End of Summer is by far the best, but if you dont mind the cold, it's awesome when the leaves are changing. If you want to camp, need to make your reservations a few months in advance, if you want to rent a cabin, you need to call the park office and find out what day the cabin rentals open, they typically rent out in a couple of weeks (for week ends).
Old     (eaglejackson)      Join Date: Oct 2004       12-21-2008, 5:39 PM Reply   
Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies, near Moraine Lake.
Old     (goinbigg17)      Join Date: Jul 2002       12-21-2008, 6:44 PM Reply   
I second Diablo if you could get a boat in there. I think they have a speed limit restriction
Old     (gdouble)      Join Date: Mar 2008       12-21-2008, 9:59 PM Reply   
I don't know anyone that has ever been in the water at Diablo. It's that color for a reason, glacial run-off... I guess if the redbull guys were willing to hit up those icebergs there are people out there willing to hit diablo.

Good luck though
Old     (wakekat15)      Join Date: Jul 2005       12-22-2008, 8:17 AM Reply   
Bear Lake in Idaho is very cold until summer, but just an awesome sight. The golf course next to it is pretty cool to play as well!

It has been called the "Caribbean of the Rockies" for its unique turquoise-blue color, the result of suspended limestone deposits in the water. It was formed at least 150,000 years ago by fault subsidence that continues today, slowly deepening the lake along the eastern side.Upload
Old     (norcalbordr)      Join Date: Feb 2006       12-22-2008, 2:39 PM Reply   
Kyle, that pic in Croatia is intense
Old     (jcollinge)      Join Date: Apr 2004       12-23-2008, 7:11 AM Reply   
Lake Amistad on the Texas/Mexico border has been a favorite of ours...
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       12-23-2008, 7:31 AM Reply   
gotta agree with a few that were already mentioned:
Broken Bow, OK
Lake Amistad, TX

Haven't seen this one mentioned yet, at least one film was done there, Texas Best Kept Secrets - Who Knows: Possum Kingdom. Nice cliffs and backdrops. Let me look for a pic...
Old     (paradise_adventures_costa_rica)      Join Date: Dec 2008       12-23-2008, 11:13 AM Reply   
There has been a boat in Lake Arenal offering wakeboarding for over a year now.
Check out link for more details
There has been others, they just did not do there homework, running a business here takes allot of money and patience.
A ton of money for taxes to import a boat and allot for legalities and insurance for an extreme sports ran on a man made lake, used by the Costa Rica Government for electricity.
two words, law suit.
It took me 3 years of paperwork and lawyers fees, to set my business up legally, I would highly advise anyone bringing a boat here to think and save allot of money before doing so, the government is not going to accept an apology for not going the distance. Down here in Costa Rica they will take your boat and slap you with a huge fine. Your boat will be tied up in courts for years, would be easier to start over again.
Old     (tripsw)      Join Date: May 2006       12-29-2008, 8:02 AM Reply   
arenal........not a boat to be seen. maybe one day there will be a wake boat there hey sanders.....
Hola Bryan! Como vas?
Not "maybe one day", as the 2001 has arrived and is now tearing up Lago Arenal!
Let me know when you're here again!

Old     (pfort)      Join Date: Mar 2007       12-29-2008, 8:40 AM Reply   
I take at least one trip a year to Broken Bow Lake. Here are a few pics, definitely an awesome lake to get away to. We are normally one of the few boats on the entire lake when we are there. The camping is awesome for sure.
Old     (blaine4oh5)      Join Date: Mar 2010       04-14-2010, 8:59 AM Reply   
Broken Bow lake in oklahoma is truly amzaing. If i could afford it i would defiantly get a house down there.
Old     (younguns44)      Join Date: Jan 2010       04-25-2010, 5:17 PM Reply   
how do you tansport your boats to those remote locations?


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