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Old     (cwitham)      Join Date: Mar 2009       06-01-2009, 1:27 PM Reply   
What's the deal with everyone making all of these closed toe boots? They started out as a way to give you "more leverage to the board with your toes". Then everyone sort of decided that was bogus, and they still make them.

You can't get exact sizes because there are just not enough wakeboarders for manufactures to produce that many varieties. This ends up causing hurt toes and all that jazz. Not to mention sometimes drainage is a problem for most models.

It just seems like it creates more problems than it solves. Are we just lemmings, buying badly designed stuff because the manufactures sell it, and its new? I dunno, what do you guys think?
Old     (behindtheboat)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-01-2009, 1:55 PM Reply   
I think I've gone closed and don't ever see going back.
1) During colder months my feet are now warmer
2) Not sure if there is more leverage, but mentally it helps
3) Exact sizing is available from some brands, and I notice the same or less variance in closed toe vs what opens were (there is still "right fit" issues in open toe)
4) Ability to have athletic footbeds, giving you a better, more proper riding position (heat moldable too!)
5) Right or wrong, open toes are still available, and in high end models. I prefer making my own choice, and others making theirs, and think there probably isn't a "right" type just yet.
Old     (dirwoody)      Join Date: Apr 2003       06-01-2009, 1:55 PM Reply   
Tried closed toe, went right back to opens. I agree though, I wish there were more OT options out there, but if they're selling, why stop making them

That said, I have ridden some CT's I liked, and know a few people who swear by them. I'm just not sold. Personal preference
Old    dperizzolo            06-01-2009, 1:58 PM Reply   
Honestly, I enjoy my closed toes. My feet are a little warmer so that's nice, and I feel that I am a little more locked in to my bored, but mostly I feel that it is becoming more of a style thing.
Old     (absoluteboarder)      Join Date: Aug 2002       06-01-2009, 2:11 PM Reply   
just imagine doing any other sport with an open toe!

running, tennis, soccer, basketball, snowboarding, skiing, race car driving, boxing, get the picture?

closed toe must give you some level of control over open....even if we as wakeboarders have a hard time putting our fingers on it.
Old     (dohboy)      Join Date: Aug 2007       06-01-2009, 2:21 PM Reply   
Style has got to be a huge part of it because the stubbed toe I got last weekend surely does not make closed toe an advantage. I think Im gonna take others advise and try socks.
Old     (cwitham)      Join Date: Mar 2009       06-01-2009, 2:38 PM Reply   
well, I think the first open toed soccer cleat failed miserably, and I'm guessing it wasn't because of less control than the closed toe.
Old     (westsidarider)      Join Date: Feb 2003       06-01-2009, 2:39 PM Reply   
I really dont know how you guys stub your toes in the CTs. I have never even come close to doing that. But then again I have never pushed my foot out the front of an OT boot before either. Then again I also ride my boots a size smaller than i should so I am super locked in like snowboard boots. I wont ever go back to an OT boot.
Old     (lfrider92)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-01-2009, 2:39 PM Reply   
i dont like my toes touching water while cutting toeside. its ridiculous. but thats why i wear closed toe
Old     (tommmyd)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-01-2009, 3:02 PM Reply   
Never smashed toes on CT, my first set in washington in January was with open toes and it was painful from the cold... Second set a week later with my CT and my feet being cold was not an issue! I will never go back to open.
Old     (waketx05)      Join Date: Feb 2008       06-01-2009, 3:07 PM Reply   
I have also never smashed my toes. i noticed a difference in control wen i went from OT to CT. i will never go back to OT
Old     (pierce_bronkite)      Join Date: Jul 2003       06-01-2009, 3:23 PM Reply   
I dont buy the whole "warmer toe experience". I ride in the winter using open toe and one thing is for sure my face and hands are cold while riding not my toes.

The only time my feet get cold is when I take the bindings off at the end of my run in which that case open or closed toe doesn't matter. Either way you're still dipping your toes in cold water.
Old     (bcrider)      Join Date: Apr 2006       06-01-2009, 3:28 PM Reply   
When we are riding early season if your hands touch the water for too long they start going numb real quick. Ever since I got my Ronix cells and even friends with the older 3DS boots we all agree our feet stay way warmer. I barely even feel the water coming in. When I used to ride in the early season it was either your hands or your toes that got you out of the water. Now it's just our hands.
Old     (wakemitch)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-01-2009, 3:30 PM Reply   
a couple days ago i rode my buddies board which had 08 OT watons and it was so weird riding open toe bindings. It felt goofy and looked dumb in my opinion. It felt like i was missing something.

What's the deal with ovaltine?
The mug is round, the jar is round. It should be called roundtine.

(Message edited by wakemitch on June 01, 2009)
Old     (wakerider111)      Join Date: Jul 2006       06-01-2009, 8:39 PM Reply   


What's the deal with ovaltine?
The mug is round, the jar is round. It should be called roundtine.

i used to think the same thing, and then i thought that it is a PERFECT name for a diet drink. change the ad to ---> "how would you like to slim your round shape into an oval? well now you can with ovaltine."

but anyway. I really like closed toe too. i just feel more connected to the board, like i am apart of it and it is apart of me.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       06-01-2009, 8:47 PM Reply   
I guess it is just a prefeence based on all the comments but CT sucks for me in general. Almost everytime I go snowsking or snowboarding I come home with a black toenail. (my feet are narrow and slide) I cram my feet in the front of a CT boot everytime I land and it sucks. Plus I actually like to feel the water on me. Especially in the 100+ degree days of the Texas sun.

Does anyone have problems with CT not drying out and smelling? It seems like that would be an issue also.
Old     (sexynakedboarder)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-01-2009, 8:53 PM Reply   
I don't really think its a style thing. It's way more comfy to have closed toes. i use to have open toe boots for ever and then i went to close toe and then everyone i ride with was trying them and they all went also. they are just really a good boot. and yeah in the colder days my feet stayed so nice and warm so i got to ride longer.. i love them and wont go back to open
Old     (wake_it_up)      Join Date: Nov 2008       06-01-2009, 8:59 PM Reply   
The only real benefit I see with closed toe boots is the warmth. Riding in 40-50 degree water can numb my toes to the point where it hurts and I needed the extra coverage. I have had no problem with jamming or smell.
Old     (lurker)      Join Date: May 2009       06-02-2009, 9:29 AM Reply   
Gene, I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but I'm telling you it reigns true. I'm big into snowboarding and whether you are riding or skiing, you have to have boots that fit just right. Your toes should literally be touching the end of your boot. When you first buy your boots it's good to actually have your toes scrunched a little as the boots will pack out. I have narrow feet too and it's just as important to buy boots that have a narrower footbed. For example, Salomon snowboard boots are known for their narrow fit. In fitting your boots you do not want any forward or lateral movement whatsoever. With a proper fit, you won't stub your toes and these principles are the same with CT wakeboard boots.
Old     (gene3x)      Join Date: Apr 2005 Location: Dallas , TX       06-02-2009, 9:39 AM Reply   
I hear ya and hate to call BS on you but I have own a pair of Salomon snowboard boots & ski boots. The ski boots, that were "professionally" fitted absolutely give me a black toenail everytime. I have broken both big toes multiple times and my feet look like alien feet. (Someone will vouch here I am sure). Nonetheless they DO NOT MAKE a wakeboard boot narrow enough for my feet. I wear a 12 shoe only because of the length of my big toe.
Old     (cwitham)      Join Date: Mar 2009       06-02-2009, 9:55 AM Reply   
dude, Gene, I just looked at your profile picture. Freakin' Hilarious.
Old     (roomservice)      Join Date: Dec 2006       06-02-2009, 10:00 AM Reply   
yes, Gene is an alien from Vas Deferins. Most Vas Dererenians keep their feet covered to blend in, but their need for alcohol to survive this world usually gives them away, that's why Gene is out of the closet (as an alien).
Old     (lurker)      Join Date: May 2009       06-02-2009, 10:08 AM Reply   
Well, there are always exceptions to the rule and it sounds like your case is definitely one of them. And yeah, your profile pic is great.
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       06-02-2009, 10:30 AM Reply   
"The only real benefit I see with closed toe boots is the warmth."

Old     (wakeboardgeezer)      Join Date: May 2009       06-02-2009, 10:40 AM Reply   
Hey Chris,

I am glad that you pointed out some of the reasons why I don't use a CT boot.

I'm not sure but some of it might be personal preference and perhaps just what you become accustomed to.

For instance, some guys I know started out using a CT as their very first boot, it's really all they know. Once they got used to that, an OT did not feel the same so to them an OT felt unnatural and they did not like OT boots at all.

Maybe the other CT boots are way better but I tried the 2008 Ronix One boots and here is what I found:

The style of this particular boot I thought was "very nice" and as far as looks go, I think they are hard to beat but....

1. The boots absolutely do smell unless you drain and air them out sufficiently after each use.

2. It is hard to get a proper fit if you fall into one of the half sizes or have a real narrow foot like I do, even with heat molding, although the "J" bars helped some.

3. They fill with water and do not drain while in use adding unnecessary weight to the setup.

4. The cold water on the toes thingy didn't seem to make much difference for me one way or the other, just seemed like a non factor.

5. No noticeable difference in control compared to good OT boots.

6. Not easy to get the laces tight all the way up the boot and the locking mechanism does not "always" lock as it should.

Other people who have used this boot don't agree with any of this as "they" did not experience any of these issues but that does not take away from the fact that numerous others have had these problems, so where do you go from there, what's the real deal?

If a CT manufacturer could/would build a boot that fit narrow, wide, and half sized feet, drained properly while in use, produced a more fool proof locking mechanism with the ability to fully tighten the laces all the way up the boot (maybe dual lace?), with increase flexibility without sacrificing good ankle support, with noticeably superior board control over OT boots and didn't break the bank, then I might jump on the band wagon.

Is it out there?

Does the Gator 2009 LTD or the 2009 Hyperlite Murray fit that bill?
Old     (beckycarter)      Join Date: Oct 2008       06-02-2009, 10:45 AM Reply   
To each their own. Geez.
Old     (cwitham)      Join Date: Mar 2009       06-02-2009, 11:18 AM Reply   
I understand to each his own. And it really comes down to preference. I am just asking the question is closed toe REALLY a better solution?

You can say that people still make open toes, so you can just choose, but how many companies really make very many (if any at all) High end open toed boots anymore.

You can't deny that things are moving towards closed toe, and I guess I'm just asking... to what end? So we can have toastie toes in winter months? It just doesn't make much sense to me.
Old     (stephan)      Join Date: Nov 2002       06-02-2009, 11:52 AM Reply   
Liquid Force offers their entire pro line in either CT or OT. CWB has their Faction boot, which is top of the line status. It's not a lost art.

It's just a different feel, like a super stiff boot versus a flexible boot. CT is just something different that some prefer. To what end? Look at the response to this thread, the majority of people prefer them. Mfgs provide what the people want, so I guess they are doing it right.

I think if they are great if sized right. I'm with Callen, get em a size smaller and you will never move around in your boots. My toes touch the end all the time and in nearly two years I've never smashed my toes. Drainage issues? My CTs hold no more water than an OT, I get up and ride and they drain, end of story.
Old     (tom_paz)      Join Date: Jan 2003       06-02-2009, 11:53 AM Reply   
i hate to add to this heated debate, but there are benefits of CT that some find and others may not. It is dependent on riding style and skill. Weekend warriors may not notice any major differences while carving around or even going wake to wake, but landing on a t/s edge or switch t/s edge way out in the flats and being a little off balance (especially after spins) and you'll be glad that your (PROPERLY FITTED) CT boots prevent half your foot from popping out the front. To me, this creates an increased feeling of control and gives me more confidence. Companies have 3 years to figure out drainage by now, and they do drain. They have had even longer to figure out lace locks as well, besides this is really irrelevent to the argument because they can be used on OT boots as well. A large number of CT boots are dual lace. You'd be hard pressed to find a high end model without some type of dual lace, and can be tightened as much or more than OT boots. As for perfectly fitting half, wide, and narrow sizes oh well, you can't win them all, but most companies offer some boot that can come pretty darn close. The whole cold water argument is not real important, but i think that some of the reasons above are legit enough to continue to produce CT.

HOWEVER, not everyone will find the benefits of CT to be effective and that is why there will always be good ol' OT as well.
Old     (wakeboardgeezer)      Join Date: May 2009       06-02-2009, 12:07 PM Reply   
I'm hearing what your saying,

I also fully understand to each his own, that's cool,

For myself, I would like to know if they "really" are better or not, with some facts and logic applied instead of the touchy feely stuff you hear sometimes that doesn't always tell you what you need to know before you make an expensive investment.

Maybe the 09 Murray's or 09 Gator LTD's are great but have not heard anything about them or had a chance to try them yet, maybe somebody has the scoop on those?

If the trend towards CT continues to the point where I just can't find a top of the line OT boot anymore then I will be forced to use CT but until then I just don't see it yet but that's just me.
Old     (nschimm)      Join Date: Jun 2009       06-03-2009, 9:04 AM Reply   
I purchased the 09 Murray setup. I only have about six sets on it and cant complain. The board handles great and the binding are sweet. I talked with a regional Hyperlite dealer to figure out what I exactly wanted, so he helped me with the binding sizes and board. I wear an 11.5 bindings are 11. They are a little tough to get into but once laced up they represent Murray and Hyperlite well.


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