07-28-2004, 10:02 AM
Howsit. I started wakeboarding last summer on a friends Hyperslide (yea that was fun), but I only got the chance to go out once or twice. This summer I've been pulled behind a better boat and ridden some better boards but I still havent bought my own. I'm pretty much beginner/intermediate, if that makes a huge amount of difference on the board. I've ridden the Temet 138, considered the Premier (i havent ridden it yet and the graphics suck). Im looking into some more advanced boards, maybe a CWB Absolute Platinum 141. I stand 5'9" and sit at around 145lbs. Any suggestions?
Join Date: Mar 2004
07-28-2004, 10:07 AM
You demo'd some really nice boards but I think you already narrowed it down to what you want. I would take the absolute platinum 141, you can't go wrong with that.
Join Date: Jun 2004
07-28-2004, 10:09 AM
i'd recommend anything between a 136 and a 139 for you. 141 or higher will be too big for you. Joyride makes some sick boards, liquid force and hyperlite are all great boards. if money is not a factor i would look into the liquid force substance. that is a great all around board. make sure you go for a big rocker, at least 2.5 inch for that big air and soft landings.
07-28-2004, 10:16 AM
With the sizes I was taking into consideration my growth over the next year. I'll still wakeboard this summer but next summer I'll be out every 4th or 5th day. With the cost I was expecting something between 700 to 800 bucks, give or take 100 or so, so pretty much anything works. Both the LF Substance and the CWB Absolute Platinum look like good boards. What else should I look for other than the rocker?
Join Date: Mar 2004
07-28-2004, 10:16 AM
Yeah i just saw that he is a little light at 145 lbs. Check out the LF Substance as well.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-28-2004, 10:17 AM
Don't forget about the O'Brien Demented!! Great board, really fast, pops great and lands soft. I agree with Phil, a 141 would seem a little big for you. Demo as much as you can and pick what works for you. jjakober Later, jjakober (Message edited by jjakober on July 28, 2004)
07-28-2004, 10:18 AM
Ah and with sizes the Absolute Platinum only has a 134 and a 141, so that makes it a bit of a hard choice. I dont want to have to buy another board in 2 years because Ive outgrown what I bought this year if I can help it
Join Date: Mar 2004
07-28-2004, 10:19 AM
Also the Ricky G 138
07-28-2004, 10:35 AM
Im about to be going up to a boarding shop so are there any other boards I should take a closer look at while I'm there?
Join Date: Mar 2004
07-28-2004, 12:25 PM
i would wait a little bit as the newer boards are coming out. You might like a 2005 better unless you absolutely need a board now.
07-28-2004, 12:29 PM
They normally come out at the end of summer right?
Join Date: Mar 2004
07-28-2004, 12:30 PM
yeah everything should be out in september
Join Date: Jun 2004
07-28-2004, 12:32 PM
how old are you? how much growth do you have left? remember 3 stage rocker gives more pop, but continous is easier to ride (beginner friendly) Pretty much all the liquid force line are good boards, and same w/ hyperlite. Liquid Force - Subjeckt (spelling), Substance. Joyride Birdman is the shizzy, i want to get that board.
07-28-2004, 12:37 PM
Im 16, 17 next year on the 28th (no leap day, so i get to have my birthday a day earlier). 5'9" at around 145 lbs. I imagine ive got quite a bit of growth left, so I have to factor that into it.
07-28-2004, 3:18 PM
Alright at the shop I checked out the Substance 138 and the Premier. They only seem to carry Liquid Force, O'Brien ( i couldnt find the demented ), and Hyperlite. I will probably trial the Substance 138 next tuesday when I go out on the lake again. Can anyone tell me some more about this board, thanks for all the help.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-28-2004, 3:20 PM
Ryan, Check out the O'Brien Player also if you have a chance. jjakober