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Old     (wakeripper)      Join Date: Oct 2002       07-07-2003, 11:04 AM Reply   
My crew and i went to Martinez Lake the 4th and what a weekend!! We had to stay in Yuma this time and got on the water at about 7:30 and proceeded to Ferguson to find only 1 boat, it was the first butta i have had all season, oh what a beautiful sight it was. I can finally say that i can add the backroll to my list of tricks and have started to work on the Tantrum and Raley (ouch!!) and thanks to Bill J's advice at WSSR i am now throwing some pretty big grabs on my toeside. Everyone of the guys in my crew have added some new tricks after the weekend of great riding and suprisingly enough it wasn't that crowded. So that's my story.... What's everyone elses?

P.S. Rony was that you guys at Fergi on Sat.
Old    husband's name Day            07-07-2003, 11:12 AM Reply   
The 66' correct craft has a new floor board, new carpet, new upholstry, a new stearing cable. . . . and lots of others new stuff, but the paint jobs gonna wait until winter. We gave it the first run of the season on Saturday and took it out again on Sunday (where the water was glass) and rode like crazy. I landed some ollie 180s(big for me!) and got my brother and sister in-law out for the first time! Lots of riding, lots of fun!!! Hope everyone else's was just as sweet!!!
Old     (wiltok)      Join Date: Feb 2003       07-07-2003, 11:42 AM Reply   
Mine kinda' sucked. After a few runs on Thursday morning (took the day off to take advantage of the glass), my 01 MC X-9 died in the middle of the lake. Took it to the dealer - they worked on it this morning - replaced a bad "ignition control module". Will be back in the water next weekend....
Old     (goinbigg17)      Join Date: Jul 2002       07-07-2003, 12:08 PM Reply   
i had a great weekend at crescent bar. landed my heelside 180 finally and was even able to throw a grab in. getting even closer to the backroll and also had a blast over there. lots of NICE boats and nice trucks, but for some odd reason none of those nice boats wakeboarded at all.
Old    mt_hed            07-07-2003, 12:12 PM Reply   
I got hit in the eye with a firecracker. Not quite as much fun as riding, but I'll take what I can get. No permanent damage, but still painful.
Old     (peter_c)      Join Date: Sep 2001       07-07-2003, 12:32 PM Reply   
We stayed away from the lakes and headed for the hills. Where we were able to go over a full day without seeing anyone. Using a GPS tied into two maping programs on my computer it is a great way to escape the crowds. These pictures slighty pertain to wakeboarding as these run into Lake Oroville.

Old    jacob_morgan            07-07-2003, 12:47 PM Reply   
Mine went GREAT. I can't say i pulled some awsome trick but I can say that after reading all the post here on jumping and loading the line i managed to get consistenly 2-3 feet of air and land it by doing small cuts into the wake.. I was stoked..

one tip tho, dont' go boarding for 2 days in a row on ure first time out.. and If you can barely walk the 2nd day.. don't board again cuz it may go away while your boarding but it comes back with a vengance later uggggghhh!!!! that and don't get a concussion like me

heheh great times so glad to of been out htis weekend, and the lake wasn't even that crowded !!
Old    buttacup            07-07-2003, 5:19 PM Reply   
Mine was great. I met up with two other people (Rob F and Aimee) from here up at Havasu. I got lost twice once I arrived in Havasu, got a few mystery bruises on my legs, accidentally ran over Rob's new accurate rope (but for the record those suckers are tough, the rope is still in perfect condition), got a few pulls in over the weekend and got home at 330am today it was well worth it!!! .

Thanks to Rob F (sae4life), your boat was great to ride behind, big wake w/no ballast used and a killer stereo system.

We also found the WSR sliders in one of the coves and repaired them a little. Pics to follow at the end of the week from the Havasu weekend adventure.
Old     (nkrn8)      Join Date: Jun 2003       07-07-2003, 7:30 PM Reply   
Randy sounds like you had a great weekend! Congrats on your backroll and to all of you who are stepping it up! Keep at it and good luck!
A special thanks to everyone who came out to Havisu, I had a great time! Dom - you rock!! Thanks again for everythang. Those who were in the boat on sat got to see me almost pull a backroll to revert on accident!
Did you guys ever finish our mission to rebuild that slider???
Sorry to hear of those whose weekend wasn't so great and thanks to Peter for posting those amazing pics - gorgous!
Old    ponchinsd            07-07-2003, 8:52 PM Reply   
The 4th Rocked! The Drop Zero Crew headed out to Lake MArtinez for some fun in the sun! Not too many boats but the wind picked up in the mid afternoon. What's a rider to do then, DRINK, DRINK< DRINK!! Pictures
to follow....
Old    buttacup            07-07-2003, 8:57 PM Reply   
Oh yeah congrats to Randy,glad you and your crew had fun. I learned nothing new :-( But to add more on amay's, dom rocked and he's still unsure as to why we got a kick out of his vest.

Aimee's backroll to revert attempt was sick, too bad she didn't land it, but you'll get there grasshopper......beautiful pics pete.
Old    walt            07-07-2003, 9:27 PM Reply   
Pillsbury was GREAT ! Here is a pic of the AM Butter
Old     (sbayboarder)      Join Date: Apr 2003       07-07-2003, 9:27 PM Reply   
except for the fireworks I could harldly tell it was the 4th I was expecting a lot of boats and people but after the drive up to through Willows and out to Stoney forge I was pleasantly supprised with all the glass that was present. I even got my 8 year old son up and my 60 year old father up for the first time.
Old     (wakeripper)      Join Date: Oct 2002       07-08-2003, 1:20 PM Reply   
Walt and Peter great pictures!!... oh the BUTTA!!

Linsey and Aimee the funny thing is that we were going to go to Havasu but we changed our minds at the last minute. WHat were the rest of the sliders like in the cove, last year i jacked my ribs up on the big kinked slider i'll post pics later.

Dakota, we were the crazy people honking at you guys in the Air Nautique in Ferguson, and saw you guys at the sand bar after Fergi got blown out... but you were leaving before i could get over to say hi. I also have to say you are right there was mucho drinking going on there.

The one lesson i did learn is when you are at the river for 3 straight days and pulling 4 sets a day, by the 3rd day i could hardly walk so i'll definitely take it easy next time.
Old    wakeboard4568            07-08-2003, 1:42 PM Reply   
I was in Vero Beach, FL and i surfed for the 1st time. I wasnt thinking and didnt drink anything all day. I got dehdrated and didnt get to go to a grill out or see fireworks.
I had to stay in teh hotel room drinking sprite, eating candy, adn watching movies.(oh yea real sad, lol)
Oh well ill live.

Old     (mossy44)      Join Date: Oct 2001       07-08-2003, 3:07 PM Reply   
mine was HORRIBLE!!!! i had a good time but too many things happened to me.

1. broken key (had a spare)
2. broken digital camera
3. broken video camera (condensation from taking it out of the sun into the air conditioned houseboat)
4. cigarette from top of houseboat onto vinyl, and burned a hole in the back hatch
5. ruined prop, shaft, strut, alignment, rudder, etc. dont know all the damage just yet.

besides all that, had a great weekend.
Old     (west)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-08-2003, 3:34 PM Reply   
Damn Matt sorry to hear about all that. My friend got a few new scratches and a broken rearview mirror this weekend and I thought he had a bad weekend. It's hard to enjoy yourself around a whole lot of people cuz you have to watch out for your boat so much. I feel ya man, sorr to hear about it!!
Old     (wakeripper)      Join Date: Oct 2002       07-08-2003, 5:43 PM Reply   
I thought we had it bad when we took o huge roller over the bow and it pushed the window glass behind the stop. I had to take apart the window frame to get it back which took like a half hour.

I'm so sorry to hear about that Matt
Old     (goinbigg17)      Join Date: Jul 2002       07-09-2003, 1:05 AM Reply   
i actually had some troubles as well with my weekend. they were letting water out of the dam and it got a little bit shallow, luckily i wasn't stuck, just dinged up the prop a little bit.

sorry to hear about everyone's bad luck.


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