Join Date: Apr 2006
06-04-2008, 1:49 PM
Ok, I think its time I get a new rope and handle, the one i have now, (started riding with) is a low stretch, I want a non stretch rope and good handle to go with it. I saw some on ebay by bullet are these any good? Sorry I cant spend $200 on a rope and handle, maybe a $100. Plz give me your suggestions! Thanks! (Message edited by jixxxer on June 04, 2008)
Join Date: Aug 2007
06-04-2008, 2:00 PM
They're good, and they're real tough, but the coating on them makes them real prone to getting tangled, and then spending a lot of time untangling it. However, mine had a tear in the actual line inside of it (accidentally left it on my buddy's boat, him and his friends tore it and my handle up, go figure), and it held together perfectly fine up until the point when I got sick of dealing with the impossibly stiff knots that would form and switched over to my LF Envy mainline that I bought before that one. Figured I'd keep the Envy as a backup since it cost more, and use the hell out of the bullet line. But if you're on a tight budget, I'd definitely say that Bullet lines are a good way to go. It'll last you a while, and works well, minus the tangling stuff...
Join Date: Mar 2007
06-04-2008, 2:07 PM
Not a big bullet fan, wrapping those things suck. Wait until Boarder's Best Buy comes out with another steal. You'll be able to pick up an accurate line and handle combo for like $80 if you're patient.
Join Date: Apr 2006
06-04-2008, 2:10 PM
anything specific I need to look for when looking at ropes and handles?
Join Date: Mar 2007
06-04-2008, 2:14 PM
you can find the proline LG handle with a good rope for 100 on ebay. Probably the best package for the money IMO
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-04-2008, 2:14 PM
You guys must be doing some weird crap with your bullet lines or not wrapping it correctly. I'm on my 3rd season with mine and never had problems with tangling/knots. Wraps up nice and neat every time.
Join Date: Apr 2006
06-04-2008, 2:35 PM
speaking of bullet, I noticed two different types of rope, one was red(coated?) the other was more of a rope material?
Join Date: Mar 2006
06-04-2008, 2:40 PM
I use bullet and agree with Adam. Good ropes. The red coated is the same as the other except it has a red coat on it.
06-04-2008, 2:48 PM
I've had two Bullet ropes and one handle and all three started to fray badly after the 1st hald-season. Meanwhile, my Accurate Firejacket rope has been used heavily for 3 years and is still in excellent shape.
Join Date: Apr 2003
06-04-2008, 3:07 PM
The Proline LG package only retails for $120, and will go out to 80' (counting the handle). Not bad for a great grip and a coated line. I like mine a lot!
Join Date: Sep 2007
06-04-2008, 5:42 PM
I got the zero G Carbon handle and A line (no stretch) for $115 shipped. I love it....then again I don't have a lot of experience with other setups
Join Date: Sep 2007
06-04-2008, 5:52 PM
The dude at STP where I bought my last rope (Accurate Apex 4, they're mint, last for ages and not too bad for tangling, plus they have 5' sections) said that to untangle a rope hang it off your tower, or whatever tow point you have, by the handle and throw it over the side then cruise around slowly for a while, it should untangle itself that way. Obviously you want to be careful about running over it though.