I found out today that INT will be here in my town on June 13th. I've competed tons of times before and done okay...I really enjoy it. So here's my "problem." The most I can do is grabs, and last year im my last comp, I got out there and couldn't even barely jump off the wake...lol i felt so stupid. It was pretty unfair too cause there weren't enough women there for their to be divisions...so heres me going uip against backrolls and stuff. I knew I didnt have a chance but I did was well as I could. I don't have a real wakeboard boat so to me, the wake is stinkin huge when I compete..so i was stuck. LOL SO ANYAWY ENOUGH COMPLAINING, I just wanna have fun at all my comps this year and i was wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks that you think Id be capable of....im sick of doing baby stuff... Thanks, sorry for whining, lol ELisabeth