02-02-2004, 1:50 PM
Bindings must be easy in and easy out. Don;t care what it costs me. What do you guys use?
Join Date: Feb 2003
02-02-2004, 1:52 PM
Check out Nice's new PRS3's. They are new this year and are specially designed for Juniors and women.
02-02-2004, 3:55 PM
I use 03 Belmonts and I absolutely love them, super comfy, really easy in and out.
02-02-2004, 3:58 PM
cwb zeus
Join Date: Oct 2003
02-02-2004, 4:24 PM
Check out the new LF Transits. They have womens and mens versions of the binding.
Join Date: Feb 2003
02-02-2004, 7:49 PM
cwb zues.
02-03-2004, 8:45 AM
my wife got some splits last year and really likes them.
Join Date: Feb 2001
02-03-2004, 8:59 AM
Please keep in mind that there's no such thing as women's bindings, just as there are no such thing as men's boards and/or bindings. Women's boards just have feminine graphics, and women's bindings are small sizes and some have softer colors. The best thing for her to do is to go to local shop(s) and try on as many pairs as possible. If they'll let you demo, that's even better! Otherwise, go with what feels the best. Look for these at your shop. DoubleUP Luke Wulf DoubleUP Kranks Hyperlite Parks Liquid Force Ultra Sucs CWB Zeus Nice Scarecrows (is that what they're still called?)
Join Date: Jan 1997
02-03-2004, 9:16 AM
Actually, there is a women's specific binding. I believe the one that Mark was referring to is the new Liquid Force Minx. They, along with Melissa Marquardt, actually did research and found that women's feet and lower legs are not shaped the same as men's, so they came up with this one. All the sizes specified are in women's shoe sizes. Check it out at http://www.wakeworld.com/Boots/getboot5.asp?ProductID=2191
Join Date: Feb 2001
02-03-2004, 9:18 AM
But basically, they're just smaller bindings, right? (I'm not arguing. Please tell me the differences if I'm wrong. Thanks.)
Join Date: Oct 2003
02-03-2004, 9:23 AM
Joe, I was talking to the LF rep at the boat show, and while I don't remember all the specifics, one of the main changes was the back of the boot, they made more of a cut-out for a woman's calf. They claim that this is the first high-end binding made specifically for women. Dave- I remember seeing the article calling them Minx, but at the show the only signs up said Transits. Maybe I just missed 'em. mb
Join Date: Nov 2002
02-03-2004, 9:23 AM
Joe they are not just a smaller version. what i think dave was trying to say was that there are differences between a mans foot and a womens foot and the new LF bindings cater to a womens foot therefore they call them a womens binding.
Join Date: Jan 2001
02-03-2004, 9:41 AM
I will also verify that the Minx isn't a re-badged Transit. The cut of the binding is different. Also, the pull of the lace up the front is designed differently. I believe it's on the third lace from the top that the loops pull on a rubber underlay that goes back around the heelcup area. This isn't there on the Transit. The Minx haven't been available, yet. We're supposed to be getting ours within a week or so. My wife got a chance to try on a pre-production Minx, and was really pleased with the design. She needs an easy in easy out binding, as well, along with a binding that doesn't put too much pressure down on her arch, if you don't want it. She said it was very comfortable, and that she could have tightened it down more to make a tigher fit. I'd highly recommend the Minx. Mike Dick See Dick Ride Wakeboards www.seedickride.com (701)682-5515 mike@seedickride.com
Join Date: Jun 2001
02-03-2004, 10:20 AM
Nice also makes a women's version of the scarecrow - the Truth I believe. It doesn't come up as high on the leg and is supposed to be designed with womens' legs in mind.
Join Date: Jan 1997
02-03-2004, 11:11 AM
When they found that there were different shapes to the feet depending on gender, they built the binding accordingly to make for a more comfortable boot that works with a woman's different shape. They do not recommend this binding for men.
Join Date: Apr 2001
02-03-2004, 2:06 PM
Belmonts are great as well. I rode those for 3 years before my set up flew out of the truck.. Ouch. I have parks now. B
02-03-2004, 4:24 PM
The best thing is for the woman who you are buying them for tries them on and perhaps even demos them. Some bindings are comfy and fit well for some and then are those whose feet don't adjust to them either. Try looking up the binding reviews on this website, they are helpful on what bindings are easy to get in and out of, comfort level etc.
Join Date: Sep 2001
02-03-2004, 8:23 PM
My wife and Daughter have the Nice Truth's.They really like them.