Cased a doubleup wake on the way down PERFECTLY... or rather not so perfectly (would have been perfect going up) and it felt like my legs and the bones inside were a giant tuning fork happened last friday. Strangely enough i felt fine after a little rest and i have no pain at all in my knees or legs. i think i am lucky. the initial feeling and shock Sccared me bad. I saw it coming and bent my knees alot... probably should have bailed completely though. it was a friend's boat: X-2, factory ballast loaded and a full load of peeps too... not slamming, but definately the WORST CASE OF MY LIFE! everyone in the boat was also surprised i was ok as i was due to the looks and sound of the board hitting that peaky wake Gota say it...Thank you "Future Responce Technology." anyone else have some CASE THE WAKE STORIES