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Old     (gunnertom4593)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-22-2009, 10:24 AM Reply   
Someone made a comment on his teaser video on saying that jimmy can only spin clockwise. To my understanding he is left foot forward and can only spin regular backside or switch frontside if what this guy is saying is true.

I thought that is completely untrue at first but I just watched his drive section and realized that whenever he spins frontside it is switch, and when he spins regular its always backside.

Does anyone have any more opinions on this?? Not trying to say anything bad about him he kills it for sure but it just seems odd.
Old     (lfxstar)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-22-2009, 11:48 AM Reply   
jimmy doesn't have a switch or regular.
Old     (gunnertom4593)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-22-2009, 11:50 AM Reply   
Ok well in that case he only spins frontside right foot forward and backside left foot forward. Still the whole idea of being able to spin clockwise.
Old     (adambarry)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-23-2009, 11:15 PM Reply   
im not gunna lie I am really tired of his switch heelside frontside 9, its gnarly and all but seriously he needs to learn something new off double ups (only from what I've seen on videos)
Old     (luke_j)      Join Date: Jul 2008       06-24-2009, 12:02 PM Reply   
shut up adam. jeez
Old     (andy_nintzel)      Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Minnesnowda       06-24-2009, 12:39 PM Reply   
You know, I hate these threads. Here's the bottom line. No Matter what direction he is spinning chances are good Jimmy Can spin better than you.
Old     (zachcopp)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-24-2009, 1:06 PM Reply   
I could be wrong, but I doubt this thread is meant to bash Jimmy. He rips no doubt, and although you may be tired of his heel 9 of the double up Adam, he stomps it clean almost every time. I too would find it odd/interesting if jimmy could only spin clockwise. It would not make him a worse rider, its just interesting to hear stuff like this about the pros.
Old     (liquidmx)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-24-2009, 1:13 PM Reply   
Agreed Andy. I find it comical how much hating goes on in this sight. Personally, unless you can do a harder trick than the person your hating on STFU. Even then your just going to look like a tool because this sport isnt about hating on anyone, its about riding HOW YOU WANT TO RIDE, not how a WAKEWORLDER Keyboard jockey thinks you should ride.
Old     (wakeslife)      Join Date: Jul 2005       06-24-2009, 1:16 PM Reply   
"Not trying to say anything bad about him he kills it for sure but it just seems odd"

^^ This was in the original post. why does everyone have to get so defensive? Yeah Jimmy is better than most anyone here but yes it is also odd that he - a pro - can only spin one direction if true...
Old     (eubanks01)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-24-2009, 1:27 PM Reply   
I agree Rob. He was just making conversation and not saying anything bad at all about Jimmy. Wild how some people get so defensive about it.
Old     (teamvaldez)      Join Date: Apr 2003       06-24-2009, 1:36 PM Reply   
"im not gunna lie I am really tired of his switch heelside frontside 9, its gnarly and all but seriously he needs to learn something new off double ups (only from what I've seen on videos)"

I think this is the statement that got people worked up. If you know Jimmy and how hard he works, you wouldn't say this. That statement was the keyboard jockey statement. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it, come on!!
Old     (onthewatermo)      Join Date: Jan 2008       06-24-2009, 1:38 PM Reply   
...and Zoolander was a really really ridiculously good looking male model who couldn't turn left.
I'm glad the people I boat with don't have the "tired of his switch heelside frontside 9" mentality...oh wait, I mean "tired of his heelside ninja with a few grabs and a sloppy undialed tantrum".
Old     (bill_c)      Join Date: Apr 2009       06-24-2009, 1:41 PM Reply   
I think if you look closely at some of the Pro riders out there then you will see a pattern of rider that can only spin in one direction, and I am not trying to bash on anyone either. Merely stating an observation.
Old     (steezyshots)      Join Date: Feb 2008       06-24-2009, 2:20 PM Reply   
This was in the original post. why does everyone have to get so defensive? Yeah Jimmy is better than most anyone here but yes it is also odd that he - a pro - can only spin one direction if true...

Jimmy is better than ANYONE on here
Old     (andy_nintzel)      Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Minnesnowda       06-24-2009, 2:26 PM Reply   
Robyn (TEAM VALDEZ) is correct. That is the comment that got me fired up not Tom's Q.
Old     (eubanks01)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-24-2009, 3:05 PM Reply   
"Jimmy is better than ANYONE on here"

Are you sure...Philip posts here sometimes.
Old     (gunnertom4593)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-24-2009, 3:47 PM Reply   
Yeah I am not bashing jimmy at all. I am in no place to try and say anything bad about someone who is that much better than me. Just making an observation and wanted to know if anyone had noticed the same thing.
Old     (wakeslife)      Join Date: Jul 2005       06-24-2009, 4:15 PM Reply   
Riley - Murray, Soven and other pros have been known to post if you were unaware.
Old     (adambarry)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-25-2009, 2:09 AM Reply   
hahah wow I didn't really mean to mess evverything up like that, I just meant I'm tired of seeing it in videos. I like Jimmy la riches style but the only thing I every get to see in videos is his spins, like watch drive and you'll see that he does I think 1 invert (editors fault not his obviously) I just was saying I want to see his other stuff too, sorry to be the d-bag that screws up threads I hate that crap
Old     (rmcronin)      Join Date: Aug 2002       06-25-2009, 5:02 AM Reply   
The positive is that this thread made me think of young riders that shred. Check this out
Old     (lfxstar)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-25-2009, 6:52 AM Reply   
I've personally gotten to see jimmy ride a lot over the years and it has truly been a pleasure to watch him as a frothing from just learning some tech tricks to where he is now. I have seen him do every Spin possible. He can spin every 7 switch and regular ts and bs and pretty much every 9. The kid is probably one of the most diverse spinners in the world and I think every pro would agree with that.
Old     (focker)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-25-2009, 8:19 AM Reply   
Kyle - he does reg and switch ts bs 7's?
Old     (tom13knotek)      Join Date: Feb 2009       06-25-2009, 10:48 AM Reply   
Adam there is a reason la riche only has one invert in drive. spinning is where the sport is going, inverts in my opinion will slowly start to fade w/in the next couple years
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       06-25-2009, 11:12 AM Reply   
"spinning is where the sport is going, inverts in my opinion will slowly start to fade w/in the next couple years "

There's no way.

Who wants to watch that anyway. Just spins? That would be so boring.
Old     (eubanks01)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-25-2009, 11:33 AM Reply   
I can't tell if you're serious J-Rod, but if so, then I agree! It's funny because all the pro spin folks that don't like to see people just flip all the time think that just spinning with no inverts is so much better. To me if all you do is spins you're on the same plane as the guy that just flips without any spins. Balance is key IMO.
Old    benj_t            06-25-2009, 11:36 AM Reply   
"spinning is where the sport is going, inverts in my opinion will slowly start to fade w/in the next couple years "

"Flip for show, spin for dough."- Shane Bonifay

flips are crowd pleasers especially to non-wakeboarders
Old     (xbones)      Join Date: Mar 2007       06-25-2009, 12:06 PM Reply   
Nice catch David F ;) Thought that was funny myself.
Old     (liquidmx)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-25-2009, 12:17 PM Reply   
Wait, let me get this straight Eubanks...your saying that a person that only spins is at the same skill level as a person that only throws inverts? Seriously, you must be joking right?

(Message edited by liquidmx on June 25, 2009)
Old     (hoosairboy)      Join Date: Aug 2005       06-25-2009, 12:51 PM Reply   
"spinning is where the sport is going, inverts in my opinion will slowly start to fade w/in the next couple years "

They would have to revamp the entire judging system. Currently spins account for on 24% or so. Tech only accounts for 27% or so. And yes- I hated it when you could win with spin to win format. When Sane said that they didn't use the same judging.

As far as the original post- I have heard pros talk about how some really good riders can't hit tricks switch or toeside very well or that many of the riders throw the same pass every time. I would think it would count a lot to show diversity but I guess not.

Hey- these guys are young but they are professional and Jimmy makes a nice little living being a pro athlete. So this comes with the territory and this is not that bad. I bet there are a lot of riders who would like to be well known enough to have people criticize them. It means you are well known. I bet a Jason Bannatyne at number 41 (a random pick off the PWT list) would love to be a post topic.
Old     (eubanks01)      Join Date: Jun 2001       06-25-2009, 1:24 PM Reply   
M-Dizzle - I didn't ever say "same skill level". I just think it's funny that most of the folks that rip flippers who don't spin wouldn't have a problem at all with somebody who spins but doesn't flip. IMO there needs to be balance. Obviously people can do whatever tricks they want, but to me it says more about your riding and it is more entertaining when you can (and are willing) to do both.

There are a couple of vidoes I own where the rider doesn't do anything but spins and to me it gets boring when you don't mix it up. Take Igor's set from Mayday...awesome style for sure but by the 12th HS 3 it starts to become a little boring FOR ME!
Old     (bobenglish)      Join Date: Mar 2008       06-25-2009, 6:28 PM Reply   
Big floaty inverts with minimal spinning are still what I enjoy watching. I roll to blind or a high Batwing are still some of my favorite tricks to watch from the boat.
Old     (cheesydog)      Join Date: Mar 2009       06-26-2009, 1:53 AM Reply   
spinning is awesome, inverts are awesome. There you go problem resolved!

My respect goes to those who can do both well, plus do it in switch, regular, toe and heel.

Oh and Im pretty sure Jimmy can spin both ways.
Old     (hoosairboy)      Join Date: Aug 2005       06-26-2009, 9:04 AM Reply   
OK- I talked to a pro rider on the tour and asked him. It is true that Jimmy can only spin in one direction. But he spins in that direction really well. He said that the riders think its kind of funny but it doesn't distract that much from all the other stuff he does well.
Old     (liquidmx)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-26-2009, 10:23 AM Reply   
Eubanks, no worries, it would be boring if everyone rode the same. Just a bit of background on why I think the way I do...the only reason I am pro spinning is because of how much harder it is (generally). I honestly learned a whirlybird LONG before a HS BS 180 or HS BS 360. I also think my beliefs come from my experience watching the WSR taking the anti-invert(ish) stance(s) against the tour and general media portrayal that the better riders were doing inverts. Many, Many riders back in the day got much less coverage because their tricks were not "hollywood" status. I personally have a lot of respect for spins as a result of what they did for the sport...which drives my desire to much rather watch someone spin than flip. I guess I just associate spins as more of a precision related trick.

Case in point actually. I was out riding with a buddy last summer (boat full of riders) and threw down a basic stock set with some spins and an invert or two. I ended up coming back into the wake switch TS and simply straight aired SW TS W2W without a grab...that was the first time I got a real amped response from the boat...did it look pretty, no, was it fairly difficult...yes. Was I pumped to get a response from a boat full of riders...yes.

P.S. I am not trying to bag on anyone, just communicating why I lean towards spinning.
Old     (bill_c)      Join Date: Apr 2009       06-26-2009, 2:48 PM Reply   
lets face it to be recogonised as a good rider these days you really need to have both mobes and spins.
how many riders out there can spin switch and regular hs7,ts7 hs9,ts9, bs7
does anyone know
Old     (lfadam)      Join Date: Nov 2008       06-26-2009, 3:30 PM Reply   
Going with the spin to win/inverts will fade away tangent, I have a thought. Ive been a spinner from the start, and have always liked spinning more than inverts. A few years ago the trend really caught on and now its all about spins, so thats become the vast majority of whats done in vids and competitions. But wasnt the whole reason spins took over because everyone just did unstylish inverts/raley based tricks? Look at snowboarding,they have had the spin to win movement too, and now it seems to me competitions are 99 percent spins. I feel like its so boring. "Switch BS 12, FS 10, FS 12, BS corked 9." I love when Rice comes in and does a sick invert/flip trick. IMO, inverts might be where its at in a few years in wakeboarding, because so many people are spinning that inverts will be what spins were a few years ago...a welcome break from the norm and something interesting and unique. I do think if this trend starts, it wont be all s bends and kgbs like the late 90s/early 2ks, but grabbed or unique inverts a la Chris O Shea with his tailgrab (late) KGB in this month's alliance. I think riders like him are on to something. What do you all think?
Old     (bill_c)      Join Date: Apr 2009       06-26-2009, 4:56 PM Reply   
i know a few other riders who grab their kgb's oshea is more of a spin/wrapped spin type of rider. I like spins but think they have been over done, a good balance of spins, inverts and raley based tricks looks good to me IMO
Old     (mckenna)      Join Date: Mar 2008       06-26-2009, 8:29 PM Reply   
By Roger Hornsby (hoosairboy) on Friday, June 26, 2009 - 8:04 am:

OK- I talked to a pro rider on the tour and asked him. It is true that Jimmy can only spin in one direction. But he spins in that direction really well. He said that the riders think its kind of funny but it doesn't distract that much from all the other stuff he does well.

i dont understand how you can be trully considered a pro if you can only spin one way, a massive limitation to riding there.
Old     (kneeboarddad)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-26-2009, 8:43 PM Reply   
I like how the tour has mixed it up. You have to spin, tech, big air and hit obstacles all well to do well. In Wisc there were 10 to 12 tricks plus 4 obstacle hits. It was pretty balanced with 3 or 4 from each group but at least 2.
Old     (j_money)      Join Date: May 2006       06-26-2009, 9:43 PM Reply Jimmy LaRiche cant do a regular HS FS 3............. I just have a hard time believing that....
Old     (zachcopp)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-26-2009, 10:04 PM Reply   
Ha i dont see why people are saying someone cant be a pro if they cant spin both ways. He is a pro is the bottom line. How many of us noticed he couldnt spin a certain way before this topic was brought up? He kills it and he is still pretty young! Keep on spinning Jimmy, any direction you can!
Old     (adambarry)      Join Date: Sep 2008       06-26-2009, 10:16 PM Reply   
Jesse I guarentee that he can do a hs fs 3 but I think his preferred direction is regualar bs or switch fs. I have the same thing. I can spin reg frontside and switch back waaay better than I can spin reg back or switch front just because from snowboarding I've always spun to the left. Not saying I can do 9s or anything though hahah
Old     (lfxstar)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-27-2009, 5:30 AM Reply
Old     (lfxstar)      Join Date: Jul 2001       06-27-2009, 5:31 AM Reply   
spins a bunch of ways here...
and this is an old video
he didn't land the switch toe 9 after the heel 7 but that pretty much answers the question

(Message edited by lfxstar on June 27, 2009)


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