Any of the normal width boards over 143, and I have a fish 137 for fun and being loose, I have a gator militant 140 that is OK, and I have an older wes briscoe that is actually really good, but I have also thrown my bindings on my wife's gator gonzales 132 and CWB lotus 132 (I think) just to see what would happen and it was fine as long as boat speed was up. I tried the old Marius 140 but did not like it, heard the new style is much better, just need to try it for myself. I believe that it not just the width or length, but how much surface area is actually the "wet" area as the board rides. Oh and I am 6'1 and 240. I have not found that perfect board that has the speed I like along with the width that keeps me up. I have been interested in the slingshot or company boards but need to ride them to see if the flex is for me.