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Old     (wake707)      Join Date: Apr 2009       05-03-2009, 10:41 AM Reply   
Is there something more i should be looking for in a board other than getting a good deal? I'm 6'5" 200lbs. and just go by reviews i've seen but CWB seems like a good board, it lands soft which seems like a nice feature. But can also get an 08 hyperlite apex for 150 on ebay. A liquid force trip setup for 200-250 but don't know anything about the board. I have a good boat I don't know how much that matters in board selection, its a 2005 wakesetter. Any info will help, Thanks!
Old     (lakemiltonwake08)      Join Date: Oct 2008       05-03-2009, 10:59 AM Reply   
If I had to pick for you I'd pick the Trip. I don't think I've ever met one beginner that didn't love the board. Right now the best thing you can do is just start riding different boards and see what you like.
Old     (wakebrdr38)      Join Date: Sep 2006       05-03-2009, 11:07 AM Reply   
I learned on the trip, it was such a fun board, I wish I knew someone with one that I could ride
Old     (snowman89)      Join Date: Mar 2007       05-03-2009, 12:09 PM Reply   
You are looking for the liquid force trip in a new board. It is a straight up awesome board.
Old     (wakerider111)      Join Date: Jul 2006       05-03-2009, 5:47 PM Reply   
what CWB board are you looking at?

The trip is definitely a time proven design and has been largely unchanged for years. no board has maintained popularity and influence longer than it

some questions to ask yourself that might help in board selection are questions that largely regard style or a desired style. the answers to these may even come later as you figure out more what you like (if you don't already)

i.e. Do you prefer a more aggressive pop, steeper trajectory through the air after hitting the wake? If yes, this would describe a three-stage rocker board.

1. Rocker Type (one of the most significant characteristics in a board)
A. Three-Stage Rocker
* more aggressive, sometimes considered less predictable pop
* steeper trajectory through the air after hitting the wake
* tends to be more mellow in speed when carving and edging
* may not land as soft as continuous for reasons stated above.
* "aggressive-" and "abrupt three stage" boards are exaggerated forms of three stage
B. Continuous Rocker
* Predictable smooth pop
* broader arching trajectory path to land further out
* tend to be faster when edging and carving
* tend to land a bit softer
C. Hybrid Rocker
* These seek to blend the characteristics of 3 stage and continuous rockers in various degrees
* "continuous hybrid," "subtle three stage," and "progressive three stage" are some of the other names that fit in this category

2. Flex (another feature that will affect the characteristic of the ride significantly
* the board bend/ "flex" more noticeably than others
* described as giving a "lively pop"-like loading the board like a spring or bow
* tends to land softer, especially when landing tail heavy
* increasing in popularity for hitting obstacles and pressing on rails (but largely equally good for riding wake to wake too)
* often described as mimicking a "snowboard style"
* still a relatively new technology, there are various degrees of flex being incorporated into boards including some "hybrid classes" of flex.

3. Edges and Rails (many boards blend two or more of the styles below)
A. Beveled Rails
* a softer rail that is more forgiving to catching an edge on water or on obstacles
* slower, more mellow transitions from edge to edge
* generally used and seen only on the midsection of a board
B. Sharp Rail
* quick transitions from edge to edge
* less forgiving
C. Cupped Rail
* very fast transitions and reaction
* almost like a tiny long fin resting right on the edge
* only used and seen towards the tips and tails of boards

4. Fins and Molded-in Fins
* a good board will have either molded-in fins or the option of a bolted on fin near all 4 corners of the board. this allows for at least one fin in the water at all times when edging for additional control(4 or more fins, molded and or bolted on)
* larger fin sizes give more traction
* generally, but not always, more fins equals more traction (many choose to ride without bolted on fins, especially if it is a center one)
* Fins closer to the tip and tail will give more traction and release later off the wake
* Fins further from the ends will release sooner

5. Other Features
* Center/Belly Spines are said to create softer landings
* Speed enhancing features such as; vented channels, O'Brien's "Delta base," etc.
* etc.


note: this list is not fully inclusive but i believe it lists the major factors at least. board descriptions will and should (re)explain other features as applied
Old     (wake707)      Join Date: Apr 2009       05-03-2009, 5:55 PM Reply   
Lotta good info posted and I appreciate it. As far as CWB I was looking at the 09 146 kink,maybe the faction 144....but I've heard a lot of good things about the LF Trip and ebay has some great deals on packages.
Old     (eric_z)      Join Date: Jan 2008       05-03-2009, 7:48 PM Reply   
I don't know where you are from but you should got to a local shop. Many left over boards from 08 for cheap out there. Make sure you do your homework on each board. You might take a look at the Ronix line also.
Old     (kcrider)      Join Date: Jul 2008       05-05-2009, 9:48 PM Reply   
My brother's first board was the trip and its such a great board. I liked it better behind the boat than the cable but I can't really find anything bad to say about it. If you can pick one up for a good price you won't be disappointed.


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