I don't want to knock "The Book" because there is some good stuff in there, but I think your money would be better spent by taking a lesson from an instructor live and in person who can fully explain the physics behind wakeboarding.
The Book covers a lot of ground and offers more insight than any other instructional DVD/video out there. However, it doesn't clearly illustrate the physics behind wakeboarding. Once you understand the physics involved then the techniques covered by The Book will make much more sense.
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, read this post from Jason on Dallas Wakeboarding:
http://www.dallaswakeboarding.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7453 Jason really gives you a better undertsanding of the physics involved in wakeboarding. The Book will tell you to take a progressive edge and maybe even how to edge progressively, but it will not tell you why you need to do so.
Again, I'm not trying to say anything bad about The Book. I owned it for a year and did learn a few things from it. However, after taking some lessons from an instructor who gave me the same advice that Jason is giving in this post, I finally understood the concepts behind wakeboarding. I am finally starting to progress my riding!
Just my .02
(Message edited by nauty on August 03, 2006)