Wes, knows one section of the river
I like to call it going on tour, and that is when you ride out in a direction and keep right on going. There are some great spots to ride North West of B&W, but unless you keep your boat there, it is easier to drop in somewhere else and save the boat gas and time. There is one really really long 5 and another long one. If you want into the meadows (Only spot to ride in hurricane force winds, also the only time the Coast Guard recommended that we not to go out(We were able to ride glass and up to a 4 in chop surface), there is a super long 5, but it has trees on both sides and a very nice boat ride. Watch it on low tide though.
The Isleton area has some nice riding, as does the main Sacramento River channel after Locke.
Past Wimpy's on the South River the water will always have flat sections, but it is super narrow, twisty, and boat are often beached on the beaches. About 2/3 the way down that section of the river, it opens up and there is a section we named the race track, because we would lap it all day. Hog Slough is a great place to ride when it is a reverse wind, as it is warm and glassy with little current, but is very shallow, with a mostly muddy bottom.
The weeds will help tell you the water depth as long as you relate them to the tide. In a high tide they are over 7 feet long.
A depth meter is not a requirement but a good thing to have.
I have hit bottom probably 6 times in the Delta, but everytime it was in mud and we were at idle or in and out of gear knowing it was shallow. It is common to see mud pushed to the surface from prop wash. Happens everytime North of Paradise Marina during low tide.
MOST IMPORTANT THING! BUY A MAP! You can purchase a really nice one that is plastic coated and rolls up for ten bucks.