Went to Lake Pillsbury last week and boat camped with Blake Cannon, Kevin Bird, Aaron Aubrey and his friend Dave.
Started off to be pretty eventful. Kevin, Blake and I get to the lake and throw everything in camp and went to go out to get a set. Before we even got the boat up to speed we noticed black clouds coming over the mountains. We decided to go back to camp and cover everything up. We did that and then sat under a cover for over 2 hours while the thunder, lightning and rain storm hit us. You couldnt see across the lake is coming down so hard. After it was done we went for a pull and Blake had the best set I have ever seen him do.
During the week we rode alot with never ending glassy water. Kevin rode really well and even did a little barefooting. Aaron Aubrey was just going huge off the D-up and just popped the handle on a 7. Oh and Aaron did a couple raleys... HAHA(almost got a pic of it)
We got to meet a lot of great people on the trip. The trip was a lot of fun and I want to thank everyone that went.
Here are the pics with the boat loaded ready to go find the camp.