i want to know how to spray things with a board,like a rail ramp,annoying tuber.i just can't seem to get it.ether i get a tiny bit of spray or a ton and the board slides out.
get your backside butter slides down and when you have the spray going up in the air so much that its coming down on you and your not out of control you know your ready to start spraying rails, tubers, jet skiers, etc....
Power slides, even just learning how to time transitioning your edge. So cut out in the direction of obstacle and then just dig your edge in as hard as you can to go in the other direction.
It just comes with more riding and board control. And as mentioned above, the board you are on is a factor. My Murray is much easier to throw up a big slaysh then my buddy's Marek.
thanks to everbody,and also i'm ridng a 05 Lf team and a 08 roam,and the annoying tuber thing only happened once,because the kid destroyed a perfect glass area,then swore like a sailor at me,for making a run through the cove.