I wrote into wakeboarding mag back when we had got busted for winching down at the lake on the ice. Anyways it made it into the mag, and I won a new wakeskate. Pretty cool i thought. Check it out if you get a chance..
Anyways, while riding over the weekend my buddy chad was doing huge front rolls all day, and they were looking real good. Then he ended up wrecking on one of them. I swung around to pick him up, and i asked if hes goin again, when he informed me that he broke his leg. He was not kidding! Snapped both Tibia and fibula! the bone came right out of his skin. I jumped in and we unbolted the bindings from the board then removed the one boot(good leg), we flew back to the launch and medics n police met us. Props to them, did a great job. It was quite a day on the lake...The funny thing is that the fish comission showed up and it was the guy who gave us the ticket from winching. Filled out a bunch of paper work with him, and we ran into him again in the ER. We BS'd for awhile and I ended up telling him that his face is going to be in the june issue. In the end he ended up being a good guy and said to swing over to their boat if we see him so he can check out the artical. Were trying to get in the "friend zone" with this guy, maybe save us on some fines next time.