Finally got my first ride of the year in this past weekend. Rode my new to me 07 Marius. Rode all last year on an 05 Trip without center fins. Left the Center fins in on the Marius to give it a try. The Marius seemed to ride so different then my trip. I was expecting them to be somewhat similar. I'm wondering if it was the center fin that caused the difference, or are these boards really that different? The Marius seemed to have so much drag, if that's the right word to use? When cutting out, as soon as I'd let up on the edge a little, it seemed like I was immediately getting pulled back into the wake. With the Trip, I could cut out, pause, and then make a gradual cut to the wake. I'm hoping it's just the center fin being in causing this? Didn't get a chance to take it out and try another set as it looked like a storm blowing in and had to get off the water. Wish we had a place around here that demos boards. I purchased the 07 Platty based on reviews from this site.