I'm looking for a board to keep on the boat for introducing people to the sport and also for my wife to use. Need something cheap, doesn't have to be new, and easy to ride. My wife also wants it to be green. Any suggestions?
Hyperlite Motive has been our best spare. I'm in no hurry to replace my old board thanks to it. I also keep around an ancient 1998 O'Brien Banshee. It has a lot more buoyancy than a modern board so it's easier to learn to get up on. Ironically enough, the Banshee is very green. I wouldn't recommend it for anything other than learning to get up though.
I just sold my HL 134 Motive for a HL 143 Pulse. I was hoping someone could recommend something similar to the motive but green. However my brother in law bought my motive, so it's always there if I need it, my wife just wanted green.
I've got an '05 Premier 136 w/ size M/L Era Bindings (the ones pictured above)...I'd sell it to you complete for $160+shipping. Let me know if you'd like to see pics or anything. Board and bindings both in good shape.
05' Hyperlite Era plus the Era bindings above to go with it. The board is a great ride and its green and black. The bindings can be a little hard to get in and out of though.
^^^^ and I'm pretty sure that board comes with green and white transits (?) as a package deal........My buddy bought his wife that set up last year. I'll check what site if you're interested..........
(martinique)Join Date: Sep 2006
05-30-2008, 11:19 AM
you guys are all wrong....Jon you need to tell your wife you need a new board and your old board becomes the spare. Come on guys it's your chance to get some new gear and recycle the old stuff