he's been on the same board for a long time...really the only changes over the past few years has been the width of the board...but othere than that the features and characteristics have pretty much been the same...i dont really see it changing either...who knows tho...
The only difference between the limited is acouple things, 1 the bottoms is a different material then what the regular boards are, its the same as the slider board bottoms...2 the bottoms color is flat grey with a droplet on it, and 3rd you can only get the limited edition only in one size and i believe its the 136
The new boats for 08 are new with a new pro plate system that makes the boots stronger and they are soo much lighter....The 08 line is soo sick, if you guys like the shane limited, wait till you see the watson, Wing, and PS3 limited edition boards!!