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Old    mlee            07-02-2003, 10:18 PM Reply   
Greetings all
This is probably a dumb question for all those experienced with wakeboarding ...
I have just got a board with Liquid Force EXO suction bindings and even using soap, I feel like a contortionist trying to get these things off!
Does anyone have any tips on how to get your feet out of bindings?
Old     (jaxboarder)      Join Date: Dec 2001       07-02-2003, 10:44 PM Reply   
in the water, grab your toeside edge between your feet and pull, at the same time try to pull your heels up by pushing w/ the balls of your feet... make sure the laces are loose too...
Old     (peter_c)      Join Date: Sep 2001       07-03-2003, 12:01 AM Reply   
The other way which is what I personally do, is to stand up straight in the water, and jump out of your bindings. Use the method that works for you.
Old    disbemrj            07-03-2003, 9:42 AM Reply   
Sounds like they are new bindings. After about 10-15 rides in them they will fit like a glove. I went through the same thing with my Ultras. Now they go on and off easily, but still feel secure.
Old    mandi            07-03-2003, 10:01 AM Reply   
I used to have that problem w/my exo's then I got really tired of it. If you take the bindings off the board and look underneath them you can take out those screws and loosen up the material to make it easier for you. That is what I had to do. It takes a little bit of time to do this, but it does help.
Old    bassboy8855            07-03-2003, 11:29 AM Reply   
A good face-plant always does the job.
Old    jmalone80            07-03-2003, 11:29 AM Reply   
mandi is right. when i got my exos this year i had the same problem. heres another tip, you can take the screws out and go out a notch like mandi said ( i tried this but then it felt loose when i rode), or you can use the same hole and go forward on the braket. that takes just the right amount of tension off for me to get in and out but still feel tight when you ride.
Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       07-03-2003, 12:08 PM Reply   
the way I would have to get out of my exo's when I had them was stand up straight in the water, jump my right foot out, then use my right foot to kick off the left binding. Worked like a charm. It does take a special technique. You'll get it after a while.
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 7:58 PM Reply   
Any of you ever have your bindings lock up soo bad that you have to take your feet off the board completely and in my case get into shore as fast as I possibly could and my bindings under hot water before I passed out and had people cut them off my feet? Good old LF Ultras, my nightmare bindings. Had them loosened, wear a medium with a size 8-9 foot. The only time they worked like I imagine they're supposed to is after I left them bake in the sun for just over an hour, then they actually came off with the hard fall. Besides having my feet cramp up and almost pass out I'm worried I'm going to blow my knees on a good fall if they don't start to loosen up.
Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       07-06-2003, 9:20 PM Reply   
you're passin' out cuz your bindings are too tight? Do you have your feet confused with your head? I'd probably pass out too if I tried to put my ultras on over my head. Claustrophobia? Maybe you should trade 'em for XXL's. How do you even get the things on if they're that tight?!
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 9:26 PM Reply   
Thane, a good squirt of lube and some muscle when they're somewhat warm and they go on no problem man, but after being in the water for more than 15 minutes they've contracted to the point my feet are seriously cramping. No I'm not confusing my head and my feet. It's a great feeling not having any blood below both knee caps.
Old    bassboy8855            07-06-2003, 9:31 PM Reply   
ha, that gave me a realy bad idea... and i dont even need my friends to tell me this is a bad idea, because i alredy know it is...


What if you were to put one of the bindings on your head and ride around upside down! this would give even more ways to do a trick!

umm... ya, i'm just kidding, i'm not realy that stupid... but you could imagin a cartoon charicter doing it!
Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       07-06-2003, 9:34 PM Reply   
GOOD LAWD!!! What temperature water are you riding in? Your ultras go all the way up to your KNEES?!?!
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 9:42 PM Reply   
No my Ultras don't go all the way to my knees lol what a punk! What temp? umm dunno getting close to 70 now, maybe 65ish. My feet loose their ability to conduct the flow of blood giving me pain just below each knee.
Old    disturbedyouth            07-06-2003, 9:45 PM Reply   
I kind of had the same problem the boys at Easy Rider here in Edmonton told me when your at home fill your bath tub up with the HOTTEST water you can stand. Then Put on your bindings and stand in the water for 10 or 15 mins. After that run them under the coldest water possible. The Hot water will have stretched your bindings the the point that they practically molded to the shape of your feet. causing them to be broken in as if they were worn the 15 to 20 rides it takes to break them in. Worked like a charm for me. Good Luck!
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 9:52 PM Reply   
I've been wearing then in hot water, or running them under hot water to get them on and falling around my house walking up and down stairs and such to simulate the range of motion associated with riding, so far I've not had much luck. I'm giving them a few more weeks and if that doesn't seem to help I guess I have to try the large.
Old    disturbedyouth            07-06-2003, 9:56 PM Reply   
If they are giving you pain....then i would just go to the large. Mine fit snug and my toes sometimes go a litte numb but not to the point of pain.
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 10:02 PM Reply   
That's what I'm thinking but I figure the large may be too big, and after they stretch tightening them up may not be enough. I've had one good experience with my Ultras. The same day they killed my feet (which was my second run) after leaving them in the sun for around an hour they not only went on nice but were also comfortably snug. Being able to feel how comfortable and responsive they could be to help my riding is enough for me to give them a few more trys.
Old    disturbedyouth            07-06-2003, 10:06 PM Reply   
What store do you deal with that allows your to ride them then return them?
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 10:13 PM Reply   
I deal with HyperActive Watersports and it's manager Clint Cole in Edmonton. I've been dealing with Clint for as long as I've been riding, and my family longer than that. I've also had dealings with Ocean Sports and Easy Rider. I'm not quite sure on the specifics of any stores return policy exclusively but I've been talking with Hyperactive the whole time I've been trying to break them in and they have been great.
Old    disturbedyouth            07-06-2003, 10:18 PM Reply   
I have heard of Hyperactive...dealt with them while i was working in Calgary. If in not mistaken hyperactive is new in Edmonton? But from my experince Easy Rider and Potters have been the best to me.
Old     (eternalshadow)      Join Date: Nov 2001       07-06-2003, 10:57 PM Reply   
Yeah, Hyperactive just opened up around the sportsman show in the West side of Edmonton. I've dealt with Clint while he worked at Hunters and then again when he was at Barry Jays, and now through Hyperactive and I've no complaints dealing with him. I think there are good things to say about each shop, each having a different push behind them. I've not dealt at all with Potters for wakeboarding just a little bit of snowboarding, have they started selling any wakeboarding gear again? You do any of the riders nights with Easy Rider?
Old    mandi            07-07-2003, 8:42 PM Reply   
at our local board shop you can demo a board and just at the end of the day bring it back.
Old    disturbedyouth            07-07-2003, 9:18 PM Reply   
Nope just an avid shopper of The Easy Rider.
Old    todd_fish            07-08-2003, 8:56 AM Reply   
I just got a pair of ne Exos about 2 months ago. I'm just now able to take them off without too much hassle. I go at least twice a week . so it's been a few times (i'll let you do the math) My advice would be to stick it out, keep stuggling, it will get better. They are great bindings.


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