Join Date: Oct 2005
05-19-2022, 8:49 PM
95, that was a great post, well said.
that's all I got....
Join Date: Dec 2009
05-20-2022, 3:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yes you are right and I agree 100%, a girl is a girl a guy is a guy, Bam, Done. The person answering the question was also correct. They understand that question different from you and I.
I didnt know anything before i saw dougs post, i looked it up, took 10 seconds. As far as i am concerned, I really dont care if one "identifies" as a gopher, a man. a woman...makes zero sense to me and also I couldnt care less. There are a lot of weirdos out there, unless it affects me or i intermingle with crazy it just doesn't matter, i don't care. Why is this a thing? I am super conservative, i know few gay people, very few lesbians, I dont think i actually know a trans person or ever met one. I dont know anything about their lifestyle and I dont care. I also dont like gamblers, cheaters, gun nuts, soccer fans, drug addicts, Disney Fans, Gamers or liars and I also dont care what they do as long it doesnt hit me. I thought R's were the party of small gov, get out of my life, let me do my own thing at my own house people? This all sounds like the 1950's when parents were freaking out because their kids were listening to the devils music, Rock and Roll, Black music, dancing too close or moving in a way they didnt approve. Well that generation turned out fine.
This is now a real conversation! Thank you. Its not about being gay, or trans, etc etc Its the reality vs fallacy. We can all agree, for the benefit of the person, to call someone whatever they need to be called to help aid in their emotional stuggle. And it is sad, and do feel for someone struggling through something like this, but when the government wants to attack the truth, thats a problem.
When the government starts making laws that are false by nature we have a problem, when the government openly, and intentionally trys to harm society, especaily our children, we have a problem
The things that have occured over the last 2 years are crazy. #1 is the riots, billions of property destroyed, businesses destroyed. and the gov and the media called it the summer of love
When the people we elect cannot explain what a women is, (an adult female) how could they decide what laws we the people, should be governed under.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-20-2022, 3:22 PM
Same with energy. Drilling, pipelines, leases.....etc.
MG, this morning, a lady, at the gas staton lost her **** over the pricing. She was yelling. It was sad at first but then commical. The Circle K manager came out, She as flipping out, and said.
Lady you have a Biden harris bumpter sticker on your car, Suck it up, you voted for this. It was ****ing funny, everyone at the gas staton was in tears.
So I talked to a smart guy this morning. We talked about this exact thing, oil prices, the pipeline shutdown, oil leases, US oil production and the like.
Claim...Keystone pipeline, Biden shut it down.
Fact, The Keystone pipeline has been fully operational since 2010, it has never been stopped by anyone, including Biden.
Fact, OIl prices are set by Global Oil futures, not Joe Biden
Fact, Biden shut downthe Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline would not have been close to completion til 2030, it was never going to have anything to do with 2022 fuel prices, ever.
Fact, The Keystone XL pipeline is owned by Canada, it pumps Canadian oil to US ports to send to other countries, typically China. It is the dirtiest oil type, it is not used to create gasoline.
Claim...Biden cancelled oil leases.
Fact, There are 9800 approved oil leases available on Federal land at this time, plenty. Biden did limit new leases but did nothing to slow private leases.
Fact, The USA is and has been the Worlds #1 oil producer in 2022, more than Russia, more than Saudia Arabia, more than the EAU. https://www.thetechoutlook.com/featu...-of-the-world/
Fact, Biden approved more oil leases in his 1st year than the previous admin did in their first year.
Fact check me if you like, i did, Glad to be of service and set the record straight. Carry on.
Join Date: Oct 2005
05-22-2022, 11:45 AM
I guess you're right. The economy,supply chain, inflation, gas prices, border crisis,on coming recession, Afgan withdraw and all of the other on going issues, have nothing to do with Biden or the policies of the left.
That's too bad that they are getting blamed. They are going to loose big in November.....and it's not even their fault
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-23-2022, 11:49 AM
Most of those things ARE happening. Very little of the Biden admin is the cause.
Our supply line is attached to the globe. The supply lines for the entire planet have been upended, not just the usa.
There were what 13 soldiers killed while we left Afgan war. 13 total, they were killed by a suicide bomber. Pretty sure Biden didnt know he had a bomb when he let him through the gate. The previous admin started the withdrawal, the next got us out. It was a team effort start to finish.
Title 42 still is the law at the border. This while republicans argue there is a dangerous pandemic going on in the USA, meanwhile Dems are arguing the pandemic is all but over and so should title 42. Go figure.
Our economy hasnt been healthy for quite a while, unless you think an economy with 1.5% mortgage rates and 0.01 saving rates is doing well. Its a mess, super low unemployment, high inflation, shortages of food, homeless, sky high rents an the rich getting richer. More than likely to get worse before it gets better.
Biden policy, about the only thing he passed (because he does not have 50 in the senate) was a massive infrastructure plan. Lots of money to fix aging bridges, roads...sounds Pro America to me. I guess he signed a bunch of presidential orders but what specifically caused anything? Just blaming him is easy and solves nothing. Still not a big Biden fan, and also not going to blame him for not expecting more hungry babies needing formula. But, they are the party in office, w/ house and w/o Senate support. Yep, probably get hammered in upcoming elections unless, unless, not sure what it would take to change opinions.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-24-2022, 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So I talked to a smart guy this morning. We talked about this exact thing, oil prices, the pipeline shutdown, oil leases, US oil production and the like.
Claim...Keystone pipeline, Biden shut it down.
Fact, The Keystone pipeline has been fully operational since 2010, it has never been stopped by anyone, including Biden.
Fact, OIl prices are set by Global Oil futures, not Joe Biden
Fact, Biden shut downthe Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline would not have been close to completion til 2030, it was never going to have anything to do with 2022 fuel prices, ever.
Fact, The Keystone XL pipeline is owned by Canada, it pumps Canadian oil to US ports to send to other countries, typically China. It is the dirtiest oil type, it is not used to create gasoline.
Claim...Biden cancelled oil leases.
Fact, There are 9800 approved oil leases available on Federal land at this time, plenty. Biden did limit new leases but did nothing to slow private leases.
Fact, The USA is and has been the Worlds #1 oil producer in 2022, more than Russia, more than Saudia Arabia, more than the EAU. https://www.thetechoutlook.com/featu...-of-the-world/
Fact, Biden approved more oil leases in his 1st year than the previous admin did in their first year.
Fact check me if you like, i did, Glad to be of service and set the record straight. Carry on.
The lease issue is a lie. Smoke and mirrors. What you don't see if the massive regulations they passed on the back end to be able to drill and the fact they are slow walking the permits to drill. Does not matter on the leases.
What hurts gas prices is companies are not willing to develop new wells or hire additional people because it is crystal clear the democrats are hostile to them. The state of kalifornia is going to outlaw them within the decade. If you think prices are high now. Just wait until all the fuel producers pull out of operations in the state as the deadline approaches. Then it will get even more interesting when there is no fuel infrastructure but truckers need to get to the sea ports through the state. Talk about supply chain issues.
Notice you are silent about Clinton's campaign chief admitting in court that Hillary signed off on feeding a fictional story to the press.... Well, not the press, but Slate. Then in short order she references said report that they fed them in a tweet accusing Trump. Just going to walk on by that one huh?
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-24-2022, 2:11 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The lease issue is a lie. Smoke and mirrors. What you don't see if the massive regulations they passed on the back end to be able to drill and the fact they are slow walking the permits to drill. Does not matter on the leases.
What hurts gas prices is companies are not willing to develop new wells or hire additional people because it is crystal clear the democrats are hostile to them. The state of kalifornia is going to outlaw them within the decade. If you think prices are high now. Just wait until all the fuel producers pull out of operations in the state as the deadline approaches. Then it will get even more interesting when there is no fuel infrastructure but truckers need to get to the sea ports through the state. Talk about supply chain issues.
Notice you are silent about Clinton's campaign chief admitting in court that Hillary signed off on feeding a fictional story to the press.... Well, not the press, but Slate. Then in short order she references said report that they fed them in a tweet accusing Trump. Just going to walk on by that one huh?
LOL, empty claims about backroom dealing w/o posting a single detail of the evil "the massive regulations they passed on the back end to be able to drill and the fact they are slow walking the permits to drill." then i agree with you "Does not matter on the leases. "
Correct, that is the plan, it is Crystal Clear. Get off oil. This is the plan, No surprises, Its written down, shouted from the rooftops, we know the dates, the details, how long we have to switch....is this news to you? Uninformed? That truck heading to the port will be electric. Why would fuel prices be high if most people are driving electric cars? Imagine the cost of horses when those new fangled automobiles break down. They have no fuel stations and wooden wheels that splinter!!!
LMK when if Durham ever gets a conviction, lol. How many years has it been? How much $$ wasted? zero. Still trying to rehash the 2016 election? Lock Her Up!!
Another 15 dead at a elementary school today, because its legal for an 18 year old to buy guns. 25 dead in 2 shootings in a couple weeks from 18 year olds? What's that over 200 mass shootings since January 2022, 5 months? Nice. Oh, the USA certainly does not have a gun problem because this happens um...only in the United States of America. No other developed country on earth. Any 18 year old in TX can buy a gun, no wait, no permit needed. Just buy and head over to the local elementary school, Church, grocery store...Old enough to serve in the military, old enough to shoot up a bunch of kids. Winning.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-25-2022, 12:18 PM
Mass shootings is the price of the second amendment, a price the citizens of America are willing to pay. Has the NRA suggested arming teachers or students yet, more guns obviously the answer. In the meantime "thoughts and prayers"
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-25-2022, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, empty claims about backroom dealing w/o posting a single detail of the evil "the massive regulations they passed on the back end to be able to drill and the fact they are slow walking the permits to drill." then i agree with you "Does not matter on the leases. "
Correct, that is the plan, it is Crystal Clear. Get off oil. This is the plan, No surprises, Its written down, shouted from the rooftops, we know the dates, the details, how long we have to switch....is this news to you? Uninformed? That truck heading to the port will be electric. Why would fuel prices be high if most people are driving electric cars? Imagine the cost of horses when those new fangled automobiles break down. They have no fuel stations and wooden wheels that splinter!!!
LMK when if Durham ever gets a conviction, lol. How many years has it been? How much $$ wasted? zero. Still trying to rehash the 2016 election? Lock Her Up!!
Another 15 dead at a elementary school today, because its legal for an 18 year old to buy guns. 25 dead in 2 shootings in a couple weeks from 18 year olds? What's that over 200 mass shootings since January 2022, 5 months? Nice. Oh, the USA certainly does not have a gun problem because this happens um...only in the United States of America. No other developed country on earth. Any 18 year old in TX can buy a gun, no wait, no permit needed. Just buy and head over to the local elementary school, Church, grocery store...Old enough to serve in the military, old enough to shoot up a bunch of kids. Winning.
You are not even smart enough to realize you contradicted yourself within two paragraphs.
If the goal is to get off oil like you commicrats want, then why would they hurry to authorize drilling permits? You literally said why in the next set of sentences. You complain that Joe is not to blame for all this and then in the next line say it is common knowledge that we are doing this on purpose. OF COURSE IT IS ON PURPOSE!!!! Al Gore even ran on it and said it out loud that he wanted to make gas $10 a gallon. All the democrats campaign on is they are going to do this yet idiots (like you) can not understand cause and effect. The reason anything is cheap is due to the cost of production and transport. Joe owns ALL OF THIS.
For the electric Truck. Good luck with that. The rest of the country is not going to buy electric trucks with limited range and significant charging requirements just to enter kalifonria. More than likely, they will ship to ports in Florida.
Here we are again trying to explain to a demorat how cause and effect works. Gas prices will be sky hi because there is no money in keeping mass production facilities open. Mass production is what keeps prices down. Why is kalifornia fuel more expensive than the rest of the country already? Because only a few refineries can or will produce it. You have limited production. You think anyone is going to produce for the kalifornia market when the electric mandate kicks in? Nope. Not eveyone is going to be able to run out and get a new electric car. Regular cars have a decade to 2 decades of life span especially in kalifornia where they don't rust.
Never mind the fact the power grid can not handle the load. Where you getting the extra fuel for power plants to support the grid? Sun does not work at night. Wind is not always blowing. What are you going to do with all the dead batteries? We have tight emmission standards already. China, Indian, South America, Africa, Russia, do not have standards. They are the most population. This is simply a share the wealth scheme where the democrats are trying to kill our middle class.
Nice made up lies on guns again. Kid still had to pass a federal background check to get a gun. Nice try though. Law was on the books. He abides by the law and still did what he did. Mass shooting do not just happen in the US. Nice try on that as well.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-25-2022, 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Mass shootings is the price of the second amendment, a price the citizens of America are willing to pay. Has the NRA suggested arming teachers or students yet, more guns obviously the answer. In the meantime "thoughts and prayers"
Yes. The second amendment is a price we are willing to pay. Countries that do not have a second amendment usually just have the government perform the mass shootings of the population.
Already over a billion guns in America. We have a break down of society issue. You know one where out democrat politicians tell rioters to keep rioting and things like that. Always seeding hate. Always putting pressure on the middle class with their globalist agenda. Yep. It is simply an objects fault.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-25-2022, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Mass shooting do not just happen in the US. Nice try on that as well.
Uh huh, while true that mass shootings happen everywhere nobody compares to the rate of the USA
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-25-2022, 3:45 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You are not even smart enough to realize you contradicted yourself within two paragraphs.
If the goal is to get off oil like you commicrats want, then why would they hurry to authorize drilling permits? You literally said why in the next set of sentences. You complain that Joe is not to blame for all this and then in the next line say it is common knowledge that we are doing this on purpose. OF COURSE IT IS ON PURPOSE!!!! Al Gore even ran on it and said it out loud that he wanted to make gas $10 a gallon. All the democrats campaign on is they are going to do this yet idiots (like you) can not understand cause and effect. The reason anything is cheap is due to the cost of production and transport. Joe owns ALL OF THIS.
For the electric Truck. Good luck with that. The rest of the country is not going to buy electric trucks with limited range and significant charging requirements just to enter kalifonria. More than likely, they will ship to ports in Florida.
Here we are again trying to explain to a demorat how cause and effect works. Gas prices will be sky hi because there is no money in keeping mass production facilities open. Mass production is what keeps prices down. Why is kalifornia fuel more expensive than the rest of the country already? Because only a few refineries can or will produce it. You have limited production. You think anyone is going to produce for the kalifornia market when the electric mandate kicks in? Nope. Not eveyone is going to be able to run out and get a new electric car. Regular cars have a decade to 2 decades of life span especially in kalifornia where they don't rust.
Never mind the fact the power grid can not handle the load. Where you getting the extra fuel for power plants to support the grid? Sun does not work at night. Wind is not always blowing. What are you going to do with all the dead batteries? We have tight emmission standards already. China, Indian, South America, Africa, Russia, do not have standards. They are the most population. This is simply a share the wealth scheme where the democrats are trying to kill our middle class.
Nice made up lies on guns again. Kid still had to pass a federal background check to get a gun. Nice try though. Law was on the books. He abides by the law and still did what he did. Mass shooting do not just happen in the US. Nice try on that as well.
The Goal is to get off oil, thanks for finally hearing that. California says by 2035 no gas only cars, this isnt new and not a secret. Biden has nothing to do with CA, this is a CA plan. And the entire country follows the Golden State. Yes, its on purpose, its called a long term plan.
Gas prices are high due to the causes I already detailed. CA gas prices are higher than most of the country because of the blend we use and because of our higher gas tax. Its also cheap here compared to other countries, ask anyone in Europe. Start saving your pennies, you have 20 years to buy your next non-gas guzzler. Or, you could buy a 20 year old one. But by all means, keep crying.
The killer in TX did not pass any background checks, He also did not have a drivers lic. He turned 18 on May 16 and he walked into Dicks Sporting Goods and bought an assault rifle, designed for killing people. You know, they type you want for your civil war you are planning. Got a handgun too because Tex Gov just made it easier.
"It was the first thing that he did on his 18th birthday," Gutierrez said, as reported by NBC. "It's astounding to me."
Texas legislation allows people who are 18 years old or older to to legally purchase long guns, including shotguns and rifles.
Handguns can normally only be bought by people aged 21 years old or older, but a 2021 amendment to the Texas Government Code allows people who are 18 years old to be eligible for a handgun license if they meet all other requirements except the minimum age under federal law and are under protective orders related to family violence.
Since September 1, 2021, Texas no longer requires people to have a license to carry a handgun in most public places. Restrictions remained on carrying firearms at schools...And GOP conventions.
And yes this ONLY HAPPENS in The United States. Go ahead prove me wrong, where else does this happen?? No Where on earth.
The TX Gov, Dep Gov...all say we need to 'harden schools" so the killers cant get in. The elementary school had officers on duty and shot at him, he put them in the hospital and killed 18 more kids. Harden schools? You want cops, bullet proof glass, teahers with guns... You people are seriously retarded. During the pandemic it was a simple mask and plastic shields that were killing students and ruining their entire education experience. But watching their friends get shot up is totally cool. Sick M Fers. So, whats next? Ted CRuz and The TX Gov Abbott will be appearing at the NRA Show in Houston next week, more winning. 2 years ago after a mass Shooting in San Antonio, Abbott went down to show respect and told the parents of the dead he would go back to the TX congress and do something. He went back and made it easier to buy and carry guns in TX. More winning from lying R's.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-25-2022, 3:57 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Mass shootings is the price of the second amendment, a price the citizens of America are willing to pay. Has the NRA suggested arming teachers or students yet, more guns obviously the answer. In the meantime "thoughts and prayers"
There are 50 republican senators in congress that refuse to vote for simple common sense gun laws. One, is to create universal background checks, 90% of all americans are in favor, they will not do it. There are several others bills that republicans only refuse to vote for. F the 2nd Amendment, when that was written, bullets had not even been invented, yet somehow it gives fools the right to own assault weapons. Its just simpler to kill 3rd and 4th graders and say thoughts and prayers they dont GAF
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-25-2022, 4:12 PM
These people are an Fing Joke, every single one. Its a living meme with the Fake AF prayers.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-25-2022, 4:33 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Uh huh, while true that mass shootings happen everywhere nobody compares to the rate of the USA
Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):
Norway — 1.888
Serbia — 0.381
France — 0.347
Macedonia — 0.337
Albania — 0.206
Slovakia — 0.185
Switzerland — 0.142
Finland — 0.132
Belgium — 0.128
Czech Republic — 0.123
United States — 0.089
Austria — 0.068
Netherlands — 0.051
Canada — 0.032
England — 0.027
Germany — 0.023
Russia — 0.012
Italy — 0.009
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-25-2022, 4:39 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
There are 50 republican senators in congress that refuse to vote for simple common sense gun laws. One, is to create universal background checks, 90% of all americans are in favor, they will not do it. There are several others bills that republicans only refuse to vote for. F the 2nd Amendment, when that was written, bullets had not even been invented, yet somehow it gives fools the right to own assault weapons. Its just simpler to kill 3rd and 4th graders and say thoughts and prayers they dont GAF
Federal background check is already the law. Can not create a law on the law. he went down and bought the gun lawfully. The law in Texas has mirrored the federal law since the 1960's.
Bullets were not invented? Typical kalifornian historian. How do you think we beat the British to gain our independence?
Last time I calculated one trigger pull back then would kill over 300 people with one trigger pull today if you look at the percent of population killed per trigger pull. They knew about assault weapons.
Handguns are still the biggest mass shooting weapon of choice. report are that is what this kid actually used. Can you tell me the difference between a mini 14 and a ar15 rifle? Can you tell me the difference between a ruger 10-22 and the so called assault rifle?
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-25-2022, 4:48 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The Goal is to get off oil, thanks for finally hearing that. California says by 2035 no gas only cars, this isnt new and not a secret. Biden has nothing to do with CA, this is a CA plan. And the entire country follows the Golden State. Yes, its on purpose, its called a long term plan.
Gas prices are high due to the causes I already detailed. CA gas prices are higher than most of the country because of the blend we use and because of our higher gas tax. Its also cheap here compared to other countries, ask anyone in Europe. Start saving your pennies, you have 20 years to buy your next non-gas guzzler. Or, you could buy a 20 year old one. But by all means, keep crying.
The killer in TX did not pass any background checks, He also did not have a drivers lic. He turned 18 on May 16 and he walked into Dicks Sporting Goods and bought an assault rifle, designed for killing people. You know, they type you want for your civil war you are planning. Got a handgun too because Tex Gov just made it easier.
"It was the first thing that he did on his 18th birthday," Gutierrez said, as reported by NBC. "It's astounding to me."
Texas legislation allows people who are 18 years old or older to to legally purchase long guns, including shotguns and rifles.
Handguns can normally only be bought by people aged 21 years old or older, but a 2021 amendment to the Texas Government Code allows people who are 18 years old to be eligible for a handgun license if they meet all other requirements except the minimum age under federal law and are under protective orders related to family violence.
Since September 1, 2021, Texas no longer requires people to have a license to carry a handgun in most public places. Restrictions remained on carrying firearms at schools...And GOP conventions.
And yes this ONLY HAPPENS in The United States. Go ahead prove me wrong, where else does this happen?? No Where on earth.
The TX Gov, Dep Gov...all say we need to 'harden schools" so the killers cant get in. The elementary school had officers on duty and shot at him, he put them in the hospital and killed 18 more kids. Harden schools? You want cops, bullet proof glass, teahers with guns... You people are seriously retarded. During the pandemic it was a simple mask and plastic shields that were killing students and ruining their entire education experience. But watching their friends get shot up is totally cool. Sick M Fers. So, whats next? Ted CRuz and The TX Gov Abbott will be appearing at the NRA Show in Houston next week, more winning. 2 years ago after a mass Shooting in San Antonio, Abbott went down to show respect and told the parents of the dead he would go back to the TX congress and do something. He went back and made it easier to buy and carry guns in TX. More winning from lying R's.
Then quit crying that your boy biden does not have anything to do with high prices and inflation. This is all part of kalifornia's and democrats plan. Never been a secret to me. I told you and everyone this would happen. Not rocket science. This will do nothing for the environment it is simply a share the wealth scam to the rest of the world. Weaken the US and make it more expensive to produce here so jobs have to move out of the country. They have said that plan out loud too.
Kid did not get a gun from a national sporting good chain without passing a federally mandated background check. Just stop lying now. Pretty soon you are going to start telling us Trump colluded with Russia or something.
Trying to take guns is going to do nothing like it always has. Statistics and real life prove it over and over. Ignoring mental health, the hatred sowed by democrats and them trying to keep everyone poor and on the government dime is a way bigger contribution. matter of fact is may be the only contribution. At the end of the day, this sicko kid with drug addict parents (huh, there is a common theme) decided to do something horrible. No matter how many lies you post will not change that. Just like if we banned key boards you would still find a way to post your garbage on the internet.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-25-2022, 5:51 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):
Norway — 1.888
Serbia — 0.381
France — 0.347
Macedonia — 0.337
Albania — 0.206
Slovakia — 0.185
Switzerland — 0.142
Finland — 0.132
Belgium — 0.128
Czech Republic — 0.123
United States — 0.089
Austria — 0.068
Netherlands — 0.051
Canada — 0.032
England — 0.027
Germany — 0.023
Russia — 0.012
Italy — 0.009
Lies, damned lies, and statistics. You know why Norway is at the top? Because they had one mass shooting in 2011 where 77 people died. One incident.
So yeah, pretty sure the NRA decided to cook those stats up, it's not a reflection of the reality of gun violence by country.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 7:52 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Lies, damned lies, and statistics. You know why Norway is at the top? Because they had one mass shooting in 2011 where 77 people died. One incident.
So yeah, pretty sure the NRA decided to cook those stats up, it's not a reflection of the reality of gun violence by country.
In a country that has strict gun control. Still the amount of people killed in a mass shooting are people killed in a mass shooting. Fun fact, every one of these gang bang events in all these democrat cities qualify as a mass shooting. Don't hear a peep from the media on that. There will be a mass shooting in chicago this coming holiday weekend. You will not hear a peep from biden.
How about countries where the government represses the population at the end of the gun? Many of those.
There are over a billion guns in America. always been more guns that people in America. Did not hear of this crap back in the 1950's, 60's, 70's etc. What is different today? Leftist ideologies have taken over. Use the government to break up the family via the welfare system. Tell everyone they are victims. Fairly new is the open acceptance of drugs. Weed has bad effects on developing minds. May just want to look into that. Lots of kids put on mind altering drugs. Games like Call of Duty which push weed and shooting. social media where people can continue their social angst 24/7. You are right though. It is an objects fault. An object that has been in hundreds of millions Americans homes for 2 centuries.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Federal background check is already the law. Can not create a law on the law. he went down and bought the gun lawfully. The law in Texas has mirrored the federal law since the 1960's.
Bullets were not invented? Typical kalifornian historian. How do you think we beat the British to gain our independence?
Last time I calculated one trigger pull back then would kill over 300 people with one trigger pull today if you look at the percent of population killed per trigger pull. They knew about assault weapons.
Handguns are still the biggest mass shooting weapon of choice. report are that is what this kid actually used. Can you tell me the difference between a mini 14 and a ar15 rifle? Can you tell me the difference between a ruger 10-22 and the so called assault rifle?
The Federal background check is a joke when an 18 year old can walk out with assault weapons. That is what needs to change. The gun laws in texas are the some of the most lax in the entire country. Abbott is proud of that, proven by having public signing parties when he signs new laws like no need for a permit to carry. e is quite proud and puts it on all his social media. He cant explain how letting everyone walk around with a gun makes anyone safer. He is worried about the "rights of gun owners" ??? Delta claims there are over a billion guns in America, if true...how are any gun owners rights being challenged? Did any democrat ever take a gun away like they have been claiming for decades? Democrats cant even get a simple background check passed.
When the 2nd amendment was ratified, we had muskets and flintlock pistols that used musket balls, not bullets. https://www.ranker.com/list/firearms...achel-souerbry
Is the constitution a changing document or is that only when convenient? Your trigger pull calculations are sick thoughts, trying to rationalize and BS. Next you will claim in 1780's they knew about assault weapons. You are clearly radicalized and dangerous, and sick. Wow, I feel so relieved the killer used a handgun you say?, to kill, so that makes it better? I bet the parents will now donate and attend next weeks NRA show cause it was just a handgun that killed their children. Abbott, Cruz, Trump all on the schedule and planning on going to support the NRA directly after the largest mass killing in 10 years just down the highway. Asking questions to prop your gun knowledge is something only the truly radicalized would do in response to another mass killing. Sick F.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
In a country that has strict gun control. Still the amount of people killed in a mass shooting are people killed in a mass shooting. Fun fact, every one of these gang bang events in all these democrat cities qualify as a mass shooting. Don't hear a peep from the media on that. There will be a mass shooting in chicago this coming holiday weekend. You will not hear a peep from biden.
How about countries where the government represses the population at the end of the gun? Many of those.
There are over a billion guns in America. always been more guns that people in America. Did not hear of this crap back in the 1950's, 60's, 70's etc. What is different today? Leftist ideologies have taken over. Use the government to break up the family via the welfare system. Tell everyone they are victims. Fairly new is the open acceptance of drugs. Weed has bad effects on developing minds. May just want to look into that. Lots of kids put on mind altering drugs. Games like Call of Duty which push weed and shooting. social media where people can continue their social angst 24/7. You are right though. It is an objects fault. An object that has been in hundreds of millions Americans homes for 2 centuries.
Yes, im sure you are right, this is all caused by leftist ideologies and their evil plans. Leftist ideology like pro choice, legalize weed, leave the gay and trans alone, universal healthcare, Voters rights, democracy, Save the planet. These the things that cause people to kill? Maybe our killings, just maybe we have too many guns and we made assault weapons legal in 2004 again. Why do any americans need assault weapons? Weapons designed for the purpose of killing. Planning on starting a war?
Blaming dems causing breakdown of families, no dads... Who is forcing women to have unwanted babies? Then once born, refusing to assist with womans and children healthcare, WIC, welfare or any other assistance. Im sure its democrats refusing to provide public healthcare too. Yep its evil Dems doing all that. Drugs? You want to blame drugs? Esp weed? You really are proving who you are. Stick 1000 mean dudes that hate each other in a room, give them some weed and they will all be best friends in 30 minutes, give them alcohol and most will be dead. You may just want to get your head checked out. Call of duty, maybe, 100% its FOX that is radicalizing people just like YOU. Pushing radical ideology like Replacement Theory, white minority fear, Democrat=Communist, Fascism=Good, anti science, dont believe media (except us) just like Putin. You know, there is no war, its a training exercise and some nazis in Ukraine dont ya know. Thats the truth.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 11:06 AM
Hey Delta, Its Weed and free food handouts to lazy colored people causing mass killings? Or the 23 states allowing anyone to carry w/o training or permits. Install a new dual pane window in the house, need a permit, wanna gun, have at it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The Federal background check is a joke when an 18 year old can walk out with assault weapons. That is what needs to change. The gun laws in texas are the some of the most lax in the entire country. Abbott is proud of that, proven by having public signing parties when he signs new laws like no need for a permit to carry. e is quite proud and puts it on all his social media. He cant explain how letting everyone walk around with a gun makes anyone safer. He is worried about the "rights of gun owners" ??? Delta claims there are over a billion guns in America, if true...how are any gun owners rights being challenged? Did any democrat ever take a gun away like they have been claiming for decades? Democrats cant even get a simple background check passed.
When the 2nd amendment was ratified, we had muskets and flintlock pistols that used musket balls, not bullets. https://www.ranker.com/list/firearms...achel-souerbry
Is the constitution a changing document or is that only when convenient? Your trigger pull calculations are sick thoughts, trying to rationalize and BS. Next you will claim in 1780's they knew about assault weapons. You are clearly radicalized and dangerous, and sick. Wow, I feel so relieved the killer used a handgun you say?, to kill, so that makes it better? I bet the parents will now donate and attend next weeks NRA show cause it was just a handgun that killed their children. Abbott, Cruz, Trump all on the schedule and planning on going to support the NRA directly after the largest mass killing in 10 years just down the highway. Asking questions to prop your gun knowledge is something only the truly radicalized would do in response to another mass killing. Sick F.
You RIGHTS are non negotiable according to the constitution. So while the constitution is a living document, your rights are not.
Gun laws in Texas are not laxed. They are similar than everywhere in the country except kalifornia and new york and chicago. Which also are places where people are being gunned down on the streets near daily. There laws meet federal guidelines. Owning a gun is a right. The kid passed all his backgrounds. What are people supposed to do. I thought you demorats said that background checks will stop all this? He did a background check.
The projectile being fired is call a BULLET. Don't let facts get in the way of your weed altered emotional state. What you are describing is a cartridge.
Assault weapon is a made up leftist term. There is no such thing as an assault weapon. You still have not answered. What is the different between a ruger mini 14, ruger 10-22, ar-15, ar 10. 2 of those are not in your fictitious camp of rifles yet all of them perform in the exact same fashion.
I don't care what the killer used. The object is not the problem. The person is the problem. You guys are the ones grandstanding on the fictitious assault weapon craze. Most killings by a large factor are by pistols.
My trigger pull calculation is a factual rebuttal to your emotional bull$hit saying that we do not have weapons like they did back then. The reality is their weapons killed more percent of the population in one shot that someone with a belt fed automatic weapon today. Not sick. It is a simple fact. So quit with the emotional plea that the founding fathers did not know what they were doing.
I am not responding to a mass killing. I am responding to your mass stupidity. blaming an object for the violence of people. you conveniently are not thoughtful on what nearly every American house hold has had guns in their house since the beginning of the country over 2 centuries ago, yet mass shootings are only a thing of today. Not willing to look into objective facts and maybe have to say the things you like are bad for society like introducing drugs, violence and family decay to young minds. Nope it is an objects fault.
We already know where you demorats fall. You are against free speech. Against guns. Trying to make life more expensive in the USA so you can move our wealth to the world. Love centralized authoritarian control of peoples lives. Even willing to illegally flood the country with foreigners so you can have 3rd grade educated voters keep you people in office.
By the way. The biggest mass killings of Americans were not done with guns. jet fuel and diesel/ plant fertilizer have been the biggest.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Hey Delta, Its Weed and free food handouts to lazy colored people causing mass killings? Or the 23 states allowing anyone to carry w/o training or permits. Install a new dual pane window in the house, need a permit, wanna gun, have at it.
In the democrat ran cities it pretty much is. Most of the thousands killed yearly is over gang violence. How do kids end up in gangs? There is no man in the house. Single mother households. How did we get there? Direct correlation to welfare reform in the 1960's. That was the end of the black family unit. Been degrading ever since. What do gangs traffic in? drugs.
What does being able to carry guns without a permit have to do with anything. The places that have the strictest gun laws have the most killings. Never see a mass shooting at a police department now do you?
Window pane permit? Sounds like a kalifornia issue. Windows is not a constitutional right unfortunately. permits in places in kali are the reason prices are sky high. costs a fortune just to be able to break ground.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yes, im sure you are right, this is all caused by leftist ideologies and their evil plans. Leftist ideology like pro choice, legalize weed, leave the gay and trans alone, universal healthcare, Voters rights, democracy, Save the planet. These the things that cause people to kill? Maybe our killings, just maybe we have too many guns and we made assault weapons legal in 2004 again. Why do any americans need assault weapons? Weapons designed for the purpose of killing. Planning on starting a war?
Blaming dems causing breakdown of families, no dads... Who is forcing women to have unwanted babies? Then once born, refusing to assist with womans and children healthcare, WIC, welfare or any other assistance. Im sure its democrats refusing to provide public healthcare too. Yep its evil Dems doing all that. Drugs? You want to blame drugs? Esp weed? You really are proving who you are. Stick 1000 mean dudes that hate each other in a room, give them some weed and they will all be best friends in 30 minutes, give them alcohol and most will be dead. You may just want to get your head checked out. Call of duty, maybe, 100% its FOX that is radicalizing people just like YOU. Pushing radical ideology like Replacement Theory, white minority fear, Democrat=Communist, Fascism=Good, anti science, dont believe media (except us) just like Putin. You know, there is no war, its a training exercise and some nazis in Ukraine dont ya know. Thats the truth.
Replacement theory has only been repeated almost like a play book by leftist news organizations. Just like assault weapon. Another made up term by democrats.
You simply are unable to tell me the difference between just a couple of the weapons that I offered to discuss vs the dreaded made up class of rifles you mindless twits talk about.
No one is making anyone have babies. Roe v Wade was not a federal issue. They are going to correct that. BTW. The Roe in this actually turned out to be anti abortion when she got older and realized what they were doing. Funny thing is, you leftist can not get our of your own way. You don't even hear how elite you people sound like being poor is a crime. Just like your hero Hillary and other democrats publicly yelling that if we stop illegal immigration, who is going to wash our clothes.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yes, im sure you are right, this is all caused by leftist ideologies and their evil plans. Leftist ideology like pro choice, legalize weed, leave the gay and trans alone, universal healthcare, Voters rights, democracy, Save the planet. These the things that cause people to kill? Maybe our killings, just maybe we have too many guns and we made assault weapons legal in 2004 again. Why do any americans need assault weapons? Weapons designed for the purpose of killing. Planning on starting a war?
Blaming dems causing breakdown of families, no dads... Who is forcing women to have unwanted babies? Then once born, refusing to assist with womans and children healthcare, WIC, welfare or any other assistance. Im sure its democrats refusing to provide public healthcare too. Yep its evil Dems doing all that. Drugs? You want to blame drugs? Esp weed? You really are proving who you are. Stick 1000 mean dudes that hate each other in a room, give them some weed and they will all be best friends in 30 minutes, give them alcohol and most will be dead. You may just want to get your head checked out. Call of duty, maybe, 100% its FOX that is radicalizing people just like YOU. Pushing radical ideology like Replacement Theory, white minority fear, Democrat=Communist, Fascism=Good, anti science, dont believe media (except us) just like Putin. You know, there is no war, its a training exercise and some nazis in Ukraine dont ya know. Thats the truth.
Did the made up assualt weapons ban change the amount of AR15's in the world? Did it stop crime? nope on neither one. Just like kalifornia's bans. Law abiding people simply reconfigure the rifle to meet the requirements. It does very little to make the rifle perform any differently. Unless you think that removing a handle or a foregrip changes how bullets work.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-26-2022, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Replacement theory has only been repeated almost like a play book by leftist news organizations.
You know replacement theory is a popular plank of neo nazis used to stigmatize non white people to justify violence against them? You share conspiracy theories with some unsavory people.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-26-2022, 12:08 PM
Prefect timing, just popped on my feed.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You RIGHTS are non negotiable according to the constitution. So while the constitution is a living document, your rights are not.
Gun laws in Texas are not laxed. They are similar than everywhere in the country except kalifornia and new york and chicago. Which also are places where people are being gunned down on the streets near daily. There laws meet federal guidelines. Owning a gun is a right. The kid passed all his backgrounds. What are people supposed to do. I thought you demorats said that background checks will stop all this? He did a background check.
The projectile being fired is call a BULLET. Don't let facts get in the way of your weed altered emotional state. What you are describing is a cartridge.
Assault weapon is a made up leftist term. There is no such thing as an assault weapon. You still have not answered. What is the different between a ruger mini 14, ruger 10-22, ar-15, ar 10. 2 of those are not in your fictitious camp of rifles yet all of them perform in the exact same fashion.
I don't care what the killer used. The object is not the problem. The person is the problem. You guys are the ones grandstanding on the fictitious assault weapon craze. Most killings by a large factor are by pistols.
My trigger pull calculation is a factual rebuttal to your emotional bull$hit saying that we do not have weapons like they did back then. The reality is their weapons killed more percent of the population in one shot that someone with a belt fed automatic weapon today. Not sick. It is a simple fact. So quit with the emotional plea that the founding fathers did not know what they were doing.
I am not responding to a mass killing. I am responding to your mass stupidity. blaming an object for the violence of people. you conveniently are not thoughtful on what nearly every American house hold has had guns in their house since the beginning of the country over 2 centuries ago, yet mass shootings are only a thing of today. Not willing to look into objective facts and maybe have to say the things you like are bad for society like introducing drugs, violence and family decay to young minds. Nope it is an objects fault.
We already know where you demorats fall. You are against free speech. Against guns. Trying to make life more expensive in the USA so you can move our wealth to the world. Love centralized authoritarian control of peoples lives. Even willing to illegally flood the country with foreigners so you can have 3rd grade educated voters keep you people in office.
By the way. The biggest mass killings of Americans were not done with guns. jet fuel and diesel/ plant fertilizer have been the biggest.
Women have a non negotiable right to an abortion too. Why dont we make any one who wants to purchase a gun go through the same simple process Women do for their rights?
1.Mandetory 48 hour wait period.
2.Parental permission
3.A note from their doctor proving they understand what he is about to do.
4.Must watch a video about the effects of gun violence
5.An ultrasound wand stuffed up their azz , well apparently just because.
6.Lets close down all but one gun shop in the state and make a buyer travel 100's of miles, take time off work, an overnight stay at a motel to make a purchase.
7.Make the buyer walk down a gauntlet of people holding photos of family members who were shot to death, who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun.
Its their rights we need to protect. or are you only talking about Gun rights are cash/carry?
If it isnt the gun that is the problem, why is it every mass murder in this country, they use a gun? Because you are lying and your typical pretzel BS no one believes.
As usual you are wrong on every turn, completely radicalized. There you go with your replacement theory fear. Keep proving me right. Sick M Fer.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Did the made up assualt weapons ban change the amount of AR15's in the world? Did it stop crime? nope on neither one. Just like kalifornia's bans. Law abiding people simply reconfigure the rifle to meet the requirements. It does very little to make the rifle perform any differently. Unless you think that removing a handle or a foregrip changes how bullets work.
When the airlines stopped allowing people to smoke on a plane, did that stop smoking? of course not, it was a start. Eventually 100,000 thousands of lives were saved
Do speed limits stop speeding? of course not. Eventually it saved lives and fuel.
According to your theory, more guns makes people safer...There are more guns in the USA than any other country, also more gun violence than any where in the world except Mexico. We should be the safest if your theory accurate. Your theory is a miserable FAIL. In fact, at the NRA convention or the RNC, no guns allowed?? WTF explain that. Dont they want safety?
Keep lying to yourself, no one else believes your tripe.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 1:01 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
You know replacement theory is a popular plank of neo nazis used to stigmatize non white people to justify violence against them? You share conspiracy theories with some unsavory people.
LOL, remember all the times he has written about the dems opening borders to get votes....dozens. Completely radicalized by FOX thru fear and lies. Love when they start a post with "Us sane ones..."
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 1:03 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
$100 if he has the balls to watch.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 2:31 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Women have a non negotiable right to an abortion too. Why dont we make any one who wants to purchase a gun go through the same simple process Women do for their rights?
1.Mandetory 48 hour wait period.
2.Parental permission
3.A note from their doctor proving they understand what he is about to do.
4.Must watch a video about the effects of gun violence
5.An ultrasound wand stuffed up their azz , well apparently just because.
6.Lets close down all but one gun shop in the state and make a buyer travel 100's of miles, take time off work, an overnight stay at a motel to make a purchase.
7.Make the buyer walk down a gauntlet of people holding photos of family members who were shot to death, who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun.
Its their rights we need to protect. or are you only talking about Gun rights are cash/carry?
If it isnt the gun that is the problem, why is it every mass murder in this country, they use a gun? Because you are lying and your typical pretzel BS no one believes.
As usual you are wrong on every turn, completely radicalized. There you go with your replacement theory fear. Keep proving me right. Sick M Fer.
Women do not have a constitutional right to murder a baby. Maybe you can talk your people into saying men can kill babies now that you are able to conceive. Wonder if we should add science denier to you title on top of reality denier.
You really should read up on the bill of rights and the constitution:
The First Amendment provides several rights protections: to express ideas through speech and the press, to assemble or gather with a group to protest or for other reasons, and to ask the government to fix problems. It also protects the right to religious beliefs and practices. It prevents the government from creating or favoring a religion.
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.
If you want to get down to it. Roe v Wade is not in the constitution. It was a court ruling where the federal government incorrectly seized power from the state. There is ZERO in the constitution about abortion. Thus it is covered in this amendment from the bill of rights:
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 2:35 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
When the airlines stopped allowing people to smoke on a plane, did that stop smoking? of course not, it was a start. Eventually 100,000 thousands of lives were saved
Do speed limits stop speeding? of course not. Eventually it saved lives and fuel.
According to your theory, more guns makes people safer...There are more guns in the USA than any other country, also more gun violence than any where in the world except Mexico. We should be the safest if your theory accurate. Your theory is a miserable FAIL. In fact, at the NRA convention or the RNC, no guns allowed?? WTF explain that. Dont they want safety?
Keep lying to yourself, no one else believes your tripe.
Actually the statistics prove that it is true. If you take gang violence away, we are safer than anywhere in Europe.
You do not have the right to smoke and you do not have the right to drive. End of discussion.
Assault weapon is a made up term. There is no such thing. you still can not describe the difference between the rifles I offered to discuss. How can you ban something you know nothing about? Silly me. You talk about stuff you know nothing about all the time.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
You know replacement theory is a popular plank of neo nazis used to stigmatize non white people to justify violence against them? You share conspiracy theories with some unsavory people.
Hitler and Stalin drank water and I am pretty sure you do to so you share a pretty dark ritual with some unsavory people too.
replacement theory is a made up talking point by leftist. I have never once heard that spoken by any republican. Pointing out illegal immigration is not replacement. it is a fact. It has costs and it is done on purpose by democrats for votes because they know that anyone with half a brain does not follow their hateful tripe. Only party I ever see saying hateful things and pitting people against other people are democrats. repackaged communism. Changing the main theme from working class to color.
I don't blame the immigrants. I blame democrats.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 2:41 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
$100 if he has the balls to watch.
why would I watch and why is stuff like that in your feed? What kind of nasty crap you watching?
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 2:57 PM
[QUOTE=DeltaHoosier;2014885]Women do not have a constitutional right to murder a baby. Maybe you can talk your people into saying men can kill babies now that you are able to conceive. Wonder if we should add science denier to you title on top of reality denier.
You really should read up on the bill of rights and the constitution:
The First Amendment provides several rights protections: to express ideas through speech and the press, to assemble or gather with a group to protest or for other reasons, and to ask the government to fix problems. It also protects the right to religious beliefs and practices. It prevents the government from creating or favoring a religion.
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.
If you want to get down to it. Roe v Wade is not in the constitution. It was a court ruling where the federal government incorrectly seized power from the state. There is ZERO in the constitution about abortion. Thus it is covered in this amendment from the bill of rights:
There is nothing in the constitution that keeps a president in his last year in office from nominating a SC judge. Except R's dont play by the rules, they make up their own. There is also nothing in the constitution about the size or number of judges in the SC either. I will expect silence from you when Biden adds 2,3,or 5?
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 3:00 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Actually the statistics prove that it is true. If you take gang violence away, we are safer than anywhere in Europe.
You do not have the right to smoke and you do not have the right to drive. End of discussion.
Assault weapon is a made up term. There is no such thing. you still can not describe the difference between the rifles I offered to discuss. How can you ban something you know nothing about? Silly me. You talk about stuff you know nothing about all the time.
They dont allow guns at the NRA convention nor the RNC, if it makes it so safe, why?
Because you are lying.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 3:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
why would I watch and why is stuff like that in your feed? What kind of nasty crap you watching?
Because you are brainwashed, radicalized and in a cult, your superiors wont allow you to listen to facts, it ruins all the training.
Maybe you are just afraid, but its most likely youre not allowed.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 3:02 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Women do not have a constitutional right to murder a baby. Maybe you can talk your people into saying men can kill babies now that you are able to conceive. Wonder if we should add science denier to you title on top of reality denier.
You really should read up on the bill of rights and the constitution:
The First Amendment provides several rights protections: to express ideas through speech and the press, to assemble or gather with a group to protest or for other reasons, and to ask the government to fix problems. It also protects the right to religious beliefs and practices. It prevents the government from creating or favoring a religion.
The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms.
If you want to get down to it. Roe v Wade is not in the constitution. It was a court ruling where the federal government incorrectly seized power from the state. There is ZERO in the constitution about abortion. Thus it is covered in this amendment from the bill of rights:
There is nothing in the constitution that keeps a president in his last year in office from nominating a SC judge. Except R's dont play by the rules, they make up their own. There is also nothing in the constitution about the size or number of judges in the SC either. I will expect silence from you when Biden adds 2,3,or 5?
Moving the goal posts again I see. now you are onto Supreme Court voting, which to no ones surprise, you are wrong again. You see it is in the constitution. You are just so darn easy. Fueled by nothing but emotion.
The Process
The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.
When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.
The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.
During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.
The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.
The full Senate debates the nomination.
The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").
When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote.
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-26-2022, 3:17 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Moving the goal posts again I see. now you are onto Supreme Court voting, which to no ones surprise, you are wrong again. You see it is in the constitution. You are just so darn easy. Fueled by nothing but emotion.
The Process
The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.
When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.
The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.
During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.
The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.
The full Senate debates the nomination.
The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").
When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote.
Obama nominated a republican (to make it easy) in March, 8-9 months prior to election and McConnel refused to move.
On the other hand, Amy Barrett was pushed thru after Ginzberg died in September, nominated Barrett in October and confirmed DURING THE ELECTION. But...There is a PROCESS for Dems
The radical Democrat Obama nominates a Republican and The kind republicans only nominated judges that were anti abortion even though each one of them lied during the process saying Roe was settled law.
Move your own goal post.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 3:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Obama nominated a republican (to make it easy) in March, 8-9 months prior to election and McConnel refused to move.
On the other hand, Amy Barrett was pushed thru after Ginzberg died in September, nominated Barrett in October and confirmed DURING THE ELECTION. But...There is a PROCESS for Dems
The radical Democrat Obama nominates a Republican and The kind republicans only nominated judges that were anti abortion even though each one of them lied during the process saying Roe was settled law.
Move your own goal post.
Democrats did not vote for the justices anyway so who cares what they told them. Biden just put a woman in the supreme court who is afraid to say what the definition of a woman is. besides it does not surprise me that democrats want to question people about a ruling by the judicial branch that is against the constitution. You see they did not nominate people who are anti abortion. They actually nominated people who were able to look at what the constitution says and rule accordingly. Not activists.
Obama nominated a republican? Man. I swear in a moment you are going to tell us Trump colluded with the Russians. I am sure that is about to slip out of your pie hole in a second.
Republicans controlled the senate. The did not bring the person to a vote during obama. bit of dirty pool I agree, but within the constitution.
Of course you democrats during the hearings had to go through your leftist play book. accuse of rape, accuse of this, accuse of that. Just horrible horrible people you democrats. You guys even went to the play book on Elon Musk when he said he is switching parties due to how hateful and liars democrats are and he even gave money to hillary. Go against democrats and they will stop at nothing for power.
Kind of like your emotional pleas. Change a buttstock on a rifle and it is not longer the evil rifle but has zero functional difference.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 3:49 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Because you are brainwashed, radicalized and in a cult, your superiors wont allow you to listen to facts, it ruins all the training.
Maybe you are just afraid, but its most likely youre not allowed.
My superiors? You mean commander common and lieutenant sense?
I am presenting nothing but facts. I have been following this for 30 years. Only one here watching fox is you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 3:52 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
They dont allow guns at the NRA convention nor the RNC, if it makes it so safe, why?
Because you are lying.
You mean the fact they are protected by trained ARMED security?
How do you know they do not allow guns? you been to one of the conventions? Is there a state mandate to not allow guns in certain facilities they rent? Do the owners of the facilities allow the firearms as part of the arena rental contract? Many reasons if it were true. You really just need to stop. Quit blaming objects for the failure of your society.
Join Date: Mar 2018
05-26-2022, 3:56 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Because you are brainwashed, radicalized and in a cult, your superiors wont allow you to listen to facts, it ruins all the training.
Maybe you are just afraid, but its most likely youre not allowed.
How about this. Can you tell me what the made up term "assault weapon" ban actually banned? How did it make you safer?
Join Date: Sep 2005
05-31-2022, 11:41 AM
LOL, Clinton was spying and creating a false narrative, Durham will prove it all.
This must be humiliating to one Delta Hoosier.
To put this into context, at this time in the investigation Mueller already had multiple convictions, had shuttered his investigation, presented the findings to the public, turned a multi-million dollar profit, and had already been back in retirement for over six months.
So far Durham has one conviction that was gift wrapped for him by IG Horowitz all the way back in 2018, and that conviction resulted in zero days of jail time.
From 2018 to now:
Convictions: 1
Days in jail sentenced: 0
After all these conviction I guess i could expect Biden to break out the Pardon machine to get all his allies out like trump.
Join Date: Apr 2002
05-31-2022, 12:21 PM
I'd still be happier if trump locked up Hillary like he promised.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-01-2022, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, Clinton was spying and creating a false narrative, Durham will prove it all.
This must be humiliating to one Delta Hoosier.
To put this into context, at this time in the investigation Mueller already had multiple convictions, had shuttered his investigation, presented the findings to the public, turned a multi-million dollar profit, and had already been back in retirement for over six months.
So far Durham has one conviction that was gift wrapped for him by IG Horowitz all the way back in 2018, and that conviction resulted in zero days of jail time.
From 2018 to now:
Convictions: 1
Days in jail sentenced: 0
After all these conviction I guess i could expect Biden to break out the Pardon machine to get all his allies out like trump.
Yet, not a single conviction in regards to Russian collusion from Mueller.
Not worried a about a democrat jury in a 96% democrat town. Got hillary's campaign chief to put it on record that hillary signed off on putting out the fake documents to the press. Got them to admit that the information they got was false. All on the record. Not disappointed at all.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-01-2022, 11:31 AM
Notice you can not tell us the difference between the rifles you want to ban.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-01-2022, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yet, not a single conviction in regards to Russian collusion from Mueller.
Not worried a about a democrat jury in a 96% democrat town. Got hillary's campaign chief to put it on record that hillary signed off on putting out the fake documents to the press. Got them to admit that the information they got was false. All on the record. Not disappointed at all.
Another Dem actually shows up and testifies, gets his day in court and complete and total EXONERATION. Just like HRC, what 11 straight hours of Benghazi and HerEmails questioning??, unlike Trump, MCCarthy, Jordan, Meadows.... and ALL republican hiding from prosecution, refusing to testify.
There were indictments and convictions as previously pointed out to you. You just block the truth and scream out in the middle of the night...What About Hunters Laptop???? ...like a foolish child.
Pick another excuse from the trumplican playbook...
It was a Democrat Jury.
It was an Obama Judge
Soros bought the jurors
Dem's get off while peaceful 1/6 patriots protestors are treated to horrible conditions in DC jails
But...buttt...Mueller totally Exhonerated Trump
Not disappointed, lol, go back and read up on how you told me off and that Durham was gonna bring the Hammer Down on Clinton and the entire Dem party. Lol, liar.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-01-2022, 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Notice you can not tell us the difference between the rifles you want to ban.
Its simple.
I want to ban all the GI Joe guns, the fancy looking AR style killing machines all the wannabe Rambos and pretend Commandos want to carry around so they look scary. The kind the killer in NY and Uvalde used. Do You need a 30 round mag to go hunting anything other than humans? You have a problem w/ background checks and wait times to keep guns away from the insane? You think Redflag laws wouldnt help eliminate threats from those who got around the laws like Gangbangers? Do they need more guns too? Do I think it will happen? Dont be funny. We cant now "Regulate" all you idiots. Well Regulated, You know, the part gun nuts cant seem to remember or why in the 1760's it was a different time with different issues, like uppity indians and uppity slaves to keep inline. Or no law enforcement within 100 miles, maybe Canada was going to attack. Its too late.
I bought my first Rugar 10-22 in 1982.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-01-2022, 6:25 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Notice you can not tell us the difference between the rifles you want to ban.
Dude, just check the law it is clearly defined:
12276.1 (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, "assault weapon" shall also mean any of the following:
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
A thumbhole stock.
A folding or telescoping stock.
A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
A flash suppressor.
A forward pistol grip.
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.
A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A threaded barrel, capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer.
(B) A second handgrip.
A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning his or her hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.
The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip.
A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic shotgun that has both of the following:
A folding or telescoping stock.
A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, thumbhole stock, or vertical handgrip.
A semiautomatic shotgun that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine.
Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
"Assault weapon" does not include any antique firearm.
The following definitions shall apply under this section:
"Magazine" shall mean any ammunition feeding device.
"Capacity to accept more than 10 rounds" shall mean capable of accommodating more than 10 rounds, but shall not be construed to include a feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than 10 rounds.
"Antique firearm" means any firearm manufactured prior to January 1, 1899.
This section shall become operative January 1, 2000.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 9:14 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Dude, just check the law it is clearly defined:
12276.1 (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, "assault weapon" shall also mean any of the following:
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
A thumbhole stock.
A folding or telescoping stock.
A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
A flash suppressor.
A forward pistol grip.
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.
A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A threaded barrel, capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer.
(B) A second handgrip.
A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning his or her hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.
The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip.
A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic shotgun that has both of the following:
A folding or telescoping stock.
A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, thumbhole stock, or vertical handgrip.
A semiautomatic shotgun that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine.
Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
"Assault weapon" does not include any antique firearm.
The following definitions shall apply under this section:
"Magazine" shall mean any ammunition feeding device.
"Capacity to accept more than 10 rounds" shall mean capable of accommodating more than 10 rounds, but shall not be construed to include a feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than 10 rounds.
"Antique firearm" means any firearm manufactured prior to January 1, 1899.
This section shall become operative January 1, 2000.
This is for kalifonria. Yet. All anyone has to do is put a little fin on their rifle handle or get a grip that keeps the webbing of your thumb above the trigger, keep it above the 30 inches in length (which is the length for the federal short barrel rifle definition which you can still own you just need a tax stamp), and change out the "flash suppressor" for a compensator and the rifle is as legal as the day is long. Or you can buy a ruger mini 14 or mini 30, browning BAR or any other assorted rifles and there is ZERO difference in function. The 10 round magazine thing is not a thing. if you intend to do harm, then take the 0.5 seconds and put the 30 rounder in. 10 round just keeps you legal at the range.
Like I said, you or the politicians do not know what they are talking about.
Let me ask you this. Which part of the rifle is actually considered the rifle for registration purposes?
basically you people are simple emotional trolls that do not know what you are talking about. rearranging hardware does not change the function for people willing to do harm. Also. it only takes maybe 10 to 30 minutes to change all that out to make it evil again. The rifle is a swiss army knife. you can configure it anyway you want when you want. it does not change the function of the rifle for people willing to do harm.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 06-02-2022 at 9:18 AM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 9:25 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Its simple.
I want to ban all the GI Joe guns, the fancy looking AR style killing machines all the wannabe Rambos and pretend Commandos want to carry around so they look scary. The kind the killer in NY and Uvalde used. Do You need a 30 round mag to go hunting anything other than humans? You have a problem w/ background checks and wait times to keep guns away from the insane? You think Redflag laws wouldnt help eliminate threats from those who got around the laws like Gangbangers? Do they need more guns too? Do I think it will happen? Dont be funny. We cant now "Regulate" all you idiots. Well Regulated, You know, the part gun nuts cant seem to remember or why in the 1760's it was a different time with different issues, like uppity indians and uppity slaves to keep inline. Or no law enforcement within 100 miles, maybe Canada was going to attack. Its too late.
I bought my first Rugar 10-22 in 1982.
You think gang bangers have registered weapons that someone can use a red flag law on?
No, I do not believe in red flag laws. We have seen how you democrats will lie in a heartbeat against your fellow person if you think it will gain you power.
So you admit that the look of the gun is what makes it scary to you and not the function?
We already have background checks.
I am not apposed to a wait time for first time buyers. Does not make sense if you have 1 and especially does not matter if you have several. What would be the point?
Slaves? I see you are listening to your msnbc crap again. Didn't you get enough of them lying to you during Russia, Russia, Russia?
The beginning of the country was a different time. They did not have your neighbors coming through your windows trying to rob and murder you. You did not have the government trying to sell you to foreign countries. You did not have the government trying to go authoritarian on its people. That is exactly what the 2nd is about.
Your boy biden did not think people could own cannons back then. You should look up where Washington got some of his first cannons. He got them from a private citizen.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 9:26 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Another Dem actually shows up and testifies, gets his day in court and complete and total EXONERATION. Just like HRC, what 11 straight hours of Benghazi and HerEmails questioning??, unlike Trump, MCCarthy, Jordan, Meadows.... and ALL republican hiding from prosecution, refusing to testify.
There were indictments and convictions as previously pointed out to you. You just block the truth and scream out in the middle of the night...What About Hunters Laptop???? ...like a foolish child.
Pick another excuse from the trumplican playbook...
It was a Democrat Jury.
It was an Obama Judge
Soros bought the jurors
Dem's get off while peaceful 1/6 patriots protestors are treated to horrible conditions in DC jails
But...buttt...Mueller totally Exhonerated Trump
Not disappointed, lol, go back and read up on how you told me off and that Durham was gonna bring the Hammer Down on Clinton and the entire Dem party. Lol, liar.
I said he was going to expose them and he has. Notice none of your people are running around with russia, russia, russia anymore? Only one who believes it is you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 9:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Its simple.
I want to ban all the GI Joe guns, the fancy looking AR style killing machines all the wannabe Rambos and pretend Commandos want to carry around so they look scary. The kind the killer in NY and Uvalde used. Do You need a 30 round mag to go hunting anything other than humans? You have a problem w/ background checks and wait times to keep guns away from the insane? You think Redflag laws wouldnt help eliminate threats from those who got around the laws like Gangbangers? Do they need more guns too? Do I think it will happen? Dont be funny. We cant now "Regulate" all you idiots. Well Regulated, You know, the part gun nuts cant seem to remember or why in the 1760's it was a different time with different issues, like uppity indians and uppity slaves to keep inline. Or no law enforcement within 100 miles, maybe Canada was going to attack. Its too late.
I bought my first Rugar 10-22 in 1982.
Hate to tell you but your ruger 10-22 accepts large capacity magazines. It is just as deadly within 100 yards as about anything. It will still shoot through 2 half inch pine boards which is the test for human penetration at 100 yards plus.
End of the day the constitution protects us from people like you. democrats can do all their little show trials or what ever they do. 9 times out of 10 the democrats are always trying to go against the constitution.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
This is for kalifonria. Yet. All anyone has to do is put a little fin on their rifle handle or get a grip that keeps the webbing of your thumb above the trigger, keep it above the 30 inches in length (which is the length for the federal short barrel rifle definition which you can still own you just need a tax stamp), and change out the "flash suppressor" for a compensator and the rifle is as legal as the day is long. Or you can buy a ruger mini 14 or mini 30, browning BAR or any other assorted rifles and there is ZERO difference in function. The 10 round magazine thing is not a thing. if you intend to do harm, then take the 0.5 seconds and put the 30 rounder in. 10 round just keeps you legal at the range.
Like I said, you or the politicians do not know what they are talking about.
Let me ask you this. Which part of the rifle is actually considered the rifle for registration purposes?
basically you people are simple emotional trolls that do not know what you are talking about. rearranging hardware does not change the function for people willing to do harm. Also. it only takes maybe 10 to 30 minutes to change all that out to make it evil again. The rifle is a swiss army knife. you can configure it anyway you want when you want. it does not change the function of the rifle for people willing to do harm.
As one who knows all the get-arounds to cheat gun laws, one who cant see its only emotion that causes these idiots to kill, Clearly you are part of the problem. A sick MFer who thinks an inanimate object is more important than children's or anyone else's life. Gun dont kill people, evil people kill people. Arm the teachers, that will solve it...except 19 armed and geared up trained police officers stood outside that door for 40 minutes, probably kissing and caressing their own assault weapon and pissing their pants.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I said he was going to expose them and he has. Notice none of your people are running around with russia, russia, russia anymore? Only one who believes it is you.
Durham is a failure, he lost and was embarrassed in his ONLY case he brought to trial in 3 + years and at a cost of close to 4 $Mil. zero return. You know what that means?? Russia, Russia, Russia was a fact. The only thing he exposed is another trump lie. "Obama spied on me, the biggest political crime in history". You have not a single fact to prove your case. On the other hand...Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, the Trump Tower meeting w/ Trump Jr, Kushner..., the DNC email scandal, The Moscow Trump Tower, Hiring Manafort a Putin sympathizer to lead Trump Campaign (for free), Trump claiming to believe Putin on International TV in Helsinki and not US Intel, ....over 100 more direct contacts between Russians and Trump people. Thats 100's to your zero proof. Bye-Bye.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Hate to tell you but your ruger 10-22 accepts large capacity magazines. It is just as deadly within 100 yards as about anything. It will still shoot through 2 half inch pine boards which is the test for human penetration at 100 yards plus.
End of the day the constitution protects us from people like you. democrats can do all their little show trials or what ever they do. 9 times out of 10 the democrats are always trying to go against the constitution.
Another mass shooting yesterday. Just the 5th? since Robb Elementary school last week? The dude in Kansas, just like Uvalde and Buffalo ALL bought assault rifles and used them in their killing sprees immediately. Its first of June and over 200 mass shootings in the USA. Naw nothing wrong here, no change needed. Said only idiots.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
As one who knows all the get-arounds to cheat gun laws, one who cant see its only emotion that causes these idiots to kill, Clearly you are part of the problem. A sick MFer who thinks an inanimate object is more important than children's or anyone else's life. Gun dont kill people, evil people kill people. Arm the teachers, that will solve it...except 19 armed and geared up trained police officers stood outside that door for 40 minutes, probably kissing and caressing their own assault weapon and pissing their pants.
more people were killed last year with hammers and fists than rifles. You should be the first in line for hammer and fist registration. Only emotional person is you. Technically you guys are not emotionally. You are calculating. Can't go full authoritarian unless you take peoples ability to defend themselves.
Yep. Police officers stood out side. Like they say. When you don't have a gun, the people with guns who are supposed to come save you are minutes away. Guess what? The police are not legally required to take a bullet for you. They can come and take a report and they are doing just that these days because.... well.... democrats yet again going to war on cops.
Why are all those cheats? They are making the rifles compliant to the made up law. you idiots are doing nothing but not adding a for grip or a flash hider that does not hide a flash.
Which part of the rifle is registered?
You do know that rifles are actually very simple. Any kid with a basic understanding of tools can build one.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Another mass shooting yesterday. Just the 5th? since Robb Elementary school last week? The dude in Kansas, just like Uvalde and Buffalo ALL bought assault rifles and used them in their killing sprees immediately. Its first of June and over 200 mass shootings in the USA. Naw nothing wrong here, no change needed. Said only idiots.
Also. Please explain how a 18 year old kid living with his grandparents could afford a top of the line $2000 plus rifle and a total of $4000 in arms?
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Another mass shooting yesterday. Just the 5th? since Robb Elementary school last week? The dude in Kansas, just like Uvalde and Buffalo ALL bought assault rifles and used them in their killing sprees immediately. Its first of June and over 200 mass shootings in the USA. Naw nothing wrong here, no change needed. Said only idiots.
Yep. lock downs, rampant drug use, destruction of the family, etc. Still not going to change the evil in people. Could not stop you from posting lies for 4 years straight.
I see you are not posting about chicago. They have strict laws. how many people shot this weekend just like all the previous.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Durham is a failure, he lost and was embarrassed in his ONLY case he brought to trial in 3 + years and at a cost of close to 4 $Mil. zero return. You know what that means?? Russia, Russia, Russia was a fact. The only thing he exposed is another trump lie. "Obama spied on me, the biggest political crime in history". You have not a single fact to prove your case. On the other hand...Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, the Trump Tower meeting w/ Trump Jr, Kushner..., the DNC email scandal, The Moscow Trump Tower, Hiring Manafort a Putin sympathizer to lead Trump Campaign (for free), Trump claiming to believe Putin on International TV in Helsinki and not US Intel, ....over 100 more direct contacts between Russians and Trump people. Thats 100's to your zero proof. Bye-Bye.
russia was not a fact. you are delusional. the dude who gave steele the info literally said they were drinking and just making stuff up. He admitted to this in court. Hillary's lead guy said they were lying about Trump and the server but hoped the press would run with it. The guy who did the spying admitted it was him and how they did it. This is all public record in court.
All those other people were not attached to russia. I bet you believe Amber Heard was telling the truth too. You sound very much like her.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Another mass shooting yesterday. Just the 5th? since Robb Elementary school last week? The dude in Kansas, just like Uvalde and Buffalo ALL bought assault rifles and used them in their killing sprees immediately. Its first of June and over 200 mass shootings in the USA. Naw nothing wrong here, no change needed. Said only idiots.
When are you going to turn in your 10-22? Post the receipt.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
more people were killed last year with hammers and fists than rifles. You should be the first in line for hammer and fist registration. Only emotional person is you. Technically you guys are not emotionally. You are calculating. Can't go full authoritarian unless you take peoples ability to defend themselves.
Yep. Police officers stood out side. Like they say. When you don't have a gun, the people with guns who are supposed to come save you are minutes away. Guess what? The police are not legally required to take a bullet for you. They can come and take a report and they are doing just that these days because.... well.... democrats yet again going to war on cops.
Why are all those cheats? They are making the rifles compliant to the made up law. you idiots are doing nothing but not adding a for grip or a flash hider that does not hide a flash.
Which part of the rifle is registered?
You do know that rifles are actually very simple. Any kid with a basic understanding of tools can build one.
Wanna know who is a freaking liar? ...other than orange mango...Delta Hoosier, thats who.
SOB just said Hammers kill more people than F-ing Guns. Clown show.
Also as dumb as this fine member of congress, the one who got her GED just so she could run (need to have HS Grad...)
If you dont want to be a cop, go flip burgers.
You have a good resume to consult for gang bangers on how to get around gun laws, make ghost guns, print out illegal parts, very valuable to a certain part of the underground society. Loser.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
russia was not a fact. you are delusional. the dude who gave steele the info literally said they were drinking and just making stuff up. He admitted to this in court. Hillary's lead guy said they were lying about Trump and the server but hoped the press would run with it. The guy who did the spying admitted it was him and how they did it. This is all public record in court.
All those other people were not attached to russia. I bet you believe Amber Heard was telling the truth too. You sound very much like her.
If you cant post a fact, STFU. I never brought up Steel Doss, did I strawman. Also Mueller never did either, Strawman, just Hannity, you and the mentally unstable. You really seem confused, like a child. Too bad all the real facts, the indictments, the guilty pleas, the sentencing...and the Pardons. LOL, Clown.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
When are you going to turn in your 10-22? Post the receipt.
If it were an outlawed firearm, i would turn it in like any law abiding citizen would. Isnt that what Law and Order is all about? I didnt keep any 30 round mags, just the 10's. Are you suggesting something? Like you, a law abiding citizen wouldnt do the right thing?
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Also. Please explain how a 18 year old kid living with his grandparents could afford a top of the line $2000 plus rifle and a total of $4000 in arms?
Im sure thats all part of the investigation, however...I do know...He lived with his Parents, was at grandparents for a couple weeks because an argument w/ parents. He also had a job at a fast food place, Wendy's I think. Have you never had a debit card or a Credit card? Understand how that works right? FYI, when you plan on dying, you rarely worry about paying your credit card bill. One would think that a rational store clerk might raise an eyebrow when an 18 year old buys 2 assault guns in 3 days and 1000's of rounds of ammo. Wait, this is Texas, lol completely normal behavior. It was a problem with the doors at the school. or video games, mental illness, no armed teachers, more armed school police, gun law dont work, need more good people with guns, or just not enough thoughts and prayers...
Somehow the only consistent fact is that they use a gun, every single time. hmmmm.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep. lock downs, rampant drug use, destruction of the family, etc. Still not going to change the evil in people. Could not stop you from posting lies for 4 years straight.
I see you are not posting about chicago. They have strict laws. how many people shot this weekend just like all the previous.
The evil in people? We cant change that? Ya think? Republicans like Tucker Carleson, and yourself have been pushing Replacement Theory, the Very Reason the shooter in Buffalo killed 10 Black people 2 weeks ago. He was 18. He had just purchased his assault weapon. There was an armed guard at the store that shot him, but that body armor he also purchased stopped the bullets.
He wasnt on drugs, lived with mom and dad. Chicago, WTF strawman???
Funny who you think is posting lies. You should re-read this page where you get caught in lie after lie. Clown.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 2:17 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Im sure thats all part of the investigation, however...I do know...He lived with his Parents, was at grandparents for a couple weeks because an argument w/ parents. He also had a job at a fast food place, Wendy's I think. Have you never had a debit card or a Credit card? Understand how that works right? FYI, when you plan on dying, you rarely worry about paying your credit card bill. One would think that a rational store clerk might raise an eyebrow when an 18 year old buys 2 assault guns in 3 days and 1000's of rounds of ammo. Wait, this is Texas, lol completely normal behavior. It was a problem with the doors at the school. or video games, mental illness, no armed teachers, more armed school police, gun law dont work, need more good people with guns, or just not enough thoughts and prayers...
Somehow the only consistent fact is that they use a gun, every single time. hmmmm.
Or how about the people who drover their cars into crowds. How about fertilizer bombs. How about hammers. How about knives.
Only reason to go after objects is control. period. democrats have been trying to do it since I have been alive but not once bring up them murdering each other by the thousands every year.
Columbine happened just after the first assault weapons ban. How did that work out? You know which guns the Germans went to the geneva convention to try and get banned from war? Shot Guns. What was the big democrat push after West Virginia. Hand Guns. Always something. Just keep moving the outrage around. Last mass shooting was about racism. This mass shooting because it was a brown person is not about rifles. Common theme is democrats.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 2:19 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The evil in people? We cant change that? Ya think? Republicans like Tucker Carleson, and yourself have been pushing Replacement Theory, the Very Reason the shooter in Buffalo killed 10 Black people 2 weeks ago. He was 18. He had just purchased his assault weapon. There was an armed guard at the store that shot him, but that body armor he also purchased stopped the bullets.
He wasnt on drugs, lived with mom and dad. Chicago, WTF strawman???
Funny who you think is posting lies. You should re-read this page where you get caught in lie after lie. Clown.
The very first paragraph of your article says in raw numbers, Trumps claim is true. And it is true every weekend. Highly regulated gun free zone has mass shootings every week. You should call in a red flag on Chicago so they can go get their guns.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 3:04 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Or how about the people who drover their cars into crowds. How about fertilizer bombs. How about hammers. How about knives.
Only reason to go after objects is control. period. democrats have been trying to do it since I have been alive but not once bring up them murdering each other by the thousands every year.
Columbine happened just after the first assault weapons ban. How did that work out? You know which guns the Germans went to the geneva convention to try and get banned from war? Shot Guns. What was the big democrat push after West Virginia. Hand Guns. Always something. Just keep moving the outrage around. Last mass shooting was about racism. This mass shooting because it was a brown person is not about rifles. Common theme is democrats.
We go after guns because you cant orchestrate a mass shooting without one. The obvious is so hard to see when you are completely bat chit brainwashed. How else can one shoot a dozen or so people w/o a gun? Any ideas? Nothing? Typical. There isnt a law anywhere that will stop all gun crimes, none. No law stops speeding or anything else either, does this mean you want to eliminate all laws? Columbine? All illegal guns, they were under age, they used a straw buyer.
Its pretty annoying to hear you blame democrats when a shooter bought a assault gun, chose his location because the high population of black people, then drove 200 miles to stake out the location and look for best kill zones. Then drive back 200 miles the next day to pull off the massacre all because of your replacement theory. Too many blacks stealing my tax money, my jobs. Common theme is more false conspiracy theory. The exact stuff you write all the time. You cant even see you are radicalized. Keep blaming EVERYONE else, the common theme.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 3:14 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The very first paragraph of your article says in raw numbers, Trumps claim is true. And it is true every weekend. Highly regulated gun free zone has mass shootings every week. You should call in a red flag on Chicago so they can go get their guns.
Do you only read the first paragraphs?? Raw numbers? you gonna try to stop there? because they explain why that is false quickly afterward. Just like we have to you dozens of times before. Per capita. Theres more people in Chicago fool. Its typically why all your BS on "Democrat cities" is flawed. When chicago banned handguns guess what happened, the SC struck the law down. They def have gun problems there, and gang problems.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 5:43 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
If it were an outlawed firearm, i would turn it in like any law abiding citizen would. Isnt that what Law and Order is all about? I didnt keep any 30 round mags, just the 10's. Are you suggesting something? Like you, a law abiding citizen wouldnt do the right thing?
isn't a semi automatic rifle the issue you are complaining about. Isn't that what the democrats are complaining about? Seems to me if you want to believe your own propaganda, you should surrender it to the police. Don't want you to do something stupid with it or allow it to fall in the wrong hands. What do you need with a rifle like that. You can't hunt with it. Why do you have it?
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-02-2022, 5:45 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Do you only read the first paragraphs?? Raw numbers? you gonna try to stop there? because they explain why that is false quickly afterward. Just like we have to you dozens of times before. Per capita. Theres more people in Chicago fool. Its typically why all your BS on "Democrat cities" is flawed. When chicago banned handguns guess what happened, the SC struck the law down. They def have gun problems there, and gang problems.
Show me where the supreme court struck down chicago's laws?
All those cities listed are ran by democrats. one perspective is 3% of the people in this country commit over 50% of the murders. Let that sink in.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 6:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Show me where the supreme court struck down chicago's laws?
All those cities listed are ran by democrats. one perspective is 3% of the people in this country commit over 50% of the murders. Let that sink in.
Why? You dont believe me?
Your statistics are futile, just like all republican response to mass shootings. It cant be too many guns.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-02-2022, 6:18 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
isn't a semi automatic rifle the issue you are complaining about. Isn't that what the democrats are complaining about? Seems to me if you want to believe your own propaganda, you should surrender it to the police. Don't want you to do something stupid with it or allow it to fall in the wrong hands. What do you need with a rifle like that. You can't hunt with it. Why do you have it?
Im not a wanna be Rambo, Im not trying to start a war with my neighbors, im not trying to scare anyone, i dont wear body armor and pretend im at war. Only thing I ever used it for was shooting jack rabbits in the desert. Not hunting, just shooting them. It doesnt have all the manly tactical army man look to it that rightys like so much. Like I said, id give it up on day one. You on the other hand have a fetish for metal and epoxy that you share with other men. Just like the Bronys only different.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-02-2022, 8:19 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-02-2022, 8:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Im sure thats all part of the investigation, however...I do know...He lived with his Parents, was at grandparents for a couple weeks because an argument w/ parents. He also had a job at a fast food place, Wendy's I think. Have you never had a debit card or a Credit card? Understand how that works right? FYI, when you plan on dying, you rarely worry about paying your credit card bill. One would think that a rational store clerk might raise an eyebrow when an 18 year old buys 2 assault guns in 3 days and 1000's of rounds of ammo. Wait, this is Texas, lol completely normal behavior. It was a problem with the doors at the school. or video games, mental illness, no armed teachers, more armed school police, gun law dont work, need more good people with guns, or just not enough thoughts and prayers...
Somehow the only consistent fact is that they use a gun, every single time. hmmmm.
...and in Europe, they mostly use a knife in their murders so what's your point? Evil will come out of whatever tool the wielder chooses. Crazy libs like you could slash and stab ten classrooms worth in 77 mins. Why does logic always escape you? What makes you think outlawing assault rifles will stop criminals from getting them? Seriously... Can you get past that? No. You can't and you never will. You lose again.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-02-2022, 8:35 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We go after guns because you cant orchestrate a mass shooting without one. The obvious is so hard to see when you are completely bat chit brainwashed. How else can one shoot a dozen or so people w/o a gun? Any ideas? Nothing? Typical. There isnt a law anywhere that will stop all gun crimes, none. No law stops speeding or anything else either, does this mean you want to eliminate all laws? Columbine? All illegal guns, they were under age, they used a straw buyer.
Its pretty annoying to hear you blame democrats when a shooter bought a assault gun, chose his location because the high population of black people, then drove 200 miles to stake out the location and look for best kill zones. Then drive back 200 miles the next day to pull off the massacre all because of your replacement theory. Too many blacks stealing my tax money, my jobs. Common theme is more false conspiracy theory. The exact stuff you write all the time. You cant even see you are radicalized. Keep blaming EVERYONE else, the common theme.
Dude... You have zero argument when facts are applied. You can NEVER get around the saying about when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them.