Join Date: Apr 2005
10-22-2022, 9:16 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
There has only been one president in history to try to steal an election so ...
If you missed it, it culminated on 1/6 but there are so many other parts to it.
Trump and his atty Rudy and others organized 7 swing states to send fake electors to congress. The counterfiters said trump won and the states electoral votes are for trump eventhough Biden won those 7 states. Trump also tried to get the DOJ to push his false claim that he won and election was rigged. They refused so he tried to appoint a completely unqualified "acting" director who was willing to lie for the grifter. The entire DOJ threatened to quit on the spot and trump backed off. That was Jeff Clark, he had already changed his title to "Acting" DOJ head.
We all know he called the Georgia SoS to "find" him 11,800 more votes, he was dumb enough to get recorded. Remember when Biden and Obama did that? sure.
He paid for and his attys filed the paperwork to run Kanye to bleed off some dem votes.
Before the results were in he Claimed he won, just like everyone predicted he would.
He called 2 republican officials in Michigan to get them to stop the certification of the votes, another fail.
He had his attys (Rudy, The Krakken, Sidney Powell lie and try to blame the voting machines until Dominion sued them for a $Billion (FOX also sued by Dominion).
Trump browbeat Pence to refuse to certify the election when everyone knew he didnt have any power to do that, he refused. Its why trumps atty plead the 5th to every question they asked him.
When all that AND over 60 failed lawsuits, many heard by judges he put in place all failed he went further.
He planned the 6th of January. He could have picked any day for his stop the steal rally but on only one day would all of congress be in session to confirm the votes, so he picked that day. He invited them all to hear his lies of failure. They came, and they came armed. He fired them up as best he could and as he finished he told them to march to the capitol.March up there and take your country back. I'll be there with you, he said. So at his request they marched to the capitol and attacked trying to stop the certification of the votes. While his people were attacking the capitol trying to kill Pence, Pelosi and many others trump sat on his azz watching on TV never attempting to tell them to stop. Clearly dereliction of duty. Afterward trump did everything he could to lie and obstruct the investigation. Steve Bannon was just sentenced to jail for refusing to cooperate. Jeff Clark plead the 5th to all questions as did his other attys. Who pleads the 5th??? Why not explain how everything was just a misunderstanding?? Trump knew from the summer he would lose, its why he put his crazy plans into play. Only a full cult member would try to say it didnt happen with so many facts known.
It does not matter about your feelings. The fact you dont care all countries are paying more for fuel and have worse inflation doesnt matter, its still a fact fool. Did Biden also create high fuel prices in the UK and Europe? Draw your direct line, ill wait. Ignore price gouging at the pump, Oil companies sky high profits verify the fact. Ignore completely that Putin one of the worlds largest oil exporters started a war. Why do you believe Saudi media reporting and not US, what kind of anti American are you? Are you hoping for a bad economy because it may harm Dem politics?? If so STFU. You got what you wanted. I for one am willing to pay more for fuel to fight Putin because its the right thing to do.
Republicans in 40 states changed voting laws (because of all the fraud they could not find nor prove), closed voting locations, removed drop boxes and stationed armed "poll watchers" to intimidate POC from voting. This after we had the safest election in history. If you want to find the longest lines, look at the Red states in Black/poor areas. Fact. The rest of your post is clearly from an alcoholic drop out who thinks his whiny opinion is something others want to hear.
Wow... Just from glossing over about 10% of what you driveled, it sounds like you got yourself quite a conspiracy there. That is also one serious compounded case of TDS/paranoia you got as well. Dope smoking is a major cause of it. Oh hey, I'm going to church near your neighborhood next week. See you there?
PS I don't really drink so..... Nice try flinging 95SN just to see what sticks... NOT!
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-22-2022, 9:21 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-23-2022, 9:54 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Wow... Just from glossing over about 10% of what you driveled, it sounds like you got yourself quite a conspiracy there. That is also one serious compounded case of TDS/paranoia you got as well. Dope smoking is a major cause of it. Oh hey, I'm going to church near your neighborhood next week. See you there?
PS I don't really drink so..... Nice try flinging 95SN just to see what sticks... NOT!
Conspiracies are not factual, that's why they're conspiracies. I use truth, I write fact. If conspiracy you could point out flaws, non truths or lies, you cant. You and your party cant stop lying about election fraud and you cannot point it out, you cant identify it, you cant show it, you cant prove it. Trump tried, not once, not 10 times, not 15 times, not 25 times, not 40 times, not 50 times, OVER 60 times he lost in US court of law. He had more than ample opportunity to prove his case. There were dozens and dozens of recounts in every single swing state and even in states trump won, nothing changed the vote count, other than Biden getting more. Republicans illegally broke into vote counting machines, they did audits and they did Forensic audits of a dozen different states and counties, they found nothing. Every single time they got the same legal and honest win for Biden. You know it and everyone knows it. Trump made up a lie and now in order to be "republican" you must push that lie. The 1/6 comm has proved trump knew he lost and that he attempted to steal the election. He has so much power over the entire GOP, they are so scared of him he treats y'all like piddly piss-ants. You all look like idiots in a cult to most of the world. You dont have a political party, you have a really odd unhealthy sick devotion to one lousy excuse for a man. You were so scared of the truth you refused to watch any of the 1/6 hearings for fear you would know trumps a criminal and be forced think how youve been lied to for ions. If he is innocent and WE are all wrong he can show up to the 1/6 committee and explain how we all got it wrong, he wont. TDS is a supporter disease, or you would stop, seems you cannot. Addict/cult.
Of course you cant respond to the rest, its too rational to believe all the worlds economies have been hit by the aftermath of a unprecedented pandemic, supply chain issues, Putins war, and corporate greed.
PS, I dont really smoke weed much, i just like the smell.
PSS. I took my new Lab/pit puppy for a walk, walked thru the park as its a short cut to the hills. At the entrance there were several Gay and Trans individuals handing out flyers and pamphlets and offering free study classes. Wait it wasnt the Gay/Trans community pushing their lifestyle on park attendees, it was those Fing Christians again, they're the ones pushing their agenda on the innocent. Just stop forcing your weakness on others.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-23-2022, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Are those CBO numbers? What else is hidden or omitted in those numbers? Is his effort to buy the votes of people paying off college loans factored in to that number? The claim came from a known, corrupt liar: Mr Magoo. I don't believe anything out of a dim's mouth. Especially one who's propped up like A Weekend at Bernie's and can't even read a teleprompter.
Yes CBO numbers. The same lies and ommisions as usual, it's just that magoo is more fiscally responsible than the mango menace. Time to face facts, Trump isn't the business genius he told you he is. And to remind you it's Trump's over spending that caused the inflation you have now and it's Bidens tight management that is getting it under control.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-23-2022, 1:17 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Conspiracies are not factual, that's why they're conspiracies. I use truth, I write fact. If conspiracy you could point out flaws, non truths or lies, you cant. You and your party cant stop lying about election fraud and you cannot point it out, you cant identify it, you cant show it, you cant prove it. Trump tried, not once, not 10 times, not 15 times, not 25 times, not 40 times, not 50 times, OVER 60 times he lost in US court of law. He had more than ample opportunity to prove his case. There were dozens and dozens of recounts in every single swing state and even in states trump won, nothing changed the vote count, other than Biden getting more. Republicans illegally broke into vote counting machines, they did audits and they did Forensic audits of a dozen different states and counties, they found nothing. Every single time they got the same legal and honest win for Biden. You know it and everyone knows it. Trump made up a lie and now in order to be "republican" you must push that lie. The 1/6 comm has proved trump knew he lost and that he attempted to steal the election. He has so much power over the entire GOP, they are so scared of him he treats y'all like piddly piss-ants. You all look like idiots in a cult to most of the world. You dont have a political party, you have a really odd unhealthy sick devotion to one lousy excuse for a man. You were so scared of the truth you refused to watch any of the 1/6 hearings for fear you would know trumps a criminal and be forced think how youve been lied to for ions. If he is innocent and WE are all wrong he can show up to the 1/6 committee and explain how we all got it wrong, he wont. TDS is a supporter disease, or you would stop, seems you cannot. Addict/cult.
Of course you cant respond to the rest, its too rational to believe all the worlds economies have been hit by the aftermath of a unprecedented pandemic, supply chain issues, Putins war, and corporate greed.
PS, I dont really smoke weed much, i just like the smell.
PSS. I took my new Lab/pit puppy for a walk, walked thru the park as its a short cut to the hills. At the entrance there were several Gay and Trans individuals handing out flyers and pamphlets and offering free study classes. Wait it wasnt the Gay/Trans community pushing their lifestyle on park attendees, it was those Fing Christians again, they're the ones pushing their agenda on the innocent. Just stop forcing your weakness on others.
Conspiracies are not factual??? I can't deal with your illiteracy any more. You are honestly not worth anyone's time. Also, it's PPS, not PSS. How's that for some truth and facts?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-23-2022, 1:26 PM
It's pretty bad when a high school dropout has to school the guy who loves to brag about how "evolved" he is with his college education, while unable to understand basic, almost primitive-level literacy. If the definition of conspiracy is too tough for you, you might wanna consider some 7th grade English refresher courses. I'm outa here for awhile. I don't want any of this stupid rubbing off on me.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-23-2022, 2:41 PM
Originally Posted by markj
It's pretty bad when a high school dropout has to school the guy who loves to brag about how "evolved" he is with his college education, while unable to understand basic, almost primitive-level literacy. If the definition of conspiracy is too tough for you, you might wanna consider some 7th grade English refresher courses. I'm outa here for awhile. I don't want any of this stupid rubbing off on me.
Thanks Mr Objective, Ive noticed how you sort of watch over all the posters and correct for spelling, word choice and grammatical errors. I do appreciate the conspiracy correction, i wont use it incorrectly in the future. If i had used Lies or Conspiracy theories, perhaps you would be ok with it. Honestly, i get tired of writing "lies" its what they is ya know. It makes no difference, you understand the point 100% dont you? Trump lied, the GOP conspired to push his lie, and now they are stuck with him. Better?
I never claimed to be evolved, i claim to use rational thought, to question first, investigate and determine the facts, then decide right and wrong. If new or differing information arrives, im just smart enough to change course if needed. I dont depend on a small minded echo chamber lens to see the world from the minority view. I dont have an English degree, and they made me take remedial math and English to get into college and graduate. Ive posted before, i was never smart. 10 years to graduate. Never been a quitter, i stuck with it. I majored in business, that's why ive been mostly retired since i was 50. When i get paid no one complains about grammar. I still work some, just so I dont get too bored or comfortable.
You fail to come up with a response other than changing the subject. One cant make a weaker argument.
If you fear stupid rubbing off on you, avoid Doug and Grants posts lol. GL.
Join Date: Mar 2018
10-26-2022, 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
More of your typical gish gallop again?
What coup? The one in your and other dim's heads who suffer from terminal TDS? Wanna share the quote from DJT where he calls for violence? The so-called hearings were another libtard sham. Like Russia-gate. Like two politically motivated impeachments. Like 24/7 CNN coverage of anything DJT.
Unlike all you dims, I don't care about other country's inflation or fuel prices. There is a direct line from Biden's killing the oil industry leading to high fuel prices and what ALWAYS follows is inflation starting with higher grocery prices. We also lost our energy independence to boot and instead go begging to Sheik Bonesaw to see if he can spare a gallon until after the election. Funny part was when Mr Magoo got ratted out for it-crooked, corrupt, slimebag that he is.
Yeah so we're 50 years into the 200 that LBJ promised. So far, his plan is working, but those tables may be turning a little, but it takes awhile to get the truth to 13% of the population when theres so much daily reinforcement and handouts to support the propaganda.
Where are there 10 hour lines to vote? That sounds like another one of your parroted lefty lies told by CNN or MSDNC.
The rest of your silly post is just the rantings of a druggie who can't contain a thought.
Funny he is trying to say inflation is higher in Texas and Florida. Sorry. It doe NOT cost $35 to $40 for a large pizza in Texas and Florida like it does here.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-26-2022, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Funny he is trying to say inflation is higher in Texas and Florida. Sorry. It doe NOT cost $35 to $40 for a large pizza in Texas and Florida like it does here.
Remember when you thought trump would win because of all the rallies, the trucks with flags, the boat parades??? This time is just like that time. Just like boats and rallies dont equal more votes, Pizza is not a very good indicator of inflation. ask FOX. What is the republican plan to fight inflation?? Ive heard nothing. Trickle down again? Republicans are responsible for 10 of the last 11 recessions since 1950.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 3:21 AM
Reversing the idiotic Biden move to turn off the spigot of American-sourced oil would have a pretty nice effect on inflation by lowering fuel prices. Plus, Biden could get off his knees in front of the diaper heads. I’m sure Trump will use that fact as a battering ram in his campaign. It’s amazing how tone deaf libtards are to such simple truths.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 3:32 AM
Gotta love all the libtard meltdowns over Elon’s latest purchase. It’s a little reminiscent of the 2016 2016 Trump victory. Shoulda bought stock in Kleenex. The best part is him firing 75% of the propagandists. I truly hope they get zero severance for their typical democrat efforts to silence free speech.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 6:59 AM
Looks like Chucky, while talking to Mr Magoo is calling HW as the winner. Hard to believe HW could win that race after all that alleged democrat behavior.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-28-2022, 9:23 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Reversing the idiotic Biden move to turn off the spigot of American-sourced oil would have a pretty nice effect on inflation by lowering fuel prices. Plus, Biden could get off his knees in front of the diaper heads. I’m sure Trump will use that fact as a battering ram in his campaign. It’s amazing how tone deaf libtards are to such simple truths.
Why does one who claims to be a christian call another race/religion such a juvenile, racist names like "diaper head"? Competing with Kanye for most racist republican?
Thought you were "objective"? Arnt you the guy who likes to draw a straight line from the clues and signs directly too the problem?? Draw the line from 500% profits by oil companies to the price at the pump, the price you pay. The spigot you claim, clearly is a very small part of the price per gallon. Draw the line if you can, ill wait. Why bring up the retired fatman in Florida? he running for anything? or are you still suffering TDS?
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-28-2022, 9:26 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Gotta love all the libtard meltdowns over Elon’s latest purchase. It’s a little reminiscent of the 2016 2016 Trump victory. Shoulda bought stock in Kleenex. The best part is him firing 75% of the propagandists. I truly hope they get zero severance for their typical democrat efforts to silence free speech.
Any evidence of this so called " silence free speech"? or is this just more parrot talk or hurt feelings from you?
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-28-2022, 9:38 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Schumer says its hard to believe Republicans plan to vote for a pro life candidate who payed for at least 2 abortions and lied about it? That he lied about having 4 kids from 4 different mothers and republicans think he is a good candidate and should win? He put a gun up to his ex-wifes head and said he was going to blow her head off and republicans thought this was the best candidate they could find? He lied about graduating from college, lied about graduating in top 1% of the class, lied about being in law enforcement, lied about training at Quantico to be FBI or Secret Service... Yeah. Makes sense. If it was all such "democrat behavior" why R's voting for a dem??
Thats the best candidate R's could pull out of their vast data base of clowns and convicts.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-28-2022, 9:55 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Schumer says its hard to believe Republicans plan to vote for a pro life candidate who payed for at least 2 abortions and lied about it? That he lied about having 4 kids from 4 different mothers and republicans think he is a good candidate and should win? He put a gun up to his ex-wifes head and said he was going to blow her head off and republicans thought this was the best candidate they could find? He lied about graduating from college, lied about graduating in top 1% of the class, lied about being in law enforcement, lied about training at Quantico to be FBI or Secret Service... Yeah. Makes sense. If it was all such "democrat behavior" why R's voting for a dem??
Thats the best candidate R's could pull out of their vast data base of clowns and convicts.
Wait, I thought he drove an 18 wheeler, no, i mean he was a cool minor, no i mean he hit cornpop with a chain, no i mean he marched in the segregation movement, no i mean he got cancer from oil that rained from the air in Delaware, you know, you know what I am talking about.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-28-2022, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Wait, I thought he drove an 18 wheeler, no, i mean he was a cool minor, no i mean he hit cornpop with a chain, no i mean he marched in the segregation movement, no i mean he got cancer from oil that rained from the air in Delaware, you know, you know what I am talking about.
Am i right to assume you want to compare HW and his lies to President Biden? A pro choice candidate paying for 2 baby murders, putting a gun to his ex wife's head and threatening her, lying about a career in law enforcement, and lying about graduating from college.... and Bidens exaggerated truck driving experience? Tells me all i need to know.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 5:14 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why does one who claims to be a christian call another race/religion such a juvenile, racist names like "diaper head"? Competing with Kanye for most racist republican?
Thought you were "objective"? Arnt you the guy who likes to draw a straight line from the clues and signs directly too the problem?? Draw the line from 500% profits by oil companies to the price at the pump, the price you pay. The spigot you claim, clearly is a very small part of the price per gallon. Draw the line if you can, ill wait. Why bring up the retired fatman in Florida? he running for anything? or are you still suffering TDS?
I make a sarcastic comment based on clothing choices they make and you want to call me racist? Nah. You must not be aware of the well known rite of passage for all middle eastern males where around the age of 4 years old, they remove the diaper from their 95SN's and move it to their heads. Everyone knows this except you. Look it up. It's like a Bar Mitzvah equivalent for camel jockeys. Let me know if you need a link.
You mean like Biden declaring war on oil, causing supply to dwindle and then prices rising once we have to start importing it? Here's the line you're too dense to see: Supply gets shut off/prices go up. When supply increases, prices always go down-like when Trump was prez. Why don't you dims understand basic things like that??? All Biden did is stick each and every American with a HUGE fuel bill to falsely make his green new deal not look so pitiful like it really is. People with money just went out and bought an electric car to be able to afford to travel and the poor continue to suffer by paying triple for groceries. The Biden misery index is as high as Carter days-just in a little different way.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 5:18 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Any evidence of this so called " silence free speech"? or is this just more parrot talk or hurt feelings from you?
One of your dumbest rhetorical questions ever and that's quite an accomplishment for you. I'm sorry you're too dense to remember how Twitter shut down free speech. Does the term "mean tweets" ring a bell or has the dope done too much damage?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 5:24 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Schumer says its hard to believe Republicans plan to vote for a pro life candidate who payed for at least 2 abortions and lied about it? That he lied about having 4 kids from 4 different mothers and republicans think he is a good candidate and should win? He put a gun up to his ex-wifes head and said he was going to blow her head off and republicans thought this was the best candidate they could find? He lied about graduating from college, lied about graduating in top 1% of the class, lied about being in law enforcement, lied about training at Quantico to be FBI or Secret Service... Yeah. Makes sense. If it was all such "democrat behavior" why R's voting for a dem??
Thats the best candidate R's could pull out of their vast data base of clowns and convicts.
It sounds like he learned how to tell a story like Mr Magoo. Did HW tell the story about how he used to drive a big rig and beat up guys named Corn Pop too? The best part about it is your side is STILL losing in spite of him being such a rumored piece of trash. That should tell you just how bad your policies are and how much the public doesn't trust you to lead another day more!
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 5:29 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Am i right to assume you want to compare HW and his lies to President Biden? A pro choice candidate paying for 2 baby murders, putting a gun to his ex wife's head and threatening her, lying about a career in law enforcement, and lying about graduating from college.... and Bidens exaggerated truck driving experience? Tells me all i need to know.
Actually, Biden has lied WAY MORE than HW is even rumored to. Such a joke you would dare to bring up Biden lies. You also fail to remember HW's competition, the baby-murder-promoting "pastor" (not a real pastor) was busted for domestic violence as well when he ran over his wife on purpose with his car during an argument.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 6:52 PM
"I'll take inconvenient libtard truths for $1,000, Alex!"
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 7:00 PM
Knock knock… No, it’s not your hooker, Paul.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-28-2022, 9:26 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why does one who claims to be a christian call another race/religion such a juvenile, racist names like "diaper head"? Competing with Kanye for most racist republican?
Thought you were "objective"? Arnt you the guy who likes to draw a straight line from the clues and signs directly too the problem?? Draw the line from 500% profits by oil companies to the price at the pump, the price you pay. The spigot you claim, clearly is a very small part of the price per gallon. Draw the line if you can, ill wait. Why bring up the retired fatman in Florida? he running for anything? or are you still suffering TDS?
How is the line from supply and demand to oil company profits so hard for you to understand??? You want cheaper prices? Enable competition by increasing supply. Heck, even Mr Magoo gets it. Wasn't that him who got ratted out for being on his knees, gas can in hand, begging the BO-infested, corndog-n-slurpy pushers to keep up supply until just after the election? Biden himself knows how to lower fuel prices by opening up domestic supply. He just won't do it because he knows he'll have hell to pay and his handlers will 25th Amendment his 95SN outa there if he even sneezes in front of you environazi green new dealers.
PS Keep calling me racist and I'll invent new ways to enrage you and make you foam at the mouth. You're so thin-skinned and easy to wind up. LOL
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 7:08 AM
Haven’t seen this guy in a long time. He’s got a grip on reality like no other when it comes to Biden and the effect his policies have had on us.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-29-2022, 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I make a sarcastic comment based on clothing choices they make and you want to call me racist? Nah. You must not be aware of the well known rite of passage for all middle eastern males where around the age of 4 years old, they remove the diaper from their 95SN's and move it to their heads. Everyone knows this except you. Look it up. It's like a Bar Mitzvah equivalent for camel jockeys. Let me know if you need a link.
You mean like Biden declaring war on oil, causing supply to dwindle and then prices rising once we have to start importing it? Here's the line you're too dense to see: Supply gets shut off/prices go up. When supply increases, prices always go down-like when Trump was prez. Why don't you dims understand basic things like that??? All Biden did is stick each and every American with a HUGE fuel bill to falsely make his green new deal not look so pitiful like it really is. People with money just went out and bought an electric car to be able to afford to travel and the poor continue to suffer by paying triple for groceries. The Biden misery index is as high as Carter days-just in a little different way.
Check yourself, You make racist comments. Period.
Biden for the 10th time doesnt work for the oil companies, he does not direct them, he does not operate them, he does not run their pricing. Are you too brainwashed to see 500% 3rd Qtr oil company profits, see the effect of Russias war on oil prices globally, see the Saudi's control on price and then blame POTUS? Are you really that uneducated? Brainwashed parrot. Should have stayed in school at least til they taught critical thought. All you do is repeat what youre told day after day. It does not matter how many times you repeat lies, they're still lies. Get your cracker and go home.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-29-2022, 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Knock knock… No, it’s not your hooker, Paul.
Radicalized Domestic terrorists.
...and he believed all the same false conspiracy theories you do. Y'all Qaeda think alike.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-29-2022, 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by markj
It sounds like he learned how to tell a story like Mro. Did HW tell the story about how he used to drive a big rig and beat up guys named Corn Pop too? The best part about it is your side is STILL losing in spite of him being such a rumored piece of trash. That should tell you just how bad your policies are and how much the public doesn't trust you to lead another day more!
When you think an exaggeration about truck driving is the same as putting a gun to your wifes head and telling her youre going to blow her brains out. Your brain is damaged. Try it on your own wife and report back. The only thing HW explains is how desperate the GOP is to run such a obviously flawed candidate. Hes dumb. he lies, threatened women with a firearm, pays for abortions, while running as pro-life, lies about his education, lies about job history...all things easy to check and confirm hes lying, it isnt "rumored".
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-29-2022, 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by markj
How is the line from supply and demand to oil company profits so hard for you to understand??? You want cheaper prices? Enable competition by increasing supply. Heck, even Mr Magoo gets it. Wasn't that him who got ratted out for being on his knees, gas can in hand, begging the BO-infested, corndog-n-slurpy pushers to keep up supply until just after the election? Biden himself knows how to lower fuel prices by opening up domestic supply. He just won't do it because he knows he'll have hell to pay and his handlers will 25th Amendment his 95SN outa there if he even sneezes in front of you environazi green new dealers.
PS Keep calling me racist and I'll invent new ways to enrage you and make you foam at the mouth. You're so thin-skinned and easy to wind up. LOL
You dont understand oil production. Compared to the saudis/russians its too expensive to drill in the USA. Our supply is more expensive to pump, oil is a global commodity. Stop being purposefully stupid and racist.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-29-2022, 1:53 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Actually, Biden has lied WAY MORE than HW is even rumored to. Such a joke you would dare to bring up Biden lies. You also fail to remember HW's competition, the baby-murder-promoting "pastor" (not a real pastor) was busted for domestic violence as well when he ran over his wife on purpose with his car during an argument.
Warnock is ok with baby murder, thats different than doing it. The republican candidate actually pays doctors to perform baby murders on his women then tells others they cant. One is worse than the other. Another lie, warnock never arrested for domestic violence. Your probably just parroting Tucker or some other FOX lying clown. Found it. Even Tucker said he was not charged. Take your lies with when you leave.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 9:24 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Check yourself, You make racist comments. Period.
Biden for the 10th time doesnt work for the oil companies, he does not direct them, he does not operate them, he does not run their pricing. Are you too brainwashed to see 500% 3rd Qtr oil company profits, see the effect of Russias war on oil prices globally, see the Saudi's control on price and then blame POTUS? Are you really that uneducated? Brainwashed parrot. Should have stayed in school at least til they taught critical thought. All you do is repeat what youre told day after day. It does not matter how many times you repeat lies, they're still lies. Get your cracker and go home.
Check YOURSELF before you melt, little snowflake.
The only brainwashed one here is YOU! Biden may not do all the things you said. No. He’s much more powerful than that. He cut off their ability to produce the product they want to sell. That makes oil more scarce and thus worth more. That’s why those evil oil companies are making such ridiculous profits. You can thank Biden alone for that.
Here’s a question I dare you to answer: Why would Biden get on his knees and beg the camel jockeys to produce more oil when all he has to do is remove the regulations he himself inflicted on the US oil companies??? You can stop your little blame games any time now, grow a brain and admit this is 100% Biden’s fault that these oil companies are making so much. Biden artificially inflated the market price because he cut off the domestic flow. It’s that simple. Stop lying about the Saudis this and the Saudis that. The Saudis don’t even equate when we’re energy independent. Drop the bong and turn off the MSDNC.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 9:29 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Radicalized Domestic terrorists.
...and he believed all the same false conspiracy theories you do. Y'all Qaeda think alike.
Yep. He was a registered Green Party member. They are the incestuous cousins to the democrat party. Dims are the ones who virtue signal and threaten to tie themselves to trees about to be cut down. Green Party people actually do it. In other words, they’re dims with actual attached testicles. Hard for you to relate, I know.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 9:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You dont understand oil production. Compared to the saudis/russians its too expensive to drill in the USA. Our supply is more expensive to pump, oil is a global commodity. Stop being purposefully stupid and racist.
No, you don’t understand the free market. Try selling your BS CNN narrative to Trump who had US production and cheap fuel prices rollin like never before. Now you fools have jumped the shark and even banned natural gas in new Kali construction. Enjoy your last few days of power. You’re about to be shown the door.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 9:35 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Did someone just fart? Man your argument stinks.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 9:53 PM
Who else is cracking up at the reports of Elon cleaning house and ridding the company of the propagandist/free speech deniers? It’s just so nice when karma knocks on libtard doors. Lol
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-29-2022, 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by markj
No, you don’t understand the free market. Try selling your BS CNN narrative to Trump who had US production and cheap fuel prices rollin like never before. Now you fools have jumped the shark and even banned natural gas in new Kali construction. Enjoy your last few days of power. You’re about to be shown the door.
Better yet, try selling your BS story to the public on Election Day. Try telling them they don’t understand oil production and they should just trust you. Good luck. Last month you and your CNN narrative told us it was all Putin’s fault. Now it’s the Saudis’ fault. So far, your false narratives aren’t workin out so well for you liars and attempted liars.
I’m super curious to see what happens with the diesel shortage and who the dims wanna blame for that. Let’s see. Hmm maybe they can blame it on DeSantis.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-30-2022, 6:33 AM
Hammer time! Can’t touch this….. Turns out this guy’s ex spilled the beans and revealed he is a mentally ill nudist progressive no matter how many times the NPR, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSDNC narrative gets pushed. He probably smoked some of 95’s home grown.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-30-2022, 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Check YOURSELF before you melt, little snowflake.
The only brainwashed one here is YOU! Biden may not do all the things you said. No. He’s much more powerful than that. He cut off their ability to produce the product they want to sell. That makes oil more scarce and thus worth more. That’s why those evil oil companies are making such ridiculous profits. You can thank Biden alone for that.
Here’s a question I dare you to answer: Why would Biden get on his knees and beg the camel jockeys to produce more oil when all he has to do is remove the regulations he himself inflicted on the US oil companies??? You can stop your little blame games any time now, grow a brain and admit this is 100% Biden’s fault that these oil companies are making so much. Biden artificially inflated the market price because he cut off the domestic flow. It’s that simple. Stop lying about the Saudis this and the Saudis that. The Saudis don’t even equate when we’re energy independent. Drop the bong and turn off the MSDNC.
Over 9000 available drill sites on Federal land says you have no clue what you speak about. How many do they need? Most oil companies operate on private land that Biden doesnt have any control on. Oil companies use the cheapest oil they can get to, its economics fool. Biden went to the saudis to ask for help, they control the price because they have the cheapest oil. Its way more expensive to get to the oil in the US. He wants lower fuel prices for all Americans, so he went and asked. Too obvious for you? We send them a ton of military equip, if they want to continue that arrangement they should work on oil price. Only the dullest tool in the shed would say its "100% Biden's fault" when Russias war, ballistic oil company profits and OPEC all say different, you know, the facts. FYI, the USA is the worlds #1 oil producer and 3rd largest exporter. STFU.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-30-2022, 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Yep. He was a registered Green Party member. They are the incestuous cousins to the democrat party. Dims are the ones who virtue signal and threaten to tie themselves to trees about to be cut down. Green Party people actually do it. In other words, they’re dims with actual attached testicles. Hard for you to relate, I know.
Sucks when your far right people keep hearing day after day, week after week, month after month how evil the dems are, how radical, how violent, how they want to take your freedom from you night after night on FOX. Now they start acting on what has been driven into them non stop, and you deflect, say its not your people. LOL. Hes a Qanon trump guy, Antisemitism, Covid is a Hoax and all your conspiracy theories you quote here daily. His sources include Glenn Beck, Tim pool, Daily Wire+ and Epoch Times. All far-right.
You are doing it again. Just like on 1/6 when FOX blamed "Antifa" for attacking the capitol. He's a Black pill guy just like you, All liars.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-30-2022, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by markj
No, you don’t understand the free market. Try selling your BS CNN narrative to Trump who had US production and cheap fuel prices rollin like never before. Now you fools have jumped the shark and even banned natural gas in new Kali construction. Enjoy your last few days of power. You’re about to be shown the door.
Correct, someone doesnt understand, Look it up. Check me. There was a pandemic and there was too much oil because no one was driving. You are just a fool. Takes a long time to ramp up/down oil production. Try selling oil when no one needs it, price comes way down. But keep your nose buried deep in trumps jock, you seem to enjoy pollution.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-30-2022, 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Better yet, try selling your BS story to the public on Election Day. Try telling them they don’t understand oil production and they should just trust you. Good luck. Last month you and your CNN narrative told us it was all Putin’s fault. Now it’s the Saudis’ fault. So far, your false narratives aren’t workin out so well for you liars and attempted liars.
I’m super curious to see what happens with the diesel shortage and who the dims wanna blame for that. Let’s see. Hmm maybe they can blame it on DeSantis.
Election Day?? Thought you guys quit believing in elections? or is it just the results?
And if you hate CNN so much, why cant you stop talking about them? No one else here ever brings them up, just you. Im not sure i have ever seen CNN as a source here for literally years....FOX the only known source to lie to their viewers (per their own lawyers) is a regular from you. Clown.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 9:01 AM
The pelosi plot thickens….
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 9:07 AM
Paul must’ve been influenced by Jussie. Lol I’m cracking up at how he’s being trolled now. This is karma for suggesting it was some right wing thing.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-31-2022, 9:40 AM
Originally Posted by markj
The pelosi plot thickens….
The only place where the plot thickens is on far right websites full of false conspiracy theories, just like you post here virtually daily. Name your source? 8chan? Russian trolls? FOX? Breitbart? Good job schoolboy. You believe complete garbage and regurgitate lies. Stuff only an idiot would do.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The only place where the plot thickens is on far right websites full of false conspiracy theories, just like you post here virtually daily. Name your source? 8chan? Russian trolls? FOX? Breitbart? Good job schoolboy. You believe complete garbage and regurgitate lies. Stuff only an idiot would do.
I don’t have any reason to think it, but it sure is funny to fight fire with fire when it comes to false claims like the MSM and people like you always make. Oh… did you see this one from Jr? Lol
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-31-2022, 2:06 PM
Your guy tried to assassinate N. Pelosi and almost murdered her husband. How is that a joke or funny? Whats yor response?? Memes showing your own sexual dysfunction. Common when one has a dis-satisfactory sex life and very little education.
Snowflakes. Wait til trump is indicted and see how yall come completely UN-glued and probably violent. That will be funny.
FYI, fight fire with fire doesnt mean what you think it means. The left doesnt live on childish memes and they certainly dont think they are true. The MSM's dont lie to you, its not how they operate because they dont have to. The right must keep you pissed off, mad and scared or they know they lose.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 2:37 PM
My guy? The registered Green Party member is my guy? Lol your projection ain’t cuttin it here. FYI, I know what “fight fire with fire” means precisely. It’s you that has been proven illiterate multiple times here so just stop. Your crybully party REGULARLY makes up lies about the right and I love it when it gets thrown back at you like it is with the case where some crazy dem played Bob The Builder on Pelosi’s head.
If anyone gets violent after your imaginary Trump indictment, it definitely won’t even close close to the billions of dollars of destruction you dims caused a couple years ago.
The left can’t make memes because there’s nothing original or funny about you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 2:45 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Your guy tried to assassinate N. Pelosi and almost murdered her husband. How is that a joke or funny? Whats yor response?? Memes showing your own sexual dysfunction. Common when one has a dis-satisfactory sex life and very little education.
Snowflakes. Wait til trump is indicted and see how yall come completely UN-glued and probably violent. That will be funny.
FYI, fight fire with fire doesnt mean what you think it means. The left doesnt live on childish memes and they certainly dont think they are true. The MSM's dont lie to you, its not how they operate because they dont have to. The right must keep you pissed off, mad and scared or they know they lose.
Oh man, I’m just cracking up that you said, “very little education.” This coming from the KNOWN ILLITERATE no less. That is priceless! Thanks for that laugh.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-31-2022, 8:53 PM
Hey 95, what’s the excuse now for our upcoming diesel shortage in the southeast? Who is Mr Magoo gonna blame when the prices go up? Those evil oil companies?
Gonna be a little difficult to power all those trucks n trains with your green new deal recycled unicorn farts, dontcha think? Your party is a joke.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-01-2022, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by markj
My guy? The registered Green Party member is my guy? Lol your projection ain’t cuttin it here. FYI, I know what “fight fire with fire” means precisely. It’s you that has been proven illiterate multiple times here so just stop. Your crybully party REGULARLY makes up lies about the right and I love it when it gets thrown back at you like it is with the case where some crazy dem played Bob The Builder on Pelosi’s head.
If anyone gets violent after your imaginary Trump indictment, it definitely won’t even close close to the billions of dollars of destruction you dims caused a couple years ago.
The left can’t make memes because there’s nothing original or funny about you.
He is a covid is a hoax guy, just like you.
He is a vaccines dont work guy, just like you.
Masks dont work guy, just like you.
He believes trump was cheated in 2020, just like you.
An election denier, just like you.
He is a Qanon believer and all Quanons are trump voters, just like you.
He is an anti Semite, just like you.
4 chan user just like all the violent far right wing. Your people.
The obvious, hated pelosi, just like you.
He wrote posts slamming "woke people" just like you.
Used biblical justification to do harm to others, just like you.
His party registration from a decade ago does not match his current political leanings, just like me.
But go ahead make the case he was pelosis gay lover, because well, thats what a true Christian A-hole would do.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-01-2022, 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Hey 95, what’s the excuse now for our upcoming diesel shortage in the southeast? Who is Mr Magoo gonna blame when the prices go up? Those evil oil companies?
Gonna be a little difficult to power all those trucks n trains with your green new deal recycled unicorn farts, dontcha think? Your party is a joke.
Every single thing that happens in the world is Bidens fault? Damn, he is like 80 and you keep piling more on his full plate. lol Biden in addition to not running gas refineries, he also does not run diesel refineries. He is a "truck driver" not a fuel maker, dont you remember? Nor did he tell them to slow production under the trump admin which is causing the shortage according to experts in the field. Maybe for once you should research one step beyond the FOX BREAKING NEWS! headline. Too much for a trained seal like yourself. More fear, more scare tactics. Standard for fox, been doing it for decades. Hey, there will be a grain shortage soon too because Putin keeps firing missiles at grain ships, Blame that on Biden too!! Get on it.
Id guess, soon Biden will make a call to stop exporting so much, very presidential to put the brakes on capitalism to benefit the country.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-01-2022, 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Every single thing that happens in the world is Bidens fault? Damn, he is like 80 and you keep piling more on his full plate. lol Biden in addition to not running gas refineries, he also does not run diesel refineries. He is a "truck driver" not a fuel maker, dont you remember? Nor did he tell them to slow production under the trump admin which is causing the shortage according to experts in the field. Maybe for once you should research one step beyond the FOX BREAKING NEWS! headline. Too much for a trained seal like yourself. More fear, more scare tactics. Standard for fox, been doing it for decades. Hey, there will be a grain shortage soon too because Putin keeps firing missiles at grain ships, Blame that on Biden too!! Get on it.
Id guess, soon Biden will make a call to stop exporting so much, very presidential to put the brakes on capitalism to benefit the country.
Oh poor little 80-year-old president! I guess I’m not only a racist, I’m also an ageist too right? Yep. He’s responsible for Putin too. No way Putin would be doing this if Trump was prez. I know you know that too.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-01-2022, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
He is a covid is a hoax guy, just like you.
He is a vaccines dont work guy, just like you.
Masks dont work guy, just like you.
He believes trump was cheated in 2020, just like you.
An election denier, just like you.
He is a Qanon believer and all Quanons are trump voters, just like you.
He is an anti Semite, just like you.
4 chan user just like all the violent far right wing. Your people.
The obvious, hated pelosi, just like you.
He wrote posts slamming "woke people" just like you.
Used biblical justification to do harm to others, just like you.
His party registration from a decade ago does not match his current political leanings, just like me.
But go ahead make the case he was pelosis gay lover, because well, thats what a true Christian A-hole would do.
So many lies in one post. No wonder Delta blocked you. You can’t help, but jump the shark constantly.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-01-2022, 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by markj
So many lies in one post. No wonder Delta blocked you. You can’t help, but jump the shark constantly.
You believe the covid vaccines work, my bad.
That the US didnt take Covid serious enough, sorry my bad.
...Masks slow the spread of the covid virus.
Mark says Trump lost big time in 2020.
Election 2020 was the fairest in history.
Woke people are absolutely correct.
and on and on....
Join Date: Jul 2007
11-02-2022, 8:10 AM
Interesting: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/1...n-oil-00064251
Republicans say Biden slashed oil drilling. The facts say otherwise.
"The U.S. has also produced more crude oil since Biden’s inauguration than it had done during the equivalent period of former President Donald Trump’s presidency, a POLITICO review of federal energy data shows."
"From January 2021 to the end of September, Biden’s Interior Department approved 74 percent more well permits for oil and natural gas production than the agency had done during the comparable period of Trump’s term, according to figures from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management."
To be fair:
"The pandemic hangover lingers
Those numbers come with some caveats, however. The oil production surge, for instance, is entirely due to drilling on private and state land, which is largely outside the administration’s control. Oil production from federal land and waters — nearly a quarter of the U.S. total — has been virtually unchanged since Biden took office, dipping less than 0.3 percent.
And U.S. oil production still lags below the all-time high it reached under Trump, which peaked at 13 million barrels a day before the start of the pandemic. That peak was the culmination of an oil boom that started during the George W. Bush administration and ran through the Obama years, except for a one-year industry bust starting in the summer of 2015."
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-02-2022, 8:53 AM
Yesterday’s Biden gaffe/lie: he claims to have spoken to another dead person. Can’t wait to see what today brings. His handlers need to have an electric buzzer which shocks him into shutting up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
11-02-2022, 9:10 AM
Originally Posted by brettw
Interesting: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/1...n-oil-00064251
Republicans say Biden slashed oil drilling. The facts say otherwise.
"The U.S. has also produced more crude oil since Biden’s inauguration than it had done during the equivalent period of former President Donald Trump’s presidency, a POLITICO review of federal energy data shows."
"From January 2021 to the end of September, Biden’s Interior Department approved 74 percent more well permits for oil and natural gas production than the agency had done during the comparable period of Trump’s term, according to figures from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management."
To be fair:
"The pandemic hangover lingers
Those numbers come with some caveats, however. The oil production surge, for instance, is entirely due to drilling on private and state land, which is largely outside the administration’s control. Oil production from federal land and waters — nearly a quarter of the U.S. total — has been virtually unchanged since Biden took office, dipping less than 0.3 percent.
And U.S. oil production still lags below the all-time high it reached under Trump, which peaked at 13 million barrels a day before the start of the pandemic. That peak was the culmination of an oil boom that started during the George W. Bush administration and ran through the Obama years, except for a one-year industry bust starting in the summer of 2015."
Biden increased regulation to drilling and cut off ANWAR drilling, the pipeline, etc. This all makes it more expensive for us to produce on top of the already more expensive processes we use vs other countries.
At the end of the day Biden and the democrats know that oil in the system lowers prices otherwise he would not have stunted it by releasing our reserves on the market which did lower prices, however it was just a stunt that that OPEC can wait out and they did. We need a steady backbone of production that can stabilize prices at a slightly lower level and more importantly have refiner capacity. No one wants to invest in the sector if the democrats are constantly at war with America on fuels. This is before the democrats global warming grift. The democrats have been at war with American energy since the 1970's. It is part of the spread America's wealth plans they always talk about.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-02-2022, 9:17 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You seriously are a lousy one trick pony. Post FOX, parrot FOX. and a first class loser.
The Inflation Reduction Act that Biden passed limits insulin cost to $35. Zero republicans voted to help their fat ****ing constituents apparently wanting them to pay up to $1000 for insulin. But yeah, blame Biden for saving the entire mid west and Bible Belt diabetics. Way to see the important stuff parrot.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-02-2022, 9:30 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Biden increased regulation to drilling and cut off ANWAR drilling, the pipeline, etc. This all makes it more expensive for us to produce on top of the already more expensive processes we use vs other countries.
At the end of the day Biden and the democrats know that oil in the system lowers prices otherwise he would not have stunted it by releasing our reserves on the market which did lower prices, however it was just a stunt that that OPEC can wait out and they did. We need a steady backbone of production that can stabilize prices at a slightly lower level and more importantly have refiner capacity. No one wants to invest in the sector if the democrats are constantly at war with America on fuels. This is before the democrats global warming grift. The democrats have been at war with American energy since the 1970's. It is part of the spread America's wealth plans they always talk about.
Yes, he did increase regulation on drilling in the Alaskan arctic, just like Reagan did and Obama did, and trump flipped. Its a climate nightmare. At the end of the day the Biden admin knows that as a country we are winding down oil dependency. Climate policy isnt going to revert back, this is a world wide view.
In a report titled Biden's Oil Letdown, released Monday, Public Citizen showed that since Biden took office, the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved an average of 333 oil and gas drilling permits per month this year—40% more than it did in the first three years of Trump's presidency.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-03-2022, 6:11 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You seriously are a lousy one trick pony. Post FOX, parrot FOX. and a first class loser.
The Inflation Reduction Act that Biden passed limits insulin cost to $35. Zero republicans voted to help their fat ****ing constituents apparently wanting them to pay up to $1000 for insulin. But yeah, blame Biden for saving the entire mid west and Bible Belt diabetics. Way to see the important stuff parrot.
Sticks and stones…. You forgot to say racist, ageist…. If I was a democrat, I would melt like the rest of you snowflakes.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-03-2022, 6:21 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yes, he did increase regulation on drilling in the Alaskan arctic, just like Reagan did and Obama did, and trump flipped. Its a climate nightmare. At the end of the day the Biden admin knows that as a country we are winding down oil dependency. Climate policy isnt going to revert back, this is a world wide view.
In a report titled Biden's Oil Letdown, released Monday, Public Citizen showed that since Biden took office, the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved an average of 333 oil and gas drilling permits per month this year—40% more than it did in the first three years of Trump's presidency.
Given the fact that you’re a well-established, known liar here, I know from past experience and the many follow up revelations shown us by Delta that whatever stats you post here are usually lies by omission. You can post 4 paragraphs of your “facts” and I won’t believe you because you lie so much. You have ZERO capital to spend. No latitude will be granted because you are a known liar and have been since you came to this thread, lying about who you were and are.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-03-2022, 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Sticks and stones…. You forgot to say racist, ageist…. If I was a democrat, I would melt like the rest of you snowflakes.
You forgot to explain how all the other 200 countries in the world are also suffering from inflation and high oil prices after the pandemic and Putins war. Guess you got nothing, just like I correctly assumed, again.
Keep parroting FOX Fake News, Snowflake.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-03-2022, 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Given the fact that you’re a well-established, known liar here, I know from past experience and the many follow up revelations shown us by Delta that whatever stats you post here are usually lies by omission. You can post 4 paragraphs of your “facts” and I won’t believe you because you lie so much. You have ZERO capital to spend. No latitude will be granted because you are a known liar and have been since you came to this thread, lying about who you were and are.
Delta is a pawn, just like you. He would vote for the republican who just raised his insulin price from $35 to $1000, because of an R behind the name. 100% tribal. Neither of you get it because far right media brainwashed you. LOL, remember the last time you "caught" me lying, Its much like the last time I posted CNN. Never.
You lied about Paul Pelosi, several times, doubled down and proved wrong again.
You lied about his attacker not being far right nut job, believes all the same BS you do.
You lied about Biden causing inflation, couldnt name another country on the planet not suffering the same.
You lied about biden causing diesel shortage.
You lied about twitter and that they are "silencing free speech" for bumping violent racists and cutting them off, like Trump. They all agree to the exact same rules.
You lied about being "objective" in regards to HW lying about his baby murdering past and violence against his ex wife. Your about the least objective person in town. Any town.
You lie about me lying and prove it by failing to point it out a single time. Your an embarrassment to every elementary school teacher you ever had.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 6:25 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You forgot to explain how all the other 200 countries in the world are also suffering from inflation and high oil prices after the pandemic and Putins war. Guess you got nothing, just like I correctly assumed, again.
Keep parroting FOX Fake News, Snowflake.
Nah, I didn’t forget. I’m just bored with your chronic lies and distortions. It’s also disappointing to realize you’re really not as intelligent as I once thought you were. The constant poo-flinging-just-to-see-what’ll-stick not only reeks of your desperation, it gets tired.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 6:26 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Delta is a pawn, just like you. He would vote for the republican who just raised his insulin price from $35 to $1000, because of an R behind the name. 100% tribal. Neither of you get it because far right media brainwashed you. LOL, remember the last time you "caught" me lying, Its much like the last time I posted CNN. Never.
You lied about Paul Pelosi, several times, doubled down and proved wrong again.
You lied about his attacker not being far right nut job, believes all the same BS you do.
You lied about Biden causing inflation, couldnt name another country on the planet not suffering the same.
You lied about biden causing diesel shortage.
You lied about twitter and that they are "silencing free speech" for bumping violent racists and cutting them off, like Trump. They all agree to the exact same rules.
You lied about being "objective" in regards to HW lying about his baby murdering past and violence against his ex wife. Your about the least objective person in town. Any town.
You lie about me lying and prove it by failing to point it out a single time. Your an embarrassment to every elementary school teacher you ever had.
Case in point.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-04-2022, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Nah, I didn’t forget. I’m just bored with your chronic lies and distortions. It’s also disappointing to realize you’re really not as intelligent as I once thought you were. The constant poo-flinging-just-to-see-what’ll-stick not only reeks of your desperation, it gets tired.
No, you're stumped, again. FOX didn't tell you anything but Biden Bad, Biden cause Inflation, use the stickers. The entire planet is suffering from inflation, many much worse than in the USA.
Also, the Republicans have no plan to combat Inflation. Its no different than their plan to replace Obamacare and their Infrastructure plan they not only never voted on, they never showed one, Thanks for nothing Trump.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-04-2022, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Case in point.
Case i point, You still cant find a single lie. I point out yours regularly, just like above. Its easy, you are a brainwashed FOX parrot.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Delta is a pawn, just like you. He would vote for the republican who just raised his insulin price from $35 to $1000, because of an R behind the name. 100% tribal. Neither of you get it because far right media brainwashed you. LOL, remember the last time you "caught" me lying, Its much like the last time I posted CNN. Never.
You lied about Paul Pelosi, several times, doubled down and proved wrong again.
You lied about his attacker not being far right nut job, believes all the same BS you do.
You lied about Biden causing inflation, couldnt name another country on the planet not suffering the same.
You lied about biden causing diesel shortage.
You lied about twitter and that they are "silencing free speech" for bumping violent racists and cutting them off, like Trump. They all agree to the exact same rules.
You lied about being "objective" in regards to HW lying about his baby murdering past and violence against his ex wife. Your about the least objective person in town. Any town.
You lie about me lying and prove it by failing to point it out a single time. Your an embarrassment to every elementary school teacher you ever had.
I think you mistake having principals with being a pawn because you have no principals. Heck, you and your party can’t even define what a woman is.
How did I lie about PP? I don’t think ANY of us knows what really happened that night. We can make sarcastic jokes and memes all day, but until they release body cam footage, I won’t believe a thing about what they say happened. The latest report from the cops say PP answered the door to police and then walked back to his assailant. Who would do that if the guy was really an intruder??? Also, why would his assailant let him go to the bathroom? How does the bad guy not know that there could be a gun hiding in that bathroom? On top of that, they have been ANYTHING, but forthcoming from the very beginning of this. It was like a pause button got pressed so a narrative could be built before any story came out. The whole story is rotten to the core and beyond suspicious.
As for his assailant, the dude lived in a bus with rainbow and BLM flags behind it. He was an illegal alien, radical protesting nudist and registered Green Party member. All hallmarks of your party. His ex gave testimony saying he was “politically like minded with her-a far left leaning progressive” who was so apologetic to the Pelosi’s after the attack. You just can’t help trying to follow your CNN leaders in politicizing it. The guy is a nut job with a long history of supporting your libtard causes and lifestyles. Probably caused by dope like so many of you.
I’m not a globalist like you so I don’t really care about the ROW’s inflation or fuel prices. I care about mine. I do know that however the US goes, a lot of the ROW follows-so it doesn’t surprise me that they are having the same problems. Thanks Biden! See how powerful Biden is? Bottom line is extra supply=lower demand and lower prices. Until we start there, I don’t have much hope. There aren’t any more barrels Biden can release to temporarily and falsely lower prices after the election.
I never said Biden caused a diesel shortage. I asked what he plans to do about it.
As for HW, when the smear campaign began, I said I was being objective and not making any judgement of guilt or innocence until the evidence came out. You were immediately incensed because I wouldn’t get on your libtard bandwagon and start attacking him with you and your CNN overlords. Sorry. I still haven’t seen much evidence and I think most people see that case for being the smear campaign that it is/was. I know this is a hard concept for a dim like you to comprehend, but let’s let the voters decide.
The fact that you don’t think twitter silenced free speech makes you part of the problem. It’s not only been political speech they’ve cancelled, they cancelled or silenced anyone not toeing the libtard party line on Covid and the illegal vaccination mandates forced on people. Now we get to see some of the people wrongfully fired for not taking an experimental vaccine get back pay and be reinstated to their jobs.
In the end, you are the party known for bailing out career criminals so they can reoffend again repeatedly. You’re known for staggering inflation, welcoming millions of illegals in, corrupting the FBI & DOJ, the party that promotes small children being taught not just about sex, but deviant homosexuality and all kinds of other immorality. You’re also known as vocal supporters of socialism, the thing that kills the human spirit.
Last edited by markj; 11-04-2022 at 10:22 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No, you're stumped, again. FOX didn't tell you anything but Biden Bad, Biden cause Inflation, use the stickers. The entire planet is suffering from inflation, many much worse than in the USA.
Also, the Republicans have no plan to combat Inflation. Its no different than their plan to replace Obamacare and their Infrastructure plan they not only never voted on, they never showed one, Thanks for nothing Trump.
My silence NEVER means I’m stumped. You couldn’t stump a tree with ten chainsaws. I work for a living and don’t always have time during the day to respond unless I’m on vacation or sitting on the can, taking a 95SN.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Case i point, You still cant find a single lie. I point out yours regularly, just like above. Its easy, you are a brainwashed FOX parrot.
Just pointed them all out. See above.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-04-2022, 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
My silence NEVER means I’m stumped. You couldn’t stump a tree with ten chainsaws. I work for a living and don’t always have time during the day to respond unless I’m on vacation or sitting on the can, taking a 95SN.
No one mentioned silence, it was your comment lacking any substance verifying your position. Youve been posting the same Biden/inflation, Biden/Fuel costs...for weeks despite all the evidence saying its a worldwide issue.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-04-2022, 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I think you mistake having principals with being a pawn because you have no principals. Heck, you and your party can’t even define what a woman is. There are 2 sexes, if you cant tell the diff, i cant help you.
How did I lie about PP? I don’t think ANY of us knows what really happened that night. We can make sarcastic jokes and memes all day, but until they release body cam footage, I won’t believe a thing about what they say happened. The latest report from the cops say PP answered the door to police and then walked back to his assailant. Who would do that if the guy was really an intruder??? Also, why would his assailant let him go to the bathroom? How does the bad guy not know that there could be a gun hiding in that bathroom? On top of that, they have been ANYTHING, but forthcoming from the very beginning of this. It was like a pause button got pressed so a narrative could be built before any story came out. The whole story is rotten to the core and beyond suspicious. 3 times you posted claims it was a gay lover, all were false conspiracy theories your party seems to believe as fact. Its lying and its dangerous. Look what the guy just did based on these types of lies
As for his assailant, the dude lived in a bus with rainbow and BLM flags behind it. He was an illegal alien, radical protesting nudist and registered Green Party member. All hallmarks of your party. His ex gave testimony saying he was “politically like minded with her-a far left leaning progressive” who was so apologetic to the Pelosi’s after the attack. You just can’t help trying to follow your CNN leaders in politicizing it. The guy is a nut job with a long history of supporting your libtard causes and lifestyles. Probably caused by dope like so many of you.
He was a radical?? He did exactly what FOX and Tucker have been inciting for years, Nancy is a criminal, needs to be stopped in anyway. You, im sure have said it here and I could find it if I felt like it. He wrote blogs, they claim all the same you do re Covid, Vaccines, Trump won.....He tried to attack "Nancy" just like FOX told him to.
I’m not a globalist like you so I don’t really care about the ROW’s inflation or fuel prices. I care about mine. I do know that however the US goes, a lot of the ROW follows-so it doesn’t surprise me that they are having the same problems. Thanks Biden! See how powerful Biden is? Bottom line is extra supply=lower demand and lower prices. Until we start there, I don’t have much hope. There aren’t any more barrels Biden can release to temporarily and falsely lower prices after the election. The fact you dont care about other countries does not change the fact inflation is WORLD WIDE. Face it, Biden isnt the reason, and Republicans have no plan to address it.
I never said Biden caused a diesel shortage. I asked what he plans to do about it.
I responded, I dont know what he will do but suggest lower imports
As for HW, when the smear campaign began, I said I was being objective and not making any judgement of guilt or innocence until the evidence came out. You were immediately incensed because I wouldn’t get on your libtard bandwagon and start attacking him with you and your CNN overlords. Sorry. I still haven’t seen much evidence and I think most people see that case for being the smear campaign that it is/was. I know this is a hard concept for a dim like you to comprehend, but let’s let the voters decide. You claimed "objectivity" and then attacked Warnock on a foot injury that never happed. Then you said you would still vot HW because a red vote is better. The guy, in addition to two baby murders also put a gfun to his wifes head and threatened to blow her head off. Since she got a restraining order from a judge, I take it she proved her case and it is fact. When was the last time you put a gun to your wife's head? Is there EVER a rational reason for that? What if your daughter's husband did that to her?? You voting for the guy or shooting him? FYI, that isnt objective.
The fact that you don’t think twitter silenced free speech makes you part of the problem. It’s not only been political speech they’ve cancelled, they cancelled or silenced anyone not toeing the libtard party line on Covid and the illegal vaccination mandates forced on people. Now we get to see some of the people wrongfully fired for not taking an experimental vaccine get back pay and be reinstated to their jobs.
Who are you talking about? Trump? Everyone who signs up for Twitter agrees to the same rules. Trump promoted a violent take over of the US. Id say that is a VERY GOOD reason to dump him. You think anyone should be able to invoke violence and lies? I dont and God agrees. Covid is real, 6.5Million dead proves it. Horse paste wont save you, nor will Hydroxy, its a good thing for all to stop that kind of BS from killing more due to lies. Fact, the people dying since vaccines came out were overwhelmingly unvaccinated. Vaccines work., fact.
In the end, you are the party known for bailing out career criminals so they can reoffend again repeatedly. You’re known for staggering inflation, welcoming millions of illegals in, corrupting the FBI & DOJ, the party that promotes small children being taught not just about sex, but deviant homosexuality and all kinds of other immorality. You’re also known as vocal supporters of socialism, the thing that kills the human spirit.
10 of the last 11 recessions since 1950 have been caused by republican leaders. Do your research. FYI, teachers are not forcing your kids to be trans or using litter boxes. They are not teaching deviant sex to children. FOX/Tucker is just lying again. The FBI has been run by Republicans for a long, long time, name a Democrat FBI leader. You cant show anything re Biden corrupting the DOJ/FBI. Trump on the other hand...fired Comey, Fired Sessions, had 3 "acting DOJ heads after he couldnt get real ones approved. Tried to appoint unqualified yes men, til DOJ threatened to quit. The Durham investigation of the Origins of russiagate, Fake election investigations......all BS.
The problem is you believe every little thing FOX says and implies. Its not real. It has been proven in a court of law. Their attys claim no one should believe it as fact, you several million others do. Sorry.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-04-2022, 1:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 7:24 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yeah, by Bernie. You're a joke.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 7:33 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 8:12 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
10 of the last 11 recessions since 1950 have been caused by republican leaders. Do your research. FYI, teachers are not forcing your kids to be trans or using litter boxes. They are not teaching deviant sex to children. FOX/Tucker is just lying again. The FBI has been run by Republicans for a long, long time, name a Democrat FBI leader. You cant show anything re Biden corrupting the DOJ/FBI. Trump on the other hand...fired Comey, Fired Sessions, had 3 "acting DOJ heads after he couldnt get real ones approved. Tried to appoint unqualified yes men, til DOJ threatened to quit. The Durham investigation of the Origins of russiagate, Fake election investigations......all BS.
The problem is you believe every little thing FOX says and implies. Its not real. It has been proven in a court of law. Their attys claim no one should believe it as fact, you several million others do. Sorry.
Maybe you should consider telling the rest of your warped party to follow the science of the two sexes.
I never posted a single claim that PP had a gay lover. I posted memes which you can't recognize as humor because you're a humorless dim. That said, if you had an honest bone in your body, you'd admit the jury is still WAY out on what happened and it's VERY clear the story is being cooked to either hide his butt piracy or to try to make up something to hurt the right, gain some sympathy votes and lessen the flogging you're about to get. Why don't they post the body cam footage we all know exists? I'm now willing to say the odds of him being a secret fudge packer grow each day we don't see the body cam footage. Also, why aren't there any break in marks on the French doors? I can see that the doors have alarm contacts, but zero evidence of a break in. Lastly, why has the story of that night changed three times now???
Yeah, he is a radical. Big time. You have to step outside of CNN for news if you want the truth. You have been woefully uninformed about this case from the beginning and it continues. All you keep doing is repeating the democrat false narratives. You should probably turn over a new leaf and be honest enough to say you haven't been following the story very carefully like I said from the beginning about my non-following of the HW democrat smear campaign.
Yeah, you responded and lied about what I said again.
I was objective about believing the charges posed by the dim smear campaign. The rest of this is crap you made up about what I think. You make crap up about me all the time like some clingy psycho ex-girlfriend.
I'm talking about anyone who tried posting anything on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, whatever. Those were all democrat strongholds where any other view besides democrat propaganda was ERASED almost immediately. If people ever reposted things, they got threatened to be kicked off the various platforms for "passing misinformation." It was all democrat BS totalitarianism.
Guess what. Don't believe me? No prob. The polls on Tuesday will shut your pie hole up.
Last edited by markj; 11-04-2022 at 8:15 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-04-2022, 8:40 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Facts thru Markj: Your team is goin down like rats on a sinking ship. You can scream all you want, tell people to "look look over here" or stoop to new lows making up more lies about your opponents. It won't stop the hammer from crushing your skulls and exposing the mush within. Your entire immoral party has been taken over by radicals like your anti-semitic Squad and green new deal climate freaks who foolishly believe mankind can change the weather. When your party isn't letting criminals back out on the streets with their pro-crime policies, they're paying the bail to do so and let those same criminals go victimize more people. Speaking of criminals, your party has welcomed millions more illegal aliens into our country and given them free healthcare as well as many other benefits. Did I mention inflation? Like I said, You're goin down. BIG TIME.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-05-2022, 8:00 AM
Originally Posted by markj
The polls and or the vote wont change the fact Republicans are a party built on a lie and beholding to one man, like a cult . It wont change the fact they caused 10 of the last 11 recessions. It wont change the fact they have no plan to solve inflation and or fuel prices. lol, Listen to FOX poster crying about (no one) posting CNN, again and again. You are swinging at windmills that arnt there. Thats how crazy you are. They have you so scared you think everyone is posting CNN. Republicans are a threat to democracy, you can tell by all the voter suppression tactics, the armed guards watching over drop boxes, changing state voter laws, choosing trump who tried to violently take over after he lost another election, who tried to steal 11000 votes in Georgia, who had fake electoral voters in states Joe Biden won. Did you miss it all? Not a lie when you prove it. It is a lie when its proved and you lie about it. Your daddy also stole dozens of boxes of top secret documents without a legal reason and lied about it. But your party is very comfortable with lies. Remember, trump won.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-05-2022, 8:13 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Facts thru Markj: Your team is goin down like rats on a sinking ship. You can scream all you want, tell people to "look look over here" or stoop to new lows making up more lies about your opponents. It won't stop the hammer from crushing your skulls and exposing the mush within. Your entire immoral party has been taken over by radicals like your anti-semitic Squad and green new deal climate freaks who foolishly believe mankind can change the weather. When your party isn't letting criminals back out on the streets with their pro-crime policies, they're paying the bail to do so and let those same criminals go victimize more people. Speaking of criminals, your party has welcomed millions more illegal aliens into our country and given them free healthcare as well as many other benefits. Did I mention inflation? Like I said, You're goin down. BIG TIME.
Its common for the party in power, first term to lose big in the midterms, so dont hurt yourself in celebration. We all know the quickest, best way to stop crime, eliminate all the extra guns, but I dont think R's understand that. We know they have no inflation plan.
States with the highest crime.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-05-2022, 8:40 AM
Biden is really on a roll. Is he the best president ever?