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Olenmain 10-21-2015 9:39 AM

Back roll attempt
Where am I going wrong guys?

I'm 190-200 lbs on a 138cm board riding behind a 2001 X9 with about 800-900 lbs of ballas. The rope is at 70 ft and speed is at 20 mph.

I've attempted the back roll about 20-25 times now and even broke a couple ribs. I can't let this trick win.. need to be able to land it.


snork 10-21-2015 10:40 AM

give the handle a good tug with you right hand as you go invert, it'll help complete the rotation

fly135 10-21-2015 10:46 AM

IMO 20mph is too slow. I go 23 and use a 65' or 70' rope. It looked like in the video that you threw the roll before you got to the wake. Probably could use a slightly larger board and some more weight in the boat too.

badluck 10-21-2015 2:36 PM

looks like tulloch.

joshugan 10-21-2015 3:40 PM

It took me about 100 times to land my first backroll.

The biggest problem seems to be that your arms are almost straight out from your body. This will heavily slow down your rotation and is also harder to control. The handle should be closer to your leading hip (think of having your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle). Get set up with this arm position prior to even cutting into the wake.

Also, it's usually easier to learn a trick with the rope at its shortest length and the speed adjusted down accordingly. 20 mph does seem slow to me too but if you're easily able to go wake to wake at that speed then I suppose it is fine.

Having the handle closer to you is often helpful for wakeboarding jumps/tricks in general.

wakebordr11 10-21-2015 6:36 PM

First, please calibrate your speedos. You're going at least 22-23 in that video.

Second, I would shorten the rope and work on your approach. You bent your knees too much, threw the trick early and didn't keep the handle on your lead hip. Take the trick UP before you worry about flipping. The trick will take care of itself with good body position, handle placement and waiting for the pop. Get on your edge real slow and gradual in the beginning of the cut and have your hardest edge at the wake. Then let the nose of the board go straight up and slightly behind you. Keep your eyes open and look for the boat when you come around.

wakebordr11 10-21-2015 6:40 PM

Also, keep two hands on the handle the whole time. If you kept your lead hand on the handle and pushed it down/pulled in slightly at the end of that rotation you would have probably landed.

Olenmain 10-21-2015 8:34 PM

Alright!!! I'm excited now. I'll start taking a slower and more progressive cut into the wake and keep the handle on my lead hip now. Thanks for the great advice guys. Also, (Delta Force) you are probably right about my speedo because when I try 23 mph in my boat the wake goes flat. My speedo probably needs to be adjusted. The 138 board I'm on is the one that came with the boat off Craigslist.. I'll try riding a buddies board that bigger and see what happens. So many new little things I need to adjust.. I can't wait to start putting it together. I'll keep you posted on what happens. I really want to land this trick before 2016! Lol

Olenmain 10-21-2015 8:39 PM

At Ryan, it's actually Canyon Lake. I looked up Tullock and that looks like a nice lake. I'll have to try it out some time.

cwb4me 10-22-2015 4:42 AM

Looks like it's rushed. When you cut out,settle down flat on the board till the boat starts to pull you back in to the wake. Remember every trick is about line tension,in this case you want it. Also amount of edge so you want to edge through the wake. This is a load and release trick where your head initiates the rotation.

TC_Mastercraf_X5 10-22-2015 6:56 AM

I would agree it took me about a 100 attempts to get my back roll dialed in. Keep after it!

ATB0713 10-23-2015 8:07 AM

YO! Olen, you got this bro! Get out there, and land this trick 1st try!!!

Mikesman 10-26-2015 11:07 AM

Low impact

To each his own... but after taking a fall and breaking some ribs, you may want to try learning the backroll at a slower speed, one wake style. The older I get, the more this method becomes appealing to me whenever possible. Although there are some tricks you just have to go balls out for.

Set your boat to list a little so the heelside wake is clean at about 17mph. The other side of the wake will be washed out, but thats okay. Set the rope length so that you are as far back as possible, but still hitting the clean part of the wake for your jump. Don't try to clear both wakes, just get the pop and rotation down and try to land in-between the wakes.

Your approach, takeoff and rotation looks good to me, but halfway though your rotation you let your arms get out in front of you and then it killed your rotation and you came up short.

keep your elbows pinned to your hips.

Once you are landing that... or at least getting confident and landing board first on the water, speed the boat up a little (20mph) amd keep a short rope so you can clear the wake easily and try to clear both wakes.

Then go back to normal ride speed and kill it!

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